
quinta-feira, junho 30, 2016

8 Things That Are So True For People With Phone Anxiety


Your phone starts ringing and the first emotion you feel isn’t excitement at the thought of having a conversation with someone, but instead it’s dread. It’s not even that you don’t like the person calling you or that you’re not capable of having a perfectly normal phone conversation, but you just hate the thought of talking to anyone on the phone. Where this developed from, who knows because talking in person is no problem for you but having the same conversation on the phone – no thanks!

If this is you then you might be having phone anxiety and will probably identify with these key phone anxiety-induced actions.

1. You Always Let The Call End

No matter who is calling you, you feel the panic start and your conscience kicks in. “Oh no, someone’s calling! Should I answer it? I should answer it. But I don’t want to answer it! I could be really busy. I’m not, but I could be! It’s too late now, I’ll just let it ring out…”

You now feel relief as the ringtone finally stops but that dread creeps back when you know you’ll probably have to ring them back at some point.

2. You Always Wait A While To Call Back

If you know you need to call the person back and texting just won’t be enough, you always wait a while before calling back. You literally hate the thought of hitting that number, hearing it ring, waiting for the person to pick up and then having to speak on the phone. You will gladly wait an hour or so before returning the call but you do only because you know you have to.

3. You Always Use The Same Excuse For Missing The Call

You probably have that one excuse you use every time to explain the reason for your lack of picking up the phone. It’s usually something along the lines of “my phone was charging in the other room” or “I didn’t have my phone on me”. You know full well this is a lie and so do they since your phone is always surgically attached to your hand.

4. You Always Put Your Ringtone On Silent

Putting your phone on silent isn’t always out of curtesy to those around you but to help you ignore further the fact that someone is calling you. Having your phone on silent not only allows you to pretend to yourself that you didn’t hear it (and therefore it didn’t happen) but it also stops the situation of everyone around you quite obviously noting to themselves that you’re choosing to ignore your call and outing you as a weird human being.

5. Your Missed Call List Is Longer Than Your Received

While most people will have a huge list of received calls from friends and family, if you have phone anxiety you’re more likely to have a much longer missed call list compared to your received calls. In fact, your received call list is non-existent. Missing calls so much adds up so you probably erase them every now and then to make yourself feel better.

6. Your Friends Constantly Comment On Your Inability To Answer The Phone

Do your friends constantly moan at you about your lack of ability to answer their calls? You apologise and give your excuse but deep down you have this sense of guilt that you know you pretty much ignore every call on purpose. You don’t really care though, being reprimanded for your poor phone-picking-up abilities is much better than actually having the conversation on the phone in the first place!

7. Your Call ID Is Your Best Friend

You don’t know how you coped before caller ID. Screening the number is handy for you despite the fact that you’re not going to pick up anyway. Just knowing who you’re ignoring is important, not because you’re picking and choosing or don’t like the person calling you, but just knowing who you should be texting back later with excuse in hand.

8. You Will Always Choose Texting Over Calling

If you have phone anxiety then texting is your go-to mode of communication. You will always send a text rather than make that phone call because it’s much easier and much less awkward. Even when getting back to someone who’s call you missed, you’ll opt for that quick text to avoid actually speaking to them. Thank goodness for texting!

Featured photo credit: via

The post 8 Things That Are So True For People With Phone Anxiety appeared first on Lifehack.

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