
terça-feira, abril 19, 2016

Why You Should Never Try Too Hard to Get Better Never!


It’s all too hard. People over think things. I certainly do. One of my favorite Australian writers Catherine Deveny says:

“Perfect is the enemy of good.”

She’s right. Whenever I start to fret about doing something that is important to me, or if I feel the pressure to succeed, this quote comes to mind. I do the best I can in the moment, with everything I know and my experience to fuel my actions. Then I trust that the result will reflect the best I can do. And that is good enough.

Psychologist Anders Ericsson says that anyone can be an expert in whatever field or pursuit they desire. All it takes is commitment, repetition, a willingness to learn and humility. He hypothesized that it takes 10,000 hours of effort to become an expert at something. He didn’t mean this literally of course. What he means is that you just have to keep doing it to get better at it. Also, you have to do it right, or more right each time, for the hours you put in to mean anything.

Change it up.

You can’t expect to get a different result if you keep doing things in exactly the same way. Don’t get stuck in old habits. Try new things and don’t be afraid of change. Test your boundaries and push yourself.

The key is to work smarter not harder. If you focus on achieving a balance in everything you do, you are bound to succeed. When you try to do too much, it messes up the balance. Overkill means you have over stepped your mark and the message you are trying to deliver becomes blurred. Whether in relationships or at work, if you work too hard you risk burning out and that isn’t helpful to anyone. Try instead to take a more relaxed approach and stay focused. Mindfulness and clarity is paramount to success.

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

The post Why You Should Never Try Too Hard to Get Better, Never! appeared first on Lifehack.

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