
quarta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2016

Robert Greene on Embracing Loneliness and Dealing with Power

48 laws of power

Have you ever felt lonely?

Maybe you’re lonely right now. We all feel it, whether people have the guts to admit it or not.
This could be because the people around you don’t quite get your vision or what you’re working on, or it could be because you just moved to a new city or company — or for any reason whatsoever.

It’s 100% natural, and our special guest, Robert Greene, shares why it’s necessary to embrace loneliness to get through our struggles. Like a marathoner may experience cramps from time to time, you will experience loneliness — whether you’re an entrepreneur, artist, creative, freelancer, or working for someone else.

After traveling around the world for the past 15 months, I have felt multiple counts of loneliness myself, especially since I don’t have a regular routine of going into the office. It’s all cafe hopping, home office, and parks for me.

I’ve personally realized the importance of dealing with loneliness, and how it can even boost your creativity, vision, and mental agility. What it really comes down to is how you frame the situation and the emotion you’re feeling inside.

As a full-time writer of bestselling books like The 48 Laws of Power, Seduction, Mastery, and 50th Law, which he wrote with 50 Cent, Robert has shared his moments of loneliness working alone (especially since most of his books are based on dead people!). He has sold millions of books around the world, and his most popular one The 48 Laws of Power, is popular with well-known rappers, entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes and actors including 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Busta Rhymes, Ludacris, DJ Premier, Dov Charney, Brian Grazer, Andrew Bynum, Chris Bosh, and Will Smith.

Robert and I go deep in this episode, and I ask questions that he has never been asked in his 17 years of doing interviews on TV, radio, and podcasts. So you don’t want to miss this episode. Enjoy!

Quick Episode Summary: Why Learning The 48 Laws Of Power Is Critical

Power is a controversial topic in society. Some people associate the word with manipulation, and some with strength and leadership.

All around us in our lives, we experience a power play in one form or another, and we need to understand the rules to navigate these plays. More importantly, we need to know these laws so we don’t get taken advantage of.

Robert shares how you can use the 48 laws of power to your own advantage in this episode.

Why You Should Never Outshine The Master

One of the biggest mistakes Robert sees time and time again (and one he made personally) is when people try to outshine the master. His take is that no matter how powerful or far up the chain someone is, we humans are all the same. We all deal with self-consciousness, ego issues, and sensitive topics that run through our minds constantly.

When the prodigy or the mentee tries to outshine the person that has gotten them to where they are, it not only diminishes the time and energy the master has put into you, but it just pisses them off — period.

Dealing With Loneliness

Loneliness is inevitable. In fact, the bigger your vision, the more loneliness you will face in your life, because most people won’t think the same way you do, nor understand what you’re trying to accomplish.

Our audience is filled with game-changers, and this is going to be the most important lesson of all — how to embrace loneliness and use it to your advantage.

Robert shares practical strategies and tactics that he uses himself, to overcome loneliness and be on his best game physically and mentally, in order to write bestselling books.

Here’s a highlight of what’s to come in the episode:

  • The 48 laws of power, what it means, and why those who are not aware of the laws are at a disadvantage in life and business
  • Robert’s take on the most critical law of power that everyone should know today
  • Why you should never outshine the master (mentor, advisor, or boss)
  • How Robert deals with the contrasts between introversion and extroversion
  • Working with 50 cent – what it was like, what the vision was for the book was, etc.
  • And much more!

Over To You

What’s your favorite law of power, and how do you deal with loneliness personally?

Share below! Your comments are my oxygen.

The post Robert Greene on Embracing Loneliness and Dealing with Power appeared first on Lifehack.

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