
segunda-feira, novembro 09, 2015

Lautréamont, Isidore

O amor de uma mulher é incompatível com o amor da humanidade

via @notiun

Dickinson, Emily

Tema: Êxito
O êxito parece doce a quem não o alcança

via @notiun

Mandela, Nelson

Há dias felizes em que rio sozinho ao pensar nas oportunidades que tive e também nos momentos de prazer.


Herculano, Alexandre

A providência tempera as coisas deste mundo de modo que se podem simbolizar todas as felicidades dele numa ameixa saragoçana. Doçura, suco, beleza externa, sim senhor; tudo quanto quiserem: mas, no fim de contas, travo e mais travo ao pé do caroço



A felicidade é igual, quer se encontre numa pessoa rica quer numa de condição humilde


Sade, Doantien

Tema: Prazer
A primeira lei que a natureza me impõe é gozar à custa seja de quem for

via @notiun

Antunes, António Lobo

Tema: Arte
Um escritor, como um cantor e um pintor é sempre a voz de qualquer coisa que está latente nas pessoas.

via @notiun

12 Reasons Why You Should Blend Moth Storytelling In Your Life

moth color

If you can tell a better story about yourself, you will live a better life. I’m living proof of that. Seven years into my marriage, I felt stuck in reverse. My husband and I were living a safe, status quo, all-American story – decent jobs, good kids and a roof overhead. But it failed to satisfy. Deep down we wanted so much more. And that “so much more” had nothing to do with a fat paycheck or a big home in the suburbs – we wanted our lives to be an unfolding adventure in pursuit of things we loved. So we decided to rewrite the script of our lives and invite some adventure in.

It came at a high cost – we quit our jobs, put our house on the market and sold everything in it. We also moved 4,000 miles apart to gain clarity. But the reward has been great – my husband is back in school at the age of 42 while I reinvent myself and my career. We feel fully alive as we live out a story that’s 100 percent authentically our own.

There is so much power in story. If you need help reframing the story of your life but don’t know where to begin, take your cue from The Moth. When it comes to storytelling, they do it best. Here’s why incorporating their techniques will help you gain the guidance you need to walk in your truth.

1.  You may not have an epic story but no matter how small, it’s significant.

When The Moth storytellers step up to the mic, they assume the air of quiet confidence that everyone has a story worth telling. Yes, there’s the writer who moved to Jerusalem to be a part of the peace process but there’s also the daughter of a stripper who learned some cool life lessons from her free-spirited mother. Every story is worth listening to.

2. You’ll be tempted to give an intro but start with the hook instead.

If your beginning is bad, no one will listen to the end. So make your beginning bold. In my seven years as a radio broadcaster, how I framed my stories changed one day when consultant Tracy Johnson shared, “If you don’t start a story with a good hook, 50 percent of your audience will tune out immediately.” It’s true.

3. You might want to get stuck in the conflict zone but a good story ends with overcoming.

Storyteller extraordinaire Donald Miller says the premise of any good story involves conflict you must overcome, but it’s the end of the story, the overcoming, that truly inspires. Only you have the power to craft that ending. Think through how you want your story to end. The Moth states, “Your last line should be clear in your head before you start.”

4. Consider this: What would your story sound like if you spoke from an authentic place, forgetting about pleasing your listening audience?

I think you’ll find as you share honestly from the heart, you’ll connect authentically with other people. Storytelling Tip #6 from The Moth is: No standup routines. The world isn’t a stage where you get to be a funnyman sharing your best zingers. The world is a place hungry for people who desire deep connection.

5. Your life is far from perfect but that just means it’s more interesting in scope and depth.

As you rehearse your story “Moth-style,” you’ll hold your own life right up to the light and realize it’s beautiful because of its fractures – not in spite of them. The illusion of perfection is not “Moth-worthy.” Case in point: the story of road rage that landed a new mom in jail. Totally imperfect. But crazy interesting.

6. You need to save your preaching because there’s no “moral of the story.”

The quickest way to make your audience snooze is by talking down to them. It’s insulting and fails to ring with truth. No one has the monopoly on truth. The Moth recently featured a tour guide who confronted racism at work and a man addicted to cookies! They each tell equally compelling stories because we’re all a work in progress on a journey towards wholeness.

7. You might want to stage your life but you’ve got to go with the flow.

Whether you’re at a networking event or giving a presentation in the boardroom, it helps to have bullet points in your mind to keep you on track, but you need to flex and switch gears if need be. The Moth instructs people to imagine they’re “at a dinner party, not a deposition.” No scripts are allowed at “the Moth.” No papers. No props.

