
domingo, fevereiro 14, 2016

5 Things Prudent People Should Think About


A lot of people live their lives on a day to day basis – without guessing at the future too much, just existing in the moment, dealing with problems as they arise. There is a lot to say in favor of such an approach – namely, that it is easy as long as everything is alright. However, it immediately loses its appeal once you get into trouble.

Want to be more prudent in everyday life? Here are 5 things you should definitely think about ticking off your to-do list.

1. Undergoing Full Medical Checkups Regularly

Most people don’t go to a doctor unless they feel obviously ill, believing that if they feel alright it means that they are alright. Unfortunately, it is quite far from the truth. Many diseases don’t appear overnight – they develop over the course of months or years, growing from poor lifestyle choices. Many people live with early stage and realistically curable cancers but don’t find out until it is too late to do anything. The same goes for many other conditions, from tooth decay to heart disease – if treated early on, it will cut your expenses and may save your life.

2. Applying for EHIC

Thinking about a trip across Europe? Consider applying for European Health Insurance Card. Of course, chances are you won’t need it, but if worst comes to worst and you or one of your family members fall ill or get into an accident on a journey, dealing with a foreign healthcare system may turn into an extremely costly affair. UKEHIC, formerly known as the E111 Card, will serve as your safeguard against such contingencies – it entitles you to medical treatment either at a reduced cost or even free of charge in 31 countries other than the United Kingdom.

3. Getting Additional Education

People often think that after graduating from college they are happily through with education once and for all. However, the modern world shows time and again that this is a very misguided approach. In order to stay competitive in the working place, today one has to acquire new skills to prove one’s worth. Old jobs become obsolete, and new ones appear on a regular basis. For example, only a decade or two ago coding was the career training choice of a rather esoteric minority – today it is often considered to be either a must or a very big asset for an ever widening roster of jobs. Additional education doesn’t have to be formal – but you should definitely think about expanding your horizons.

4. Having a Savings Account

Many people lead hand-to-mouth existence without realizing it. They may look prosperous and probably even believe themselves to be such – but they are dependent on no unexpected changes impacting their life. If they are out of a job, or are seriously injured, they find themselves without a financial support system in place. If you want to be ready to deal with such eventualities, maintain a savings account with enough money to preserve your current lifestyle for at least half a year.

5. Inventing Your Own Way to Create Safe Passwords

In today’s world we have to register our details in hundreds of places, and each registration requires a password. Creating and remembering a safe password for each registration is unrealistic; using the same password for every registration is dangerous; password managers aren’t always trustworthy. That is why it pays to choose a mnemonic rule and create all your passwords according to it – this way they will be unique and complex yet easy to remember.

These steps aren’t hard to follow (at least if you apply them steadily and gradually), but they can go a long way towards improving your life and making it safer.

I hope this list will help you to make your life easier. Good luck!

Featured photo credit: Check List/ Gerardo Hernández Arias via

The post 5 Things Prudent People Should Think About appeared first on Lifehack.

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