
quinta-feira, junho 30, 2016

Day 2: On-The-Go Meditation Challenge


Day 2: Simple Steps For Instant Mindfulness

Practice 5-Minute Guided Meditation

Why it matters

Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment. It’s about being aware of your body sitting in a chair or moving in space and time. It’s about noticing your thoughts and feelings with detachment by putting them into perspective.

How do you become mindful? Pay attention to what you’re doing and do everything with intense curiosity. If, for instance, you’re sipping coffee, imagine you’ve never drunk coffee before. Marvel at the contours of the perfect cup in your hand and relish each sip.

Here is a quick meditation to help you experience a sense of mindfulness and put your problems into perspective:

5-Minute Guided Meditation

Close your eyes, pay attention to your body, and notice your feelings. Now, describe what is causing these feelings.

Once you’ve found your feelings and their cause, jump into an imaginary timeline. Imagine you are five years old. How does the problem look to you? Now describe it from a child’s perspective. Next, fast-forward 10 years into the future. Does the problem even matter?

After your five minute meditation, journal about the two different perspectives. Remember that you don’t need to use mindfulness only when you’re upset. It even works when things are going well for you. Mindfulness makes good things even better.

Featured photo credit: Dingzeyu Li via

The post Day 2: On-The-Go Meditation Challenge appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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