
terça-feira, novembro 10, 2015

Churchill, Winston

Tema: Sucesso
O sucesso é ir de fracasso em fracasso sem perder entusiasmo

via @notiun

Ibsen, Henrik

O verdadeiro espírito de revolta consiste justamente em exigir a felicidade aqui na vida


Pascoaes, Teixeira

O amor é fome de outra vida, desejo de transitar. Quando dois amantes se abraçam e beijam, entredevoram-se, morrem um no outro, de algum modo, e transitam para um novo ser. A vida não pode ficar em nós, a repetir-se, que repetir é estar parado, é ocupar o mesmo lugar.

via @notiun

Fénelon, François

Tema: Economia
Saber perder a tempo é às vezes grande lucro

via @notiun

Green , Julien

Tema: Sinceridade
A sinceridade é um dom como qualquer outro. Não é sincero quem quer

via @notiun

Hesse, Hermann

Tema: Inteligência
O homem culto é apenas mais culto; nem sempre é mais inteligente que o homem simples

via @notiun

Wilson, Earl

Tema: Sucesso
Sucesso é apenas uma questão de sorte. Pergunte a qualquer fracassado

via @notiun

How to Keep Your Cool in the Corporate World

keeping cool in the corporate world

Corporate life. Early starts, late finishes, suits, ties, heals, short lunches, long meetings. Sit in a chair, at a desk, in your office (if you’re lucky enough to have an office). Air conditioning, fluorescent lighting, instant coffee, vending machines. Sore shoulders, bad backs, clenched jaws, no sleep, over worked, under paid, stress and anxiety. A lot of employees working in the corporate world are uncomfortable.

Just because you are part of the corporate grind, does not mean you should be exhausted, overweight, unhappy or unhealthy. For those of you working it, you need to know that they you have the right to a better quality of work-life.

How can you improve your corporate lifestyle? For starters, you need to want to make a change. Here are eleven small steps that can lead to big change in your corporate work day.

1. Get up from your computer every 20 minutes and stretch

Touch your toes, reach your hands behind your back, whatever it takes. Just make sure you get a bit of movement happening. Being sedentary for hours on end is REALLY unhealthy.

2.  Bring healthy snacks to work that keep you going

A handful of almonds, hummus with celery and carrots or a banana are great snacks to keep your energy levels up. Having healthy snacks on hand also keeps you away from the vending machine or desserts in the canteen.

3. Ergonomics is your friend in the corporate world

Make sure your computer is at eye level to avoid hunching forward in your chair. Your feet should reach the floor and your arms should be at a 90 degree angle at your keyboard. Read more about the benefits here.


4. Bring a water bottle to work and drink, all day long

We can often forget how dehydrated we get when we’re in artificial air-conditioning for hours. By having a water bottle handy at your desk, you don’t have to worry about getting up ten times to get a glass of water.

5. Get fresh air

Step outside every now and again to keep you connected to the outside world. Breathing fresh air gives your brain a little kick in the pants to keep you going.

6. Don’t take things personally

If your co-worker is having a bad day that’s their problem, not yours. Feel compassion that something must be going on with them. Maybe even ask, ‘Are you ok?’.

7. Find a work buddy and have people who support you at work

We’re social creatures and often feel a whole lot better when we’re able to get things off of our chest. But, check out number eight to understand what kind of chatting you want to be doing to ease the tough times.

8. Don’t gossip at the water cooler

Speaking ill of other people only adds negativity to your life, not theirs. Gossip creates a toxic work environment and creates unpleasantries for everyone involved. If you need to off load, wait until you get home.

9. Embrace failure as feedback

This comes up a lot, but I can’t stress how important it is to be okay with failure. Without it, we’ll never learn.

10. Meditate. It’s no longer just for hippies

There is hard scientific evidence that proves the incredible effects that meditation has on the brain. You can meditate at your desk. Start with a minute if it’s completely foreign to you. All you need to do is sit with yourself. It’s not about having no thought, it’s just about allowing yourself to connect with the present moment, and by doing that all you have to do is breathe. Yes, breathe! How simple is that? In through your nose and out through your nose allows you to tap in to what yogis have been doing for thousands of years. The more you sit and the more you breathe, the better you’ll get at it. Just remember that your thoughts are like clouds, allow them to roll in and fade away, don’t feed in to them and create a storm of thoughts. Just watch them fly by. Check this article out about Corporate Mindfulness.

