
quarta-feira, novembro 11, 2015

Why You Should Definitely Replace Your Coffee With Tea


Coffee. Some people swear that they cannot function until they have it flowing through their system in the mornings. It is the reason why there are Starbucks everywhere and anywhere you go in the world. Although coffee is a drink that is savored around the globe, a cup of tea can have greater benefits.

Read on to see why replacing your morning cup of joe with herbal tea can provide numerous health-related perks.

You will boost your mood

Coffee is associated with an energy bolt that can leave you on edge if you consume too much. Tea, on the other hand, helps you remain calm  with herbs such as chamomile or lavender. Drinking a cup of tea before a stressful day at the office will help soothe any frazzled nerves and thus increase your overall performance and personal demeanor.

You’ll trim your waistline

One of the benefits of drinking green tea is that it can help you lose weight by making fat cells smaller and speeding up muscle cells. It also contributes to a slimmer waistline by speeding up your metabolism. In a study by the American Journal of Clinical Review, daily green tea consumption over 12 weeks helped individuals lose weight. Tea also has a lot less calories, especially if you are used to drinking your coffee with creamer.

You will have a stronger immune system

Tea can help boost your immune system, especially green tea that contains EGCG antioxidants. Swapping your daily cup of coffee for tea will help ward off any of those nasty colds and flus that always seem to be making their ways around schools, workplaces and your home.

Buying teas with echinacea can also provide a extra layer of protection against germs.

You’ll sleep better

One of the issues with drinking coffee is that if you consume it too late in the day, you may have trouble sleeping at night. With tea, there are numerous types that you can enjoy that do not have the high levels of caffeine that coffee has. There are even teas that contain natural sleep aids like Valerian root, therefore helping you achieve that deeper night’s sleep.

You will enjoy better digestion

Anything with high levels of caffeine can create high levels of acidity in your body that can contribute to indigestion, heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders. Teas like ginger and peppermint are a perfect remedy to make your body more alkaline.

You’ll have better oral hygiene

Tea has fluoride and tannins that help reduce plaque within your mouth. Adding tea into your morning routine will help promote dental hygiene.

Just be sure that your tea is not sweetened with sugar, which can have the opposite effect.

You will get help in warding off cancer

Green tea and black tea has a high level of antioxidants that can help prevent cancer. In green tea it is the polyphenols and in black tea the theaflavins and thearubigins.

Even through tea is seen as something beneficial, drinking too many glasses can actually have adverse effects, so make sure to sip in moderation.

You will not be as dependent

Coffee has an addictive nature to it, which explains why you can experience headaches if you stop drinking it. Tea on the other hand is non-habit forming, but still has a bit of caffeine in it that can give you a head start in the morning. Try a black or green tea to wake your body up first thing in the morning.

For a natural drink that has high levels of caffeine, but is not as addictive as coffee, try Yerba Mate, a beverage that is commonly consumed in parts of South America.

Featured photo credit: Woman with a Cup of Tea/VIKTOR HANACEK via

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15 Small Life Changes You Can Make To Become A Happier And Healthier Person

life change

So you want  to be happier and healthier. If you want to make  a life change for the better there are several different ways to get you there. It’s not difficult at all once you gain an understanding of your choices and you are willing to take action.

I have no doubt that the items on this list will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step.

1. Volunteer to Help Others

Sometimes we forget that there are others who need our help. When we give to others we come away with a sense of satisfaction that can’t be replicated.

Think of a time you’ve been there for someone and you will remember that feeling. Make this notion of serving others part of your weekly routine. You will be providing a life change for two people – yourself and the recipient of your kindness.

On a smaller scale you could also make ‘giving compliments’ part of your daily routine – this also has a pleasing affect on your mood and it’s a nice thing to do for others.

2. Wake Up Earlier

Getting up just a half an hour earlier than you need to can help you to feel calmer, more in control and generally happier.

Staying ahead of things means your’e avoiding the rush and cutting down on stress. Practise this every day and ultimately you will be happier and healthier.

3. Spend Money on Experiences

Researchers have found that spending money on items isn’t really what makes us happy. It may please us for a short while, but really what makes us happy is to spend our money on experiences.

So, go and book yourself  a day trip away to somewhere beautiful and cancel that order for the new laptop.

4. Laugh, Cry and Have Sex

Here are three ways to release endorphins (happy hormones) which will lift your mood in no time.

Who would have thought that crying could make you feel good. Well, it makes sense in a way as we know already that holding in tears doesn’t make us feel very good. The relief of letting it all out brings about happy emotions – so don’t hold back the next time you feel like blubbing.

We already know that sex is good for our health as it’s fantastic exercise but now that we know it’s good for our mood there’s no more excuses not to have a good romp.

