
sábado, setembro 26, 2015

Fontenelle, Bernard

Um grande obstáculo à felicidade é esperar uma felicidade desmedida


Rousseau, Jean Jacques

Sejamos bons e depois seremos felizes. Ninguém recebe o prémio sem primeiro fazer por isso


Moraes, Vinicius

Ser feliz é viver morto de paixão


Andrade, Carlos Drummond de

Há duas épocas na vida, infância e velhice, em que a felicidade está numa caixa de bombons


Ortega y Gasset, José

Tema: Civilização
Civilização é, antes de mais nada, vontade de convivência

via @notiun

Florian, Jean-Pierre

Tema: Vaidade
A vaidade torna-nos tão crédulos como tolos

via @notiun


Tema: Liberdade
Basta amar para se deixar de ser livre

via @notiun

Dumas, Alexandre

Tema: Negócios
Os negócios são o dinheiro dos outros

via @notiun

Regnard, Jean-François

Tema: Amor
Quando o amor quer falar, a razão deve calar

via @notiun

Santos, Gustavo

O amor, seja por quem for ou em que circunstâncias, deveria estar imune a qualquer culpa e a qualquer atrito. Acredito profundamente que quando se ama, é largada para o ar que todos respiramos uma espécie de energia capaz de contagiar gente que acabou de se conhecer, e de todas as partes do mundo, ao ponto de transformar as suas indecisões em ações.

via @notiun

Longfellow, Henry

Nada no mundo é mais doce que o amor, / e depois dele é o ódio a coisa mais doce

via @notiun

Torga, Miguel

Porque o amor é simples,/Vale a pena colhê-lo./Nasce em qualquer degredo,/Cria-se em qualquer chão./Anda, não tenhas medo!/Não deixes sem amor o coração!

via @notiun

10 Smart Ways To Prepare For Your Baby’s Birth

Giving Birth

Once you find out that you are pregnant, you only have so much time to prepare for the birth of your baby. There is a lot to do, and many first-time mothers find themselves overwhelmed. It is actually really easy to stay organized and be prepared for the birth long before the big day. Here are some tips that will help.

1. Learn how it All Works

It is a good idea to learn about the birth process. That way, if you have any fears, they will be eliminated long before you go into labor. It is a good idea to take pre-natal classes, which will provide you with loads of info about each stage of your pregnancy and giving birth.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: Parents, BabyCenter, WebMD

2. Choose a Pediatrician

It’s never too soon to choose the doctor who will be taking care of your baby after it is born. In fact, the sooner you make this choice, the less stress you will have about your baby’s health care.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: Healthy Children, The Bump

3. Work with Your Partner

You and your partner need to be on the same page, so they are going to be able to help you when you are in labor, caring for a new baby, taking care of household duties, making important decisions, and more.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: BabyCentre, NHS, EssentialBaby

4. Talk to other Mothers

If you are a first-time mother, you can really benefit from the advice of other mothers who have been around the childbirth/child rearing block a time or two. Just be sure to weed the good advice from the bad, and ignore the horror stories about the pain of giving birth.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: Parents, The Happiest Home

5. Prepare Siblings and Pets

If you have other children, they need to be prepared for the new addition to the family. It is also a good idea to get your pets used to being around babies and small children.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: ASPCA, The Humane Society

6. Pack Your Bag before Giving Birth

Once you go into labor, you may not have a lot of time to get to the hospital. Make sure that your bag is packed well in advanced. In addition to the regular items such as toiletries and a nightgown, consider other things like a comfy pair of slippers and your own pillow from home.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: FitPregnancy, Boots

7. Get Your Essentials

Babies need a lot of things, and many of these things need to be purchased on a regular basis (diapers, creams, etc.). Make sure you are well stocked up. You can use coupon sites to get great deals on many of the items you need, and save a lot of money.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: Mashable, Kohls Coupons Online, NewParent

