
quinta-feira, outubro 08, 2015

Bonaparte, Napoleão

Tema: Politica
Nunca interrompas o teu inimigo enquanto estiver a cometer um erro

via @notiun

Guicciardini, Francesco

Tema: Diversidade
Quanto se enganam aqueles que a cada palavra citam o exemplo dos romanos! Seria necessário existir uma cidade organizada como era a deles e depois ser governada segundo o seu exemplo; para aqueles que se encontram noutra situação e com qualidades bem diferentes, tal facto é tão desproporcionado quanto seria o de querer que um asno corresse como um cavalo

via @notiun

Modiano, Patrick

Tema: Segredo
Os homens morrem com os seus segredos.

via @notiun

Corneille, Pierre

Tema: Momento
Cada momento da vida é um passo para a morte

via @notiun

Butler, Samuel

É melhor ter amado e ter perdido, do que nunca ter perdido nada

via @notiun

Dantas, Inácio

O admirável de uma ilusão de amor é o poder que temos de, um dia, transformá-la em realidade!

via @notiun

Tennyson, Alfred

A felicidade de um homem não consiste na ausência, mas sim no domínio das suas paixões


Schweitzer, Albert

Só são verdadeiramente felizes aqueles que procuram ser úteis aos outros


19 Super Healthy Benefits of Celery


Did you know that celery is one of the healthiest veggies out there? You probably hear a lot about spinach, kale, apples and lemons but this green vegetable is often forgotten and little spoken about.

Not only does celery have plenty of health benefits but it’s also very versatile! It can be eaten both raw and cooked. You can add it to vegetable juices, smoothies, stir-fries, raw and cooked soups, steamed or baked veggie dishes and salads.

Here are 20 health benefits of this universal and healthy vegetable.

1. It is very hydrating.

Celery is high in water content (95% water) and electrolytes, which are vital for proper hydration and cellular functions. For a super re-hydrating drink (e.g. after a long flight or after having food poisoning), mix freshly pressed celery juice with coconut water, which is also high in electrolytes. This special drink works way better than over-the-counter rehydrating powders.

2. It is packed with alkaline minerals.

Celery has potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron and therefore is very alkalizing and neutralizes the effects of acidifying foods such as meat, dairy and highly processed foods. These minerals are also essential to many bodily functions.

3. Sodium that is available in celery is soluble and organic.  and therefore more absorbable.

It is much easier for your body to absorb the salt in celery as opposed to regular table salt. This helps get rid of the salty food cravings, which is vital if you’re trying to eat healthier.

As the study shows it has a strong protective effect against colon cancer.

4. It is rich in chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll helps regenerate the blood, and has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimutagenic properties. These amazing health benefits of chlorophyll are the main reason why leafy greens are so good for our health.

5. It’s rich in both water-soluble and insoluble fiber.

This helps support a healthy elimination function, blood sugar regulation and nutrient absorption.

6. It is great for weight loss.

One large celery stalk contains only 10 kcal, while nourishing your body with healthy nutrients.

7. It is rich in magnesium which helps you calm down and sleep better.

A lot of people are deficient in magnesium, so adding celery to your diet could help you replenish this vital nutrient in your body.

8. It reduces inflammation.

Although acute inflammation is important, and vital for our healing process, chronic inflammation might lead to a number of illnesses. According to the Department of Health and Human Services  and American Heart Association, chronic inflammation might cause diseases such as atherosclerosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, food intolerances, diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease and in some cases even cancer. It also accelerates the aging process.

9. It is very detoxifying as it has diuretic and cleansing properties.

This makes you eliminate toxins from the body and reduce water weight.

10. It’s good for your eyes.

One cup of chopped celery contains 10 percent of your daily need for Vitamin A, which a vital nutrient to support good eye health.

11. It reduces “bad” cholesterol.

There is a component in celery called butylphthalide. It gives the vegetable its flavor and scent. This component also reduces bad cholesterol!

12. It lowers blood pressure.

An active compound called phthalides in celery has been proven to boost circulatory health.

13. Celery can combat cancer.

A powerful flavonoid in celery, called luteolin inhibits the growth of cancer cells especially in the pancreas.

14. It is a great source of vitamin K.

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting, building strong bones and good heart health.

15. It is an old folk remedy for heartburn because of its low acidity.

A study published in Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology included celery in a “low acid” diet prescribed to patients suffering from acid reflux.

16. In addition to well­-known antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, scientists have now identified at least a dozen other types of antioxidant nutrients in celery.

The antioxidant support we get from celery is largely due to its phenolic nutrients that have been shown to help protect us against unwanted oxygen damage to our cells, blood vessels, and organ systems.

17. Because it acts as a diuretic, celery helps to remove uric acid crystals.

These crystals build up around the body’s joints that can add to the pain and discomfort of frequent joint use. It can also increase the regrowth of tissue in inflamed joints.

