
sexta-feira, junho 24, 2016

Day 4: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up My Body

Reverse Plank

If you think planking on one side is tough, just wait until you try this.

Day 4: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up My Body – Reverse Plank

How to do it?

  • Sit flat on the ground. Make sure you’re on a smooth and even surface.
  • Press into your palms. Fingers will face the direction of your feet. Rest your weight on your elbows and forearms.
  • Lift your hips and torso. Keep your back as parallel to the ground as possible.
  • Keep your entire body strong. Tighten the glutes, hamstrings, and even arms. Pull your navel toward your spine.
  • Hold the position. Maintain a straight line throughout the exercise.

Why it matters?

  • The reverse plank is often an underused exercise for the core.
  • It targets the posterior muscles and also engages the abs.
  • It’s referred to as Purvottanasana in Yoga. It is done with straight arms and a 45 degree lift.

The post Day 4: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up My Body appeared first on Lifehack.

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