
domingo, dezembro 06, 2015

10 Reasons Why Having Your Babies at a Young Age is Awesome


I had my son when I was 21 years old. While most of my friends were going to bars and job interviews, I was decorating a nursery and changing poopy diapers. I loved it. I was exactly where I needed to be, and yet people still treated me like I was doing something wrong. People always marvel with horror at how young my husband and I are. When I returned to school and I mentioned that I had a son, my fellow classmate’s mouths would drop open and a rousing course of “I’ll never have kids!” would assail my ears.

With rising feminism women are gaining more respect in the work place and more opportunities. This is such an achievement to be celebrated, and we need to push for even greater gender equality. But in this fight for empowerment, motherhood has been labelled as an anti-feminist choice, when in reality the point of feminism is to gain the right for all women to make what ever choice they desire. If a woman decides to become a mother at a young age, then good for her! That is her right as a woman to make that choice. The fact that I kept my son and was a stay-at-home mom for the first nine months of his life does not make me any less of a feminist.

This is not intended to hate on women who decide to have children later in life. If that’s your choice-then good for you! I just want to support and encourage mama’s who decided to have their babies young. We don’t get the respect or credit we deserve! So, let’s celebrate ourselves and our wonderful choices! Here are 10 reasons why having your babies young is AWESOME.

1. More Time

I will most likely be able to see my kids retire. I will get to be a part of my son’s life through so many different seasons. My odds of becoming a great-grandmother (which is a total dream of mine!) are much greater than if I had waited another ten years to become a mother. If all goes according to plan, I will most likely get more time with my children than someone who waited until their thirties.

2. Flexible time

Having a child in the middle of my college career seems like the most inconvenient thing ever, but in reality it has worked out swimmingly. When I returned to school my son was old enough to be away from me for several hours at a time, but school never required me to be away from more than four or five hours at a time. The time requirements of classes are so minimal compared to a nine to five job! I honestly think in the right circumstances, during college is one of the easiest times to have a baby.

3. Quick Bounce Back

It’s just a biological fact. Younger bodies bounce back to their pre-pregnancy fitness level quicker than older bodies do. Not that fussing over pre-pregnancy weights is wise or even important to do, but as a 21-year-old it was relatively easy to fit into my old jeans several months after my son was born. Sure I have stretch marks, but most people are surprised to learn that I’ve had a baby!

4. Skipping the Heartbreak

There are so many inconsequential parts of my life before I was married or a mother that used to keep me up at night. Worrying about dates, going to that cool party, losing five pounds to look better in that dress…etc. etc. I definitely still have my insecurities and frivolous worries, but my priorities are so different now that I have no time or interest in worrying about the silly things I did before. I feel fortunate that I am going to skip another decade of the stress and heartbreak that often come with single life. It doesn’t have to-but it definitely was my experience.

5. Finances

Imagine trying to save for retirement at the same time as paying for your kids tuition! Yikes! My husband and I will likely be finished putting our kids through college and still have time to refocus on our own retirement before it’s too late. Also, babies are expensive, but not as expensive as everyone makes them seem. We did cloth diapers for the first year of my son’s life and he still wears mostly thrift store clothes or hand-me-downs. It’s not glamorous, but he has no concept of designer brands or prestige! He just needs a mom and dad who love him wholeheartedly — not fancy clothes or toys.

6. Fertility

Getting pregnant doesn’t always happen quickly. If you’re young and trying to conceive, there’s no stress! You have plenty of time! Plus, your body is in it’s prime baby-making years, so getting pregnant  will be easier than if you were older.

7. Early Empty Nesters

My husband and I will be empty nesters in our early forties. That’s a lot of time for us to travel, change careers, move and rediscover our marriage outside the context of hands-on parenting. Many people wait to have kids until several years into their marriage in order to have some time “alone together.” I’m not looking forward to the day that my son decides to head off into the world on his own, but I do find myself day dreaming about all of the freedom my husband and I will have at such a relatively young age.

8. More Energy

Another biological plus about having babies young is a greater reservoir of energy to work with. It’s no surprise that babies are exhausting. They are up every few hours, they constantly need to be fed, rocked and cooed. They are constantly pooping. Babies require care 24/7. And when you’re younger this exhaustion isn’t as debilitating. My husband and I are still able to stay up late talking into the night like we did when we were dating. Of course, we always kick ourselves in the morning when our son woke up at five a.m. but those tired memories were worth it.