11. COFFEE. Stay away from too many cups at the wrong time!

The best time to drink coffee is between 9:30am and 11:30am or 1:30pm and 5pm when your cortisol levels are lowest. When you drink it too early you crash and burn by the afternoon, and no body enjoys that. Read more at

So, put a smile on your dial the next time you head to your corporate job by implementing these 11 easy tasks. And if that doesn’t work, find a new job. You only live once.

Featured photo credit: Alan Cleaver via

The post How to Keep Your Cool in the Corporate World appeared first on Lifehack.

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10 Secrets Masters Of Love Never Told You

secret masters of love

While we are given a lot of information on how to find, keep and get love back, there is simplicity in the overall formula. It seems like a mystery, how we feel love but actually Science has figured out a lot about love. Science has told us that the feeling of love is our fundamental need. Love and the way it makes us feel is what allows us to thrive. It actually comes from our origins as it’s supposed to make us want to reproduce. Here are some of the sure fire ways to make someone fall in love with you that secrets masters of love know.

Here are some Science stats about love:

  • The brain detects how your body is moving to decide if it’s getting signal of love or not. This is why 55% of falling in love consists of body language one way or another.
  • The voice contributes 38% of the decision to be in love. Based on the change in your frequency and tone, it sends a powerful message.
  • A lover’s choice of words dictates how you feel by 7%

1. They Know that Love is Nature’s Beautiful Trap

Psychopharmacology produced an article that created a comparison between behavioural addiction and social attachment. You’re not alone if you become addicted to someone else due to the reward you get for returned admiration and affection.

The triggers your body gives off are ways to instigate the emotion of love. Nature set up a trap and it’s something we can’t even fight against. The next time you feel dumb for falling in love with the wrong person, remember that you never really had a chance.

2. They Understand Why Eye Contact is So Essential

eye contact love

Psychotherapist Gary Newman has done studies on the Science of love revealing many ways we can force it rather than let it happen. If you’ve ever heard someone say that your eyes are the windows to your soul, there may be something to this.

Science shows that people in love will automatically maintain consistent eye contact with each other 75% of the time. Psychologist Arthur Aron created the theory behind thirty-six questions which is the essential recipe for falling in love. The last deed to seal the deal is to stare into someone’s eyes for four minutes.

3. They Realize the Importance of Being a Good Listener

good listenr

If you listen to your partner intently without reacting or making it about you, you will win their heart. Whether you’re newly dating or a few months in, listening makes a person feel good. It’s even better if you ask follow up questions and respond with passion.

4. They Know They Should Validate Their Potential Love

When you validate your partner, they’re going to be your love slave for life (unless you stop of course). One of the main reasons a relationship or marriage fails is due to lack of appreciation. When you validate your partner, you make them better. If you can make someone better with your praise, they rely on you. Make them feel like a winner and they’ll easily fall in love with you.

5. They Smile A lot

couple smile

When you smile at your partner, it naturally makes you look more attractive. They see you as someone who is positive and upbeat. Their minds tell them you’re a winner and the idea that you’re a happy person makes it easier for them to fall in love with you.

6. They Remember the Art of Touching

art of touching

A Harvard study on human nature proved that touch can lead to love quickly. It is the comfort that comes from your skin on someone else. It increases intimacy which changes chemicals in the brain, telling them that they have strong feelings which could lead to love. Within this reference of course includes the fine art of different kissing techniques as a way to boost all of the chemicals within the body.

7. They are Passionate about the Other’s Passion

If you have a partner or potential partner that is really passionate about something, jump on that band wagon. Be their cheerleader and embrace the emotion that they have about their passions. This makes them feel that what they care about is important. They associate the feelings they have for their passion with you because you’re supporting it.

8. They Are Aware of the Three Stages of Love

Studies about the Science of love were conducted at Rutgers University which revealed loves stages. These stages are lust, attraction and attachment. Each stage involves chemical reactions that differ from each other.

