
sexta-feira, abril 22, 2016

These Heartwarming Illustrations Of A Father And His Young Daughter Might Remind You Of Something

Dad 1

The relationship between father and child is one of the most important bonds of your lifetime. The way we interact and the love we have with our fathers is invaluable and second to none. These beautiful illustrations by Soosh remind us of the power and importance of this relationship, and the beauty of fatherly love. We dare you not to call your dad after reading and remembering the points below!

Dads are our heroes. They are always there to protect us, especially when we aren’t looking.

Dad 1

Dads support our dreams from the very beginning.

Dad 2

When we are with our dads, we feel a thousand feet tall. We believe in ourselves because they believe in us too, no matter what.

Dad 3

Dads always make us feel safe and warm, like we always have someone to lean on.

dad 4

No matter how big we grow, our dads will always seem larger than life.

Dad 5

No matter how big their workload, dads always make time for us, even if it’s just for a quick cup of tea.

Dad 6

When I’m spending time with dad, there is no one else in the world.

Dad 7

Dad has many important jobs and I never want him to leave. But he always lets me know that his most important job is me.

Dad 8

Dads teach us about patience, values, and virtues when we spend time together.

Dad 9

Dads teach us to create beauty when we are in the darkness.

Dad 10

When dad is around, I can be anything I want to be!

Dad 11

Dads are always on board with the things we want to do in life…

Dad 12

And they always have a go at enjoying the things that we enjoy.

Dad 13

When all is said and done, our dads are our protectors, our teachers, our providers, and our very best friends.

Dad 14

All illustrations by Snezhana Soosh.

Featured photo credit: Snezhana Soosh via

The post These Heartwarming Illustrations Of A Father And His Young Daughter Might Remind You Of Something appeared first on Lifehack.

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