
quarta-feira, junho 15, 2016

Day 1 Check-in: Eating For Real Stress Relief

eating with real stress relief feature image

Progress Check-in

Let’s have a quick check-in to make sure that you’re on track! When you’re stressed, you eat / drink

  • nuts
  • red peppers
  • salmon
  • spinach
  • oatmeal
  • dark chocolate
  • herbal tea

And you don’t eat your comfort junk food when you’re stressed!

If your answer is yes to all, awesome! You’re in great progress in eating stress relief a habit. (Don’t miss out tomorrow’s extra tip!)

If your answer is no to any of them, don’t worry! Just do these today:

1. Buy a big pack of green tea bags

Drink green tea instead of coffee in the morning.

2. Put a pack of nuts / dark chocolate on your work desk or anywhere very visible to you

So you remember to snack healthily when you’re stressed.

3. Eat oatmeal as breakfast twice a week

Go get oatmeal and milk and put them in your kitchen.

4. Choose dishes with red peppers, salmon and spinach

Whenever you eat out, consciously order the dishes that are made of these superfoods!

The post Day 1 Check-in: Eating For Real Stress Relief appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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