9. Optimal Career Planning

It might seem counter intuitive, but getting the trying years of baby raising under my belt in my early twenties will prepare me to more successfully devote myself to my career when I’m ready. Instead of getting several years into my chosen career then taking a big break off of work to stay home for a few months, I’ll be able to commit myself to a career without the burden of juggling a newborn or pregnancy with work demands.

10. Start a Family

My husband and my son are my two favorite humans. They are my people. I cannot imagine my life without my son. He is a giggly, curious, adventurous little joy. I wouldn’t trade a single minute with him for a more flexible schedule and a million dollars. Having his presence in my life makes everything more sweet. I’m so glad I didn’t wait even one more year before inviting him into my life. By having my son when I was young I got to meet the most precious little boy even sooner!

Featured photo credit: Gabriela Pinto via

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15 Self-Care Ideas for When You’re Feeling Down

Girl Feeling Free In A Yellow Field At Sunset

I suck at self-care. I don’t get it. Am I supposed to take care of my physical biological needs? I already do that. Am I supposed to go buy myself a coffee, sit down and journal for an hour each day? Who’s supposed to watch my kid during this? Get a pedicure? As if I can afford that. Rub my own feet? Unsatisfying. I’ve had many counselors and friends explain and re-explain the importance of self-care to me, and I’m finally begin to understand how significant it really is for my emotional well-being.

Here are my favorite 15 self-care ideas for when I’m feeling down.

1. Write

Get a journal that you keep handy to write whatever you need to. Sometimes it’s helpful to slow down and write about a problem, fear, struggle, or memory. Writing by hand will help you to slow down and process your situation more fully. But sometimes you might not want to write about the struggle or pain. It’s too difficult. So if you’re feeling like it’s too raw to process, just write about your day or make a list of your favorite candies or movies. Just write.

2. Talk to a friend, family member or even pet!

Verbalize your pain. Making yourself speak out loud about your emotions will help you to not isolate yourself or allow yourself to spiral into an emotional tsunami that is hard to escape from. If the situation feels too personal, just share it will your dog! I’m certain Spot will keep your secret, and in my experience, my dog is sometimes the very best comforter. (And she’s certainly the least judgmental listener I know!)

3. Cry

Let the tears flow. The best way to take care of yourself is to let yourself feel the emotions you need to feel. Bottling up your sadness or anger is not going to help you move past it. If you plant pain, you grow bitterness.

4. Move your body

You’ve heard it before: exercise releases endorphins and “endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t shoot their husbands!” (Elle Woods, Legally Blonde) If you can get yourself to do some yoga or go for a run, then you will seriously be doing yourself a service. But sometimes, just a walk around the block is enough to care for yourself when you’re feeling emotionally raw.

5. Shower

The shower is a place to be alone and focus on yourself without forcing yourself to engage the deep stuff if you don’t want to. You can mull over your parents’ divorce in the hot water, or you could focus or lathering up your shampoo. You need both and both are good you.

6. Make food

Don’t just eat, but make food. Cooking is a tactile and productive activity that will nourish your body and mind. The physical act of caring enough to make yourself a meal is a practical way to show yourself some love.

7. Blow bubbles or color

As juvenile as it sounds, blowing bubbles or coloring in a coloring book are simple, easy ways to ground yourself in the reality of your situation and relieve some stress. Allow yourself to return to childhood activities and feel a lightness return to your spirit. These are also great activities to engage in if you experience panic attacks or PTSD related flash backs.

8. Deep breathing

Practice breathing in for 8 seconds through your nose and exhaling for 8 seconds through your mouth. This conscious effort to slow down is a great start to gaining perspective. Plus, the added oxygen to your brain will help you calm down, lower your heart rate and quell rising stress levels.

9. Interact with an animal

Scientific studies have shown that interacting with an animal will lower your heart rate, drop your blood pressure and reduce stress. Care for yourself by caring for your pet! Your pet will thank you for it, and you will benefit greatly as well!

10. Sleep

It is not uncommon for people to slog through life on five hours of sleep or less. Our bodies are not created to thrive on so little sleep. We need a chance to turn off and recharge and if we aren’t given that opportunity in sleep, our physical and emotional health will struggle. I am extremely guilty of not giving my body the rest it needs. If I’m having a bad day or my emotions are getting the best of me, I can almost always point to the poor sleep I got the night before as the culprit. Make rest a priority and give yourself the gift of sleep.

