
quinta-feira, setembro 24, 2015

Shaw, Bernard

Tema: Silêncio
O silêncio é a mais perfeita expressão do desprezo

via @notiun

Atkinson, Thomas

O que faz a felicidade não é o repouso, mas o esforço. Não é a facilidade mas a dificuldade


Freud, Sigmund

Somos tentados a pensar que não entrou no plano da \'Criação\' a ideia de que o homem fosse feliz


Sade, Doantien

A felicidade não reside no vício nem na virtude, mas sim na maneira como percebemos um e outro


Brecht, Bertolt

Todos correm atrás da felicidade, mas a felicidade está a correr atrás de todos


Tolstoi, Lev

A condição essencial para a felicidade é ser humano e dedicado ao trabalho


Dumas (filho), Alexandre

Tema: Dinheiro
O dinheiro é o único poder que nunca se discute

via @notiun

Basho, Matsuo

Tema: Busca
Não siga as pegadas dos antigos, procure o que eles procuravam

via @notiun

Montaigne, Michel de

Tema: Citação
Faço dizer aos outros aquilo que não posso dizer tão bem, quer por debilidade da minha linguagem, quer por fraqueza dos meus sentidos

via @notiun


Tema: Comunicação
A língua é um sabre que pode trespassar o corpo

via @notiun

4 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay For Their Employees’ Vacations


Right now, you must thinking that the title for this article is ridiculous. Who deliberately gives their employees vacation time—and at the expense of the organization too? Heck, it’s bad enough they’re leaving work in the first place, what do we do to make up for the work they leave behind while they’re vacationing, right?

Well, that is what most bosses would think—especially those that would rather tie an employee to a chair than let them leave for an extensive vacation. Here’s the keyword: “extensive”. For some reason, we always attach words to certain things and form associations without considering other possibilities.

Who said a vacation has to be extensive?

I like the thought Alfred James expressed in his article called, ‘Why you should take a day off of work and not feel guilty about it’ (clearly, he’s not talking about an extensive vacation at all):

“Companies don’t own us. Work doesn’t own us. It is important as free-thinking sentient beings that we don’t feel trapped and indebted to work all the time.”

Look at it this way: you don’t own your employees and your work doesn’t own them – or you for that matter. Big bad bosses who think otherwise will only foster a mindset that makes employees feel “trapped and indebted” to work.

This can eventually lead to low employee morale, less engagement, more illnesses/nervous breakdowns, unforeseen absenteeism, high employee turnover, employer-to-employee relationship issues and a host of other problems. Offering your employees an organization-funded vacation for even five-to-seven days should suffice—anything beyond that would be at their own expense

Here are four other reasons why employers should encourage and – *wince* – pay for their employee’s vacations:

Better Physical Health

Okay, they won’t be coming back all buff and Captain American-ish, but it can’t be denied that vacation time does a lot to improve health. According to the New York Times, since stress can take a toll on your health, it’s crucial to take a vacation “just for your health’s sake”. A study conducted in 1948 and later published in 1992 called the Framingham Heart Study revealed that women who took a vacation once every six years or less were more likely to contract heart diseases. As Eaker, who carried out the study, said, there is “real evidence that vacations are important to your physical health.”

Higher Productivity

How can an employee be more productive when they return to work? By then, they have probably zoned out, with their thoughts still roaming more attractive concepts like the ocean and cocktails. But as Joe Robinson, a productivity trainer interviewed on the subject puts it, “Employees are taught to believe that bravado is the way to go – that more hours is better, but research shows the opposite.”

This also goes for employers who think productivity has a positive correlation with the number of hours worked. Research has shown otherwise. Put simply, the more work hours your employees put in, the more exhausted their minds and bodies become. Nonstop work not only increases fatigue but also stress— which is even more problematic.

According to the Oxford University survey mentioned in the same article, “75% of the managers who took time off reported feeling recharged and refreshed, and 41% said they felt “less stressed”.

Increased Mental Power

While sleep does a lot to reset your mental energy, it can only be used in moderation on a daily basis. When levels of stress and fatigue surpass the amount of restorative ‘zzzzs’ you’ve managed to acquire, your body starts to function on ‘airplane mode’.