Stage 1: Lust

Lust is said to be the initial stage of getting involved with love. The feel of lust is basically backed up or instigated by the sexual hormones within the body. Lust involves oestrogen and testosterone which sends messages to the boy to get excited. This process turns into attraction as you explore the lust stage.

Stage 2: Attraction

Attraction is said to be that amazing feeling you get, butterflies and all. It is where you begin to feel the love buzz and you become impatient to the point your brain only thinks about that person. The study concluded that your personality will actually change throughout this process. Adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin are the chemicals conjured up during attraction phase.

Stage 3: Attachment

If you can get past the lust and attraction phase, you can then begin to really form a bond. The bond will take you to a sustainable path where you can really commit to each other. Essentially, this is where a couple will want to have children and spend their lives together. The body instigates this at a cellular level. There are two hormones that create this. Oxytocin which is also called the cuddle hormone and Vasopressin which is a hormone released after sex. It promotes long lasting relationships, giving two people the ability to function together.

9. They Know it Has Nothing to do With Looks

Falling in love is more chemical and subconscious than just being turned on by someone’s curves. The major factors are the messages that flow to the brain. It is much deeper than the physical aspects of someone. Someone can be awful to you or you know they’re trouble before you even talk to them. Often it can be too late because you’ve already been hooked and you don’t even know it.

10. They Understand and Use the Thirty Six Questions

Thirty Six questions was originally created by the psychologists that were looking to figure out why people fall in love. They came up with three levels of questions (12 each) that would lead someone to invoke all the feelings of love from someone else. These questions make someone seem relevant, valid, important and cared about. They must open up with the questions which allows them to feel vulnerable, a feeling associated with love. As two people ask these questions, they both become vulnerable together. It has been proven to speed the process of falling in love. In fact, Mandy Len Catron the author of “To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This” did some research on the validity of it all. She fell in love with her friend and is still with him today so there’s some proven effectiveness right there.

The post 10 Secrets Masters Of Love Never Told You appeared first on Lifehack.

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5 Troubleshooting Hacks for Unbootable Windows 8.1 PC

windows 8.1

The day-to-day life and business depends on the security of your data stored on your hard drive and you can’t afford to lose it. Due to physical and logical hard drive failures, data become inaccessible or lost forever.

Get into the habit of taking regular backups as it’s the only possible way of restoring files if the external hard drive or similar storage devices failed. According to stats of Backblaze, small capacity drives will work for longer period of time as compared to large capacity drives such as 4 TB

First, we will get to know the reasons of external hard drive failures and their symptoms:

Physical hard drive failures:

When an external hard disk drive malfunctions, the stored information cannot be accessed. This is known as a physical hard drive failure. A head crash is a physical hard drive failure when a read–write head of a hard disk drive comes in contact with its platter. Given below are some symptoms of physical hard drive failures:


  1. Non detectable external hard drive by system BIOS
  2. Unexpected slowing down of computer
  3. Frequent occurrence of Blue screen of Death
  4. Accumulation of large amount of bad sectors
  5. External hard drive platters not spinning at all.
  6. Clicking or grinding sounds

Logical drive failures:

These failures occur by corruption of the file system or corrupt directory structure. Sometimes logical damages of the external hard drive can be handled by the computer user if certain precautions are taken. Given below are some reasons of logical drive failures:

  1. File system corruption: This happens if important system files go missing or are somehow damaged.
  2. Virus attacks: Different kind of virus or Trojan have been created to steal important data and abrupt normal functioning of your PC. Virus infection may cause serious damage to your PC and hide or permanently erase stored files.
  3. Master Boot Record Failure: MBR (Master Boot Record) is an integral part of your PC that has important booting instructions and ways how files will be stored. Once the MBR is corrupted or becomes inaccessible, you may not able to access your PC and hence, stored data will become inaccessible.
  4. Non- accessible external hard disk: At times it happens that when you try opening an external hard disk, such as F, the message pops and says, “F: is not accessible, access is denied.”

Other reasons:

  1. Deleting files from external hard disk by accident.
  2. Improper shutdown of the computer if power surge occurs.
  3. File corruption caused by program or software conflicts.