11. Have boundaries

Boundaries are not popular in today’s culture. We often over schedule ourselves and over commit out of a sense of obligation to others. But if you aren’t able to bring your best self to the table then you aren’t doing anyone a service by overexerting yourself. Establish healthy boundaries with your calendar, your work and your relationships. Give yourself the time you need to take care of yourself so you can better take care of others.

12. Cultivate a hobby

Teach yourself to knit. Buy a scrapbook. Start a blog. Attend a class where you drink wine and paint. Create a hobby that is just for you and brings you joy. Having an intentional activity in your life that serves no end other than to bring you happiness will go a long way to foster healthy self-care.

13. Try something new

You can care for your mental health by challenging your mind to learn and expand. You will give yourself a boost by pushing your boundaries and stepping outside your comfort zone. Take a new route home from work. Go to an ethnic restaurant you’ve never tried. Learn a language with Rosetta Stone. Challenge your mind and it will be grateful for it.

14. Meditate or pray

Accessing your spirit/soul through meditation and pray is essential to holistic human health. Allowing yourself to really think about your values and beliefs will help you to feel more solid in your identity. Even if you don’t unlock the Truth of the Universe, or completely understand God or Divinity, giving yourself to space to engage with those big questions will go a long way in your emotional and spiritual life. It’s okay to not have all the answers, but you have to start letting yourself ask the questions.

15. Hug someone

Hug someone, or hold hands with a loved one. We need physical touch. We are hardwired to physically encounter other people, and our culture is becoming more and more digitized which is eliminating opportunities for essential non-sexual human contact. Let yourself linger in a hug from a friend or ask your partner to give you a non-sexual back rub. We need more of this kind of contact in order to be healthier and happier people.

This list is just a start! Begin the practice of consciously taking care of yourself and you will never regret it.

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via

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10 Reasons You Should Own Bitcoins

10 Reasons to own bitcoins

Bitcoins have been all over the media lately. As Tim Draper believes: “Bitcoins are opening up a space that will create a revolution like the personal computers did in the 1970’s or the internet did in the 1990’s” . This article presents 10 reasons why you should be owning Bitcoins:

1. Bitcoins are independent of any central authority

Bitcoin is a digital currency that originated in 2009 by a software developer called Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoins are independent of any central authority. Therefore, no government nor central bank rules over them


2. Lower fees than other traditional online payments

Bitcoins come with almost no fees. In addition, all the apps and services that have been built around the Bitcoin ecosystem, and which the vast majority of end users end up using also carry lower fees than other traditional online payment methods.


3. Its the largest cryptocurrency out there

As of now, there are lots of cryptocurrency on the internet. However, Bitcoins are by far the one with the largest user adoption and market cap. Therefore, if you have to pick a cryptocurrency, go for Bitcoins!


4. Europe just regulated it as a commodity exempt of VAT

Europe has just approved regulations that qualify Bitcoins as a commodity. Therefore, they are exempt from VAT. The price of bitcoins is defined by demand and supply. The new regulations are likely to produce an increase for the demand of Bitcoins as they are regularized and exempt of tax within the European monetary union.


5.  High volatility in the equities market can positively affect the price of bitcoin

2015 has proven to be a highly volatile year for the equities as stocks markets around the world have been rallying up and down. Bitcoins are seen for some as a substitute to gold and therefore as a mean to store value. High volatility in the markets can create an inflow of money into Bitcoins. During the coming months the markets are likely to be highly volatile.


6. More and more companies are creating tools for the Bitcoin ecosystem

Venture capitalists have poured tons of money into the Bitcoin ecosystem. Different services and apps enabling the end user are now available for the non-technical consumers. As more products are build and used in the bitcoin ecosystem, the adoption rate for Bitcoins will increase and its demand with it. This mean you can easily turn a few hundred dollars into a few thousand dollars with enough increase in demands.


7. To prevent a possible bank run (Think Greece or Argentina)

Remember bank runs? You do not have to go that far in time. Both Argentina and Greece have suffered bank runs in the lasts years. Bitcoins can be a solution to store wealth outside of the traditional banking system and therefore avoiding people to panic when bank runs take place.

This photo dated October 24th, 1929, shows a view of people rushing to a saving bank in Millbury, Massachusetts as the stock market on Wall Street crashed, sparking a run on banks that spread across the country.

