
segunda-feira, fevereiro 08, 2016

His Daughter Is Bullied — What He Does In Response Will Surprise You


This amazing father found a way to let his daughter know just how special she is — by composing a hip hop song as a response to the bullying she had endured at school, aiming to add to her sense of personal value. His talented and supportive lyrics to the song Love Yourself focused on awakening a sense of value in his daughter — and all children who have been victims of bullying.

Truthfully, he gave his daughter a reason to believe in the good in people.

His Song Explains The True Meaning Of Beauty

The lyrics indicate that his daughter was bullied because of her shape. He used his positive and catchy tune to show her what a valuable person she really is. Inner beauty is the essence of all beauty — this was his message. Praising all shapes and sizes, he mentioned the example of his oldest daughter, whose slim figure had its downsides in her own eyes. He had also included his personal preference of curvy female bodies, which he then described as merely one of many qualities a woman could possess.

Stating health and exercise as priority over a slim figure, he explained that beauty could not be measured in any physical form, being an inside job instead.

“Your beauty can’t be measured with that measuring tape,” he sang, explaining in detail what beauty is measured with.

Accordingly, he clarified why one should be the biggest supporter of their own body. Positive thoughts lead to confidence, while negative thoughts lead to poor health and eating disorders, not to mention allowing herself to be affected by the words of her bullies in this case. At the same time, he entirely avoided bashing his daughter’s bullies, rising above their level and teaching by an incredible example. Building his daughter up with love and support was an invaluable part of his approach. After all, it was not his job to take care of the bullies, but to be there for his daughter, and he knew it.

He Sings To His Daughter’s Unconditional Beauty

Telling her to love every part of herself, this father praised his daughter’s brains and inner beauty as well as her appearance, which is unconditionally beautiful in his eyes.

Praising every shape, color, and size, his words have the power to remind anyone that true beauty knows no limits. Being an inside job, he tells his daughter that beauty extends from within, if she allows it, by loving her appearance as much as all of her other qualities.

He made it clear to his daughter that she could achieve anything she set her mind to. Emphasizing the power of confidence, he told her to simply refuse to believe the mean words of others, but focus on self-love instead. With that, he gave his daughter a piece of advice many parents probably wish they could vocalize to their children but don’t know how to, fearing their safety and disappointment in life instead of focusing on helping them build their confidence. He dared to tell his daughter that she was worthy and capable of making all her dreams come true, even though she had faced disrespect from her classmates. Where many parents would fear and fail, he was strong for his daughter when she needed him the most.

He gave her one of the greatest lessons in life by showing her what matters and teaching her to distance herself from what doesn’t. His answer to his daughter’s bullying holds the power to inspire all of us. How many parents would have been courageous enough to empower their children during their most difficult moments? To parents, a child’s heartbreak hurts as if it were their own. To children, support from a parent means absolutely everything when stricken with low self-esteem.

Listen to his song here.

Featured photo credit: Man with a Bouquet of Roses by Viktor Hanacek via

The post His Daughter Is Bullied — What He Does In Response Will Surprise You appeared first on Lifehack.

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