
segunda-feira, abril 11, 2016

19 Feelings Only People Turning 25 Would Understand


When you’re thirteen you want so desperately to be seventeen. When you’re seventeen you really want to be twenty one. When you’re twenty one you start thinking you’re ‘not seventeen anymore’, so when you get to twenty five it can be … slightly confusing. It’s a milestone age, perhaps the first one to really have an effect as an adult. It can be conflicting, heightened, beautiful, reflective, exciting. twenty five is a beautiful age. But only those who have been there can really know.

19 Feelings Only People Turning 25 Would Understand

  1. When you feel suddenly and fully responsible for yourself. And you start to realize that you are going to well and truly reap what you sow. There’s no turning back now.
  2. When you feel scared to go forward and really try. The stakes feel higher now, as you start gearing toward an age beyond that of reckless abandon.
  3. Feeling happy you are starting to shed toxicity and shape your world with care. You are starting to learn and also put into practice the things you have learned so far about self-love. You can begin to use your experiences to better yourself and proceed with greater understanding and influence.
  4. When you realize you are not young anymore. It can be very confronting. And scary. And also great, because you are entering a new phase. It’s scary and exciting.
  5. Feeling so so glad to leave twenty one behind. The excessive late nights and college parties were very fun at first, but secretly, you’re kind of glad you’ve got an excuse. You’re “maybe a bit old for that now”.
  6. Feeling good and ready to deal with your finances properly. You are understanding the importance of what you can do with what you earn, and what it can mean for your life when you don’t spend your entire pay on vodka slammers.
  7. Feeling overwhelmed that many of the people you went to school with are all getting married. Or feeling even more overwhelmed that some are having babies, or moving to the next level of their careers.
  8. Holy moly how on earth were your parents twenty five with three children already. Seriously. You don’t feel 25. You certainly don’t know how you could have an entire family at twenty five. You are gaining new respect for your parents.
  9. Feeling elated that the five years of work you have put in at your job has just meant the promotion you thought would never come.
  10. After cleaning yet another inch-deep greasy stovetop, moving out of your mates’ place and in with your partner is starting to look pretty good. You feel surprisingly more ready than you did 3 years back.
  11. Feeling overwhelmed out in the ‘real world’ since finally graduating. You are in the job you always thought you wanted, but have odd and conflicting thoughts about the reality of it.
  12. When you look at twenty one year olds and feel old.
  13. Feeling suddenly like you aren’t satisfied with the same things anymore, but you aren’t sure why.
  14. Getting your first grey hair. It’s usually around this time. George Clooney makes it look good. So can you.
  15. You suddenly get the fear of turning 30. It has never even entered your mind and then “POOF!” It starts to tick in there like a mind bomb.
  16. Feeling a tearing sense of wanting to party but also wanting to sleep early. It’s the milestone. You’ve got one foot in the sleep-when-I’m-dead past, and one foot in the I’m-getting-busy future. There are decisions to be made.
  17. When you start fretting about where your life is headed and if you are “where you are supposed to be”. (You are).
  18. LOVING the fact that you are old and wise enough not to look like those silly young kids all dressed up and trying to get in to clubs. Pfft, that was so long ago …
  19. Enjoying the beautiful age you are at right now at this very moment and will never be again.

Featured photo credit: Albumarium via

The post 19 Feelings Only People Turning 25 Would Understand appeared first on Lifehack.

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