It is not always possible to back up your hard drive. Therefore, to ensure the security of your data, it is required to find good quality data recovery software. Losing files is easy, but to restore them isn’t much harder with data recovery software available online. Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery Software reconstructs lost files, regardless of whether they are inaccessible due to a crashed hard drive or virus infection.

Steps to do hard disk data recovery with Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery Software:

  • Connect the external hard drive in the computer.
  • Run Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery software.
  • Click Drive Recovery option from main user interface.
  • In ‘Select Volumes to Recover Data’ section, all logical volumes and external hard drives with volume details will be listed.
  • Select the external hard drive from which you want to recover data.
  • A flying pane occurs where the following scanning options are displayed and on clicking on one of these options, you can initiate your recovery:
  • Quick Recovery
  • Deleted Recovery
  • Advanced Recovery
  • Raw Recovery
  • Choose Advanced Recovery and click NTFS to recover data from the external hard drive.
  • Initiate the scanning process.
  • All files and folders that are found in the scanned volume are shown in a three pane structure i.e., Classic tree, Filetype list and Filtered tree.
  • Click a tab to preview a file.
  • You can also rename the file before recovery. Right-click the file and select Rename to rename it.
  • Click Recover.
  • A Select Destination dialog box is displayed. Specify the destination and choose the options as per needed.
  • Click OK to start save process.

Featured photo credit: BlackBlaze via

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10 Things You Start Realizing From Your College Life


College. Think about that word and what that means to you. The odds are, everyone has a different image of what college is or what the typical college experience may be. Images of long study nights, dorm or frat parties, new friends, classes, club activities, etc. are probably some of those in mind. However, there are valuable lessons we learn in college or as recent graduates that aren’t always tangible things or memories.

College is most certainly a time for learning and cementing who we are as people. This is my list of 10 lessons I learned from college life.

1. You don’t know everything

Okay, to be fair, you probably already knew this, or just really didn’t give it too much thought. The next thing you know, you’re walking into your first college classroom and realizing you know no one, you know nothing about what you want to do for the rest of your life, how to navigate the campus, or even what major you want, and those are just the beginning of your thoughts. This is likely the first time most of us learn about debt and financial responsibility, mostly paying the price the hard way.

2. Learning is forever

Being forced to go to school can be really frustrating and can lead to rebellion and angst during growing pain periods where we all want nothing more than to hang out with our friends, play or write music, or do other things we consider fun. We finish high school thinking it is all over, but it is really the beginning. Sure, we will all go to college. Eventually, that, too will end, but we will never stop learning about relationships, each other, and we regularly rediscover ourselves. We start realizing that in college through our group work, the awkwardness that is trying to make new friends, and learning how to move on.

3. Worrying about what people think about you is a waste of time

You could be the best person in the world, and someone still won’t like you and will find plenty to criticize. Sometimes, someone will just find looking at you annoying. Yes, there are people out there who will simply look at you, think “I don’t like that person”, and from that point on, you’ll be on their bad side. The fact of the matter is, are those people really trying to impress or waste your time over? Do you really want to worry over people who are devoted to misunderstanding and undervaluing you? If someone doesn’t have an honest critique of you or is talking about you to everyone else except you, don’t worry about it. What they do says more about you than it does about them. You start realizing these things in college, as going gives you exposure to all kinds of people you perhaps wouldn’t normally meet or associate with. College is a definitely a time where you learn to develop a thicker skin.

4. You can’t have everything

And that’s okay. You don’t need everything. Living in a dorm or at home with Mom and Dad while pursuing your education is evidence of that. Long study nights on the laptop you still use from 2008 and endless ramen noodle cups will likely become a staple in your dorm, if you aren’t living at home. If you are living home, expect no rules to change on the account you’re slightly older and in college. This is an important lesson, though, because life is all about making choices and priorities. You will learn about what is important to you and your values based on the choices that you make.

5. Relationships can be complicated

Entering college can sometimes mean losing all of your former friends from high school, etc. Earning new friends can be difficult, and romantic relationships are no different. Dating is complex. Sometimes you’ll know you’re dating someone, but you won’t talk about it. You won’t use the title of boyfriend or girlfriend. There may not be many conversations about the relationship. Don’t expect your college relationships to make much sense or be concrete. Everyone is trying to figure themselves out, and that involves learning how to communicate, express desire, and figure out what and who they exactly want for the future. I don’t encourage anyone in college to take dating seriously, but although we leave college, relationships never end up less complicated. They may become simpler, better defined, less insecure, but will take work and dedication.

