
quinta-feira, junho 23, 2016

Day 1: Meditate For 20 Minutes Every Day

pablo (33)

Why this plan will help?

Spending 20 minutes on meditation every day is easier said than done. This plan will help minimise the friction in building meditation into your daily routine.

Every day, we will give you a tips on how to make 20-minute meditation as easier as possible, simple follow the plan and you will be amazed how far you can go.

We expect you have some prior experiences on meditation. You should know the sitting posture and breathing techniques of meditation and expect to level-up your mindfulness.

Day 1: To-Do List

  1. Read How 20 Minutes Of Meditation A Day Helped Me Deal With My Anxiety that shares the personal experience of how meditate 20 minutes per day can be challenging but rewarding.
  2. Start your first 20 minutes session today. Simply spare 20 minutes, play the video and dive in.

Credits to OnlineMeditation

The post Day 1: Meditate For 20 Minutes Every Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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