
quarta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2016

10 Mood-Boosting Foods That Can Cure A Bad Day


Some foods may comfort you and make you feel good at the time. But if you really want to make your day better, there are some foods that really can boost your mood long term. Curious to know what they are? I can tell you — they are not what you’d expect. So, let met tell you what these foods are and why they help you cure your bad day.

1. Celery


As I said, some surprising foods can cure your bad day. This crunchy green is refreshing and helpful. Celery has a chemical that lowers the amount of stress hormones you have in your blood. Your body will stress less and you can carry on feeling more relaxed.

2. Barley


During the day, you need some carbs to fill up on. There are plenty of carbs in your comfort foods which will satisfy you, but they may not make you happy. Barley is a complex carbohydrate, so it will stimulate your brain to make “happy hormones,” or serotonin. This is a great way to lighten your mood.

3. Spinach


Add spinach to your shopping list! Spinach has folate in it, and the more you have in your blood, the better you’ll feel. Not only does it cure a bad day, it can even decrease feelings of depression. Better add spinach to your daily food plan!

4. Bananas


If you don’t sleep well at night and that’s making you have a bad day, you might have a low copper intake. Bananas are just one of the foods that will give you a little boost. Try eating a banana for dessert, and who knows, you may just improve your night and day.

5. Salmon


Salmon is high in omega-3. It may not be the only fish with lots of omega-3, but with fish you need to be careful — some fish have lots of metals and can cause negative effects, such as developmental problems in children. It still is important to take in plenty of omega-3, since it eases symptoms of depression. Try to eat fish about twice a week to keep the bad days away!

6. Water


Being sad, down, or annoyed can be caused by being dehydrated. Do you take in enough water? Try to drink at least 8 glasses or 2 liters every day. Dehydration doesn’t just make you have a bad day, but it can cause many other health problems.

7. Tea


Theanine is equal to caffeine, but in tea. Drinking tea daily can help you focus, because of the amino acids present. Enjoy up to 6 cups a day to feel the benefits.

8. Saffron


Saffron has been used for centuries as an antidepressant. There have been studies to show the effectiveness of saffron, which is claimed to be equally effective as any antidepressant given by medical professionals. If you have a bad day, but think it may be more than that, saffron will help you get back on your feet and feel good. Try adding a little to your favorite dishes!

9. Kidney Beans


Kidney beans have lots of positive minerals that you need to feel better. They contain magnesium, iron, folate, and selenium. All of these are important to help you feel better. Kidney beans are like a little present on a rainy day. If you feel down, eat some kidney beans!

10. Clams


Clams, as well as mussels, are rich in B12. B12 has often been said to help when you are low in energy, but it also helps with your brain function. B12 is not found in that many foods, so you need to make sure you take in plenty. And if you want your brain to be able to function normally, you need to keep the B12 coming.

Photo Credits: Celery, Barley, Spinach, Banana, Salmon, Water, Tea, Saffron, Kidney Beans and Clams via Creative Commons.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

The post 10 Mood-Boosting Foods That Can Cure A Bad Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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