
segunda-feira, fevereiro 01, 2016

8 Things You Can Do to Help Settle Into A New Area

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You’ve moved into your home and are ready to begin your new life. It’s time to let go of the past and open up to learning about the community around you. Look at the area as a place to explore. You can now discover stores you like, restaurants that appeal to you, and learn about the local events that take place during the year and more. It is now time to start the process of settling into your new location

1. If you have kids, volunteer at their school.

If you have children, it will take them time to adjust to a new school. You may want to consider volunteering for some school activities. This will enable you to learn more about the school. It’s also a great way to meet people involved with the school. What you learn will also help your children. This is a good way to get connected with the community.

2. Host a housewarming party for all of your new neighbors and coworkers.

Your neighbors may have good intentions but still not find the time to come and make your acquaintance, so don’t take it personally. Instead, have a housewarming party. This is a fun and effective way to get to know your neighbors. You can also invite the people from your new workplace as well as the parents of your children’s new friends.

To prevent anyone feeling obligated to bring a gift, write on the invitation that you will provide food and ask only that they bring a card listing their favorite places in the community.

3. Look into local classes and clubs.

If you have a hobby, there is a good chance someone in your new neighborhood also has the same hobby. It’s possible there will even be a club dedicated to it. If you don’t have a hobby, it may be time to find a listing of the different clubs in your area and check out something that interests you. This is a good way to meet new people and develop new friendships with like-minded people.

4. Read local publications.

When you first move into a new area, it is best to read as many local periodicals as possible. Many are available for free in front of retail stores, restaurants and more. And, since it is 2016, there are likely to be a lot of local sites online. These publications provide a huge amount of information about an area. Everything from local events, accomplishments of residents, political issues facing the area and more.

5. Ask your movers for tips and resources.

Some places also have community centers that provide newsletters. You can also check with your moving company, or companies in the area, as they will often have information on local areas, and advice for settling in quickly. For example, if you are moving to New York, all you have to do is perform a quick Google search for “moving company New York” to see what’s out there.

6. Volunteer in the community.

Every community has a need for volunteers. This could be everything from helping to clear paths at local parks, assisting in setting up community events, tending to community gardens and more. Volunteering is an excellent way to experience your new community. You will meet others, and you’ll end up learning quite a bit about the new place where you live.

7. Get around and explore the area.

With the help of modern technology, it’s easy to access a map and spend time discovering places in your new community.  Check out the local monuments, historic homes and more. This is also a good way to find the quickest routes around your new area. There are always shortcuts that can’t be found using a map. It’s a great way to discover shops and businesses that are excellent but don’t have big name recognition.

8. Just get out and talk to people.

Many people struggle to move out of their comfort level and speak with people they do not know, but most people are happy to get to know someone new. Speaking with people in a new neighborhood can happen as you walk down the street. You can comment on a gardener’s flowers, complement a pet owner’s dog or even ask for directions. Try to remember this is all part of settling into a new place.

Featured photo credit: Center City View, Philadelphia/Jamesy Pena via

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