5. Drink Almond Milk

Almond milk has many fantastic benefits while dairy milk can wreak havoc on the human body. Stay away from dairy and use almond milk as a replacement – your cardiovascular and skeletal system will benefit and you will also have better skin. This is definitely a small life change that will result in a healthier you.

6. Smile

Smiling releases endorphins or happy hormones which enhances mood.

If you put a pen horizontally between your teeth for a few minutes you will be forced to smile and your mood will thank you. This well researched phenomenon is an immediate fix for anyone who’s a bit in need of a lift.

A good tool to use here would be to take out an old photo album (that doesn’t contain upsetting photo’s) and flick through the pages. You will be smiling so much you’ll be feeling happy in no time.

7. Surround Yourself with Happy Healthy Folk

Our habits and our moods rub off on one another. We are impressionable beings both on an energy and psychological level.

If we are in a group of happy people for the afternoon we will inevitably feel happy as we make our journey home. So choose your company wisely and your mood will escalate steadily.

8. Breathe Properly

People get stressed and their breathing becomes shallow – they forget how to breathe properly.

Anytime you notice your breathing speed up and become shallow, stop what your’e doing and inhale deeply – hold for a second and let it out slowly. Repeat a few times until your breathe naturally slows down on it’s own.

You will feel relaxed and renewed after this exercise. It’s good for your lungs, your digestion, your circulatory system and of course it’s great for managing stress.

9. Expose Yourself To Humour

Just as with your choice of company – be careful about what other things you are exposed to. Watch lots of good comedy on T.V, read humorous books and listen to happy music.

We each have our own taste, but Melissa McCarthy does it for me every time.

10. Write a Pot List

This is like a baby bucket list. It’s a list of the top ten small things you wanna do in the next month. It could be something simple like going sailing or something more lasting like a new tattoo or rescuing a  dog. It’s completely up to you. There are so many adventures out there big and small just waiting to be realised. Now it’s your turn to have a little fun.

11. Change Your Sleep Routine

For about a year now, I have been going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning. People compliment me and say that I look really well and I’m pretty sure it’s down to my sleep pattern.

I don’t feel tired anymore – I’ m careful to get at least eight hours sleep every night. Of course there will be exceptions to this but as a rule have your set hours for getting up and going to bed.

12. Connect with Something Bigger than Yourself

Connecting with something like a community group, religion, nature or the universe is a surefire way to invite happiness into your life.

Get involved in a spiritual group or maybe something of interest to you in the community. There is always very positive energy in activities involving music and dance.

13. Eat, Drink and be Merry

Now don’t get all excited – I mean in moderation.

Those endorphins are just so easy to manufacture – turns out we can make even more if we drink wine (a glass a day), eat dark chocolate and spicy food (yummy).

Then we have tea – gingseng makes us happy and green and white tea are particularly healthy. Green tea is a great antioxidant. It does a fantastic job of cleansing our systems and it gets to work on those calories too (nice one!).

So throw out the coffee (go on just do it!) and buy yourself a few boxes of herbal tea. You’ll feel so much better.

14. Lift Weights

Lifting weights is all the rage now. It is thought to be the best way to get in shape and it has tremendous benefits for your posture and your muscle strength. Getting in shape makes us happy and you guessed it – healthy.

15. Be Grateful

Gratitude can be used as a tool for happiness and good health. Take some time every day to write down your messages of gratitude and see what happens. Many experts on the laws of the universe say that when you make a statement of gratitude you get more of what you are grateful for.

So if you state – “I am so grateful for my good health” – you will get more good health. I was very ill for some time and using gratitude everyday was a very big help to me.

Happiness and good health are intertwined – you get one then you have the other within your reach.

Taking action on even one or two of the above could have a dramatic effect on your life – so why not have a try and see how you get on. The effects of each change will be a reward in itself and you will build momentum as you work your way through the list.

Whatever you do – don’t forget to smile.

The post 15 Small Life Changes You Can Make To Become A Happier And Healthier Person appeared first on Lifehack.

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Science of Pricing (Infographic)


Science of Pricing (Infographic)

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How Geniuses Live Their Lives Every Day

Standing on fence

People often think of geniuses as unique thinkers that stand out from the crowd. Displaying exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, they are known to lead movements or discoveries.

As a society molded upon the work of geniuses such as Einstein, Jobs, Plato, and Freud, we gain inspiration from them to achieve our own creative feats. Although studies prove that geniuses and gifted people display some similar traits and have high IQs, what we forget is how much focus and hard work they put into delivering their achievements—which is something we can all choose to do!

In my early elementary school days, I was a few years ahead of my peers in Math and English and had difficulty relating to them. I therefore spent a lot of time in solitude and taught myself how to read music and play the piano. Although the academic side came naturally to me, I put in a lot of work to developing my creative talents.