8. You know what you have to gain but what do you have to lose?

A good story comes at a cost. The Moth believes unless your story has some stakes, it’s not worth telling.The most memorable stories involve great risk and the potential for great reward. They involve transformation. Deep emotional truth. Vulnerability. Risking a broken heart. Going for broken to chase a dream.

9. Lighten up a little – life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies but it sure isn’t all bad, either.

Practice gratitude in the little things. Once you pay attention to details you ordinarily overlook in the course of your day, it might wake you up to a full-on flow of a thousand things to be grateful for. Even the darkest story shared on The Moth weaves in humor and moments of levity.

10. Practice does not make perfect – it makes for perfectly imperfect.

The temptation is always there to memorize line for line to recite a script with a steel-trap memory. But that’s not real, is it? And if something isn’t real, it won’t resonate. I’ve stood onstage after sweating out a speech word-for-word…only to have it fall flat. Why? Because it’s contrived. Should you practice? Absolutely. But don’t spend the bulk of your time manufacturing an image that’s dishonest.

11. Venting is not fuel for a great story – leave your anger out of it.

You’ve got anger issues? So does 99 percent of the population. This fails to intrigue or inspire. If you need to let off steam, call a shrink. Then get back to work on telling a story worth listening to. No one wants to hear a monologue spewing hatred. Most of us can get that by walking down the street. Aim higher for your sake – and everyone else’s.

12. It’s your story – not your friend’s story.

This is Rule #4 for everyone who submits a pitch to The Moth. You don’t get to hijack the stories of your loved ones and pass it off as your own. Have the courage to live your own story and tell it with heart. The greatest weapon you have against self-doubt lies in the narrative you’ll create to communicate your truth. The most powerful story you’ll ever tell is yours and yours alone.

Featured photo credit: Moth Observe, Surian Soosay, Flickr (Creative Commons) Taken February 19, 2013 via

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9 Things To Remember If You Love Someone Who Doesn’t Easily Show Affection


Love is a complicated subject, and it becomes even more complicated if the person you love isn’t showing clear signs of affection. My husband (then boyfriend) started out exactly like that. He was shy and rarely touched me. It wasn’t because he didn’t love me. That’s just the way he was. He wasn’t showy and he didn’t like public displays of affection.

Here are nine things that I took to heart when I got used to my inexpressive partner.

1. Love does not always require physical touch.

A kiss isn’t the only way to say “I care” and a hug isn’t the only way to show how much you missed a person. My partner’s presence was always appreciated, even if he didn’t snuggle with me all the time. As long as we’re together, no matter what we’re doing, we know that we are in love.

2. The small things have the biggest impact.

When my partner wrote me a heartfelt letter on our first anniversary, it meant a lot to me. It was a long, handwritten piece which he wrote on pretty stationery. It was simple, childish, but it was the sweetest thing. It may not be worth much in terms of money, but it was truly valuable to me because I know that he spent time, thought, and effort to write such beautiful words.

3. “Sweetness” is a whole new concept.

What’s sweet to others will no longer be the same thing for you. When our relationship first started, I thought that my partner was so unaffectionate that he couldn’t show any sweetness. But his sweetness was really with his words and other gestures, like making me a cup of coffee when I’m pulling an all-nighter or buying my favorite cupcakes when I have menstrual cramps.

4. You will get asked a lot by well-meaning friends and family.

“Is your relationship on the rocks?” is what I frequently hear when I bring my partner to family events. My friends also tell me that my partner might not be happy anymore that’s why he’s avoiding me physically. In truth, my partner and I were the only ones who could understand his lack of physical affection. He may not always want to hold hands, but he will make sure I feel special whenever we’re together.

5. Your relationship is often seen as platonic.

Plenty of times, my partner was mistaken for a brother or cousin. There have even been times when I was hit on in front of him, and vice versa. It’s an advantage, in a way, because I know which girls are interested in him. What’s great about him is that he never makes me feel insecure around them.

6. You get plenty of perks in lieu of physical affection.

I’m not materialistic and neither is my partner, but he likes to give me nice things to make me feel really special. On our third anniversary as a couple, he gave me a gorgeous pearl necklace that was absolutely amazing. Five years later, I still hold the necklace very dearly. He is also great at cooking which totally compensates for his lack of affection. When we fight, instead of hugging me, he cooks my favorite pasta dish to say he wants to make up.

7. You will grow to become more mature.

Young love is exciting but it’s also immature, filled with physical yearning and sexual impulse. We started dating in our mid 20’s and he was very mature. It’s not all about sex, but rather about your life together. He taught me to look forward to our future and that’s exactly what we did. Now, we have been married for three years and it’s the most wonderful experience.

