
terça-feira, janeiro 12, 2016

30 Popular New Years Resolutions From Around The Web


It’s easy making a New Year’s resolution – the hard part is sticking to it. And yet, every year people renew their efforts to set fresh goals for themselves. To truly embrace the year, however, you have to find a resolution that appeals to your identity.

Thankfully, the internet has so many suggestions that it shouldn’t be difficult for you to pick a resolution you would enjoy. Here are 30 popular resolutions this year from around the web:

  1. Travel more. See the world and gain new experiences. You might still only have a vague idea of where you want to go, but there’s nothing more tempting than wanting to get out and see more of the world.
  2. Quit smoking. Lots of people want to escape their addiction to tobacco. While there are many books, products, and systems out there that can help you with your struggle, it remains up to you to take the bull by the horns and quit!
  3. Be healthier. People want to eat healthier and improve their overall health.
  4. Appreciate your personality more. There’s no point in hating yourself while letting critics have the last laugh.
  5. Read more books. More importantly, pick quality material that will help you become successful.
  6. Stop procrastinating. Start taking action and getting things done rather than making excuses or waiting for everything to be perfect.
  7. Learn something new. It could be a skill that has always intrigued you. The new year is time to evaluate your abilities and find something new that you enjoy and deeply pursue it.
  8. Learn to persevere. Discipline yourself as you stick to keeping a new habit (or kicking an old one).
  9. Say no. You can’t help everyone. You have to be more selective about the things you pursue.
  10. Get educated. These days, educating yourself can be cheap if you take advantage of the online platforms available to you.
  11. Get a mentor. Find someone that can help you grow and bring out the best in you.
  12. Be more aggressive. Strive for what you want and go after it.
  13. Stand up for something.
  14. Be more positive and optimistic about the things you enjoy.
  15. Prioritize. Stop putting your energy into things that don’t matter to you.
  16. Work. Don’t be idle. Take action and make valuable contributions to your life.
  17. Network. Professionally and personally. Find ways to meet more people. LinkedIn can assist you in this regard.
  18. Improve your communication skills.
  19. Take care of your mental and physical health.
  20. Update yourself with the latest market trends and opportunities.
  21. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
  22. Share your knowledge with others.
  23. Broaden your horizons. Seek new interests. Don’t be too rigid: Find new hobbies and pastimes that will make you feel alive.
  24. Learn a new language. There are many apps that can help you with including Duolingo.
  25. Adopt a pet. Find an animal you want to spend some time and communicate with.
  26. Contribute to a cause. Giving back to the world around you could mean so much for our existence here on earth.
  27. Reduce stress. We live in a busy world. If you can find a way to clear out your work schedule and leave time to relax, the better it can be for you.
  28. Pay off your debt. It can be student loans, a mortgage, or even credit card payments.
  29. Get organized. There is no better way to get more done, manage your time, and live stress-free.
  30. Embrace the unknown. Take more risks. Find value in what you have never tried before.

With these popular New Years resolutions, we wish you the best of luck in attaining everything that you want this year.

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The post 30 Popular New Years Resolutions From Around The Web appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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