
sábado, abril 23, 2016

9 Benefits of E-Cigarettes


Smoking is not what it used to be. Glorified still, yes, but we far better understand the health conditions that come with the habit. Fifty years ago, everyone smoked. Today, it is still an enormous part of many lives, but we not only have more information regarding our health, we have many alternatives to aid us in reforming our smoking habits.

Quitting can be attempted several times before it really sticks. Maybe you have tried going cold turkey, nicotine patches, willpower, or hypnotization. The battery-operated e-cigarette, however, gives you an in-between option. It is a vapor design that allows controlled amounts of nicotine (or none at all), while also dealing with the physical act of smoking addiction. It allows the mind to catch up to the body. Whatever step you are on in your journey, if you are a smoker, here are some beneficial reasons for switching to e-cigarettes.

1. Better hygiene

Cigarette smoke is excreted through your pores. It releases through your sweat, and it has a stale, acrid stench. It lingers on clothes, hair, and furniture. What’s worse is that because cigarette smoke affects your tastebuds, the smoker is usually quite oblivious to the smell. E-cigarettes come in an array of neutral or sweet flavors and scents — so people will want to be around you again!

2. Clean organs

With quality e-cigarettes, you are tar, smoke, and ash free — this means your organs are tar, smoke, and ash free.

3. Fewer health risks ­

Cigarette smokers are in danger of a hefty list of health risks, including stroke, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, coronary heart disease, cancer, lung failure, pneumonia, asthma, diabetes, and immune function impairment — to name a few. That’s without mentioning gum disease and oral defects and blood flow to your limbs and organs. We are privy to information that smoking affects every part of our bodies. Because you are not burning tobacco with e-cigarettes (they are tobacco free) you are freeing yourself from the 3500+ chemicals that you would normally inhale from a cigarette, many of which are carcinogenic. 

4. Option of vapors or nicotine free

With e-cigarettes, you have the option of different vapor flavors (menthol, vanilla, cinnamon, cherry, and more) to make it a fun or sweeter experience than your average cigarette! But, more importantly, you also have the option of going nicotine free.

5. They are relatively cheap

E-cigarettes are selling on average at about $1.40 for one. On average, the cost of smoking e-cigarettes daily is lower than smoking tobacco. If you buy in bulk, you save more!

6. You can smoke them indoors

You can smoke e-cigarettes almost anywhere. Many countries no longer allow smoking indoors, so e-cig smokers are allowed a luxury that smokers don’t have!

7. Teens are choosing them over cigarettes

Teenagers wanting to dabble in smoking are now turning to e-cigarettes. As nicotine and cigarettes stunt growth and formation, the e-cigarette is currently a similar choice that’s devoid of the same health risks. If you can’t beat ‘em, join them in a safer alternative.

8. Freedom to quit

Having the option of nicotine or no nicotine allows you the time you need to deal with your habit both physically and emotionally. By controlling the amount of nicotine you use, you can begin to slowly wean yourself down to the nicotine-free option while dealing with the physical and psychological addiction to the habit. This gives you the option to deal with the physical and the emotional separately, rather than all at once, which can often be too great a shock and can result in the relapse of cigarette smoking and all of the health risks you were trying to avoid.

9. No ash or littered butts

E-cigarettes are ash free. This mean that not only are we limiting the ash inside our own bodies, but also we are limiting ash and cigarette butts from littering the environment. We are also eradicating second-hand smoke, which benefits the environment and anyone around us who is affected by our habit. It’s a win-win.

Featured photo credit: IM Free via

The post 9 Benefits of E-Cigarettes appeared first on Lifehack.

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