
segunda-feira, setembro 28, 2015

Fuller, Thomas

Tema: Cobardia
Muitos seriam cobardes se tivessem coragem suficiente

via @notiun

Rivarol, Antoine

A esperança é um empréstimo que se pede à felicidade


Neto, Coelho

Não perguntes à Felicidade quem ela é nem de onde veio: abre-lhe a porta para que ela entre e fecha-a bem aferrolhada, para que não fuja


Textos Taoístas

Tema: Sucesso
Quando estamos em paz connosco e em harmonia com o mundo que nos cerca, o sucesso vem a nós naturalmente.

via @notiun

Ferreira, Vergílio

Tema: Beijo
Quando se dão dois beijos é sinal de amizade; quando se tem amor dá-se só um. O amor é exclusivista. Ou concentracionário...

via @notiun

Dossi, Carlo

Tema: Lei
A lei é igual para todos os miseráveis

via @notiun

Hemingway, Ernest

Se as duas pessoas se amam uma à outra, não pode haver final feliz

via @notiun

Vigny, Alfred de

Amai o que jamais se verá duas vezes

via @notiun

Colette, Sidonie

Quando somos amados, não duvidamos de nada. Quando amamos, duvidamos de tudo

via @notiun

Musset, Alfred de

A vida é um sono de que o amor é o sonho, e vós tereis vivido se houverdes amado

via @notiun

4 Thoughts You Have that May Be Holding You Back


Why are most of us struggling to obtain success? You likely experience a pattern of thoughts that hold you back so you can create the success you need. From thinking your lack of success is the fault of others to negative past experiences, you may be holding yourself back. Here are a few main ways you are holding yourself back:

Blaming Others

This is a very common thought process that results in many people not taking action on their goals. They get held back in the thought that it’s the fault of their parents, teachers, government or somebody else. But when we get adulthood we struggle to switch from being reliant on others to get by, to being responsible for ourselves.

So, we blame others for not handing us success. We say things like “How dare the government cut my benefits, how am I supposed to live?” or “I would have decent education if I just had a good teacher at school”.

What we should be doing is looking at ourselves and wondering why we aren’t getting the pay rise or promotion or getting that job in the first place. We must put in the work to reap the rewards and not blame others for our own misfortune. Nobody is going to give you more than you are worth and just hand you success on the plate because you think that is what you are due. We need to take responsibility for our own lives and create our own success.

A Lack Of Resources

“I can’t start on online business, I just don’t have to time, money or skills to do it.” “I can’t go to the gym because it is just too far away and too expensive.” “I can’t find my perfect partner because I just don’t have the time to go out and meet people.” Sound familiar?

We commonly use these excuses to get out of working hard on even the things that we want to do and makes us happy. We spend hours a day in front of the television and then say we don’t have time to go to the gym or take a class. We waste our money on things we don’t need, then say we don’t have the money to start a business. We need to turn this on the head and instead of making excuses, we need to get up out of our comfort zone and do the things we have to do to create the success and happiness we deserve and want.

Fear Of Failure

A lot of people don’t aim for that high because they automatically think they will fail and be a laughingstock of their friends, family and colleagues. When what they should be thinking is that failure is part of learning and creating success. It is legend that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before inventing the light bulb.

And he invented other things along the way. How many times did you mumble your words when you learnt to speak, how many times did you fall of your bike when you learnt to ride it, how many times to did you fall ever when you learnt to walk? Failure is a prerequisite to success, embrace it.

A Negative Past

A common struggle with people and their thoughts is maybe there was a past struggle or affliction that can hold us back. Growing up with illness and at a result we struggle with school and learning. Maybe not having the support structure that is seen as the norm can hold us back.

This is understandable to a certain extent, but how many times have we heard stories of people, like rapper 50 Cent, who lived a life of crime and even nearly died after being shot, then went on to being a successful musician.

And there are many others who are brought up in broken homes with very little and can’t see a way out. You just got to find the right key to the right door. And that key is hard work on the right things and the door is your dream lifestyle. Take action now, become an inspiration.