Agreed, yoga, exercise, and fun-filled weekends are all great ways to rejuvenate- but nothing beats the relaxation offered by vacations. According to UPMC, ranked among the top hospitals for neurosurgical care in U.S., the next time anyone wants to de-stress their brain, they should head to the sea. Marine biologist Wallace J. Nicholas states that the water triggers our “blue minds”: a state of “calm, peacefulness, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment.” In other words, a mental vacation for your employees means a restorative vacation for their brains as well.

Also, according to the U.S News, one of the many benefits of taking a vacation is improved mental health. As clinical psychologist Francine Lederer states, “”The impact that taking a vacation has on one’s mental health is profound. Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24-hour time-out”.

This leads us to the next point…

Fresher Perspectives

Any good employer would want their employees to contribute to the organization in new ways through up-to-date knowledge. We may try the “adding to the talent pool” technique by hiring fresh employees with new ideas and perspectives. However, this can also be done with existing employees.

CNN reported how stepping back from work life can help you to gain insights, appreciate the current moment, and return to your life with a new sense of excitement. According to Adam Galinsky from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, “Detaching from a familiar environment can help you get new perspectives on everyday life.”

A simple example illustrates this point: when you discuss a problem with your friend, the friend is more likely to offer creative suggestions and useful advice you wouldn’t have otherwise thought of. This is because the friend has psychological distance from the problem at hand and is able to think more clearly about the problem than you, as you are all wrapped up in it.

Furthermore, travelling or vacationing abroad allows employees to connect with new environments and cultures, allowing them to learn new languages, and learn about cultural diversity, and tolerance. The mind-numbing routine back at home that often forces them to function in an unproductive machine-like mode can only be broken when that routine is reset with an entirely new location and situation.

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What To Expect When You’re 1 Month Pregnant


The first month of pregnancy is an exciting, yet nerve-racking time. At the beginning of your first trimester, you are starting to feel the physiological effects of growing another human life inside of you. You may be experiencing symptoms of early pregnancy, or you may not feel any changes at all- both are completely normal. You may have told your friends and family the exciting news, or prefer to wait a few more weeks just to make sure everything is fine. The most important thing is to remember that every women is different in her pregnancy and that you should not compare yourself to others.

Here are a few things that women who are 1 month pregnant may or may not be experiencing:

Breast tenderness and soreness

One of the first telltale signs (even before the dreaded morning sickness) is a noticeable sensitivity in your breasts that will make it uncomfortable to wear a bra. To ease this pain, replace your regular bra, (that usually has some type of underwire in it), for a sports bra with extra padding and strong support. It is important to make yourself as comfortable as possible as your body is beginning to adjust to the tremendous changes it will undertake during the next months of your pregnancy.

You may experience mood swings

This early on in your pregnancy you may experience feeling hormonal due to your changing body. It may be similar to what you feel when you are menstruating or are pre-menstrual, when you notice that you are a bit more sensitive than usual. If you are feeling no changes in your emotional state, do not feel like there is anything abnormal going on, since some women do not experience such changes during this stage in their pregnancy.

You may feel bloated and/or experience cramps

Again, similar to your period, you may feel physical symptoms like feeling extra bloated or pain in your abdomen during this stage. If you do experience these symptoms, make sure to take care of yourself and place a hot water bottle on the sensitive area to lessen the discomfort.

Sensitivity to certain smells

Being 1 month pregnant, your sense of smell will be a lot more sensitive during this time, and a strong odor can quickly make your stomach turn. Try to avoid being in situations where strong scents are likely to occur, especially situations involving food smells. This includes your office break room, restaurants, or wearing strong perfume. When you are at home, have your spouse be in charge of all meal preparation, especially strong-scented dishes that include seafood, eggs, or spaghetti sauce.

First signs of morning sickness

For most pregnant women, morning sickness does not happen until around the 6th week of pregnancy, but can happen as early as the 4th week. Feeling nauseous and vomiting are the main symptoms of morning sickness and should be treated with plenty of rest, bland foods, and liquids. The most important thing is not to be too hard on yourself during this time and make your health a top priority.

1 month pregnant means your baby is beginning to form

From a tiny ball of cells, your baby is starting to take shape in this first month inside the womb. Your baby will begin to develop a sheet of cells that forms the neural tube; this will form the central nervous system, including the brain and the spinal cord.

