
quinta-feira, abril 14, 2016

13 Important Life Lessons I Learnt In My 30s That I’d Like You To Know Earlier In Your 20s


Have you ever looked back upon your younger self and thought “if only I could have told them what I know now?” Of course without learning we would never get to where we are now, so going through the process is inevitable. The silver lining however is that we can always pass our wisdom onto others in the hope that what we know might help somebody else down their path of self discovery. Some things from your 30-something self, to your 20-something self:

1. Don’t go for your dream till you’ve got enough money, you’ll never start

Patience is a virtue. If you can think sensibly and wait until you are truly ready to go after your dream, the chance of it coming true multiplies. It doesn’t mean you won’t do it. It just means you have to do it right. Hold your horses. Know when to walk and when to run.

2. Don’t care too much about what others think

Easier said than done, but there are certainly ways you can get better at this if you are conscious of it. Focus on the goal, not what others will think of it, or who is looking at you while you get the job done. It will be a far less anxious, and a far more rewarding journey.

3. Don’t place too much importance on what you look like

Appearance is so much less important than you think. Worrying about it is attached to all the things you will keep close to you – the best friends will be the ones who care only about what kind of person you are inside.

4. Don’t beat yourself up too much

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Trust that you are the great person you believe you are. Don’t doubt that, even when bad things happen. It’s the best thing you can do to support yourself. Otherwise when you get to thirty you’ll be worse for wear than you need to be.

5. Do learn everything you can. This never stops.

As long as we are living we are learning! This is the greatest part of consciousness. Surround yourself with greatness; great people, great opportunities. Make your learning experience the best it can be.

6. You’re going to make mistakes.

If you make a mistake, move on. It happens. We can try our hardest, but we are all human, and when we do let the team down we can only be sorry and learn. Don’t dwell on it too much. Take it as a lesson for a future place where you will succeed.

7. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

“If you focus too hard on the lost skateboard, you won’t see the Rolls Royce parking right in front of you.” – Girlosophy

8. Don’t worry too much about the future.

The future is happening regardless. Don’t worry about aging, or dying, or losing, or even winning too much. What will be will be.

9. Do enjoy your youth, and being that age.

Enjoy being exactly where you are at. Look around. Focus on everything that is happening right now. It will never be just like this again. Learn to treasure that.

10. Don’t think you know everything.

Never think this, no matter what age. There are always things you don’t know, and when you understand this, you keep learning wonderful things from everything you come into contact with.

11. Do hold onto the things you care about.

You get to choose what you treasure. If you come into contact with a good thing — hold onto it. They don’t come along all that often.

12. Do put your family first.

Family are for life! Nurture those relationships and keep those bonds strong. They will be your greatest allies in life.

13. Do work hard at what you want.

By the time you’re 30 you’ll most likely have it.

The post 13 Important Life Lessons I Learnt In My 30s That I’d Like You To Know Earlier In Your 20s appeared first on Lifehack.

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