18. It helps boost the strength of the immune system.

Due to its high vitamin C and other antioxidants content, regularly eating celery can reduce your risk of catching the common cold as well as protecting you against a variety of other diseases.

19. Due its high flavanoid content, it supports the nervous system and brain health.

Celery protects the nerve cells from oxygen-based damage.


Featured photo credit: 01316.jpg By MaxStraeten via

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10 Delicious Bean Recipes to Help You Lose Weight

Enchilada Casserole

Beans receive mixed reviews in the weight loss community. On one hand, they’re a natural food, which experts normally recommend over processed foods to people who want to lose weight. On the other hand, beans contain carbohydrates, and many diets encourage people to limit their carb intake.

So, what’s the verdict? Do beans belong on our plates?

A 2013 study conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University found that “a high-fibre bean-rich diet was as effective as a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss.” Another study revealed that “bean eaters weighed, on average, 7 pounds less and had slimmer waists than their bean-avoiding counterparts.”

This is good news if you love beans. It’s also good news if you want to eat healthy because research has suggested beans can help:

But maybe you’re not sure where to start when it comes to eating more beans―or maybe you just don’t like beans. That’s not your fault. Most people think the only way to eat beans is to pile them on a plate and starting spooning them up. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Beans are actually a very versatile food. Used correctly, you can add them to a dish and get all their health benefits―without overpowering the other flavors in the meal.

Here are 10 recipes to help you get started with eating more beans.

1. Quinoa and Black Beans

Since this recipe requires only 15 minutes of prep time, you can move on to other tasks while this tasty meal simmers.

Black bean and quinoa bowl

2. Corn and White Bean Chowder

Make a big bowl of this delicious chowder for dinner and save the leftovers for an easy microwavable lunch.

Corn Chowder

3. Southwest Salad

This enormous salad shows just how easy it is to add beans to a meal. And since beans naturally contain lots of fiber, you’ll be making the meal more filling too.

Southwest Salad

4. Smashed Chickpea & Avocado Salad Sandwich

This versatile chickpea and avocado salad can be used in a sandwich or a wrap. It’s a no-cook recipe, which means faster prep time and fewer dirty dishes. By the way, chickpeas are also called garbanzo beans, and yes, they are a legume.

avocado chickpea burrito

5. Snickerdoodle Blondies

Bet you didn’t see this one coming. Beans are a surprisingly versatile food. Blend them up, and you can increase the fiber and nutrients in these blondies without spoiling the sweet taste. To be clear, these blondies are still a dessert — translation: you shouldn’t eat ten of them if you want to lose weight. But they are a sweet way to get more of healthy the goodness of beans into your life.

snickerdoodle blondies

6. Chicken and White Bean Chili

This meal combines the heartiness of chili with the fiber of beans to help you feel full longer.

Chicken Soup

7. Asian Slaw with Ginger-Peanut Dressing

Need more easy-to-make lunches you can take to work? Stuff this salad into a plastic container and grab a piece of fruit. This recipe contains lima beans, a healthy legume many people forget about. Even if you didn’t like them when you were younger, you should give them a try in this salad.

lunch salad

8. Black Bean and Quinoa Enchilada Bake

If you’re like me, this recipe had you at “enchilada.” Plus, black beans (and pinto beans) go great with Mexican food. Now you have a reason to crack open your favorite jar of salsa.

enchilada casserole

9. Easy Tuscan Bean Soup

You can easily add beans to lots of soup recipes. It’s a smart choice because the beans will make the soup more filling.

Tuscan Bean Soup

10. Breakfast Smoothie

Beans are a great natural source of protein. Add some blended beans to a smoothie, and you can be sipping on a healthy breakfast in no time.

A white creamy breakfast smoothie

Now you have 10 tasty bean recipes to help you lose weight and start enjoying the many other health benefits beans provide. If you don’t know how to cook dry beans, or you would like to know how to cook dry beans for less gas, this free guide will help.

Thanks to Michelle Jones and Amy Hanus for providing the pictures used in this post. All Photos Used With Permission.

Featured photo credit: Skinny Enchilada Casserole/Amy Hanus via

The post 10 Delicious Bean Recipes to Help You Lose Weight appeared first on Lifehack.

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Introducing the New Mac App to Download and Watch Youtube Audio and Video Files

Mac is making it easier for us to watch quality video, offering us all the means necessary in order to have a great viewing experience. A great innovation from Apple, is the retina display which allows you to view anything displayed on the Mac screen, perfectly from every angle. Apple reduced the reflective surface by removing the front glass and by adding a thick anti-reflective coating. With improved features such as better color accuracy through its 14.7 million pixels and contrast ratio, the 27 inch diagonal offers everything the user needs for a complete visual experience.