You may experience a little spotting

Around 30 percent of the time, implantation bleeding occurs as the cells attach to the uterine wall. This is where the placenta will later develop, sending nutrients and oxygen to the fertilized egg as it continues growing into a baby. Implantation bleeding is usually very light red or brown and should not be mistaken for your period or a sign that something is wrong.

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6 Signs That You Are Not Yet Ready For A New Relationship


For many, the best way to get over a break up and move on is to jump into another relationship. However, this could be a mistake as you are still emotionally vulnerable and could be a victim for a more devastating situation. Carrying on a relationship requires some emotional stability and inner strength to keep on going. As they say, a relationship can never be like being single because it is a full-time job. Don’t sweat it out. Wait and be prepared for the real thing when it comes.

Here are some signs to prove you are not ready for a new relationship since you have not fully recovered from the former.

1. You are still distorted

You still can’t figure out why your ex left you, or if you want to get back with your ex. You still value and cherish the moments you had so you find it hard to let go. You are seriously considering some breakup sex. That is to say, you are hoping that they will come back. You do not have that clarity yet and truly cannot harness what you feel. Before you get into a new relationship, you really need to be honest with yourself.

2. You are hurt

You still have some bitterness swelling inside you and you simply can’t let go. You wish you could have your vengeance or try to get back at your ex. Sometimes, you cry at your loss and you really can’t come to term with the fact that it is over. All that resentment has to go before you set yourself up for a new relationship.

3. You are still holding on to something that belongs to them

You have something that kept you and your ex together for a while. It could be the memories, it could be their items, or the envisioned future that you hoped to shared together. You have this thing tucked somewhere in your heart, or in your closet, and you need to let it go before you move on to a new relationship.

4. You are afraid

Fear can be synonymous with love. You are afraid to get hurt again. You think every other person is like your ex and that they are out to break and hurt you. You do not want to risk anything. You aren’t ready to fight for what could be an exciting journey either.

5. You are angry

It is one thing to be hurt, but it is another thing to be angry and not willing to forgive. You believe you have been wronged and that the Fates have played a fast one on you. Such bitterness won’t allow you to see the possibilities and the beauty that could be waiting for you just ahead. If you want to be happy and enjoy a new relationship, you have to be willing to forgive and be ready to appreciate what you benefited from in your past relationship, rather than what you lost.

6. You are lazy

The act of being broken makes you sort of lazy and weak. A new relationship has to make you feel alive, active, and full of life. You can’t be lazy and have dulled senses to get into something new. Most times, a relationship is meant to unleash our creativity and romantic capacities. If you are lazy and can’t give enough energy into a new relationship it means you have still not gotten over your former relationship. Be willing to give some energy. If you are going into a new relationship, push yourself to making your other half happy.


Altogether, it does take a while to get out of a broken relationship and fully recover from the emotional pain. It is better and more important for you to fully recover from a broken relationship and face future possibilities in a new relationship. Taking note of these signs could be helpful in determining where you are at the moment.

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Feel Fat and Worthless? It Could Be Destroying Your Business.


Can’t remember the last time you looked in the mirror and actually liked what you saw? Struggling to think back to when you felt wholeheartedly confident, fearlessly self-assured and determinedly bold?

I feel you.

But feeling crappy about yourself could be doing even more harm than you might think … in fact, it may even be destroying your business and career. Here’s how.

The message

Okay, I’m going to get really straight with you: every day (in a myriad of ways), you’re sending a message out to the world.

With the way you dress, the way you walk, the way you hold and present yourself, the way you speak, the words you use, the expression on your face and even the menu options you choose, you’re telling a story. Physically, mentally and even energetically, you’re sending your message – and your story – out into the world. And that story is being read, interpreted and reviewed by every single person you come in contact with – both consciously and subconsciously.

In the same way, we make snap judgments (which yep, I know totally sucks) about the people we come in contact with. We form opinions based on their body language. We decide whether we like them, want to work with them and – wait for it – want to invest in them (either financially, energetically or even just with our time) based on the story we read.

What’s your story?

And here’s where the problem rests: when you feel crappy about yourself, you’re also projecting that image out into that world. You’re sending the I’m-fat-and-worthless story to everyone you come in contact with. And even though you’re running yourself ragged trying to run a wildly successful business that attracts an abundance of clients and customers, it doesn’t matter. Because your story is saying that you – and in turn your business – aren’t worth anybody’s time.