8. Choose the Person who will Attend the Birth

Make sure you have chosen the person will be with you in the delivery room. It may be that you don’t want anyone but your partner, or you may want to have certain family members or friends with you to witness the birth and help you through labor, or even a midwife to help.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: BellyBelly, NestleBaby, Healthline

9. Be Ready for Labor

You will need to know what to do when your labor begins. Make sure that you have a plan for who to call if you are alone, directions for the shortest and fastest routes to the hospital, when to call the hospital, when to go, etc. Make sure you have backups for those who you choose to drive you, just in case you can’t get in touch with them when you are ready.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: Parents, What To Expect

10. Get Help for after the Birth

You may find yourself overwhelmed after having a baby unless you are fully prepared, and have arranged for help ahead of time. This could be talking to your family about taking on additional responsibilities, hiring a nanny, or just having someone on call to help when things get hectic.

Detailed Info & Useful Links: Care, BabyCenter

Featured photo credit: il-young ko via

The post 10 Smart Ways To Prepare For Your Baby’s Birth appeared first on Lifehack.

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18 Fabulous Cookie Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

18 fabulous cookie recipes

I am a cookie monster. Therefore, I feel the need to share all of these amazing cookie recipes with you today.

I grew up with a single mom who was way too busy to cook anything from scratch except her famous chocolate chip cookies. Helping mom carefully stir the batter, forming (oddly shaped) cookie dough balls and sneaking little bittersweet chocolate chips were precious memories from my childhood. It makes me feel all warm and gooey inside just thinking about it. Or maybe I’m describing the way a freshly baked cookie tastes right out of the oven?

Cookies are simply the best dessert ever created. I even created an entire Pinterest board for this delectable dessert filled with over 200 cookie recipes that I personally pinned.

Let me explain exactly why cookies are so awesome:

  1. Cookies are single serve. No utensils are needed to divide them up.
  2. They aren’t hard at all to transport. No cake tin or pie plate cover necessary.
  3. Cookies are the perfect party dessert since you can stand and eat them (see: no utensils needed).
  4. They freeze well (so you can save more for later… and not eat the entire batch in one sitting).
  5. Cookies make excellent gifts.
  6. They can even be made a breakfast option, if you reduce the sugar
  7. They taste amazing if you find the right recipe and figure out what your preferred texture is (soft? cakey? crisp? chewy?)

Here are some recipes to get you started and hopefully win you over to the view that cookies are the best dessert option for so many reasons:

1. Lemon Snickerdoodle Funfetti Cookies via Diary of a Semi-Health Nut

lemon snickerdoodle funfetti cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes

These puffy little cookies boast the cinnamon-sugar sweetness of snickerdoodles with the added fun of sprinkles- and a little something extra from the lemon.

2. Double Chocolate Chunk Almond Butter Cookies (Grain Free) via In it 4 the Long Run

chocolate almond butter cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes

Not only does this recipe have double chocolate credentials, it’s also grain-free and boasts health benefits from almond butter and dark chocolate!

3. Monster Pretzel Cookies via The Baker Mama

monster pretzel cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

These cookies are aptly names “monster” because of the monstrous amount of ingredients! The author packs in oatmeal, M&Ms, peanut butter and pretzels into one little cookie.

4. Candy Bar Cookies via Bitz + Giggles

candy bar cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

Who wouldn’t love stuffing candy into a cookie? This recipe is made with cake mix which makes them soft and chewy (and a tad easier to make).

5. The Best Sugar Cookie Recipe via A Spicy Perspective

the best sugar cookie recipe // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

I’m always a tad skeptical when someone boasts that they’ve made “the best” anything, but the author has a list of detailed tips on making the best sugar cookies. They’ve definitely won me over.

6. Butter Pecan Pumpkin Spice Cookies via Averie Cooks

buttery pecan pumpkin spice cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

What a perfect fall recipe, featuring pumpkin and pecans! The author talks about how creamy they are because she used actual cream in making them. She then lists a bazillion other cookie recipes she’s made on her blog, so you will want to check those out as well.