Although some child prodigies who master chess, math, or musical instruments at a young age do exist, studies show that not all geniuses are born that way. Einstein was slow to speak as a child and Steve Jobs dropped out of college.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Alfred Barrious, who studied geniuses such as Edison, Socrates, Da Vinci, and Shakespeare, discovered that all had 24 personality characteristics in common—which all of us can develop at any time.

Here are some everyday genius traits and habits you can master to maximize your creative abilities and live an exceptional life.

They are independent thinkers.


Geniuses don’t see the world through the same lens as the rest of society. They are not always accepting of the way things are. They question rules and challenge authority in order to explore all sides of a situation. It was only in challenging one of Newton’s theories that Einstein stumbled upon the theory of relativity.

By looking beyond the status quo, you can discover and create beyond your wildest imagination. By acting like the rest of society, you won’t succeed or innovative past society. To achieve big, you need to think big. If greatness doesn’t already exist in an area you’re passionate about, discover it!

Steve Jobs said he never performed market research before launching the Macintosh because the public had no idea what it wanted. Now, Apple is one of the most valuable companies on the planet. Innovation requires combining problem solving with logic and creativity. When you are presented with a so-called fact, start asking why and see if you can pull apart the reasoning.

They take risks!


Vast success and growth comes from taking risks, whereas staying in your comfort zone causes you to stay stagnant. No great success or innovation came from not taking action or a risk to create something, go somewhere, or speak up. If Christopher Columbus didn’t take the risk to navigate across the Atlantic Ocean, he never would have began the colonization of the Americas.

Hone in on your values and passions to determine what is worth taking a risk for. Then use logic, reason, and creativity to evaluate the level of risk and determine how to proceed.

Part of being an independent thinker and taking risks requires you to speak up for what you truly believe in, even if it may cause some friction. The Greek philosopher Aristotle argued in his writings that the Earth was spherical, because of the circular shadow it cast on the Moon during a lunar eclipse, even when everyone believed the earth was flat.

They set high standards for themselves.


Successful people and geniuses don’t believe in just trying their best, they set deliberate goals and are determined to achieve their best, then continue to go beyond that. Average results are not acceptable! This mindset has led to some of the greatest discoveries in history, such as Isaac Newtown’s law of gravity and Alexander Bell’s invention of the telephone.

Mimicking what others around you do does not lead to innovation. Pave your own path by deciding that average is not an option. Come up with a realistic plan to achieve your exceptional goals. Combining your passions with your talents, then deciding what areas you want to excel in, enables you to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

When I first started competing in triathlons, I had a few months to train for my first Olympic-distance race. Although everyone around me said the average person does it in around 3 hours, I knew I excelled at the sport and decided I didn’t want to be average. So I calculated my pace in each leg and came up with realistic training goals to achieve a time that was appropriate and challenging for me. When race day came, I achieved my above-average time goal.

By setting high standards for yourself in different areas of your life, you really can achieve excellence and lead a life you are proud of.

They strive for perfection.


Geniuses create their own definition of perfection and don’t accept anything less than that. They take society’s definition of perfect to the next level by adding their own creative stamp to it. When others stop and are satisfied enough with what they have created, a genius will continue on to the next level. This leads to innovation and advancements beyond what has previously been achieved.

When Jobs was first working on the iPod, his idea of perfection was that that it would only take three clicks to get to any song in the iPod library. He told his engineering team, “Don’t show it to me until you can get it in three clicks.”

Create your own definition of perfection and strive to achieve it, even if the solution is not apparent in the beginning. Perfectionism is constantly evolving. Master an area in your life that is important to you and continue to grow and create updated versions of perfection.

They inspire others to also reach their greatness.



Geniuses often have teams around them to support them when achieving their feats and discoveries. Their team members believe in their vision and are inspired to bring out their own greatness to support this mission.

Job’s didn’t build all of Apple’s products alone—he had engineering and product teams that believed in and supported his vision. When employees or colleagues claimed that a task was impossible, Jobs would just stare at them and say, “Don’t be afraid. You can do it.”

The best way to teach and inspire others is by your behavior and achievements. Going after what is important to you in your life in a consistent and determined way will encourage your peers around you to do the same. Focus on reaching your greatness by directing dynamic energy and optimism towards your goals. Then, get others to believe in your vision and achieve their own greatness by communicating your ideas to them in a persuasive way.

They foster focus and drive.


Geniuses focus on one problem at a time without many distractions. Goal-driven individuals know the more intensely you concentrate your thoughts and attention and are emotionally involved with a problem or goal, the more likely it is that your mind will respond with the kind of creative ideas that you need.