Now, to simplify this massively, the story and message you’re sending out into the world is either one of success and abundance (“Look at me, I’m confident, happy, positive and radiating with success!”), or one of failure, lack, scarcity and rejection (“Ugh, I’m so fat and worthless. Everybody hates me. I’ll never get anywhere.”)

And while we all have our A-team of supportive cheerleaders that help us shake off our negative funks, the truth is that the majority of people you interact with – and that your business needs to influence and woo – won’t care about your potential. They’ll judge you based on what they see, feel, hear and experience.

You get back what you put out

So, how can you use this 24/7 story-telling spiel to your advantage? Simple: be mindful of what message you’re sending out into the world.

I discovered the Law of Attraction through Esther and Jerry Hicks and while it’s a bit woo-woo, it does make sense to me. Condensed and simplified, it essentially means that you get back what you put out. Think happy, blissful thoughts? Get a happy, blissful experience. On the flip side, if you feel fat, worthless and unsuccessful, you’ll be attracting experiences that reinforce those feelings.

But wait … how can you change your story? And how can you feel good about yourself, attract positive experiences and expect good things to happen, when you feel fat, worthless and unsuccessful?

Well, while everyone is different (and I encourage you to discover what works for you) here are three strategies that have helped me transform my story:

1. If what you focus on grows, then focus on the good stuff.

Take Peter Pan’s advice and think happy thoughts. Surround yourself with positive people. Take time to enjoy yourself, and your day, in as many ways as you can. Make your life about deliberately feeling good.

2. Practice gratitude.

If you’re reading this, then your life is pretty awesome. You have a digital device that allows you to read information on the inter-webs. You have time to read an article on Lifehack. And you’re in a position where you’re able to better yourself and your life. This is not something to be taken for granted. Now, I know this doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and unicorns in your world. But by setting aside five or ten-minutes each day to say thank you for the good things that are in your life, you’ll feel so much better. Science says so too (not just the hippy entrepreneurial girl).

3. Rewrite your story.

In addition to writing ‘business stories’ for my professional copy-writing clients, I also write fiction in my spare time. Now this means that I’m kind of a super word geek, but more importantly that I have an unquenchable passion for storytelling. And this has come in very handy on those “WHY DON’T MY FAT JEANS FIT!” days. Because you know what I do? I rewrite. I’m no longer the girl who indulged in way too many cupcakes and now can’t fit into her jeans, I’m the girl who is going to wear that bangin’ maxi dress that she feels sexy as heck in. And you know what? It works. My confidence soars, the fat pants get shelved and I go on with my day. Because the reality is that it’s all just perception anyway. So why not do a rewrite? You’re not the entrepreneur who failed one too many times. You’re the genius business whiz who picked themselves up and kept going. You’re the successful entrepreneur who made their dreams a reality.

Because it’s time for you to start calling the shots. It’s time for you to consciously choose your story and your message. It’s time for you to feel powerful, strong and brilliantly successful. It’s time for you. Now, go get ’em, tiger.

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7 Ways To Have Instant Self-Healing After Setbacks And Failures


Life can be a roller coaster, with several twists and turns. We go through so much daily that sometimes we need to take a break and find a way to heal and recharge ourselves positively. Doing this could help us bounce back from failures and setbacks just as they arise.

Healing our emotions and getting back from a failure or a setback can be done in these seven ways. What makes these strategies effective or actionable is that it can be done instantly after you have gone through a difficult moment.

Practice Holosync

Holosync, a technology which was developed by Bill Harris and revolves around using a distinct form of audio technology to induce the brain wave patterns of deep meditation. Listening with headphones, this technology gets your brain into a twilight state before sleep. Although users experience the same benefits of traditional meditation practice, it happens at a more accelerated pace.

Holosync has been available for 25 years and could also be beneficial against pain and dealing with difficult moments.

Distance yourself from anything that wouldn’t be beneficial to your soul.

This one deals with your identity. Even when you feel obligated to do so, please stay away from those things your personality cannot deal with. Saying no to those things that do not nourish your soul shows some discipline and wisdom in protecting yourself from any sort of negative energy.

