
quarta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2016

What People Who’ve Been Betrayed Really Want You To Know

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It’s absolutely inevitable for us to feel betrayal at some point. It could have been your ex who cheated on you or a friend who you told a secret to only for them to make it known to the whole universe. It could also be someone who you trusted that molested you and this is not just for the women; gentlemen, you are included too. Betrayal comes in different forms and though it’s relative we all have suffered from it. It’s not the easiest thing to elaborate on but it’s worth the while.  These are the things that we want you to know.

We will never forget what you did.

Never in a million years will we forget and as soon as you touch base with us, our minds probably go straight to replaying what you did. This is just something we as humans do. We can put it past us but never hold it in your head that we will just throw it out the window. No! It’s a trigger and you called the shot. Do not get it twisted, though, we may have forgiven you but it’s going to always be there. So don’t mix forgiveness with naïveté.

There will always be a doubt in our heads that you aren’t genuine.

It’s pretty much as the saying goes, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”. We will expect the same thing from you in the long run though you may be given another chance. This is a second chance with caution and you must always try to prove yourself otherwise.

Things will never be the same.

When you have a piece of jewelry like a chain and the links are broken; when you go to the jeweler to fix it, it may look brand new but the value lessens because it isn’t the original chain anymore. It’s the same with our hearts. Even thinking about what happened before will bring the same feelings back that we had initially and unless we learn to control it which is not a given, it will always be there.

You are a learning experience and a stepping stone.

Whatever you did brought light to us; now we know who you really are and what you’re capable of. We think you are capable now of doing even worse to us and believe me when I say that you are being watched because nothing you do now will be taken lightly. And do not tell us that it’s all in our heads because you simply can’t take back what you did and experience brings forth wisdom.


No matter how many apologies you write, text or sorry songs you play outside our windows, it still freakin’ hurts. Don’t expect us to smile with you immediately after it happens and try to pretend like it never happened. We are human and we feel the impacts of the blows when we are attacked. We can heal but don’t expect it to be on your terms. No gallons of ice cream, shouting on top of our voices or hitting the wall can stop this. It just always hurts but only if you meant something to us in the first place.

The thing is, we know that life goes on after betrayal and we will eventually move past it – but these are things we face while going through the motions. We cannot just simply get up after it happens and genuinely feel nothing about it. We have our ways of getting over it but it’s okay to feel the way we feel for some time. The only long term effect is that you will always be a backstabber to us until you have proven yourself otherwise.

Featured photo credit: VictorBezrukov via

The post What People Who’ve Been Betrayed Really Want You To Know appeared first on Lifehack.

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