6. College is a big bubble

You’ll learn a lot in college, but it isn’t exactly the real world. Unless you’re a working student while going to school, something I recommend every student becomes and does, you’re going to live in a big, college bubble. If you have loans, you won’t have to worry about them, until you graduate. Much like how you had to exert yourself to make new friends in college, you’ll have to learn how to live without many of those friends upon graduation. The cycle starts all over again, and before you know it, you’ll have a 9 to 5 every day. You may get married and have a family, or go travel the world. I, for instance, teach English in South Korea now, and it is amazing! I am slowly learning a new language, new customs, how to live on my own and support myself, etc. Sometimes I stumble and fall, and  other times, I surprise even myself with the resolve I see myself have sometimes. There is a whole world outside of college. Explore it.

7. Things don’t always work out the way we hope for them to

We could all always use just a little bit more money, a little bit more time, or a little bit more of something else. We’ll make plans that will fall through, we’ll change majors 3 or 4 times, we’ll learn to live without that person we thought we could never live without. It happens that on occasion things seem to not go our way, but that feeling isn’t permanent. There is always something else to discover and to strive for.

8. People change and so will you

Your dress style, who your attracted to, your values, and what ideas you support and activities you deem important will change in your new environment. This is where you start becoming and realizing who you are. You have to sculpt that person, and that begins in college. No one is there to hold your hand and walk you through doing your essay. No one is there reminding you to check your daily agenda for anything you may have missed.

9. Trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life isn’t so simple

My honest opinion is choosing one path in life for a permanent career is extremely limiting and dangerous to the human mind and spirit. We need to be stimulated, creative, excited, and always dreaming, so don’t limit yourself. Yes, trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life isn’t so simple, and maybe it’s something you shouldn’t be doing. Like I said before, desires change and people change, they grow and they evolve. Limiting yourself in terms of friendships, relationships, and career paths doesn’t benefit you. In college, there will be a lot of pressure to pick that one major and do something in that field. I say study what you like, and use all the tools you learned to promote yourself the way you want to in the industry you want to. You can have a chemical engineering degree and be a brilliant writer. You can have an English degree, and be an incredible inventor.

10. Always have a back-up plan

College is not for everyone, despite the push for everyone to go to college. Some students go in and excel, others have a hard time affording it or aren’t having their unique gifts catered to. Other students don’t find the material they are learning applicable to the lives they think they want to lead, and therefore, they drop out. It is important to always have a back-up plan. Maybe you know college isn’t for you, but how about a paralegal certificate from a community college or through online learning? How about vocational school? In college, you will be told about the reality of your degrees and your employment prospects. You will have the resources to build an impressive resume, consult a career center, and other valuable options. You will learn that despite having your degree, you will need additional experiences and ideas moving forward. Whether you’re dealing with an unpleasant roommate, soaring tuition costs, or other ideas, having a backup plan is invaluable.

That’s it for the top 10 list. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if you agree or disagree with the points I mentioned here. For those of you needing a back-up plan or have questions about your degree path, don’t hesitate to reach out.  Happy learning!

Featured photo credit: Diego Grez-Cañete via

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6 Ways to Get Free Accommodation While Traveling


The thought of traveling abroad for lengthy periods of time fills our minds with thoughts of adventure, exploration, and intrigue. However, our budgets have a way of undermining our daydreams of international travel. Unfortunately, the consensus today is that traveling is viewed as a costly luxury. Interestingly enough, there are a number of ways you can travel anywhere in the world and spend little if any money on lodging.

Before you start thinking that I have lost my mind, bear with me for a moment. I have traveled the globe extensively over the past several years and have saved a great deal of money by getting free accommodation at many of my target destinations. There are 6 ways that I have found to be very effective for gaining access to free accommodation and I have shared them with you in the following article.

1. Couch Surfing

The term “couch surfing” typically refers to sitting on your couch and surfing the internet on your laptop. However, it is also a method employed by travel hackers to find free lodging and accommodation when visiting different global destinations. Couch surfing involves being a guest at a variety of other people’s houses and utilizing more improvised sleeping options (e.g. sleeping on a homeowner’s couch).

