
quarta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2016

10 Vital Stepping Stones to Becoming a Vine Star

Nash Grier

Stars are made on the Internet every single day. Many of those stars get their starts by creating addictive videos on Vine. For anyone who loves social media, it’s hard to believe that the world actually lived without this video phenomenon up until it was created in 2012. The amazing part is that you can actually become a star simply by recording six seconds of pure gold on your phone and uploading it to the Vine community for free.

While becoming a Vine celebrity may seem as easy as recording a quick video and waiting for views to rack up, it’s actually far more complicated than that. Are you interested in getting some views and recognition? Here are 10 tips for climbing to the top of the vine and becoming a Vine superstar.

1. Pay attention to your profile

Don’t make the mistake of creating a bland profile. Choose a profile picture for your Vine account that really pops. It’s important to think of yourself as a brand or public personality when choosing your photo. You should also use your profile as a spot for creating a witty, short bio that tells people what you’re all about.

2. Be outgoing

You can’t just wait for people to find you on Vine. It’s important to start following some people that have similar interests as you. There’s actually a good chance that many of the people you follow will follow you back in return. Plan to follow a good mix of celebrities and ordinary people.

3. Introduce yourself

Nobody wakes up in the morning and becomes a Vine star. You need to start with a good first video. Go ahead and create a fun, friendly snippet that tells people who you are. People will likely stumble upon this video over and over again if they like some of your other videos.

4. Utilize hashtags

You will be practically invisible on Vine if you don’t use hashtags. Hashtags make it easy for people who are interested in the topic you’re posting about to find your videos. You should definitely use hashtags that are relevant to your posts to attract more views.

5. Pick the right hashtags

Nothing is more obnoxious than using hashtags that have nothing to do with the content you’ve posted. In fact, doing so is a great way to lose credibility. While it may be tempting to try and attract views by using trending hashtags, you should only do so if your post is actually relevant to the topics that are trending.

6. Be active every day

You can’t expect a dormant Vine account to get much buzz. If your goal is to become a hit on Vine, you need to work at cultivating your persona each and every day. Make a plan to dedicate the first 15 minutes of your day to Vine activity. Start your morning by coming up with witty topics and scenarios that you can share with your followers.

7. Cultivate a unique style

All the great filmmakers have their own unique quirks that can be easily identified by fans. While a Vine video isn’t the same as a major motion picture, you should approach each video you make as if it’s a work of art. Take some time to cultivate a unique look and style that your fans will know you by.

8. Don’t cram

You only have six precious seconds to make a huge impression on Vine. Many people fall into the trap of trying to say too much in that short span of time. Avoid cramming too much activity into your six seconds if you want to create something that is actually worth watching. You should focus on one key visual element per video when creating your videos.

9. Don’t shake

A shaky Vine video is the sign of an amateur. It is important to hold your phone or camera steady when shooting your footage. If you can’t seem to keep your hand steady, consider investing in a tripod that can hold your recording device.

10. Get loopy

Are you wondering what people are searching for most on Vine? You might be surprised that people want videos with loops. Once you achieve a perfect loop, viewers will watch your video over and over again. A loop is a great way to rack up views quickly.

Featured photo credit: Disney | ABC Television Group via

The post 10 Vital Stepping Stones to Becoming a Vine Star appeared first on Lifehack.

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