We all have negative thoughts, it is how we use them that either holds us back or creates the success we crave.

How do you handle you negative thoughts?  Do they hold you back?

Featured photo credit: Clement/Luigi Morante via

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5 Ways to Save Big on Your Next Internet Bill

Worried couple talking about their expenses and financial problems

People in the United States pay more for home Internet service than people in most other places around the world. Factors such as outdated equipment and monopolized markets contribute to continued rising costs. But it is possible for you to save money and still enjoy the Internet you rely on. These five tactics will help you take control of your Internet service costs and put more money in your wallet every month.

1. Scale Back

Evaluate the Internet usage in your home and determine what kinds of broadband speeds you really need. (Oftentimes, you’re actually paying for a faster Internet speed you don’t even need!) There are online tools to help you gauge what speed best matches your usage. Once you know what speed you really need, it’s easier to change to a smaller, less expensive package.

Speed probably isn’t the only thing you’re paying for. Go through your bill with a fine-tooth comb and review every fee and charge. If anything looks suspicious or confusing, call your Internet Service Provider and ask about it. Ask which fees can be lowered or removed altogether. You may be surprised what they can do for you.

2. Bundle Services

A la carte services tend to come with a heftier price tag. If you pay for Internet, phone, and television, you can usually save quite a bit by bundling those services together from one provider. Contact your service provider to find out what discounts or packages they offer for combining services. Many service packages come with contracts, so be sure you understand the fine print before signing up.

3. Ask for a Price Match

When you notice an ISP’s competitor offering a better deal, give your provider a call and talk to them about the possibility of price matching. Companies value customer loyalty, which makes them more willing to negotiate. If you originally signed up for a special rate that’s about to expire, look around at what other companies are offering. Before your bill goes up, call your internet service provider and see if they will match or beat the deal you could get if you left them for a different provider.

4. Get Help

You don’t have to fight a hefty Internet bill on your own. Companies like BillCutterz review your current bill and negotiate with your provider on your behalf. This is a great option for those who don’t want the hassle of switching plans or providers. There is a cost for using BillCutterz, but it’s based on the amount they save you. If they end up reducing your monthly bill by $50, they’ll get $25 per month and you’ll pocket the rest.

5. Jump Ship

If your ISP won’t budge, it might be time to switch providers or cancel your Internet altogether. This seems drastic, we know, but depending on your Internet needs you may be able to get away with sticking to free local Wi-Fi spots instead of having home service.

If a connection at home is a must, don’t be afraid to take your business elsewhere. Many companies provide introductory offers for new customers and some even offer incentives to switch. Contact all of the ISPs in your area and see which can give you the best deal. Make sure you’re not in a contract with your current provider before signing up with someone else so you can avoid getting hit with a fee for breaking your contract.

If these five strategies inspired you to start fighting for a lower Internet bill, don’t stop here. Keep looking for other ways to cut costs and reduce your monthly Internet bill. The more you save, the better you’ll feel.

The post 5 Ways to Save Big on Your Next Internet Bill appeared first on Lifehack.

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3 Anxiety Reduction Tools That Will Work Today (#2 May Surprise You)

anxiety reduction

Are you looking for anxiety reduction ideas that really work? Anxiety and stress are related to sleep deprivation, dissatisfaction at work and in relationships, physical ailments such as headaches, and many more struggles that are common today. If you are coping with stress or anxiety, you may be searching for ways to improve your mood, experience more joy and hope, and feel more comfortable or confident in your day-to-day life.

Long-term strategies like psychotherapy, mindfulness practices, and prioritizing overall health are quite effective for managing anxiety and reducing its negative impact. While it’s vital to invest in yourself with ongoing processes like those listed above, there are also ways to relieve anxiety and stress that you can use to get results right now.

These three tools can be used today to relieve stress and improve your quality of life.

1. Get Into The Moment for Anxiety Reduction

Anxiety and stress take you hostage with thoughts about the past or future – taking you out of the present moment. You may notice that you try to control things by over-planning, over-analyzing, or obsessing over details.