7. Almond Delight Cookies via Diary of a Semi-Health Nut

almond delight cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

If you love almonds, you need to try these cookies. Not only do they contain almond extract and slivered almonds, there is actual almond flour wrapped up in the dough too.

8. The Best Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies via Pinch of Yum

chocolate chip cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

So, all of these photos in this chocolate chip cookies recipe look amazing and I struggled to pick one, but what is arguably even more amazing is the author’s funny banter in the post.

9. Grain Free Protein Peanut Butter Cookies via Fit Foodie Finds

grain free peanut butter cookies

These cookies are super simple and packed with protein. I would probably eat these for breakfast.

10. Softbatch Funfetti Sugar Cookies via Averie Cooks

softbatch funfetti cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

The secret to the best softbatch cookies according to Averie is cornstarch. Interesting, right?

11. Reese’s Stuffed Giant Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies via Mom on Timeout

reeses stuffed cookies recipe // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

Here’s another example of how awesome it can be to stuff candy into a cookie.

12. Chewy Double Chocolate Espresso Cookies via Back to Her Roots

chewy double chocolate espresso cookies recipe // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

Have you ever tried coffee or espresso in a chocolate dessert? It’s magnificent. It will also give you a good kick in the pants if your energy is low.

13. Salted Vanilla Toffee Cookies via Sally’s Baking Addiction

salted vanilla toffee cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

I remember making a basic cookie recipe, but subbing the chocolate chips for toffee and everyone at work went bananas. I think a salted toffee version would be even better.

14. Secret Ingredient Chocolate Chip Cookies via Just a Taste

secret ingredient chocolate chip cookies

Should I tell you the secret or make you go to the recipe? Maybe I will just give you a hint: it’s a main component in cheesecake and it makes the cookies creamy. Any guesses?

15. Frosted Flakes Chocolate Chip Cookies via Crazy for Crust

frosted flake cookies // 18 fabulous cookie recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth

Here’s another weird ingredient recipe for cookies that looks absolutely amazing. Where do people come up with these ideas?

16. Peanut Butter Cookies via Smitten Kitchen

peanut butter cookies via smitten kitchen

The name of this cookie recipe is simple, but the recipe sounds divine— especially when peanut butter chips and chocolate chips are involved!

17. 5 Ingredient Oreo Cheesecake Cookies via Baker by Nature

oreo cheesecake cookies

I was kind of amazed to see that a recipe with Oreos and cheesecake already in the title only required three more ingredients—and it’s true. Only five ingredients are needed to create this mouthwatering cookie recipe.

18. Chocolate Crinkle Cookies via Something Swanky

chocolate crinkle cookies via something swanky

These cookies remind me of Christmas, for some reason. Maybe it’s the powdered sugar surrounding the brownie-like cookie?

So, tell me… which of these fabulous cookie recipes will you try first?

Featured photo credit: Amanda at Diary of a Semi-Health Nut via

The post 18 Fabulous Cookie Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth appeared first on Lifehack.

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10 Signs You’ll Be A Great Mother Even If You Don’t Think So

Signs you will be a good mom photo

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a test you could take to know what kind of mother you would be, or if you would even enjoy the process? Some women dive right in, just knowing in their soul that it’s what they are meant to do, while others have some reservations.

If you aren’t sure about motherhood, take a look at these 10 indicators that you would be a great mom. Let’s see how you measure up!

1. You are nurturing.

Raising children means having fun band-aids at the ready, giving hugs for both good and bad times, and providing life lessons to mold them into amazing adults. You have been through heartache, skinned your knees, and had both good and bad times, so you are already equipped! You also carve out time with your partner and understand that nurturing that relationship, with and without the kids around, is equally important.

2. You are strong.

You know that being a mom doesn’t mean you are a best friend. Enjoying your kids is great, but you are strong enough to know when to set boundaries and hand out consequences that will teach them how to act in the world.