8. Your time together is always special.

I have learned that his presence alone makes up for his lack of intimacy. He loves to talk about our future, especially our dreams together. He always makes complicated issues simple and amicable which helps us understand what we both want to do. Our time is spent sharing our deepest desires, which I think is more meaningful than just physical affection.

9. When physical affection happens, it’s magical.

On the rare occasions that you do touch, especially when you make love, it’s a magical experience that’s truly memorable. You grow closer to each other and learn a little bit more about yourselves which ultimately strengthens your bond. You are also able to prove that your love doesn’t need constant physical signals to be genuine.

Although it can be hard at first, loving someone who isn’t expressive may take time to get used to. In the long run, you will also understand why it’s not necessary for your partner to always hold hands or cuddle when you’re together. Love can be expressed in many ways, from a simple smile to a generous act of kindness. It doesn’t have to always be physical. It can be emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological.

How do you show your partner how much you love them?

Featured photo credit: 12 Things To Remember If You Love Someone Who Doesn’t Easily Show Affection via

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What Most People Don’t Know Before Getting Married


My husband and I have been married for 10 years. Here are some of the things I’ve learned over the past decade.

Marriage is not two people giving 50/50

Marriage is about two people each giving 100%. When you start keeping track of “all the things you do all the time” and expecting tasks to be 50/50, you can easily start resenting your spouse. Focusing on what your spouse doesn’t contribute to the marriage and how your spouse isn’t being fair can increase your discontentment. Rather than continually keeping tabs of who last emptied the trash can, it can be helpful to focus on making your spouse feel special. Whether it’s a sweet note posted on the bathroom mirror, a little gift “just because,” or a unique surprise date you plan at a thoughtful location, putting in 100% effort in the marriage can strengthen your marriage.

Traumatic events, illnesses, and grief have the potential to bring you closer together or drive you very far apart

Very difficult things can happen in life, and some couples seem to be slammed with one heartache after another. Everyone deals with stress and grief differently. As you endure extreme hardships together, do your best to keep communication open with your spouse. If you’re feeling all out of sorts, explain why to your spouse. Remember that you are two unique individuals, and when stressful events happen, you may process them very differently.

Our marriage has endured some devastating events, and we haven’t always been the best at sticking together through the hard times. As your marriage weathers the storms, make sure to furiously protect it. At times it may feel like everything in the world is threatening to tear you apart.

Years into the marriage, you’ll still have days you wonder what planet your spouse came from

My husband and I have been married for years, and there are still days I feel like I don’t understand him at all. I don’t even know what else to say about this.

People show love in completely different ways

One of the best books my husband and I have read is “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. After decades as a marriage counselor, Chapman became convinced that there are five basic ways to express love emotionally, which he calls the five basic love languages. According to Chapman, each person has a primary love language that we must learn to speak in order for the person to feel loved. The five love languages are: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Physical Touch, and Acts of Service.

The Five Love Languages book has changed my marriage immensely, and has helped me understand how to show love to my spouse. I’m very much a Quality Time person. My husband, on the other hand, needs Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service to feel loved. Knowing these differences between us has been eye-opening and has helped strengthen our marriage.

It’s not all unicorns and rainbows

Dating is fun. Everything is new and exciting, and you both put effort into how you look and how you act. Then you get married and you realize you married a human. Who poops. And drools. You won’t be enticed by this person every day. In fact, you’ll be completely grossed out at times.

When you get lost in the daily grind of life, it’s easy to fall into the habit of giving each other the “leftovers” of yourselves, and having your spouse see only your worst sides – when you are physically and emotionally spent. It’s wise to continue to invest in each other after marriage. Invest time and energy into your relationship. Put in effort to make each other feel special. Make sure your spouse gets more from you than venting about your day. Even though not every day is unicorns and rainbows, make a point to regularly share the best parts of yourself with your spouse.

Laughter fixes many problems

Having a good sense of humor can significantly help your marriage. When you can laugh together, it makes the good times even better, and the rough times a little less difficult.

Giving each other space to spend time with friends and pursue individual goals can greatly enhance your happiness

Many people lose sight of who they are as individuals once they become married. However, I believe it’s very healthy to continue to have interests outside of your spouse. Whether it’s a professional or personal goal, or a hobby you love, nurturing other areas of your life aside from your relationship can help you feel more fulfilled in life. Your spouse won’t (and shouldn’t be expected to) fulfill all your needs. Taking time to connect with friends is also very important.

Your love may grow stronger with each passing year

Marriage isn’t easy, and at times can be incredibly difficult. However, it can also be awesome. Best wishes to you for a long, healthy, happy marriage.

