
sexta-feira, março 25, 2016

6 Hacks For An Instant Mood Boost


Do you ever find yourself feeling a bit low on energy or in a grumpy mood for no apparent reason? The good news is that you can choose to boost your mood whenever you wish, as long as you know how!

Follow the six steps below and get ready to feel better soon. It doesn’t matter whether you’re at work or home, these tips can be implemented almost anywhere.

Make Use Of The Facial Feedback Hypothesis

When you’re happy, you smile. No surprise, right? Well, did you know that research suggests that the opposite is also true? When you adjust your body language and ‘act happy,’ then your mood will improve! Make a conscious effort to smile. Relax the other muscles in your face. Sit up straight. Talk in a light tone of voice. In other words, make-believe that you are in a positive frame of mind. These cues will signal to your brain that you are in a relaxed, happy state – and your mood should lift.

Do Something Nice For Someone Else

Have you ever noticed that doing a good deed leaves you with a warm glow inside? The next time you feel in need of a boost, take a few minutes to do something nice for someone else. It doesn’t have to be a grand or elaborate gesture – getting some fancy coffee for the communal break room or offering to carry in your neighbour’s shopping would do the trick! If you are alone, log on to The Hunger Site to give someone else free food at no cost to you.

Exercise – Or At Least, Move Around

Exercise is a shortcut to a shot of endorphins – those feel-good chemicals that are released when we move. You don’t even have to leave the building to feel the benefits. Stand up and run in place for three minutes, and you should start to feel at least a little better. If possible, take a twenty-minute walk outside somewhere green. A nice park on a sunny day is ideal.

Drink A Large Glass Of Water

Did you know that even slight dehydration can impair performance and make you more prone to feeling anxious and low? Offset this problem by drinking two litres of water or more per day. Drink as soon as you feel thirsty, and carry a water bottle around with you so you remember to keep your levels topped up. Avoid or cut down on tea and coffee, as the caffeine they contain has dehydrating effects. If you can’t stand the taste of plain water, consider adding sugar-free flavourings or natural enhancers such as slices of lemon or lime. If you are exercising on a regular basis, drink extra water to maintain appropriate hydration levels.

Cross An Item Off Your To-Do List

Nothing makes you feel quite so in control as a good to-do list. Feeling as though you have too much to do and not enough time in which to do it is a common cause of apathy, feelings of being overwhelmed, and even the sensation that you are ‘burning out.’ The next time everything seems a bit bleak and you feel ‘bleh,’ commit to crossing off at least one item. The sense of satisfaction can improve your mood.

Write Out Your Feelings

Did you know that writing out your feelings – known as ‘expressive writing’ – can help improve physical and mental health? The next time you are stuck in a negative mood state, grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down exactly what you are feeling. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, if you are feeling frustrated, is it due to the current challenge you are facing at work, or is it an ongoing issue with your partner or teenage child? Sometimes, writing about a situation helps you gain clarity.

Featured photo credit: Unsplash/Pixabay via

The post 6 Hacks For An Instant Mood Boost appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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