3. You are fun.

You know how to have fun with your family. You can be silly and teach a little math while baking cookies. For example, 1/2 cup and 1/2 cup equals 1 cup! Sometimes, you can start a water balloon fight on a hot summer day. Being a mom doesn’t mean you have to lose your spontaneity and sense of fun. You just get to use it in lots of new ways!

4. You are vulnerable.

Gone are the days of the perfect mother, like Donna Reed or Leave it to Beaver‘s mom who was always impeccably dressed and wearing pearls while getting a balanced meal on the table at 5:30 pm sharp. You know it’s okay to admit to not having all the answers or making a mistake. This will also teach your children that it’s okay for them too. You will be a role model for how to fix mistakes and find answers to the things you don’t know (like more great lessons that kids need to learn).

5. You are dedicated.

When you decide to do something you are all-in. You know that having and raising kids isn’t something to be taken lightly. You are willing to do what it takes to keep them safe, help them learn, and help them grow to become confident, fun, and happy adults. You are also dedicated to keeping your relationships with your partner, family, and friends. You understand that there needs to be a balance. You know that the kids can’t always come first – and that that doesn’t make you a bad mom!

6. You are protective of those you love.

If you currently have girlfriends or family that you would drop everything for if they needed you, you are totally ready to be a mom! Being a mom is a balance of nurturing, teaching, and protecting them when you can. You know that doesn’t mean coddling them and thinking they can do no wrong, but you are willing to stand up to others who may be crossing a line when it comes to your kids.

7. You know how to ask for help.

You understand that there will be times when you need help and you won’t be afraid to ask for it. The “Super Woman” syndrome (where women try to do it all and think asking for help is a sign of weakness) is a recipe for exhaustion. A rested mom who is happy and not constantly overwhelmed is a better mom. She’s also a mom that shows her kids that asking for help is a good thing! Communicating and asking your partner for help is the key to success – divide, conquer, and live a happy life!

8. You know how to say “NO.”

Knowing how to say “no” is a key ingredient to being a mom. Kids will ask for all sorts of things and some won’t be safe. Sometimes they won’t be aligned with your family values and others will simply be out of your budget. You know that saying “NO” can be the most loving thing you can do. You don’t just say “YES” so people will like you.

9. You know you will have to eventually let go.

You understand that one day, these little humans who once depended on you for everything, will become more and more independent until they one day leave the nest. You may have mixed emotions, but you also know that that is what your job as a mom is all about – helping your kids become independent, self-sufficient members of society. (And if all goes well, they will love to visit!)

10. You are a little scared of being a mom.

If you have some doubts about how you will cut it as a mom, it probably means you will be a natural. You are thinking things through and realize having a child isn’t about someone to love YOU unconditionally, but rather another human being who you will be responsible for. They will change your life in amazing ways and challenge you at the same time.

Featured photo credit: mother and son – by Tara Reed (article author) via

The post 10 Signs You’ll Be A Great Mother Even If You Don’t Think So appeared first on Lifehack.

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Cocktails From 30 Countries Around The World

Holidays are a time for enjoyment and having fun. Whenever there is a party, aside from the flavorful dishes, delicious cocktails are always present to spice up the celebration. Different cultures have the different set of tastes when it comes to presenting their local delicacies. The next time you visit another place, you better try out some of the local drinks, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Fly Abu Dhabi provides an infographic that shows a variety of wonderful drinks in 30 different countries:

Featured photo credit: What to Drink on Holiday via

The post Cocktails From 30 Countries Around The World appeared first on Lifehack.

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10 Best Online Shopping Sites I Wish I Knew Earlier

10 Best Online Shopping Sites I Wish I Knew Earlier (2)

Nowadays, it seems like a lot of items (e.g. books, electronics, and office supplies) are bought online more than they are in stores, mostly due to the convenience of it all. There is one department, however, where traditional shopping is still king: clothing. Indeed, when people want to go to the mall, they’re usually going for one reason, and that’s to check out the sales at all of those trendy designer stores.