Featured photo credit: Joe Hunt/Here comes the bride…(and groom) via

The post What Most People Don’t Know Before Getting Married appeared first on Lifehack.

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Things That Only Long Distance Sisters Can Relate To


Growing up with your sister there were plenty of moments where you wish she would just give you space, especially when you were fighting. Now that you two are grown-up and geographically live in two different places, you often wish that distance would be much closer. Read on to learn more about the common experiences that goes along with being so far away from your sister.

The holidays are just not the same

When you were little, sharing the excitement of Christmas morning with your sis was something that made it extra special. Whether you had a tradition of helping make breakfast together or wearing matching pajamas, looking back you have many cherished memories from that time. Now when the holidays come around you are not always able to celebrate together and you get an extra wave of nostalgia when you Facetime her during this time. When you are able to spend the holidays together though, you make sure it is extra special by including time-honored family traditions from your childhood.

Visits turn into a serious of inside jokes

When you are reunited with your sister, there is no holding back the endless inside jokes that you share. Significant others and friends joke that you two have your own language and do not even try to understand it. Everything and everyone is fair game for the shared humor that you two have built up over the years. When you are together, your sides often hurt from constant belly laughs, where age-old jokes are always funny.

Serious waves of nostalgia are common

Since you have known each other your entire lives, there are decades of memories to reminisce about. You often like to talk about memorable stories of your shared childhood or dreadful teenage phases with each other, because remembering these times brings you closer when you are physically apart. Unlike your friends throughout your life who have only been present for certain parts of your life, your sister has seen you through the thick and the thin and has always love you unconditionally, no matter what.

You go through different phases of missing each other

There are some days when you miss your sister more than others. A certain song might make you think of her or a specific food might bring up a memory about the time that you both tried to recreate it at home unsuccessfully. There are milestones in your life that you wish she was there to witness, like your housewarming party for your new apartment or being pregnant with your first child. There are also difficult moments in your life when you wish you had your sister by your side to comfort you and say just the right things to make you feel better.

You eat your weight in your favorite comfort foods

One of the best things about being together after a long time apart is that you get to indulge in your favorite foods that you have in common. Whether it was Kraft macaroni and cheese that you both ate growing up or a certain type of cuisine that you both cannot live without, any reunion makes you gain a few pounds and you are perfectly fine with that.

You still bond over family drama

Even through you both are living in separate houses away from mom and dad, you can count on each other to commiserate about any issues that you are having with your parents. Is your mom driving you crazy over a certain issue? Calling your sister and venting to her is a perfect release and will usually allow you to put the situation into perspective.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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Following The Eccentric Habits Of These 10 Geniuses Can Make You Smarter

Right Brain

Geniuses are different for a reason. They think and act differently and create some of the most amazing, life changing inventions.

Come with me as we explore the eccentric habits of 10 geniuses and see how their habits can make you smarter.

1) Shigeru Miyamoto: Analyze your world


Shigeru Miyamoto is the video game director for Nintendo. He is credited with creating games such as Donkey Kong and Mario. Miyamoto is reported to carry a measuring tape with him and enjoys measuring things at every opportunity, as well as guessing people’s weight.

How This Can Make You Smarter

This habit demonstrates Miyamoto’s thirst to learn and understand the environment around him. If you apply a similar habit and better understand your environment, not only will you become smarter in the process, you become more aware of the world around you.

2) Nikola Tesla: Stimulate your brain cells


According to Wikipedia, Tesla is best known for “his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.” This genius, who also held over 100 patents, including the electric motor, had a habit of squishing his toes every night. According to Marc Seifer’s book, Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, toe exercises helped to stimulate his brain cells.

How This Can Make You Smarter

While there is no known scientific evidence that shows that the squishing of your toes will stimulate your brain cells, there is evidence within the reflexology community that your big toe has a direct line to your brain. According to this system of belief, the rubbing of your big can help relax your brain and increase concentration. Perhaps Tesla habit was performed while wearing shoes, causing his big toe to rub against the bottom of his shoes and thus stimulating his brain cells?

3) Amadeus Mozart: Be structured


This genius composer was reported to have ADD-like symptoms. In order to overcome this he had a habit of doing things in a very structured manner. His daily routine was broken into time composing, giving lessons, time with friends, and sleep.

How This Can Make You Smarter

Structure and routine can help you become smarter by creating strong healthy habits. For example, if you structure your day to read an article that helps you learn something new, over the course of a year you will have learned 365 new things. Imagine what this equates to over a lifetime. Add more books, articles or podcasts to your day and your knowledge and intellect will grow exponentially.

