
domingo, fevereiro 28, 2016

Emma Watson Starts An Online Feminist Book Club And Invites You To Join


Earlier this year, Emma Watson announced on Twitter that she will be starting a feminist book club called Our Shared Shelf.

Hi Team, ❤️ I want to start a feminist book club but so far have only brainstormed ‘Feminist Book Club’ and ‘Emma Watson Book Club’.

— Emma Watson (@EmWatson) January 6, 2016

Watson is most known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, but she’s also a goodwill ambassador for UN Women and a figurehead of the gender equality campaign HeforShe.

According to a Facebook post from Watson, part of her work with UN Women involved reading a lot of books and essays that she found inspiring and thought-provoking. On the Our Shared Shelf Goodreads page she wrote, “As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading as many books and essays about equality as I can get my hands on. There is so much amazing stuff out there! Funny, inspiring, sad, thought-provoking, empowering!”

She also wrote that she found there were so many interesting reads that the idea to start a feminist book club felt like a great way to share all that she was discovering.

The name for her feminist book club, Our Shared Shelf, was created with the help of her Twitter followers. After posting and asking for help she received many suggestions, but ended up going with this name.

I’ve decided to go with ‘Our Shared Shelf’. @emilyfabb – I absolutely loved this. Thank you, thank you x

— Emma Watson (@EmWatson) January 7, 2016

Every month, Watson will announce a new book to read on Goodreads, where everyone and anyone is welcome to join. She wrote, “The plan is to select and read a book every month, then discuss the work during the month’s last week (to give everyone time to read it!).” During the last week of the month, members get a chance to discuss what they read and their thoughts on it, and Watson will lead the conversation by posting questions and quotes. It is her hope that the authors of the books they read, among other prominent figures, will join in on their conversations.

January’s book was My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem, and February’s book is The Color Purple by Alice Walker. There are currently more than 110,000 members.

To become a member of Our Shared Shelf all you have to do is register for an account on Goodreads and join the group’s page here.

Featured photo credit: AHD Wallpaper via

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