Time thinking about the future will disconnect you from what your needs, thoughts, and feelings are right now. This is stressful for your brain and body to maintain. Bringing yourself back to your awareness of the present moment allows you to feel in control of yourself, rather than spinning in circles trying to plan a way to control something in your external world.

Here is a three-step challenge that you can use now to orient your mind and body in the present moment:

1. For a moment or two try to do nothing but breathe.

2. Look down at your body. Notice the color of your clothes, the comfort level of the chair you’re sitting in, and the way your chest moves as you breathe. Take your hands away from the computer, and rest them on your lap.

3. Look around you. Notice the detail about the things that are in your space. Try to observe without judging anything as good or bad. When your mind starts to wander, bring it back to focusing on this article – and this article alone.

2. Practicing Forgiveness for Anxiety Reduction

Have you heard that a grudge hurts you more than it hurts the other person? It’s better for your own health to forgive someone else instead of holding onto anger. Practicing forgiveness is also a way of releasing fear, anxiety, and stress! Forgiving someone else is allowing yourself to have a new experience – not necessarily of that person (let’s face it, sometimes we need to cut ties), but of the world and people in general.

Anxiety wants you to make negative assumptions about people and future experiences, convincing you that you’re being protected from more pain by assuming the worst. Forgiving will keep you open to new and better things.

Anxiety and stress are also linked to perfectionism. You may be convinced that you’re being responsible and dedicated when in fact you are carrying a heavy burden of doubt and negativity around with you as you try to accomplish tasks. Forgiving yourself sets you free from the burden of perfectionism, allowing you to accomplish more with more joy.

Here are two ways to practice forgiveness right now:

1. Take a moment to think of someone or something that you have been unable to forgive. Even if it’s not yet true, say aloud “I forgive you.” Practice it a few times, and try again tomorrow, until you are able to release yourself from the pain.

2. Think of a time that you tend to be critical of yourself. Is it difficult for you to allow yourself to make mistakes? Write yourself a note saying that you accept and forgive the mistake. Again, say it aloud to yourself: “I forgive you.”

3. Use Laughter and Joy for Anxiety Reduction

Laughter releases healing chemicals in the brain that bring relief. It also opens up the possibility to have a new experience in the moment. Novelty experiences, even small ones, are vital for daily stress management. Laughter can also help you experience an emotional connection with another person and help you create a positive memory.

In addition, connection with others is a key component to relief from anxiety symptoms, partially because experiencing frequent fear and stress can be isolating. Connecting through laughter (even via text message!) may break you out of a negative thought process. So, how can you bring some laughter, humor, and connection into your life today?

Here are three ways you can bring humor into your life right now:

1. Do something kind for a friend or acquaintance. It can be anything from sending a link to a funny video, writing a letter of gratitude, or taking time out of your day to help her. Look for the humor in a situation that might otherwise cause you to worry.

2. Do something today that is completely outside of your comfort zone. Put on music and dance, sign up for a martial arts class, or start up a conversation with a total stranger. Did you jump in and practice each example, or were you embarrassed, doubtful, or afraid?

3. Anxiety may try to stop you from giving these tools a legitimate try. Go for it anyway! You may surprise yourself with what you are able to experience and achieve.

How will you incorporate these tools into your life today?

Featured photo credit: Ryan McGuire via

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The Shift in “Dressing for Success”


To many people, the phrase “dress for success” conjures up the image of a man wearing a suit and tie with combed hair and a clean-shaven face. Business attire has come to represent the epitome of what it means to be successful. To a certain extent, this makes sense. When you picture a meeting room full of C-level businessmen, you almost certainly picture them being meticulously dressed, all wearing similar outfits that conform to the social norm of “business attire.”

However, studies have shown that those who make it a point to always wear a suit and tie are seen by the general public as being less prestigious than those who buck the system, choosing to wear whatever they please.