Though CouchSurfing is the most popular option, there are several competitor sites worth a look, too.

Check Out:

2. House Sitting

If there was ever an ideal way for a person to travel the world and get free accommodation in the process, “house sitting” is the way to go.

The basic premise behind this is reciprocity. In other words, you stay in a person’s home for maintenance and security purpose while they are traveling on vacation. It’s a win-win situation when you consider that the vacationers have peace of mind knowing that their home (and occasionally pet) is safe and secure while at the same time, you stay there free of charge. Additionally, you’ll save on food expenses as well.

Check Out:

3. Home Exchanges or House Swapping

This is another great way to obtain free accommodation when traveling abroad. Basically, the two parties involved in the home exchange or house swapping format agree to live in each other’s homes with no exchange of money taking place.

The concept of house swapping dates back to the early 1950’s when people were looking for a more cost-effective format for travel accommodation. The idea eventually pioneered what has been entitled the “Collaborative Consumption Movement ” or “Shared Economy.”

Check Out:

4. Using Loyalty Programs and Travel Points

The use of frequent flyer miles and rewards programs has become the norm for many travelers and vacationers today thanks to the increased use of the internet. Ironically, the same does not hold true when it comes to using these types of loyalty programs to take advantage of free  accommodation and many of the other perks involved with hotel stays.

This includes certain factors such as free breakfasts, free room upgrades, and so on. This is another great option for the travel hacker with the “never pay for your stay” mentality. Additionally, I have often found that the smaller hotel chains offer more of these freebies and perks than the larger ones.

5. Volunteering

Granted, you could pay a lot of money by volunteering to work in a variety of international destinations. But why would you do that when you could get free  accommodation (and even food) just as easily by volunteering your time? One of the first things that often come to mind is the concept of worldwide work on organic farms or WWOOFING as it is more commonly referred to.

However, there are a number of other volunteering-for-free-accommodation activities to participate in including:

  • cooking at recreation centers or retreats
  • designing marketing plans
  • gardening and landscaping
  • milking farm animals
  • teaching conversational English

Trading some volunteer time for free accommodation will not only save you a great deal of money, it is culturally rewarding because it gives you a better feel for the local community that you are working in and provides you with an immersive lifestyle as well.

Check Out:

6. Work Exchanges

Don’t confuse work exchanges with finding employment overseas, but there are literally dozens of ways to earn your lodging accommodation and save money in the process. With the right work exchange, you can trade your services and skills for free room and board in hundreds of international destinations.

Whether you’re interested in babysitting, construction work, ditch digging, or just about anything else, you could earn free accommodation by assisting families, farmers, or even social initiatives.

It’s All Possible!

One of the things I noticed as I’ve traveled the world is that most people feel like travel has to be expensive. That if you’re not paying an arm or a leg, then you must be staying in some low quality dive on the “wrong side of the tracks.”

It’s simply not true, as these real life examples show:

Once you cut down your accommodation expenses you’ll have more fun for all the adventures and activities that make travel worthwhile in the first place. Now all you need to do it pick your favorite option and get started. Happy Travels!

Featured photo credit: Sarah Ackerman via

The post 6 Ways to Get Free Accommodation While Traveling appeared first on Lifehack.

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50+ Non-sense You Say That Might Make You Unprofessional


While the old adage, “Actions speak louder than words,” may have some definite truth to it, there are some words and phrases that career-minded, successful people say every day. On the other side of the proverbial coin, there are also some things that unprofessional, unsuccessful people tend to spout off. Sometimes, they are not even aware that they are doing it. So many of these phrases have become social norms, making it difficult to break the habit of using them in your daily conversations. Unfortunately, they are doing more harm than good.

When it comes to their staff, managers and other employers only want the best employees working for them. As an employee, you represent the company. As an independent contractor, business owner, or freelancer, you represent your own brand. How you come across is just as important as the quality of your work. Sounding unprofessional reflects poorly on you, on your brand, and on your company. This, in turn, adversely affects your reputation.

