
terça-feira, maio 24, 2016

A Glimpse Into Soldiers' Life Of North Korea (23 pics)

Here is a set of rare and interesting photos by Reuters, ranging from 2006 to 2015, that reveal an everyday life of North Korean soldiers.

The Korean War began in 1950 when 75,000 soldiers from the North crossed the border and invaded the South.
After the Korean War, North and South Korea were split. The Soviet Union had control of the North and the UN was controlling the South.

The Soviet Union put Kim Il Sung in charge of North Korea, which became known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. His son, Kim Jong Il, took over after his death in 1994.

Kim Jong Un then took over as the ruler of the country in December 2011, when his father and the former leader, Kim Jong Il, died of a heart attack.

Despite the fact that he is in charge of the fourth-largest military in the world, Kim Jong Un has no formal military training.

Seventy percent of ground forces and 50% of air and naval forces are deployed within about 62 miles of the demilitarized no-man's land between North and South Korea as of 2014.

North Korea's military is called the "Korean people's army" or the KPA.

Today the North Korean military is composed of more than 1.2 million active soldiers.

And there are another 7.7 million in reserve.

Most people serve in the military after completing high school. Men serve for 10 years and women serve for seven years.

Those who go to college serve for five years after completing their degree.

But those who study science only serve for three years. This was decided by Kim Jong Un in 2015 to encourage people to study science.

The military is the country's largest employer.

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