4) Thomas Edison: Change your relationship to failure


Where would we be today without the inventions of Thomas Edison. With over 2000 patents and having reported to have failed on 10,000 experiments, Edison stated “I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” What was his habit? Always trying new things and never giving up. Without his relentless efforts, you may not be reading this article in electronic form.

How This Can Make You Smarter

Failure is a fact of life, but it is not who you are, nor is it permanent. You can follow Edison’s lead by not being afraid to try new things. Many don’t try because they fear failure. The only way you can fail is if you give up. If things don’t work out the way you expect, you have just learned a way of not doing it correctly – thus making you that much smarter. Keep trying and never give up.

5) Sir Isaac Newton: Get a different point of view


It is well known that this genius authored the laws of motion and gravity. What is less well known is the habit he had for coming up with his discoveries. Newton believed in looking at a problem from many different angles and he had a habit of taking a problem and restructuring it. This gave him every opportunity to see the many different ways in which to solve the problem.

How This Can Make You Smarter

If you are presented with a problem, take the time to see how many ways there are to solve the issue. Sometimes the most obvious answer is not the best answer. By restructuring the problem you will increase your problem solving skills and in the process, become smarter.

6) Mark Zuckerberg: Limit daily choices


With over 1 Billion users, Facebook is one of the most recognized brands in the world. Founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has created a way for people to connect and build relationships from all over the world. Zuckerberg takes his responsibility to serve his community very seriously, so much so, that one of his habits allows him to better serve them. What is this habit? If you google pictures of him you will likely see him wearing a grey t-shirt. He wears the same version of that grey t-shirt every day. Why, you ask? According to Zuckerberg, he wants to clear his life to make as few decisions as possible to best serve his Facebook community. He feels he is not doing his job if he spends his time and energy on any small, frivolous, or silly decisions, such as choosing what to wear.

How This Can Make You Smarter

We are distracted by so many things during the day- ironically, for many Facebook is one of them- that our minds get cluttered and can render us less effective. Simplifying your life, like Zuckerberg has done, can give your brain room to grow and focus on things that can increase your intellect and add value to your life. See what you can do to limit your distractions and make your life simpler.

7) Leonardo Da Vinci: Study widely

Da Vinci

Da Vinci is best known as an artist. However, this “Renaissance Man” had a habit you will do well do follow. He had a child-like curiosity and was in the habit of learning everything he could whenever he could. His curiosity led him beyond art. He studied mechanics, aeronautics, and anatomy – all things scientific.

How This Can Make You Smarter

It’s probably quite obvious that the more you learn the smarter you’ll get. However, what many don’t think about is how learning a variety of subjects opens up insights into the inter-workings and relationships different subjects have. For instance, if you are an artist and also study chemistry, you can understand how chemical compounds work together and perhaps create mastery because of your knowledge of how oils can be blended together. This type of study can give you the opportunity to look beyond the obvious and enter a world that only few dare to venture into.

8) Wayne Gretzky: Become a student to become a master

wayne gretsky

Gretzky, The Great One, is one of the best, if not the best hockey player of all time. How did he get there? It wasn’t because of his size or his natural athletic ability. He became great, and a genius on the ice, because of his work ethic. From a young age, Gretzky would watch hockey games and trace the path of the puck. He’d then study where the puck would go the most and it’s movement throughout a game. His study of the game, and on and off the ice physical training, created a combination that would put him in the Hall of Fame with records that are yet to be broken. It is fair to say that he is one of the most intelligent hockey players that ever lived.

How This Can Make You Smarter

You don’t have to be the best or the greatest to benefit from Gretzky’s example. Pick one area of your life you’d like to improve and become a student. Learn everything you can about the subject – and related subjects. Then make a plan and work as hard as you can to become the best you can at that subject or talent. Oh, and don’t worry about failing. Like you learned from Edison, if you don’t succeed the first time you will have grown smarter because you’ll now know how not to do something the next time.

9) Benjamin Franklin: Utilize cold temperatures


Nothing says relaxation like soaking in a hot tub or warm bath. However, Benjamin Franklin chose to take a daily swim in frigid waters of the river Thames in London. Why would he do such an act when he could find a warm local pool to get his morning workout in? The reason is that subjecting your body to extreme cold temperatures, for short periods of time, will cause your blood to be drawn to your core to keep you alive. As you warm your body temperature back to normal, your body will be replenished with fresh blood. I don’t suggested jumping in a freezing lake due to risk of hypothermia, but you can take a cold shower or have a go at Cryotherapy.

How This Can Make You Smarter

When your body, and brain, are flushed with fresh blood there is a mental and physical acuity that is gained for a short period of time that is like no other. Personally, I experienced this after trying a session of Cryotherapy. I entered a chamber for 3 min at extreme freezing temperatures. When I emerged, the physical energy and mental sharpness I experience was amazing. You might want to trade in that comfortable warm bed for a cold awakening and see where your limits can take you.

