
quinta-feira, junho 23, 2016

Day 3: Meditate For 20 Minutes Every Day

pablo (33)

Tips: Discover Small Wins

Discover the small wins in the process of building habit to keep yourself going. Read this article to know why celebrating your progress is crucial for long-term success.

Perhaps, you find yourself feel more calm, or simply are able to follow the last two meditation sessions. Record your effort, achievement and positive feelings no matter how “tiny” they are.

Day 3: To-Do List

  1. Buy yourself a diary or downloading some apps and start making notes of your small achievements!
  2. Follow this video to meditate. You’re doing a great job!

Credits to OnlineMeditation

The post Day 3: Meditate For 20 Minutes Every Day appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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