A Bit About Your Favorite Tunes

YouTube is the world’s most popular online video site, and throughout time, it started becoming more intuitive to user’s needs, including and improving the user’s possibility to make playlists and save videos for later, create and personalize their own channel, but it forgot about mobility. The YouTube phone app works great on your phone, the only downside being that it can’t run in the background, allowing you to use your phone freely while listening to your favorite tunes.

Having your playlists or favorite videos to listen to or share with your friends no matter the place or time could always come in handy. The same as being able to listen on your Mac or iPod to the songs that maybe you can’t find on iTunes. You and me both know that when you’re absolutely crazy about a song you try to get it no matter what, searching through tens of sites that would allow you to purchase and download the track.

Nowadays we are used to ease of access to content and we expect to get it no matter where we are, that’s why when we end up with no Wi-Fi at a cafe or in any place for that matter, we feel disappointed.

3 Reasons Why You’d Want to Take Your Video and Audio With You On Your Mac

Here they are. Although feel free to add your own.

1. Slow Wi-Fi Connection

We all know how annoying it is to experience a slow Wi-Fi connection while you’re out and have your laptop with you. The video stops every couple of seconds to load and your whole experience becomes a blur of interrupted sound.

2. Ease of Access

If you have no internet connection, you can still listen to your favorite tunes or watch your favorite vlogs or videos by taking them with you from home.

3. Look Better Prepared

Demonstrations and quality guarantee during presentations by avoiding any loading interruptions caused by slow Internet connection or maybe lack of access because of the place’s Wi-Fi connectivity settings

New Mac App by FLVTO…

to Legally Download and Watch YouTube Videos on Your Mac

There are a lot of apps that allow you to download YouTube songs or videos but as you know, they usually miss that little something that makes them re-usable, or they are simply not that Mac friendly. Recently, I discovered an app called FLVTO. It is really easy to download and is very user friendly with a familiar interface for all mac users. The app exports automatically to my iTunes list everything that I download, saving me the time spent with browsing through folders .

The other reason why this app has the edge over the others in that it’s not only YouTube you can download videos and songs from, but also other sites such as Vimeo, Daily Motion, Metacafe, Facebook etc. offering you a high download quality and a wide variety of sources to choose from where you get your content. It’s really easy to install and use so let me show you how to get your music faster. You can use FLVTO online or download the app and install it on the computer.

On, press the Download button to download the converter installation kit on your Mac. Run the Exe file and allow it to start installing. Once the wizard pops up you follow its steps. You can take a look at the FLVTO installation guide for a better idea of how the process looks.

Once installation is done, you are free to explore the application and enjoy it. Here you can find a more detailed way of use for Mac users that guides you through the first time you will use the app.


No matter the platform we use, at one point there’s always something we would like to share or have to show when it pops up in a discussion. FLVTO is an easy to use application that helps you get your favorite music and videos at their highest quality for you to enjoy on your Mac or PC. Whether you have Mac, Windows or Linux, the app works fluently and allows you to download content legally and free of charge.

The post Introducing the New Mac App to Download and Watch Youtube Audio and Video Files appeared first on Lifehack.

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Where On Earth Can You Drink Tap Water?

Small info

I’m sure you’ve asked this traveling, “Can I drink the tap water?” It is easy to get confused about where it’s safe to drink and where it’s not, especially if you’re planning a multi-destination trip. Some countries like India and Mexico are well known for unsafe tap water but where else is it a health risk? If you want a quick reference for where on Earth the water is safe we’ve got you covered with this helpful Graph. It was created by Just the Flight and you can find the original interactive version on their website. All of the information about water safety is based on data from the CDC. The graph also shows pricing for bottled water and beer for each country as well! So if you can’t drink the water you know what you’re looking at for costs to stay hydrated. All of the details for tap water safety and costs for beer and bottled water are in individual graphics below.

tap water

Graphic created by Just the Flight

Have plans to travel to a place where the tap water is deemed unsafe? Remember to skip ice in your drinks and avoid uncooked fruit and vegetables unless they’ve been peeled. Make sure to use bottled water when brushing your teeth as well.

Please know, not all of the counties listed on the graphic have dirty or polluted water. I know from personal experience, tap water may be safe at different elevations and in different areas within a country shown as unsafe on the graph. Ultimately, further research is required. Falling short of that, follow the advice on the graph to avoid an uncomfortable case of traveler’s illness.

It’s definitely better to be safe than sorry!

tap water

Graphic created by Just the Flight

When buying bottled make sure the safety seal is still intact. In some places, vendors have been known to sell tap water in previously used water bottles.

tap water

Graphic created by Just the Flight

Have you had an adverse reaction to tap water while traveling? If you have any additional information or advice, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Featured photo credit: Where on Earth can I Drink the Tap Water?/Just the Flight via

The post Where On Earth Can You Drink Tap Water? appeared first on Lifehack.

