
quarta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2016

10 Things Young People Can Do That Old People Wish They Could

us army

It’s been said that age is nothing but a number. However, anyone over a certain age who has tried to rock a pair of ripped denim shorts or show up with their girl squad at a Taylor Swift concert has probably learned why that’s not always true.

The older generation has become fascinated with the trends that today’s younger crowd is wrapped up in. In fact, trends are actually growing from the bottom up as far as age is concerned. Today’s biggest stars, artists and influencers are getting younger and younger by the minute. Any adult will tell you that they’re feeling a little envious of the freedom and unapologetic attitude today’s young movers and shakers seem to enjoy. Need proof?

Let’s look at the 10 things young people can do that older people wish they could.

1. Become the Next American Idol

A timeless voice doesn’t translate to an ageless voice when it comes to America’s top talent show. It turns out celebrity judges aren’t concerned with hearing from talented people who have been on the planet for more than a quarter of a century. You must be under the age of 24 if you want to audition in front of the judges to become a superstar on “American Idol.”

2. Become Miss America

Your pageant dreams are about to get dashed if you’re older than 24. It turns out that ladies must be between the ages of 17 and 24 in order to qualify to take to the stage in pursuit of the crown.

3. Join the Armed Forces

Older adults don’t have a lot of options to serve if they are struck with a sense of patriotism later in life. The maximum age for Army recruits is 35. The Navy won’t consider anyone over the age of 34. Of course, older adults are really out of luck if they dream of being in the Marines. The elite division caps the recruitment age at a mere 28.

4. Learn Technology

When it comes to learning how to use the latest gadgets and apps, study after study has shown that people under 30 are as fast as lightning when compared to older adults. This can be frustrating for older adults who struggle with understanding how to update a Facebook post or upload a photo to Instagram. Growing up with technology at their fingertips since birth has given today’s young adults an edge when it comes to keeping up with technology at home and in the workplace.

5. Rock a Chained Swimsuit Harness

Leave it to one of the Jenner sisters to prove that style definitely comes with some age restrictions. Kylie Jenner recently channeled vintage Princess Leia by rocking a chained swimsuit harness at the beach. Of course, girls everywhere were rushing to get their hands on one of their own. Sensible fashionistas over the legal drinking age could only roll their eyes at this impractical look. This is one popular beach trend that anyone over the age of 21 will have a hard time pulling off without feeling a tiny bit foolish.

6. Define the Art Scene

Pablo Picasso was just 13 when he entered the Barcelona’s School of Fine Arts and started churning out some of the most iconic paintings in all of history. If you haven’t picked up a paintbrush by the time you’ve reached the voting age, there’s a good chance you might never become the darling of the art scene. Many of today’s biggest art exhibitions actually close off entry to artists over the age of 30. For example, A British publication hosted an exhibition that invited 40 young artists between the ages of 18 and 30 to create and show works that demonstrated the response of today’s youth to the idea that multiculturalism is dead. Anyone older just wasn’t allowed to participate.

7. Engage in Texting Drama

Staying up all night in bed shooting off texts to friends or a sweetheart is something that all young people do these days. In fact, the drama doesn’t even begin to heat up until it’s time to turn on Jimmy Fallon. Of course, staying up late just to spit out argument-laden texts all night is something that older people simply don’t have the luxury of doing. Responsibilities like getting the kids to school, getting to morning meetings or catching a train make it essential to put the texting drama to bed when it’s time to actually go to bed.

8. Date College Students

Once you’re out of your 20s, dating someone who is still in college will turn some heads. While there is certainly nothing illegal or immoral about dating a student once you’ve entered your third decade on the planet, it will draw a lot of opinions from friends and family. If you want to avoid drama, the basic rule is to avoid dating someone if you are technically old enough to be their parent.

9. Use Dating Apps for Free

Maturity comes with a price tag in the world of dating apps. Many popular apps actually charge a higher fee to users over a certain age. For instance Tinder charges a monthly fee of $19.99 if you’re over the age of 30. That’s nearly double the cost charged to younger users.

10. Be an MTV Reality Star

“The Real World” became a television show that defined a generation after it debuted in 1992. While the cast members of each season deal with some very mature subject matter in the house, none of them are actually that mature in age. You must be under the age of 25 to send in an audition tape for the show.

Featured photo credit: The U.S. Army via

The post 10 Things Young People Can Do That Old People Wish They Could appeared first on Lifehack.

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