To make sure you aren’t letting these unprofessional statements slip while in your place of work, below is a comprehensive list of syllogistic sayings that you may not even realize you are using. These unprofessional quotes are quite common, and range from petty to whiny, to just downright rude. No matter the tone they convey, or the context in which they are said, all of them should be avoided. Since coming across as unprofessional is a definite “no-no” in a place of work, it is best to avoid using any of the following 51 phrases.

Take pride in your brand, and keep your employer or clients happy, by keeping these phrases out of your repertoire:

  1. “I’m not feeling well enough. “
  2. “I’m just doing what you told me to do.”
  3. “That was my idea!”
  4. “No problem.”
  5. “I’m a guru.”
  6. “I know you have to go, but let me just tell you one more thing.”
  7. “It’s our policy.”
  8. “Look what I bought!”
  9. “I thought of that first!”
  10. “Absolutely.”
  11. “I’ll start tomorrow.”
  12. “Sorry (not sorry).”
  13. “Sorry, I forgot.”
  14. “Sorry I’m late.”
  15. “%$#@^*&”
  16. “Full disclosure… “
  17. “I’m so hung-over.”
  18. “We’ve always done it this way.”
  19. “I assume…”
  20. “Because I’m the boss.”
  21. “Look how much I saved!”
  22. “I’m overwhelmed!”
  23. “I’m kind of a big deal.”
  24. “What will it take to get you to buy?” (“…to get you in this car today”, “…to get you to sign up”, etc.)
  25. “It’s probably not very good.”
  26. “You’re so smart!” (Any form of sucking up is unprofessional.)
  27. “It’s not fair!”
  28. “That’s just how it is.”
  29. “It’s none of your business.”
  30. “Before you say that, let me just say… “
  31. “That’s not my job.”
  32. “Sucker.”
  33. “We’ve got big plans!”
  34. “They’ll never notice.”
  35. “I can’t forgive.”
  36. “That’s nothing.”
  37. “Let’s go along in order to get along.”
  38. “That’s too hard.”
  39. “I already know that.”
  40. “You must have read into things.”
  41. “I could’ve done it better.”
  42. “I’m not impressed.”
  43. “That’s a stupid idea.”
  44. “Information is a commodity.”
  45. “It’ll be OK.”
  46. “You wouldn’t understand.”
  47. “Know your place.”
  48. “Could be… “
  49. “I’m not afraid.”
  50. “That’s my secret.”
  51. “I don’t know why they asked me… “
  52. “Why?” (as opposed to “Why not?”)

You would not want to be seen slacking off, wearing an inappropriate outfit in the office, or doing a poor job. Why? Because doing those things make you seem unprofessional. This holds true for everything you say in your place of employment, just as much as it does for your behavior. Your employer judges you by both, and so do your customers and/or clients. As such, it’s best to avoid saying this list of phrases that make you seem anything less than the professional you wish to be seen as.

Featured photo credit: VIKTOR HANACEK via

The post 50+ Non-sense You Say That Might Make You Unprofessional appeared first on Lifehack.

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Not All Vitamins Are Good For Your Health, Here Are The Ones You Should Take


I have seen how our previous generations depended on vitamins most of the time. They would start with, “give your kids multi-vitamins, it is good for their growth”, then, they would proceed to, “why don’t you take some supplements for your healthy bones, and beautiful hair?” And then they would go on with, “I need to take so-and-so vitamin to stay fit because I am growing old.” Taking vitamin never ceases. But the question is, are all vitamins safe for us? What does science say?

Science says that you should take vitamins, but most  importantly, you should cover your daily nutritions from consuming healthy, balanced meals, and not entirely depending on vitamin. There are few health conscious people out here who are on diets, and think that taking vitamins are enough to fill in the blank. Science also says something different. New studies have evolved around how people, especially women, who took multi-vitamins, died at higher rates than women who didn’t. Studies have also seen that vitamin can lead to cancer, heart disease, and may shorten lives. Here are the list of vitamins that you should take, and the ones you should avoid.

Vitamin A, C &E: Antioxidants; may cause certain types of cancer if overly taken.