So here’s a question for you: why don’t more folks buy their clothes through online shopping? Is it because they need to try them on before they buy anything? Or is it because they are unaware of some of the cool sites out there that offer an amazing selection of popular clothes? It’s probably a mix of both.

So let’s get down to business. What are a few of the hip-and-happening clothing websites out there that you’re probably currently unaware of, and what makes them unique? Read on to find out…

1. eShakti

eshakti (1)

If you are worried about finding clothes that fit well online, then eShakti is likely the shop for you. One of their cooler features is that they allow you to customize their garments so that they align with your exact measurements, all for a low flat rate of $7.50.

2. Shoptagr

Shoptagr (2)

Shoptagr comes equipped with a bunch of unique tools that can assist you in your quest to find the perfect outfit. For instance, it allows you to browse the selections of over 400 designer stores and create your own personalized clothing collections using their browser extension (which means you can access it on any of your smart electronic devices that are connected to the internet).

Creating a personalized collection through Shoptagr also has a functional purpose as well, because if any of the items you have listed there go on sale, you’ll promptly receive a notification from them (ensuring that you don’t overspend on that dress you’ve been eyeing for the past few months).

3. Forever 21

Forever 21 (3)

If you thought that Forever 21 was just a store you could visit in your local mall, think again. It actually also has a great online component that allows young adults (their target demographic) to browse the latest trends. Best of all, they’re not overly expensive either. Also, since you have likely been to a Forever 21 in person, and tried on their clothes, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what will fit you when purchasing items online.

4. 10 Dollar Mall

10dollarmall (4)

Like the name suggests, this site offers all kinds of stylish clothes for under $10. You really can’t beat that!

5. Deb

Deb (5)

Deb’s claim to fame is that they offer an incredibly wide variety of sizes, giving both large and small folks the opportunity to have access to the latest clothing trends. If you can’t find it in stores, it’s likely they’ll have it here.

6. Necessary Clothing

Necessary Clothing (6)

The goal of this site is to offer clothes that girls feel are “necessary,” so you’ll always find a broad, cheap selection of apparel here. Based on what I’ve seen, this is the site you go to if you want an outfit to wear for nights out.

7. Plasticland

Plasticland (7)

If you’re into all of the crazy styles offered at your mall’s Hot Topic, but don’t want to be seen hanging around a bunch of 15 to 25 year olds, then Plasticland is for you. Using their site, you’ll be able to order all kinds of eccentric clothes and shoes from the comfort of your own home.

8. Choies

Choies (8)

Before you ask, no, I didn’t forget the “c.” That’s really the name of their site! What makes Choies unqiue is that they offer a bunch of offbeat novelty/artistic clothing that you can use to show off to all of your followers on social media. Great for those who like to stand out in a crowd.

9. Romwe

Romwe (9)

Romwe is sort of a mix of a traditional and offbeat clothing store. You can find a lot of trendy things there, as well as some more artsy selections. Their best feature however is that they offer free shipping worldwide for all purchases.

10. ASOS

ASOS (10)

ASOS is cool because they offer contemporary and vintage styles for both men and women. But, perhaps best of all, is that they offer a special deal for college students. That’s right: if you’re currently attending college, all you need to do is sign up for the ASOS on Campus promotion and you’ll receive a 10% discount on all purchases. If you purchase a lot of clothes, that 10% can really add up over time!

So there you have it. Ten great sites that can jump start your journey into the world of shopping for clothes online. If you’ve got any sites that are your favorites, or have had good experiences purchasing your wardrobe online, let us know in the comments below!

Featured photo credit: DVF ss14-33/Christopher Macsurak via

The post 10 Best Online Shopping Sites I Wish I Knew Earlier appeared first on Lifehack.

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