
terça-feira, abril 12, 2016

4 Media File Management Tips For Small Businesses


Every business requires some space for data storage, irrespective of the volume or size of the firm. Particularly, when you’re talking about media files, this storage has to be bulk. To make your workload easier, there are some image management software tools that help with organizing files in an easy and straightforward manner.

Not only organizing, but the sharing of media files with consideration for other team members and colleagues is also vital. Image managing tools like Daminion help to organize business tasks efficiently as access to digital assets is provided to multiple users within the organization. Let’s go through the ways that media assets can easily be organized.

1. Save Media Files into Folders

Create as few folders as you can and try to name them appropriately. Put the relevant files into each folder so that they can be found easily whenever required. Name your folders according to the project name or save files with functions and operations rather than saving them according to date.

For example: if you are working on a website design and you have to store bulk logos, icons, and content files, then make different folders and name them “Logos,” “Icons,” and “Content” and then save files in their respective folders.

2. Delete Old Files and Organize Data Regularly

Sometimes, you will have files that become obsolete. These media files contain images or presentations that are no longer of any use. Don’t forget to delete these files. Also, make a folder and name it ‘”Archive” to save files that are not required for now, but are still important. The image that you can’t find is as useless as the one that is completely lost. Thus, you need to classify your image library. Daminion, one of the best available image management softwares, has about 50 standard tags for this task, including title, description, keywords, categories, places, people, copyrights, projects, camera info, etc. You can also create custom user-defined tags.

3. Take Immediate Action on Files

When you come across a file that you created weeks or months before, just have a look, analyze the data, and take appropriate action immediately. This doesn’t mean that you should delete all your old files without giving them a second thought. Instead, decide whether the media file or elements stored in the file are required or not.

It may also happen that you require only certain data from the file. So, try to analyze your files thoroughly and delete media components that are no longer required while keeping anything that is important to you or your project.

In some cases, there are files that might be of no use to you but are important to other team members. In such cases, media management tools prove to be helpful as they allow realtime data sharing with colleagues.

4. Consolidate Files

Sometimes, consolidating two files into one helps to organize media elements and store data in a clean manner. For example, content from multiple files can be stored in a single data file and visual designs and media elements from two or more files can be stored in one graphic file.

Remember, file consolidation is not always possible. For example, code files cannot be consolidated as this can create confusion. If done incorrectly, it might affect the whole project and the performance of the team as well.

Also, instead of selecting the auto-organize feature to arrange all your media files on your desktop, organize files manually. Nobody else knows your requirements better than you, not even the smartest of devices. Organizing your files yourself will help you locate files efficiently whenever you need them the most.

Image editing tools are also worth exploring for small businesses. Such tools can greatly help small scale firms and professional designers and photographers as the programs offer comprehensive packages of features required in the photography industry. Daminion has a free standalone version that can help users get familiar with the functional features of the app. Daminion Server, the paid version of the image management tool, allows multiple users to work on the same image library using reliable network settings.

The post 4 Media File Management Tips For Small Businesses appeared first on Lifehack.

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