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5 Differences Between Real Love And Attachment

5 Differences between love and attachment

Are you in love with your partner or are you just attached to them? Love can be complicated, but this article explains a few of the differences between attachment and real love. I hope that these explanations will aid you in nurturing your current relationship or creating one based on genuine love in the future.

1. Love is selfless, attachment is selfish

When you’re in love, you focus on making the other person happy. You’re always thinking of ways to make sure that your partner feels loved and fulfilled. You aren’t keeping score, arguing over who helps more, or fighting over who is supposed to wash the dishes. You don’t emotionally blackmail your partner, try to manipulate them, or seek to dominate the relationship.

When you’re merely attached to someone, you’re focused upon the ways in which they can make you happy. You become heavily dependent upon your partner and may even try to control him or her to avoid abandonment. Instead of confronting your own issues, you use your partner to improve your self-esteem and fill a void within you. You believe that they are responsible for your happiness and become frustrated and angry if they fail to bring you contentment.

2. Love is liberating, attachment is controlling

Mutual love allows you to be your true self. Your partner encourages you to be who you genuinely are and you won’t be afraid to expose your weaknesses. Mutual trust develops and becomes a powerful catalyst for personal growth for both of you. Love is never controlling. In actuality, love transcends control. Your partner’s ability to accept you for who you are and encourage you to pursue your dreams allows you to let go of the need to control their life.

Attachment, on the other hand, tends to fuel controlling behavior. You may discourage your partner from spending time with their friends, play mind games, or put an unhealthy level of focus on pleasing them. You may even try to manipulate them into staying with you regardless of their feelings.

3. Love is mutual growth, attachment is encumbering

If you’re in love, you and your partner will grow together. When both of you work to become the best versions of yourselves, you’ll become better than you could have on your own. In short, your partner stimulates your growth, and you do the same for them.

In cases of attachment, your urge to control and your inability to solve your own problems restricts your growth as well as your partner’s. Your unresolved issues cause unnecessary dependence upon your significant other. Not surprisingly, this restricts the growth of both parties and makes it difficult to love in a healthy way.

4. Love is everlasting, attachment is transient

Love survives the passage of time. You and your partner may ultimately breakup, be it temporarily or permanently. If you were truly in love, however, that person will always have a place in your heart and you will continue to wish them well for the rest of their life.

If, on the other hand, you were merely attached to them, you will likely hold resentment after a breakup. You may even experience feelings of betrayal. These feelings stem from the assumption that your partner had an obligation to make you happy that, in your eyes, was not fulfilled.

5. Love is ego-reducing, attachment is ego-boosting

When in love, you become less self-centered. Your relationship serves to reduce your ego, fosters your growth, and encourages you to become less selfish and more loving. The relationship you have with your partner fuels positive changes for both of you. More importantly, you’ll both have the courage to share your weaknesses, expose your vulnerabilities, and communicate from the heart.

Alternatively, relationships based on attachment are typically dominated by the ego. This is why many people repeatedly fall into a continuous stream of unsatisfying relationships, each of which involves the same, recurrent problems. You find it difficult to look within and resolve your issues. This generates dependency within your relationship, which triggers the feeling that you can’t be happy without your partner. You rely on your significant other to solve your problems or, at the very least, help you forget them.

If you aren’t in love right now, I sincerely hope that you will find your soul mate and build a magnificent relationship with that person. Until then, why not work on becoming a better and more loving version of yourself? As the saying goes “Like attracts like”. If that’s the case, it’s wise to become the person that you wish to attract!

Featured photo credit: couple holding hands via

The post 5 Differences Between Real Love And Attachment appeared first on Lifehack.

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These Diagrams Will Show You How Communication Patterns Differ in Various Cultures


As many say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans.”

Every culture has their own certain set of rules and regulations that only they can relate to. If you travel, you will find that really the whole world is different. Something what holds significance in one place does not hold significance in any other place. Amazing, but true.

As you will see when you look into this article, every country is distinct in the way they communicate. I hope it will be a treat for you to look at each of them and compare and contrast all of the ideas that are listed.

1. USA


2. Canada


3. UK


4. Germany


5. France


6. Italyitalians-regard-their-languages-as-instruments-of-eloquence-and-take-a-verbose-flexible-approach-to-negotiations

7. Spain


8. Sweden


9. Finland


10. Norwaymost-norwegians-fall-somewhere-in-between-swedes-and-finns

11. Switzerland


12. Hungary


13. Bulgaria


14. Poland


15. Netherlands


16. China


17. Hong Kong


18. India


19. Australia


20. Singapore


21. Korea


22. Indonesia


23. Israel


May you continue your efforts in grasping information to make yourself knowledgeable and well-versed all around. Until the next time, peace and love to all.

The post These Diagrams Will Show You How Communication Patterns Differ in Various Cultures appeared first on Lifehack.

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