Vitamin A, C, and E are also known as antioxidants. This supplement is quite commonly used in order to prevent oneself from cancer. But studies show otherwise. If antioxidant vitamin is taken in large amount, it can possess harm to the body. A detailed study on male smokers, who consistently took vitamin A, were at higher risk of getting lung cancer than those who did not consume that vitamin. Therefore, it is always advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are full of antioxidants. The body does not require extra amount of vitamin A, C, and E.

Vitamin B3: may develop infections, liver problems, or internal bleeding.

Another vitamin that falls in the “not good” category is vitamin B3. It is believed to have adverse effect on patients with heart diseases, diabetes, or high cholesterol. This vitamin supplement is usually prescribed to prevent LDL (the bad) cholesterol by reducing its level, and increasing HDL (the good) cholesterol’s level. It is also given to patients with heart stroke history. Rather, in studies shown that patients who regularly took vitamin B3 were more likely exposed to developing infections, liver problems, and internal bleeding. Researchers found out that niacin (vitamin B3) has no role in preventing heart problems, instead, have dreadful side effects. They are now saying that this vitamin should not be prescribed anymore. They are also saying that niacin can be fulfilled through eating salmon, tuna, or even beets.

Vitamin C: it won’t help you to recover from cold.

We see how vitamin C is a popular supplement to cure you from cold, or fever. But does it really help you to recover? I have noticed that nowadays doctors don’t prescribe any medicines if you or your children are suffering from cold. Why? They say give it a week and it will go away. Eat citrus fruits like mandarin, oranges, strawberries. And it has worked for me every time. It is found out in studies that vitamin C has no effect in curing colds. In fact, if you take overdose, you are likely to be in trouble. But there is a catch. Vitamin C is safe if you stay within a recommended dose. Once you exceed to 2000mg daily, you are probably at higher risk of suffering from kidney stones.

Vitamin D: must have it for stronger bones.

This is one vitamin that everyone should take, especially when you are ageing. It is hard to get vitamin D from natural sources, which is why, the main supply is dependant on the supplements. Sunlight provides some amount of this vitamin to our bodies, but it is still not enough. Vitamin D contributes calcium which is required by our bodies to maintain healthy and strong bones. Studies have shown that people who consume regular vitamin D tend to live longer, and without body aches.

Vitamin E: a no-no vitamin, may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

Another antioxidant, vitamin E is believed to work as a prevention of cancer. But studies show an alarming result. A research was done on 36,000 men who took vitamin E supplements, and found out that they were at a higher rate of developing prostate cancer. In fact, those who took over doses of vitamin E, were in an increased rate of death scale. These results have made the doctors go against prescribing this supplement now. They recommend food like fresh dark greens such as spinach to be added in everyday diet.

Folic Acid: recommended for pregnant mothers.

Folic acid is generally linked to pregnancy related issues. This supplement is suggested to pregnant mothers, and a daily intake of 400 micrograms per day is sufficient for both the mother and the growing foetus. Studies have shown how folic acid supplements have successfully decreased rates of serious birth defects in newborns, such as neonatal-tube defects, defects in baby’s brain, spinal cords, etc. Doctors also advise this vitamin B supplement to those who want to get pregnant.

Multivitamins: Avoid it, you get good amount from your daily diet.

For years, it was believed that multivitamins are an excellent source of acquiring overall vitamins for our bodies. Because multivitamins mostly contain vitamin A, B, and C. But in 2012, the researchers carried out a large study on 39,000 women who took multivitamin supplements regularly for about 25 years, and the result showed that they had higher chances of death risks. That is why, nowadays doctors ask their patients to stick to very well balanced and nutritious meals per day. Your daily diet will supply your multivitamins for the day.

Zinc: a good source of vitamin for your body.

Zinc is a good source of mineral, and it has proven records of improving colds, unlike vitamin C. Studies done on 1,300 people show that consuming zinc syrup, or tablet, or even lozenges, have a positive result on healing common colds by nearly 1 day compared to those who didn’t take zinc supplements. Zinc also has a positive effect on the children as well.

Medical science evolves so much over time that it is quite surprising to know the results of recent studies done on things, especially vitamin supplements. Vitamin you know is good for you turns out to be quite fatal. Hopefully this article has helped you to decide which supplements to take and which ones to avoid.

The post Not All Vitamins Are Good For Your Health, Here Are The Ones You Should Take appeared first on Lifehack.

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