One study, conducted at Harvard University, had 159 participants read a short story about a professor. The participants were given two descriptors of the professor: one group read that he was well-dressed in suit and tie, cleanly shaven, and neatly groomed. The other group was told he came to class wearing a regular T-shirt, had scraggly hair, and wore a shaggy beard. Other than the description of the professor, the story was the exact same.

When asked about the professor’s probable qualifications, the participants who read that he came to work unkempt and wearing “regular” clothes reported that he must have held more prestige than his colleagues. Their thought process was that, since he was able to dress that way and still keep his job, he must be incredibly good at what he does. The other side of this coin is obvious: the professor who feels the need to dress to impress every day has to give off an air of elitism in order to appear competent.

A similar study conducted in Italy asked shop assistants to read a story about a woman who came into a store wearing either a variety of different clothing: a dress and fur coat, gym clothes, high heels and an expensive watch, or flip flops and a cheap watch. They were then asked which woman would be most likely to purchase something from the store. Ironically, the shopkeepers reported that the women dressed in gym clothes and flip flops were more likely to buy items from the store. They believed these women to actually be more successful and well-off than those who came in dressed to the nines, as the ones wearing sweatpants didn’t feel the need to get dressed up just to buy something fancy.


There has been a recent paradigm shift in the definition of “dressing for success.” As previously mentioned, it’s those that dress the part that now often appear as if they’re simply playing a role rather than actually being the person they present themselves as. On the other hand, those who dress their own way are often seen as so important that they don’t have to conform to societal norms. Steve Jobs was famous for wearing a simple black turtleneck during Apple’s major press releases. He didn’t have to wear a suit to impress anybody; it was his ideas that made people stare in awe. Mark Zuckerberg can almost always be found wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans; he’s gone on record saying he doesn’t have time to waste trying to look perfect every day of his life. If you saw these people on the street and had no idea who they were, you wouldn’t think they were billionaires. But that’s the point: they want their ideas to define them, not their looks.

Uniform Dress

So what does dressing for success mean? It all depends on the situation. Doctors can wear white coats, scrubs, or sometimes business-casual dress depending on if they are performing care, surgery, or a simple consultation. Policemen or security guards may or may not be uniformed, depending on if they want to keep the peace by making their presence known or if they want to catch someone committing an illegal act. Athletes, of course, wear their team uniform on the field, but will immediately suit up afterward for the press conference.

The Takeaway

The phrase “dress for success” makes it seem as if all it takes to experience greatness is to put on the right clothes. In truth, it’s the person inside the clothes that define what success looks like.

Featured photo credit: Clark Kent / Nana B Agyei via

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5 Bad Habits Of Insomniacs, And How To Change Them


When you just can’t get to sleep it can be tempting to fill your awake time with distractions- many of which are likely to keep you awake even longer. Often the most helpful things to do are not things you actually feel like doing! Your automatic habits are probably going to make you feel wired, stressed and make it even harder for you to unwind and drift off to sleep.

Here’s 5 bad habits that all insomniacs try at some point, why they’re not a good idea, and what to try instead:

1) Playing games on your phone

First, staring at a bright screen is unlikely to send anyone to sleep, but really, most games these days are designed to hook you in and get you to keep playing. It becomes harder and harder to pull yourself away, even when you do begin to actually feel tired.

If you’re a game addict and you’re thinking of playing for a bit when you’re struggling to sleep, try giving yourself a time-limit. Play until your time is up and then try to sleep again.

2) Scrolling through newsfeeds

Scrolling through Facebook, Instragram, Twitter or Pinterest might seem like a good idea to help you get to sleep but, like with playing games, this is actually more likely to keep you awake. All it takes is for you to click on one alluring hashtag and you’ll get whisked down a rabbit-hole scrolling through endless pretty pictures and interesting stories.

We’ve all been there.

As already mentioned, bright screens are not conducive to a natural sleep state. If you’re looking for a way to get a bit of external stimulation that will help you wind down, try reading a book- preferably the paper kind.

3) Thinking about things that you can’t change

Stressing and worrying about things which have already happened or about situations or circumstances that you can’t change is a wasted use of energy. You’re just causing yourself to suffer unnecessarily.

