
terça-feira, janeiro 26, 2016

3 Easy Ways to Shake the After-Holiday Blues

Greenland Travel on flickr

Now that the excitement and busyness of the holidays is over, it’s time to take a big sigh and get back to normal daily life. This can be a tough time, especially for families who have been extra busy. The beginning of the year is when most people focus on things like taking down all the Christmas decor, (especially the outside lights), cleaning up the house, getting more organized and catching up on some lost sleep. But, some people feel a kind of emotional letdown after the holidays, and this is normal. There are also those who suffer from depression that can vary from mild to serious. Quite a few people suffer from a common winter disorder called SID (seasonal affective disorder), which can be caused by a lack of sunlight and vitamin D deficiency. If you are worried about depression, you should discuss it with your physician. If you are struggling mildly with low moods and lack of energy, here are a 3 easy things you can do that will keep you busy, cheer you up and help you shake off any sluggish winter blahs:

Chris Reed on flickr

1. Get outside

Even in cold weather, you can go outside and get some exercise. Research shows that there are multiple benefits to exercise, including weight control, prevention of disease, mood improvement, more energy, and better sleep. Not only does it makes you healthier physically, but it enhances your emotional moods. Exercise can actually make you feel happier because of the release of endorphines in your brain. You can feel better just by walking. There are many ways to exercise in winter, even if you just do stretches and situps in your living room. Try getting out and doing something fun with your partner, family or friends like ice skating or cross country skiing.

Andrew Writer on Flickr

2. Eat healthier

The holidays are great for gathering families together and celebrating, but it can be easy to indulge a little too much in foods that are high in calories and overeat at holiday parties and dinners. It’s also very common to overdose on sweet snacks during the holidays like cookies, fudge and cake. So, January is a good time to try and cut back on calories and reduce your sugar intake. If you just remember to eat more raw fruits and vegetables and less processed foods, you will be doing your body a favor. Try cutting back your portions on bread, meat and dairy products, if you want to lose weight and be healthier. You might study the benefits of a vegan diet.

Stewartde on flickr

3. Get creative with your photos

One thing that definitely helps potential winter mood swings and boredom is to get busy on a creative project. One idea is to look over all the pictures you took with your phone or camera and do something with them. Here are some things you can do with your photos:

  • Make an online album to share with friends
  • Order an enlargement of the best photo
  • Enlarge old family photos to put on the wall

Aimee.craze on flickr

  • Make your own creative cards
  • Post your best shot on Facebook or Twitter
  • Have a keepsake photobook made

Renauld Camus on Flickr

Besides posting photos in an online album to share with your friends, there are other ways to enjoy pictures. Use your best holiday photos for a fun project to do with your kids, or as a way to enhance your home decor. If you have old family photos and you put them into albums or on the wall, you can cherish the memories. Cards are great to have on hand for any occasion. Photobooks are easy to create at many online sites and they are a more permanent way to make your Christmas photos something you can keep forever. If you get outside and exercise, eat healthier and dive into a creative photo project, you will most likely beat the winter blues, feel better, and get a good start on the new year.

Featured photo credit: Greenland Travel on Flickr via

The post 3 Easy Ways to Shake the After-Holiday Blues appeared first on Lifehack.

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