
segunda-feira, junho 06, 2016

Effective Face Yoga To Get Fuller Cheeks Naturally

Have you ever noticed that as you get tired or worn down, your face starts to look a little older? If you have a skinnier, more bony face, you will likely have noticed this. If you have a rounder face, you may not have this problem, because rounder cheeks can hide the tiredness quite well. If you don’t have naturally round cheeks, there is a technique called Face Yoga that will help you get fuller cheeks when you want to counteract the tired look and appear more youthful. In her how-to video, Fumiko Takatsu shows an easy Face Yoga technique to get the fuller cheeks you’ve always wanted.

Pay Attention if You Want To Get Fuller Cheeks

  • Do this exercise in front of a mirror
  • Make sure the corners of your mouth are level with each other while doing this exercise
  • Keep your shoulders pulled down and relaxed
  • Practice and repetition will bring results – don’t give up!

FAQs About This Face Yoga Exercise

  1. How long before I notice the results?
    As with any kind of exercise, it can take a while to see the positive results of your efforts. If you take a before/after pictures of your face, you will notice the difference sooner.
  2. How often should I do this exercise?
    You should do 3 sets at least once per day, but twice per day is the recommended amount for the best results.
  3. Are my cheeks and face supposed to hurt?
    While you are doing the exercise, you should feel tightness in your cheeks and face. A little soreness afterwards is normal, but make sure you are following the instructions on the video properly if you think your soreness is not normal.

Featured photo credit: Face Yoga Method via

The post Effective Face Yoga To Get Fuller Cheeks Naturally appeared first on Lifehack.

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