To successfully foster focus, a lot of geniuses choose to spend more time in solitude than the average person. A study lead by PhD candidate Darya Zabelina showed that people who were less able to ignore distractions and had to spend more time in solitude were more likely to do great creative work. Sensitivity to noise and stimuli, so the argument goes, drives creative achievement. So don’t ignore the urge to spend time working in solitude to achieve your goals.

With their fast-thinking minds, curiosity, and desire to know, most geniuses have a lot of energy and drive. They dedicate this energy towards the projects they are passionate about achieving success in.

You are born with your own unique set of gifts and talents. You are also born with a certain amount of energy. By combining your gifts with your passions and focusing your drive and energy in this area, you can achieve phenomenal results. Try it!

They are persistent.

Geniuses and successful people don’t believe in the word impossible or that something can’t be done. In fact, they come up with creative ways to prove naysayers wrong. If you can dream it, you can create it. This attitude leaves no room for limitations, fear, or accepting failure. A lot of great success stories began with many failures. Henry Ford’s first two car businesses folded before he achieved success with the Ford Motor Company. Geniuses look at failures as ways to grow, learn, and move forward.

By continuing to work towards what you believe in and want to achieve, even if you have to pick yourself back up after falling, is what will lead to long-term success. To keep up the momentum, stay devoted to your goals and take control of your life and schedule. Start by planning something specific to accomplish each day. Remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Featured photo credit: Barn Images via

The post How Geniuses Live Their Lives Every Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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Small Things You Can Do Every Day To Spread Kindness To Everyone

Young girl with retriever on walk in summer park

“Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” – Kevin Heath

Studies are proving what happy people have known all along: kindness is directly related to life satisfaction. Kindness benefits both the giver and the receiver and those who are treated with kindness are more likely to pass this kindness along to others.

The definition of kindness in our contemporary culture is the act of going out of your way to be nice to someone or show a person you care. We have all heard the stories of someone being robbed or assaulted while passersby ignore the situation and go out of their way to avoid becoming involved. This lack of connection to one another is harmful to us as it creates a sense of isolation. When we bond together to help one another our ability to overcome and problem-solve increases.

Kindness is truly contagious. It is also a connector. It is like a muscle that needs to be flexed; just because we are born with the capacity for kindness doesn’t mean we use it effectively. I like to buy coffee for the person behind me in line and my barista tells me that when I start this quite often it continues to be paid forward for 5-10 coffees down the line. There is even a website entirely built around documenting random acts of kindness. When you give something for the benefit of another it’s called pro-social spending and research shows that this type of altruism is equally as beneficial to both parties! Here are some great actions you can take to cultivate a kindness epidemic in your community.

1. Smile at strangers. You brighten their day.

2. Bring in your neighbor's trash cans

2. Bring in your neighbor’s trash cans. You connect with your community.

3. Donate used clothing. You don’t need then but perhaps somebody else does.

4. Compliment a co-worker or peer. Expressing what someone does well makes them more likely to repeat the action.

5. Use recyclable shopping bags. It’s good for the earth and where else are we going to live?


6. Be an organ donor! Save a life.

7. Clear the clutter at home. Hoarding makes you stressed!


8. Buy coffee for a stranger.  It warms your heart and reminds you that you have something to give.

9. Volunteer your time. If you don’t have time, give money!

10. Listen with an open mind and active curiosity when your others speak.


11. Take a treat to your child’s teacher. You’ll them you value they contribution to your child’s future.

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12. Drop flowers from your garden to a friend.


13. Hug someone. Six second hugs improve your health.

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14. Bake a double batch of your best recipe and share it with your busiest friend.


15. Carpool. Share the drive, the gas, and the connection.

16. Pick up litter. Even if you didn’t put it there it’s still your planet.

17. Give old towels to an animal shelter. Or better still adopt a pup.

18. Pass on your old books. Your dust gathering library is someone else’s education.

19. Offer water to your postal worker, lawn service or meter reader. It’s hot. It’s cold. And it’s just the polite thing to do!

20. Express gratitude as often as possible!

21. Learn about another culture’s traditions. When we focus on understanding we remove obstacles to inclusion.

22. Stop gossiping and whining. If it’s not useful, necessary or important; keep it to yourself.

23. Invite your neighbors over.


24. Share uplifting blogs. (Like this one)

25. Cheer for your elementary school sports team. Enthusiasm is contagious.

26. Buy local.

27. Host a holiday toy drive or adopt a family.

28. Adopt a grandparent.

29. Help carry groceries to someone’s car.

30. Treat yourself as kindly as you want to treat others! You are worth it!

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead

The post Small Things You Can Do Every Day To Spread Kindness To Everyone appeared first on Lifehack.

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