
quarta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2016

8 Steps To Overcome Childhood Trauma

Free and Happy Women

“After a cruel childhood, one must reinvent oneself. Then re-imagine the world.” ― Mary Oliver

Children are fragile with emotions and despite they show resilience and ability to stand up against any situation more than adults do. However, some traumatic events during the childhood can leave long-lasting effects and negativity that can haunt in the adulthood, if not overcame.

Anything can trigger a trauma during childhood. The disrupted sense of security, domestic violence, sexual and verbal abuse, mistreatment, bullying and separation from a parent are some of the most common ones. If you’re past as a child haunts you and you face several emotional and psychological problems, you can get over it. Here are 8 steps to overcome childhood trauma.

1. Acknowledge and recognize the trauma

Most people who face childhood trauma go through a lot of problems including the feeling of guilt, self-blame or so. However, people fail to try and acknowledge to minimize the trauma and even pretend that it did not happen, which hits them back. The best way to start healing is understanding that the event occurred and that you had no will to be a part of it.

2. Seek support

Childhood trauma often leads to isolation and makes people and introvert. Many trauma survivors say that the best way to recover quickly is to seek support and talk to people. Connecting with different people will give ideas on different ways to heal and overcome the effect. Talk to your family members, or a close friend or join a support group so that you can speak to someone about the event and put off all of your frustrations.

3. Take care of your health and exercise

People who face trauma as a child build up unnecessary stress which creates a direct impact on health. A daily routine to keep oneself at rest by exercising and eating properly will keep you away from anxiety and make you fresh. Join a gym club and start sweating because the more you become physically and mentally strong, the more you get close to overcoming the impacts of a childhood trauma. Make sure that you choose the right protein and best creatine to build muscles the right way.

4. Avoid alcohol and drugs

People who face trauma get depressed and the only gateway they think of is drugs or alcohol. However, the first thing to do is to refrain yourself from such harmful things and avoid them at any cost. If you’re already an addict, you need to start thinking of your future and join a rehab. Alcohol and drugs make people ill while it also adds up more stress in the future though they might provide temporary relief.

5. Reclaim control

When you become a victim of childhood trauma, your past will get control of your present and future. But, when you start reclaiming control over your thoughts and activities, you’re your own boss and you can shape your present and future the way you want it to be. As long as you’re willing to let go of the past, you’re in good shape. So, make sure you’re ready to battle your past and navigate through the sufferings that you went through.

6. Be patient

When you’re hurt as a child, you develop intense feelings, lose control over your emotions and become hopeless. Healing takes time and you need to be patient with yourself. Take things step by step, one at a time and the little success you enjoy with the bits and pieces will help you overcome childhood trauma sooner.

7. Replace bad habits with good ones

Negativity is going to lead you nowhere. Bad habits will develop such negativity and develop a feeling of mistrusting others, doubting yourself or so. It’ll also keep you secluded. You need to give up on your bad habits and start replacing with good ones right away. If you smoke, quit it slow and it’ll help you relive the pain of the past. If it’s hard for you to let go of your bad habits, go to a therapist or seek help from people around you.

8. Accept it and move on

Learning the fact that you were a part of a trauma is surely hurting. But, when you accept something, it’s not that you need to embrace it throughout your life and go through all the pain and sufferings. Acceptance means that you’ve something to do with it and that you won’t let it ruin your life. You need to accept it and move on, try to move away from your bad memories and believe that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

Featured photo credit: jill111 via

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