Listen to Chinese healing music

Chinese healing music can be relaxing with its soulful tunes. You should have this type of music in your phone, I-pod or as a CD so that you can use it against any negative thoughts or feelings. The tones in this type of music can be soulful enough to induce you into a meditative and relaxed state.

Pamper yourself

You are your own best keeper. And you would know what excites and makes you feel calm. Spoil yourself. Take out a journal and deposit all your worries in them. Go to a library and read a book or get away from persons and seek some solitude. Whatever works for you, try and spoil yourself with a treat that will somehow take your mind from the distractions caused by negativity. You can now see the future in a positive light and in possibilities.

Learn to forgive yourself and others

Grudges and resentment have a way of storing within us and holding us prisoners. Give yourself a break. Try to be compassionate and soft on yourself. Yes you have made mistakes, but every human makes mistakes. Experiencing any sort of healing and getting out of a negative period starts with being able to forgive yourself and others too.

Surround yourself with someone or people who care

You can only be as strong and positive as your environment. You shouldn’t be around people who do not treat you with love and respect if you want to overturn a negative crisis. Be around those who are supportive and nurturing. Be around people who will recharge your energy and instill you with the intensity to keep on going.

Get busy

You have to get busy and active to react positively to a negative crisis. Take a walk outdoors and be close to nature. Exercising is also helpful to help you get away the negative energy within you. Being busy takes your mind away from the problem or the crisis at hand; rather you can move your own physical energy to release the stress and tension that a negative crisis may have built.

We all know that setbacks and failures are unavoidable in our world. Yet how we react to these could be helpful in obliterating what may seem like a negative situation and handling right enough to immediately bounce back from it.

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10 Nikola Tesla Quotes That Still Apply Today

Reading Glasses On Book With Hot Tea Drink

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest minds in science. His contributions were immense in the field of electricity and engineering. Although he died in 1943, some of his quotes still serve a lot of purpose for us today. Here are some quotes by Nikola Tesla that remain applicable for us today.

1. “In the twenty-first century, the robot will take the place which slave labor occupied in ancient civilization.”

With the emergence of the internet and its sweeping of us into the digital age, what Nikola Tesla said many years ago is not farfetched. We have arrived in an age where robots now take charge of occupations that used to belong to humans. Robots have come to stay.

2. “I don’t care that they stole my idea… I care that they don’t have any of their own.”

Original ideas define where you are and where you could be. Many underestimate the power of an idea, but if you can both invent an idea and act on it, you can define your success in whatever career you choose.

3. “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.”

Passions or emotions can fire up enough energy to upset events. It is better to be able to deal with negative emotions and make them count in a positive way. Rather than allow your hate to be dominant, try and focus on making your love an umbrella above everything you do.

4. “Of all things, I liked books best.”

They say that leaders are readers. With books, you can relate with your being and connect with the world around you intellectually. All successful persons have been readers at some point. So why don’t you determine your future by reading? It is not a lazy thing to be a reader, but it could define your future and what you become.

5. “Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.”

There is nothing perfect in being alone. But when you are alone, you can experience that “wow” moment of discovery. This is many times unleashed when you are able to dive into your internal energy. Many people do not seek solitude, but when you can connect with your inner self, you can create possibilities.

6. “We crave for new sensations but soon become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today common occurrences.”

Twelve years ago, there was no Facebook or smartphones. The world was not as connected and there were no electric cars. We seem to get so used to things shortly after they first emerge. It becomes a question of what next? Humans always want more that is beyond the norm, things they have never seen before. Human wants and desires are limitless.

7. “The individual is ephemeral, races and nations come and pass away, but man remains.”

We won’t be here forever, but our legacies can live on after we are gone. There is not much you can accomplish without connecting with your environment. Focus on the legacy rather than on being or simply existing. Great minds like Steve Jobs focused on the legacy rather than on just individual greatness. Touch lives and when you are gone your story will be authentic enough to influence others to keep on achieving.

8. “Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.”

There is no perfect being. What defines or makes us are our strengths and flaws. There is no point in trying to alienate one from the other. We have to live and contend with who we are.

9. “Great moments are born great opportunity”

It all comes down to how you prepare for your opportunity and take advantage of it when it comes. When opportunity converges with your hard work, some tend to term this as luck. Hard work cannot thrive on its own — it needs some kind of opportunity. According to Tesla, this gives birth to great moments.