10) Dr. Maya Angelou: Find the best place to work


Dr. Angelou was an award winning writer, poet, and civil rights activist. She made a significant contribution to our world in a masterful way. In order to create her inspiring musings, Dr. Angelou would go to a local hotel/motel in order to write in solitude. She could have chosen to write in the peace and quiet of her own home. In Mason Currey’s book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, he documents a 1983 interview where Dr. Angelou states, “I keep a hotel room in which I do my work—a tiny, mean room with just a bed, and sometimes, if I can find it, a face basin. I keep a dictionary, a Bible, a deck of cards and a bottle of sherry in the room. I try to get there around 7, and I work until 2 in the afternoon. If the work is going badly, I stay until 12:30. If it’s going well, I’ll stay as long as it’s going well. It’s lonely, and it’s marvelous.”

How This Can Make You Smarter

Many geniuses have their one place where they think and work best. It may be a room or it could be an outside bench with a beautiful mountain or ocean view. By doing this, you give your mind an opportunity to reach levels you otherwise would not reach. Find that place that inspires you and allows your mind to grow and expand beyond its current capabilities.


This is just a small sampling of the many habits that geniuses throughout history have used to achieve extraordinary feats and make their mark on society. If you take just one of these habits and apply them to your life, you may just be on your way to becoming the next Great One or famous inventor.

What is your favorite habit from the list above and how do you think you can apply it to your life? I look forward to hearing from you.

Featured photo credit: right brain/Allan Ajifo via

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30 Most Shocking And Beautiful Places That You Need To Visit

Feature photo

The world is full of wonder and beauty, but it important to remember that beauty is a very subjective trait. After all, what one person finds to be absolutely stunning may be disturbing to the person standing next to them. With this is mind, we have compiled a list of some of the most shocking and beautiful places to visit throughout the world so that you can expand your travel bucket list accordingly.

1. Tunnel of Love, Ukraine


Photo by Kashif Pathan

This 1.8 mile private railroad passage is set deep in the woods within the Ukraine. Due to its beautiful and serene setting, it has become a favorite spot for adventurous travelers and couples in love. This is the perfect location for a proposal or a romantic photo-shoot. Just make sure that you steer clear of the tracks when the lone train that utilizes them is in action.

2. McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica


Photo used with permission of Matt Schwachofer

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk on Mars? Although you will probably never have the opportunity to visit another planet, you can see some of the most extreme deserts on earth by visiting Antarctica. The McMurdo Dry Valleys have a physical appearance that bears some similarities to the topography and general conditions of Mars, and they are almost just as remote.

3. Glowworm Caves, New Zealand


Photo by neverunprepared

Taking a boat ride through the Glowworm Caves in New Zealand’s North Island allows you to harness some of the mystery and magic that early humans felt when they first looked up at the night sky. The glowworms that are present within these caves exist only in New Zealand, and you can take an organized boat tour to soak in their natural beauty. Make sure that you bring your camera with you because this is truly a once in a lifetime experience.

4. Salt Tiles, Salar de Uyuni, Southern Bolivia


Photo by Phil Whitehouse

There is nothing else on earth quite like the salt tiles in Bolivia, and this gives people the sensation of visiting an alien planet. You will be able to see for miles, but the white salt tiles can also provide the illusion of a giant mirror during the right weather circumstances. As an added bonus, the nearby mountains have numerous caves to explore, and you can get photos that make the salt tiles look like a large, white sea.

5. Ice Caves, Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska, USA

Since people seemed to like the first ones, here are more pictures of the ice caves under the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska.

Photo by Andrew E. Russell

Many people are attracted by the idea of seeing a glacier in person, but what if you could go inside one? The ice caves in Juneau, Alaska make this a possibility. The caves are 12 miles long, and adventurers who kayak and then ice climb can capture stunning photographs that look like they were digitally created. Be quick if you want to visit this spot, though, as climate change is causing the glacier to melt at a rapid pace.

6. Tulip Fields, the Netherlands

2014-04-20 [07] Warmond

Photo by Reinoud Kaasschleter

Whether you love flowers and bright colors or simply have an appreciation for amazingly well-designed fields, the tulip fields in The Netherlands will deliver a visual treat. There are several places throughout the world that place an emphasis on growing tulips, including Holland, and Michigan, in the USA, but nothing is quite as stunning as what awaits you in The Netherlands.

7. Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA


Photo by

Antelope Canyon is part of the Navajo Nation Parks & Recreation, and it was once home to a large population of pronghorn antelope. In order to visit the Upper or Lower Antelope Canyons, you will need to schedule a guided tour. Other areas such as the Rainbow Bridge Trail and the lowest section of the East Waterholes allow you to roam freely with a hiking permit.

8. Black Forest, Germany


Photo by ptwo

The name Black Forest conjures up dark imagery and twisted fairy tales, and its canopy of evergreens does have a slightly sinister look and feel. This area is the setting for Hansel and Gretel’s meeting with the wicked witch, but it also has some of the most stunningly gorgeous wooded views on earth.

9. Sea Ice, Spitsbergen, Svalbard


Photo used with permission of Matt Schwachofer

The sea ice outside of Spitsbergen is wondrous to behold on its own, but what makes it really beautiful is the regular appearances by polar bears. Some trip logs from Spitsbergen have even documented rare behavior from the polar bears in this particular region, including sparring. In other words, this area is a good choice for travelers who want to have photographic opportunities of the ice that just might include a polar bear or two, as well.

10. Catacombs of Paris, France


Photo by Adam Baker

For some people, macabre locations can be not only stunning but also provide a beautiful place to visit. For example, the Catacombs of Paris contain a truly compelling collection of bones and skulls. Many of these grisly but somehow beautiful reminders of history are arranged artistically, and you can also learn a lot about the lives of each of the Catacombs’ residents by studying their remains. This is a must-see location for history enthusiasts and individuals whose interests run toward the dark side.

11. Bamboo Forest, Japan


Photo by Tim Brennan

The Bamboo Forest in Kyoto is one of the most beautiful green spaces in the world, but this is not all that the area has going for it. Additionally, the Bamboo Forest has been named to the 100 Soundscapes of Japan, which means that this is location is a visual and auditory delight.

12. Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Pools, Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye

Photo by Indrik Myneur

A walk to the fairy pools will take you approximately 40 minutes, but your reward for taking this hike includes beautiful views and a cold but crystal clear pool of blue water from the River Brittle. Most travelers stick with photographing the Fairy Pools. However, if you are a swimming enthusiast, it is worth the cold water temperature to spend some time enjoying some of the clearest water on earth.

13. Machu Picchu, Peru


Photo by Peter Burka

There is a good reason that Machu Picchu was at the top of Lisa Simpson’s bucket list: it’s gorgeous, difficult to reach and contains an amazing opportunity to study a lost culture. No one is certain exactly what this area was used for in the 15th century, but reaching the peak of Machu Picchu without taking a helicopter ride is a huge feat that travelers from all over the world have set out to accomplish.

14. Mamanuca Islands, Fiji


Image by Juliane Schultz

There are 20 islands in Fiji that fall under the heading of the Mamanuca Islands, and they offer travelers a wide array of beautiful recreational opportunities. You can enjoy the water, take stunning photos, go dolphin-watching, parasailing and much more during a trip to this portion of Fiji.

15. Giant’s Causeway, Ireland and Scotland


Photo by Julian Dunn

Giant’s Causeway, which is found in Ireland and Scotland, was once believed to be the remnants of an ancient rock bridge that was formed by giants to enable them to travel between the two countries. Science tells us that the actual origins are less mythical but still really fascinating: the causeway is the result of quickly cooling and contracting volcanic lava.

16. Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany


Photo by Manuel Nunez Salinas

One of the most visited and photographed castle in the world was once the refuge of an introverted king. Fortunately for the public, Neuschwanstein Castle became accessible by tour in 1886, shortly after the death of King Ludwig II. Disney lovers will want to make a trip to Germany to see the real-life inspiration for the Beast’s castle.

17. Great Blue Hole, Belize


Photo by Eric Pheterson

Approximately 150,000 years ago, a limestone cave was formed in Belize. Over time, though, the water levels rose, and this caused the cave’s roof to collapse. The result of this process is the Great Blue Hole, which is considered to be one of the most unique and worthwhile diving spots in the world.

18. Castle Dracula, Romania


Photo by Dennis Jarvis

Bran Castle, which is better known as Dracula’s Castle, is a stunning landmark in Romania. Tourists with a taste for the macabre will enjoy the castle and the surrounding countryside. It is believed that the real Dracula, Vlad the Impaler, spent two nights in the dungeon of this castle. If you are really adventurous, you may also want to go to the ruins of the Poienari Castle in Brasov, Romania, which is where Dracula most likely actually lived.

19. Valley of the Ten Peaks, Alberta, Canada


Photo by Florin Chelaru

This valley is found in Alberta’s Banff National Park. From this spot, you can see and photograph the 10 peaks, including Mount Fay, Neptuak Mountain and Mount Tuzo. It is also possible to see several other peaks from within this strategic location.

