
domingo, março 27, 2016

All Breasts are NOT Created Equal, But We Should Love Them Anyway

Girl who is secure

Being insecure about breast size is a problem most women will face at some point in their lives. In fact it does not matter if you have large breasts or small breasts, most women will feel insecure about their breasts at one point or another. Women with small breasts may feel inferior while more endowed women may wonder if her partner loves her or just her cup size.

Ladies, the good news is that most men do not select his woman based upon her breast size (or looks at all for that matter). Men are visual, yes. They also love to look at women and they love boobs, it’s true; but, only a real pig will base his life long partner on these qualities. Men worth dating fall in love with personality and intelligence and, most men will agree, the best quality in a women is confidence.

So the question is not how can we be more attractive to our significant others or how to make our breasts larger or smaller or any other way besides the way we are biologically predisposed to have them. The question we should be asking ourselves is how can we be happy with the size we have, no matter what it is. Here are six tips to help you start your journey of acceptance when it comes to the size of your breasts. Remember, the most important love you will ever receive, is the love a you give yourself.

Make the choice to accept yourself the way you are

The first step is to make a conscious choice to love yourself no matter what anyone else says. Once that choice is made you can put that self-love into action. After-all, that’s the beginning of any great love relationship, isn’t it? Go out of your way to treat your body like it deserves to be treated. Think about everything your body has done for you. It doesn’t deserve to be fed junk food, plopped on the couch, and hated by you because it’s not what the media says it should be. No. It’s your body and you should love it not matter what anyone else thinks or says.

Realize that all breasts are flawed, even the large ones

Size is not the only thing that makes nice breasts. Many women have breasts that are different sizes, or they have dark vanes, or acne. As stated already, some women feel like their breasts are too large or too small, but I am here to tell you that there is no such thing! Your breasts are beautiful because they are a part of you. Only you have the right to define them.

Focus on the other good qualities that you have

Everyone has qualities about themselves that they like. You might have beautiful eyes, nice hair, long legs, a killer butt. Every time you have a negative thought about yourself, try and think of something positive. For example, “my breasts may not be las large as I want, but men do love my but.” Allow yourself to be happy with you because anything else is a waste of time and emotion. In the end we’re all going to get old and wrinkly anyway, so enjoy what you have while you have it.

Take more sexual pleasure in the breasts you have

Breasts aren’t just sexy, they’re sexual too. Forget about his obsession with wanting large boobs and start thinking about you. Breasts can be a point of pleasure in the bedroom, so take advantage. Trust me when I tell you your man isn’t going to care what size your breasts are when you are getting turned on like that with him. When he touches you and you respond to his touch in such pleasure, there is nothing sexier to him than that.

Have fun dressing for you body type

So here’s the deal: no matter what size your breasts are, the fit of your clothes will determine how you look to others. You can have the largest breasts in the world, but if you are wearing huge baggy t-shirts and your eyes are red from crying and your hair is matted against your head, well, you probably won’t attract many people. Big or small, if you dress for you body type, that will catch the attention of men (or your man, whatever you are going for). Once you start getting the attention that you crave, your confidence will grow.

Don’t define yourself by what other people say

This is an important lesson to learn, not just with breast size, but with anything. You may notice that when you go out of your way to do good things for yourself and take steps towards a happier healthier and fuller life, people will criticize. You must realize that they do not do this because there is anything wrong with you, they do this because they are insecure with themselves and they don’t want to be alone. Feel sorry for them, help them feel better about themselves (especially if it is someone you love), but do not under any circumstance allow their words to define you to you.

If we were perfect, we would have no journey of self discovery. We could not truly learn to love and accept to our fullest potential. So be thankful for your body. Take joy in the journey of self discovery and enjoy your transformation.

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory/ via

The post All Breasts are NOT Created Equal, But We Should Love Them Anyway appeared first on Lifehack.

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