
sábado, março 26, 2016

The Oldest Person In The World Reveals Her Secrets To Longevity

world's oldest person

Ever wonder about the secrets to living a long life? Well, the oldest individual in the world has something to say about this from her own past experiences. Let’s learn from her advice and wisdom.

Susannah Mushatt Jones was born in 1899 and currently is 116 years of age. She has shared some secrets that have helped her to be the oldest person now alive on Earth. These secrets can help all of us prolong our lives and be happier. This is truly magical and wonderful at the same time. I hope you gain some wisdom from her example. Here are her secrets to living a long and healthy life.

Absolutely no smoking, partying, or drinking alcohol

She has not smoked and has stayed away from negative things like drugs, partying, and alcohol. Her respect for her body is one of the many reasons why she has lived such a long life.

Love the small things in life and make meaning of them

Susannah loves lace lingerie still tries new items whenever she has the opportunity to do so. A few years ago, doctors were stunned and shocked when they saw Susannah wearing a lace bra. She continues to love these small things that give her a great amount of joy.

Give love and respect to others

Susannah truly is a wonderful woman. She had no qualms with spending her salary on people close to her. She sent her nieces to college while she provided scholarships for other Alabama students so they would not be prevented from attending college, as she was.

Giving herself to others and sacrificing herself is something she’s done throughout her life. This is a notable quality that can’t be taken away from her. Love and respect are sometimes forgotten or dismissed in a world of panic, frenzy, and hurry. However, remembering them can help you become more grounded. Always respect and cherish all that you have. Susannah holds these traits very closely to her heart and moulds herself according to them.

Stick to a routine

Having a routine is an integral part of life. Loving your body, treating it like a temple, loving the small things, and loving others are priceless things — these are all parts of Susannah’s daily life and routine.

A routine gives us something to do and makes us look forward to things. A routine can seem boring, bleak, and dull, but if changed up here and there, it can be extremely beneficial to having a healthy mind, body, and soul.

Stop complaining

Susannah never complains about the pain she has to go through and instead takes it with a grain of salt. She knows that as her age increases, so does pain and illness. Rather than complaining and nagging, she simply goes with the flow.

I know as individuals, we can find it hard not to complain. There are plenty of times when we may find ourselves ruminating over the negative and squashing or obliterating the positive. Let us learn from Susannah and her zeal for life. She truly is wonderful.

Eat fruit

Susannah loves eating her fair share of fruit, and this helps to maintain her body and keep it healthy and stable. Fruit is packed with energy and she loves her fruit, finding enjoyment in each sweet bite. She likes to stay healthy and eating fruit is one of the many factors that contributes to her overall healthiness.

There is so much to be learned from this woman and she is so inspirational. By following her example and leading healthy and full lives, perhaps we can all aspire to someday match her in age.

The post The Oldest Person In The World Reveals Her Secrets To Longevity appeared first on Lifehack.

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