
terça-feira, fevereiro 09, 2016

25 Resources Every Student Needs to Be a Better Essay Writer

essay writer

If you woke up tomorrow and were offered two pills, a red one to make you become a masterful essay writer, or a blue one to go back to your average writing way, which would you chose? Obviously, you’d take the red pill. Who wouldn’t? But since Morpheus likely isn’t showing up anytime soon, it’s up to you to make that happen for yourself. Consider this list your little red pill. These websites contain all the resources and tools you need to become a perfect essay writer. Let’s get started!

1. Best Custom Essay Writing Tools

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This website lists a collection of online resources specifically for college students. There is a tool for each part of the writing process, from writing and editing to plagiarism checking and creating a reference list.

2. Basic Essay Writing Mistakes to Avoid

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Some examples of grammatical mistakes to avoid are using voice to text when taking notes for an essay in your phone or confusing words that really should not be confused at your age. Read this list and memorize it.

3. Tools All Essay Writers Should Be Aware Of

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This list of resources can make the essay writing process a little easier. It features websites like Zotero, which can revolutionize the research process, and Evernote, which functions like a home office in your phone.

4. How to Become a Paper Writing Guru

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This collection of tools includes a link to “18 Essay Hacks Every Student Should Know.” It also explains the benefits of using writing services and writing blogs to help with the heavy lifting.

5. Top Custom Writing Services

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These EdTech tools can simplify the writing process. The list contains websites like Magnetic Poetry and Figment, which aren’t often showcased in similar articles.

6. “How To Write My Essay” Guide

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With guides from all over the world and created for different styles of essays, you’re likely to find one to help with your current writing project.

7. Academic Writing Help

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Thought Catalog articles rarely disappoint, and this one is no exception. The author explains that by using the “visualization test” and “saying more with less,” you can drastically improve your writing.

8. Essay Services Writing Reviews by AskPetersen

8. essay writing services reviews

Essay writing services can be invaluable when you have a paper that you don’t have time to write, but how can you tell the great sites from the bad ones? This website gives you a detailed review of some of the most popular sites (EssayMama Review, NinjaEssays Review, BestEssays Review, and GradeMiners Review).

9. Get Essay Help With These 15 Online Websites

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This site features a huge variety of websites that not only teach students how to become better writers, but also engage them in the process. Most of the sites are interactive and include guides, games. And writing prompts.

10. Order a Boring Textbook or Read These Admission Essay Writing Tips

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This one is fantastic because it brings together not just a collection of writing resources, but a collection of resources for just that purpose. Learn how to write a personal essay and effectively tell your story to an audience you need to impress.

11. Educational Services: Make Your Essay Writing More Productive

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Time counts. After all, as soon as you finish this paper, you have about twenty more to write. It’s important to learn how to write a solid essay efficiently and effectively. This website will walk you through that process.

12. ESL Custom Essay Writing

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If you’re not a native English speaker, this website is full of resources to help you write a killer essay. From learning the nuances of research to helpful worksheets and study guides.

13. CNN: Useful Essay Writing Blogs For Students

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This report from CNN features the ten best blogs for college students to be reading. The article says these blogs will actually change your life! Take a look and see if you find a new favorite weekly read.

14. Teacher’s Advice On How To Write My Essay

14. write my essay

While this website was specifically designed as a resource to help students get involved in and excited about writing, students can certainly benefit as well. One particularly helpful resource is Essay Map, which helps students map out the components of their essays into a makeshift outline.

15. Ten Tips To Improve Essay Writing Skills

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This website helps you incorporate writing into more areas of your life so it’s second nature to write. You will naturally improve over time.

16. Essay Assignment Help For Students

16. assignment help

While originally written to help Israeli students find the time in their busy calendars to crank out excellent papers, this site is certainly not limited to members of any nationality. The site features helpful advice for any student.

17. Stanford: How To Write Best College Essay

17. Best college essay

This article on Stanford’s “College Puzzle” website features a guide for students through each part of the writing process. There are sections for “planning your paper,” “collecting information,” “writing,” and “editing your essay.”

18. Buy Teacher’s Respect With These Essay Writing Tools

18. buy essay

This one is for teens to help them spark their imagination, learn the basics of writing, and get inspiration. Resources include My Access, NinjaEssays, Write To Learn, and SAGrader.

19. CNN: Contemporary Guide To Custom Essay Writing

19. custom essay writing

Another fantastic article from CNN, this one works through the steps to writing a great essay. From coming up with a great topic to knowing which research to ditch, the guide offers practical advice to students writing any kind of essay.

20. Essay Writer: Upgrade Your Grammar and Writing Skills

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Ah grammar. Even native English speakers get tripped up on some common grammatical errors. This website helps you improve your grammar skills so you can write papers of the highest possible quality.

21. CNN: Effective Summer “Write My Essay” Apps

21. write my essay

The summer is a time for a well-deserved break from the grueling rigor of classes. But don’t let all those months be a total waste. You can still brush up on your writing skills without being bored.

22. Research and Editing Tips For Essay Writers

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These tools are absolutely essential if you’re taking a class from home or getting your entire education online. But even if you’re a classroom learner, you can gain a lot from these interactive websites.

23. Awesome Admission Essay Help

23. admission essay help

Need a little help writing essays that will get you noticed in a college admissions office? These websites will help you write a strong application essay from start to finish.

24. Earn Better Grades With Assignment Help

24. assignment help

If you do any sort of writing, whether it’s for essays, blogs, or your own journal and random lists, these resources will be extremely helpful! Hemingway Editor alone makes this list a winner!

25. College Scholarship Essay Tips

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We’ll wrap up the list with another solid bet for assistance with scholarship and college admissions essays. With resources created by Harvard, Cornell, and Vanderbilt, these are sure to help you find success.

Now that you’ve learned about all these resources, there really is no going back. There’s no pretending you didn’t read the content or that you don’t have the tools to write stellar papers each and every time. Now it’s up to you to put all this knowledge to good use! So pick a topic, and let’s get to writing!

Featured photo credit: Sarah G via

The post 25 Resources Every Student Needs to Be a Better Essay Writer appeared first on Lifehack.

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