
segunda-feira, junho 06, 2016

Decorate Your Walls With This Cool, Easy DIY Picture Frame


Creating your own DIY picture frame is a great way of personalising your home and can bring your photos to life. They are fun, easy to make and will bring out your creative side so why not give it a go? There are many reasons why going down the DIY route is better than buying off the shelf!

Why Making Your Own Is Better Than Buying

  • Gives your photos a personal touch
  • Creates unique picture frames that no one else has!
  • Fun and easy to make
  • Can be made to match the rest of your home’s colour scheme
  • Great personalised gifts for friends and family

FAQs About Making Your DIY Picture Frame

  1. Do I have to buy the picture frame or can I make my own?
    Making your own is even better! Follow this video to find out how.
  2. What kind of paint should I use?
    Any good base paint will do. Anything with a built-in primer will work best but isn’t necessary – you can also use spray paint but be careful as it can onto surfaces easily.
  3. I don’t have a spirit level. How can I check the frame is level?
    If you have an iPhone then launch the compass app and swipe across to find the spirit level. Alternatively there are free apps you can download.

Extra Tips

  • Make sure you cover your surfaces before you paint!
  • Sandpaper the frame before painting to allow the paint to hold better.
  • Use a foam paintbrush to get a more even coverage.
  • Use frame-size paper taped to the wall to find the perfect spot before nailing.

Featured photo credit: Leaf via

The post Decorate Your Walls With This Cool, Easy DIY Picture Frame appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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