8-. Upwards trend in the coming month

If we know something about Bitcoins is that they are highly volatile. Through 2015 it seemed for a while that the cryptocurrency would find a price resistance to stick to but the rally in October and post fall in November proved this stability wrong. However, Bitcoins are on upward trend towards $600 per Bitcoin that should start to stabilize through 2016.


9. Most secure way to pay online

The bitcoin protocol provides the most secure system to make online payments and with so many payment processing system creating products for the end user, bitcoins are definitely one of the most secure options to proceed online payments.


10. To be an early adopter of the powerful blockchain technology

The most powerful about bitcoins, is not the bitcoin (aka the cryptocurrency). But the blockchain that they have behind. A blockchain is just a confusing name for a share data base and it will have lots of large scale applications. Bitcoins allow you to become one of the early users in this technology that can revolutionize the world.


If you want to learn more about Bitcoins, the powers of the blockchain and why Bitcoins are likely to increase in price over the coming months check: My First 20 Hours With Bitcoin

Featured photo credit: Bitcoins via

The post 10 Reasons You Should Own Bitcoins appeared first on Lifehack.

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Research Finds Bitter Melon Can Kill Cancer Cells And Treat Diabetes


Diabetes and cancer are two of the most devastating chronic illnesses in America today — and it appears that a small Asian fruit might be able to help treat them both. Read on to find out more about the great benefits you get from bitter melon — and what the latest research is saying.

You Get a Great Combination of Nutrients and Antioxidants

Bitter melon (also called bitter gourd or balsam pear) is a fruit native to Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean and in those regions has been used for thousands of years both as a folk remedy and a food source.  It is in the same family as other super-healthy foods like cucumbers and melons and is loaded with nutrients, including folate, Vitamins A and C, and potassium.  It is also antioxidant-rich, containing both beta-carotene and lutein.  Many researchers believe that it is its unique combination of nutrients that make it effective against both cancer and diabetes.

You Get Great Anti-Cancer Benefits

The newest study that everyone is talking about is out of the University of Colorado which has been conducting both in vitro (test tube) and in vivo (live animal) studies on the health effects of bitter melon, in this case in regards to pancreatic cancer. Both types of studies have shown that the extract from this melon is able to inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells (which leads to tumor growth) and to induce apotosis (cell death). Scientists believe that it is able to do this through cutting off the supply of glucose to the cancer cells, which they then use as a energy source to grow and spread.

This is great news for patients with pancreatic cancer, which is usually not detected until it is well-advanced and usually has a poor survival rate and few options for treatment.  But pancreatic cancer is not the only form of this disease that bitter melon has proved to be useful at treating.  Breast cancer, one of the most serious health problems facing American women today, has also proven to be effected by bitter melon in past research; studies done on prostate cancer cells have also been promising.

And because of this ability to regulate glucose and insulin in the body, scientists wondered what its effect would be on diabetics….

You Can Treat Diabetes Naturally, Too

Diabetics, like cancer patients, can also benefit from the use of bitter melon in their diets. It is not just the University of Colorado study which proved its ability to regulate insulin levels — and thus the levels of glucose in the body. A 2008 study published in the journal Chemistry and Biology found that diabetics using bitter melon regularly did exhibit better control of their blood sugars and an increased sensitivity to the action of insulin — in other words, the bitter melon allowed their bodies to use the glucose more efficiently.  A more recent 2011 study which appeared in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology also found that diabetics taking around 2000mg of bitter melon extract daily did display better glycemic control, though this affect was not found to be as strong as the common anti-diabetic drug metformin.

You Should Talk to a Professional First, Though….

According to the Sloane Kettering Memorial Cancer Center (SMKCC), however, there are some precautions to be aware of before you start taking bitter melon. The most important one is that it should not be taken by women during pregnancy, as it can induce vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions and miscarriage. It should also not be taken along with oral anti-diabetic drugs or insulin, since it can cause blood sugars to drop to a dangerously low levels. Some reactions, including atrial fibrillation, stomach ulcers and allergic reactions have also been reported.

In short, if you are struggling with diabetes or cancer or know someone who is, bitter melon is definitely an herb to investigate. However, it should only be done under the supervision of a doctor or naturopath who is trained in the use of medicinal herbs and can guide you as to dosage and other concerns so that you are taking it safely!