You’re lying in bed, waiting to sleep, and then you get sucked into the trap of thinking about things that you have no power to change. You analyse everything; you over-think all the scenarios from the week prior that you wish had gone differently, playing out your preferred storylines and thinking of witty comebacks that completely eluded you at the time.

When you have no power to change a situation, the best thing that you can do is to accept it and make peace with it so that it no longer has the ability to stress you out.

4) Contacting people

Lying awake at night might seem like the perfect time to see what your ex is up to or to tell your bestie what you really think of her new love interest. Heed my advice: If you are thinking about saying something that you’re not one hundred percent sure of, then DON’T DO IT.

If you wouldn’t say it in the morning then don’t say it in the middle of the night.

Sometimes insomnia is like being drunk. It strips back our inhibitions, boosts our confidence, and distorts our ability to adequately assess risks. Your friends are probably asleep. Don’t hassle them.

If you really feel like reaching out to someone, try this instead: write your message into a note-taking app but vow not to send it until the morning. Re-read it in the morning and send it then, only if it feels like the right thing to do after you’ve had a good night’s sleep.

5) Dreaming of the future

It can be great fun to indulge in fantasies about the future, making plans for your dream house, travel destinations and career success. It’s easy to get carried away and let your fantasizing keep you awake all night.

The best way to pull yourself out of the future, and get yourself into a restful state is to use mindfulness to bring you into the present moment. Focus on your breath and observe your thoughts rather than being absorbed into them.

Follow these tips and you’ll be asleep in no time!

Featured photo credit: via

The post 5 Bad Habits Of Insomniacs, And How To Change Them appeared first on Lifehack.

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23 Stunning Quotes for Finding Your True Direction

Unsplash By Ales Krivec

When you are working towards your goals, more times than not, it feels like the world is against you — knocking you down every chance it gets. And you would be right.

Obtaining your goals is not easy, it’s not meant to be easy. Why, because through the trail of each failure comes two decisions:

1. Will you continue?
2. Will you give up?

Yes, these decisions are filters, designed to test your conviction. And each time you choose to continue your journey, each proceeding decision to continue will get easier.

Many high achievers use triggers as a tool to help them continue pursuing their goals. These triggers are personal to every high achiever but through experience I have come to understand that both images and text are amazing triggers.

So I have assembled 23 stunning quotes (with images) which will assist you to not only continue your journey but to help you find your true direction.

Unsplash By danist soh

Photo Credit: Unsplash By Danist Soh
Unsplash By Joshua Earle
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Joshua Earle
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Photo Credit: Unsplash By Luca Zanon
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Photo Credit: Unsplash By Mikael Kristenson
Unsplash By Mike Kenneally
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Mike Kenneally
Unsplash By Sean Brown
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Sean Brown
Unsplash By Taylor Leopold
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Taylor Leopold
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Photo Credit: Unsplash By Volkan Olmez
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Photo Credit: Unsplash By Drew Patrick
Unsplash By Dustin Lee
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Dustin Lee
Unsplash By Julia Caesar
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Julia Caesar
Unsplash By Splash of Rain
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Splash of Rain
Unsplash By Ales Krivec
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Ales Krivec
Unsplash By Neil Thomas
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Neil Thomas
Unsplash By Sonja Langford
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Sonja Langford
Unsplash By Vincentiu Solomon
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Vincentiu Solomon
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Photo Credit: Unsplash By Aneta Ivanova
Unsplash By Casey Fyfe
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Casey-Fyfe
Unsplash By Craig Garner
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Craig Garner
Unsplash By Ieva Swanson
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Ieva Swanson
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Photo Credit: Unsplash By Mike Giles
Unsplash By Srivatsa Sreenivasarao
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Srivatsa Sreenivasarao
Unsplash By Todd Quackenbush
Photo Credit: Unsplash By Todd Quackenbush

Featured photo credit: Unsplash By Ales Krivec via

The post 23 Stunning Quotes for Finding Your True Direction appeared first on Lifehack.

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