
domingo, maio 15, 2016

Food Day 25

Brown Rice

Rice forms a large part of the diet of many people around the world particularly in Asia. Brown rice is a good source of carbohydrates and is a source of nutrients not found in white rice.

Brown Rice


  1. To save money, buy the rice in bulk and select the most organically grown rice.
  2. Make sure there is no evidence of moisture when buying rice.
  3. Store brown rice in an airtight container and it will keep fresh for about 6 months.
  4. Only cook the amount of rice you think you will eat.
  5. Store cooked leftover rice in a sealed container in the refrigerator and do not consume if it is moldy.
  6. Brown rice can be consumed with anything and can even be used for sushi. For extra flavor and nutrition, add either chicken or tofu plus your favorite vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices.

How to Cook

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly under running water. This removes any dirt or debris and prevents the rice from sticking to each other.
  2. Add one part rice to two parts boiling water or broth.
  3. After the liquid has returned to a boil, turn down the heat, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes.

How to Serve

  • Serve with vegetables.
  • Wrap brown rice and vegetables for vegetable sushi rolls.
  • Make it as cold rice salad.

Health Benefits/Facts

  • Good source of minerals. Brown rice contains the mineral manganese, and a good source of selenium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, and niacin.
  • Provides energy. Any rice is high in carbohydrates which is key in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Source of fiber. Because brown rice still has the germ layer (brown part), it is also a good source of fiber to aid in digestion.
  • More protein than white rice. The brown germ layer of the rice contains much protein which is not found in white rice. Protein is essential for maintaining healthy body functions and building muscle.


Lemon water and avocados provide a great source of hydration and essential nutrients. Avocados are rich in vitamin K and lemon water is a good low calorie option to sugary drinks.

Lemon Water


  1. If possible use lemons that are fully yellow and organic.
  2. Wash the lemons before using them. This ensures that any pesticide used on the fruit is washed away.
  3. To keep lemons fresh for as long as possible, store them in a sealed plastic bag.
  4. We recommend that you add the lemon juice to room temperature or warm water.
  5. A glass of lemon water about a half hour before breakfast helps you absorb breakfast nutrients better.
  6. Lemon juice is acidic and can ruin teeth so don’t add too much lemon to your water. We recommend a slice per 2 litres of water.


  • Boosts immune system. Lemon water contains vitamin C which helps the immune system fight pathogens.
  • Cleanses your system. Water is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It helps food remnants move through your intestines to ensure a clean colon.
  • Helps lose weight. Lemon water is a low calorie drink and can help reduce appetite.
  • Boosts energy and mood. A hydrated and health body leads to a happy mood and an energized person.



  1. Select the fresh avocados to eat.It is best to eat the avocado when you press gently on the skin and it is not firm.
  2. Wait for avocado to ripen before eating. (See the instruction below to speed up the ripening process)
  3. Soft avocados are the best for a guacamole or dip.
  4. Firmer avocados are the best for slicing and adding to a said or sandwich.
  5. Unripe, firm or green fruit can take four to five days to ripen at room temperature.
  6. Avocados can be stored cut or uncut. If avocados are cut, they will oxidise “brown” if unprotected. Assuming the avocado is not overripe or rotten, slightly brown avocados are safe to eat.
  7. To prevent browning, prevent exposure to air by wrapping the avocado in a plastic rap, storing it in an air tight container, or leaving the pit in the avocado.
  8. Cut ripe avocados can be stored by sprinkling the cut fruit with acid juice such as lemon or lime juice and placing the slices in an air tight container.
  9. Do not eat overripe avocados.

To accelerate the ripening process of cut unripe avocado do the following.

  1. Sprinkle the exposed surface with lemon or lime juice.
  2. Place the halves back together and cover the fruit tightly with clear plastic wrap.
  3. Put the fruit in the refrigerator and check periodically to see if it is ripe because the ripening speed will vary.
  4. Another way to speed up the ripening process is to place the avocado in a paper bag with a banana.

Do not eat if avocado is has any of the following characteristics

  1. Mushy dented outer skin
  2. Rancid smell
  3. Mold


  • Helps in the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels because of the chemical, beta-sitosterol.
  • Contains types of antioxidants used by the eye to minimize UV damage.
  • Stronger bones and prevents stones. Vitamin K found in avacodos aids with calcium excretion in urine and aids in calcium absorption in bones.

Bonus Tips

How to Quit Craving

Read more

Wow. Only 5 days left to complete the whole 30. Over the past 3+ weeks, you’ve had plenty of chances to think about your own personal health habits, as well as those of the people around you. It’s no secret that fast food is one of the biggest factors affecting health in America. It’s also no secret that millions of people experience degraded physical conditions because of their cravings for cheap satisfaction in the way of mass-produced nutrition-dead burgers, tacos, and fried chicken. But, understanding this truth isn’t the same thing as living it out, not by a long shot. Here are some tips to help you get over your fast food cravings.

  • Why Do You Want Fast Food?

Since evidence has shown that cravings have little to do with the body’s health, it’s of paramount importance to attack them mentally. And before you can attack, you must understand. Most people choose fast food out of convenience. However, some simply like the taste. Others have a sort of tradition: Friday Taco Bell runs, for example. Mapping out your habits will help you change them.

  • Make Your Own Alternatives

If you choose fast food simply because it’s fast, you should know that sacrificing your health isn’t the only option. It is completely possible to make quick, tasty food at home, or to pack an appealing brown bag lunch. Putting in extra thought while you’re grocery shopping can help you find healthy alternatives. And, if it turns out that you simply want to taste a burger once in a while, that’s fine: make it yourself. By controlling the ingredients, you’ll be able to make a much healthier (and, probably tastier) version of a fast food favorite.

  • Snack Attack

Cravings can also stem out of real hunger once in a while. To prevent this, make sure you’re maintaining a regular eating schedule, and don’t shy away from healthy snack options. Keeping a bag of almonds or some carrots and hummus within easy reach is a great alternative to caving in and heading towards the drive-through.

Featured photo credit: via

The post Food Day 25 appeared first on Lifehack.

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