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This Shows You How Dogs Can Help with Christmas Decorations

This Shows You How Dogs Can Help with Christmas Decorations

Well now, here’s a video that’s been blazing quite a trail across the internet.

Once you start watching, it’ll be easy to see why. I mean, is there really anything more awesome than seeing a bunch of dogs expertly put up Christmas decorations? I just wish I had trained my Dachshunds to do this! Would have made putting up the hundreds of ornaments my family has just a little bit easier. Truth be told, while watching these dogs put up ornaments was great, what I enjoyed most was seeing them physically place gifts under the tree.

If you’ve ever had to haul a ton of gifts from one place to another, or climb a ladder to place ornaments on the upper end of your Christmas tree, you’ll definitely appreciate what these dogs accomplished!

Featured photo credit: Christmas Decorations/ Ian Wilson via

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5 Tips to Preserve Your Home for Safety and Profit


Your home means a lot to you and is one of the most valuable assets you have. There are simple ways you can preserve your home to ensure it stands the test of time. Money saving tips that allow your home to not only retain it’s value but to increase it also.

When your home is properly maintained, you prevent bacteria from festering within cracks or in the foundation. Planning out a strategy to do these essentials on a bi-annual basis will ensure safety, hygiene and the prevention of deterioration to your home. You can do the work yourself or get professionals that know the ins and outs of keeping your home maintained. For instance, the co-owner of a large cleaning company in Austin, TX stated recently “keeping your home clean can preserve the retail value of your appliances.” There are other service providers that specifically do exterior painting to prevent deterioration and clean gutters to prevent mold growth. Think of the maintenance of your home as the best investment you can make, ensuring minor problems are fixed so major issues don’t occur.

1. A Fresh Coat of Paint on the Exterior


For maximum curb appeal and protection of the exterior walls of your home, add a fresh coat of paint to the outside. You can change the whole look of your home by choosing the right tone and color. What was once dull can be transformed to a welcoming, warm home front. If you plan on selling your home, a fresh coat of paint on the outside of your house will add value and create more interest. Even if your home is aging, a new paint job will make it look much newer than it is. You also preserve your home because you protect the exterior walls from retaining water. When your exterior retains water, it can cause unhealthy molds to form.

2. Maintain Kitchen Appliances


For optimum performance of your kitchen appliances, it’s important to clean and maintain them every two months. This includes cleaning of refrigerator coils and changing the vent filter. Keeping drains free of build up is as simple as mixing vinegar, baking soda and hot water together and pouring down your drains. Some of the other projects might be a bit more challenging and if your time is limited, you may want to consider deep cleaning services. Maid services that offer a deep clean have trained cleaners that can maintain appliances effectively.

3. Protect Your Foundation


Did you know that planting anything within 8 inches of your home outside is asking for rot? The plants and soil will perpetuate constant moisture which will lead to serious rot within the foundation. A rotting foundation will wreak havoc on the health of your home and your family. It can crack or leak, allowing moisture into your home. On top of that, drywall can be affected and crack while windows and door stick to the frames. This creates gaps in your home that allow cold air in which is going to cost you in heating. To avoid this type of damage, prune bushes and shrubs that are close to your home. Another way to preserve your home is to not allow the soil around your house to dry out completely as it can shrink. When the next bout of rain comes, the soil then expands which puts considerable stress on your foundation. When you’re experiencing a long dry spell, occasionally run a soaker hose around the house to keep the soil from contracting.

4. Safety Stuff


To preserve your home and keep it safe for all that live in it, it’s important to regularly check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A good rule of thumb for remembering to check is to do so when you change the clocks back and forward. Make sure to have your chimneys swept bi-annually, which is a service that might be best left to professionals. Air vent systems and kitchen vents should be thoroughly cleaned and when possible, you can vacuum vents. You’ll be preventing disaster like fires, carbon monoxide poisoning and maintaining a clean air environment within the home.

5. Keep Gutters Clean


Keeping your gutters clean is essential for the health of your home and your roof. Having to replace a roof before it’s expiry date is a huge financial loss and it’s simple to protect it. The ideal time to clean the gutters and clear your drains are in August, before the autumn as you need to make space for the falling leaves and debris from the windy season. You may want to have professionals do this work as they will also investigate the flashing which is the material that seals your chimney and joints to avoid leaking. If you’re feeling confident however, get up on the roof and power wash your gutters, drains and flashing.

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