20. Central Austrian Alps, Austria


Photo by Sonja und Jens

The Alps wind their way throughout Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy and Liechtensein. Some of the most memorable and stunningly gorgeous sections of the Central Austrian Alps are found in Austria, and they include a mixture of topographical features such as the small waterfall pictured above.

21. Candy Cane Mountains, Azerbaijan


Photo by David Davidson

These mountains are part of Azerbaijan’s Greater Caucasus range. The Candy Cane Mountains are nicknamed for the stunning colors that have been caused by a natural event: altered iron compound oxidation mixed with groundwater. Hiking in these mountains can be dangerous for people who are not experienced, but beautiful views can be seen without climbing up into the range.

22. Golden Temple, Amritsar

Amritsar, Golden Temple

Photo by Arian Zwegers

Harmandir Sahib, which is commonly referred to as the Golden Temple, is a breathtaking building that attracts religious and secular visitors. This unique blending of Muslim and Hindu architectural styles is often referred to as one of the most artistically designed buildings in the world.

23. Mavora Lakes, New Zealand


Photo by Tom Hall

Mavora Lakes in New Zealand offer visitors a mixture of forests, lakes, mountains and tussock grassland, which makes it very appealing to people who thrive on time spent in the great outdoors. Even better is the spectacular way that the night sky comes to life. The lack of nearby light pollution provides an experience you will never forget.

24. Emerald Lakes, New Zealand

The Emerald Lakes seen from the Red Crater. This is about half way on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, one of the most impressive walks in New Zealand.

Photo by Marcus Holland-Moritz

If you head to New Zealand to see the view from Mavora Lakes, make sure that you also make time for a visit to Emerald Lakes. Named after their unusual color, this is another remote area of New Zealand that offers beauty combined with peace and quiet.

25. Etretat Cliffs, France


Photo by Gabriel Calderon

These cliffs in Upper Normandy are famous for their white, chalky appearance and the inclusion of three naturally-occurring arches. As an added bonus, the white pebble beach makes these cliffs easily accessible, and you can spend some time relaxing while you enjoy the area’s natural beauty.

26. Gullfoss, Iceland

Gullfoss, "Golden Falls" in Icelandic, is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Iceland. The Hvítá River flows down into a wide curved three-step "staircase" and then abruptly plunges in two stages (11 m and 21 m) into a 32 meter deep crevice. (Info from Wikipedia). For more photos and infomration, go to the Gullfoss web site,

Photo by Mark Fischer

Gullfoss, or the Golden Falls, is made up of three naturally carved steps. The water from the Hvita River flows down this so-called staircase, and it eventually makes a large plunge into a crevice that is 22 meters deep. From the view to the mist, standing on the side of the Golden Falls is truly memorable.

27. Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey

Pamukkale, Denizli, Türkiye (Pamukkale, Denizli, Turkey)

Photo by miquitos

Pamukkale is a Turkish word that means cotton castle. Aside from the unique aesthetic appeal of this area, travelers are able to partake in hot springs that have served as an invigorating bathing spot for thousands of years. At one point, there were hotels and a thriving tourism industry, but the hotels were torn down to preserve Pamukkale’s natural beauty. You can still visit this World Heritage Site, but there are likely to be far fewer people in the area with you.

28. Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA


Photo by Andrew Peterson

Kodiak Island is the largest of the islands in the Kodiak Archipelago. Located off of south coast of Alaska, this location features almost 3,600 square miles of beauty to explore, ranging from heavy forests and mountains to relatively flat land. Two-thirds of the island is part of the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, and it is possible that you will find yourself face-to-face with the native Kodiak bear.

29. Athabasca Falls, Alberta, Canada


Photo by Bastien Deceuninck

This gorgeous waterfall is part of the Jasper National Park in Canada. Although the height of Athabasca Falls is not nearly as impressive as many other waterfalls around the world, the forceful rush of such a large amount of water is unusual. Another major draw is that these falls can be photographed safely from several nearby spots.

30. El Chalten, Argentina


Photo by Justin Vidamo

El Chalten is a mountain village located within Argentina’s Santa Cruz Province. The village itself is charming and worthwhile for anyone who wants to get away from it all for a while, but the true appeal is the two surrounding mountains. This region is beyond gorgeous during the autumn season, and it is known as Argentina’s Trekking Capital.

With all of these locations to choose from, there is no reason to take a boring vacation ever again. Keep in mind that traveling off the beaten path and seeing shocking and beautiful places will make you more likely to have a successful career. Additionally, it will also provide you with memories that last a lifetime.


Featured photo credit: Peter Burka via

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