10. “You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”

This is a kind of futuristic prediction, since the brilliance of humans always seems to breed warfare and destruction at some point. This quote is a reminder that human capacity is limitless, still it is up to us to use this capacity for good.

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via

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8 Companies With Best Cultures That You May Want To Join


Gone are the days when a great job was all about its paycheck and bonuses. In an age where mission statement is very important to the long term goals of any company, attracting and satisfying top talent requires having core values that employees will want to be a part of.

A company that can mix work and fun to make the employee less stressed and purposeful will surely be a place that will attract top talent. According to employees, these companies have the best cultures to attract top talent.


What makes their company culture great?

Free meals at their headquarters in San Francisco, for some unlimited vacations, and there are also yoga classes available for employees. Although these sorts of perks are popular in the tech world, when you are sharing such experience with other really smart people then there is something interesting about that.

Rooftop meetings and a team-oriented environment, you certainly would expect workers to tell you that being part of such a company is much about doing something that is relevant in the world. Such pushes employees to give their all at this company.


What makes their company culture great?

They want to make the world a better place. They are inventors. They are creators and they are not settling for being average but becoming the best they can be. Everything they do is geared at one common goal – making the best products for their consumers. And if that means trying and making several attempts at upgrading what already is, then there is a sustainable reason for their employees to love this company.


What makes their company culture great?

Well, oil companies may be targets for negative PR, but not Chevron. In fact many employees of this company value their employer. Why? Chevron shows it cares for its employees by providing them with health and fitness centers on site. Chevron gives its employees the needed regular breaks they deserve. That also includes offering other health oriented programs such as training and massages to its employees.


What makes their company culture great?

They have a beautifully inspired campus where all the shops and stores are free and loaded with lots of food. Even at a time when there is serious competition in the tech industry, Facebook can provide an environment where employees can collaborate and solve big problems together.

Facebook is a company geared at improving the employee experience with its outdoor roaming space and a flat organizational culture that makes you feel equal even with your own boss.


What makes their company culture so great?

This public relation outfit is a place where the employee is valued and acknowledged for the effort they make. You cannot lose your identity here because you are encouraged to the opportunities they provide. They do want you to enjoy yourself while you work and reach your goals within the company.


What makes their company culture so great?

They have a scholarship program which has awarded over 26, 500 employees scholarships since its inception in 1984. They are focused on you attaining your goals personally and with the company. Such value of giving back to their employees is something that makes every employee feel appreciated.


What makes their company culture so great?

They offer free meals, financial bonuses, a dog friendly environment, employee parties and retreats. Altogether the company is focused on luring the best talents with so much perks and incentives that it is impossible not to want to be part of this corporations goals and mission.

Walt Disney

What makes their company culture so great?

Regarded as one of the best companies to work for by Fortune Magazine, Walt Disney is a traditional entertainment company that is built on pride and culture. It also has a remarkable heritage and a creative atmosphere for its employees to tap into.

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10 Things Outstanding Entrepreneurs Never Worry About


Outstanding entrepreneurs are simply exceptional. Their actions are laudable and courageous. While entrepreneurs may not be perfect, they do have one thing right—they realize that to achieve great things, you need to have a laser focus for what you are going for. Outstanding entrepreneurs focus on the goal; they don’t worry about mundane factors, or the risks that they are taking. They look and work toward the future.

1. They don’t worry about just making money.

Outstanding entrepreneurs are not motivated or worried about making money. Rather than worry about money, they are focused on their passion. They work hard and focus on delivering value to the world around them. Yet somehow, this often pays off financially, even though it is not what they are worried about.

2. They don’t worry about failing.

Why worry about failing when there is so much to accomplish throughout the process even if you do fail? Outstanding entrepreneurs don’t worry about failure or even talk about it. They know that failure is an integral part of success. They know that they have to fail before they succeed.

3. They don’t worry about work/life balance.

Most outstanding entrepreneurs view their work as play. They know that work should be something they are so passionate about that they want to always do it. Every other element in their life will always have a connection to their work. This way they don’t just work to live; they live to work.

4. They don’t worry about being who they are not.

Every entrepreneur is unique. They are authentic and real. If they are media entrepreneurs, that is what they stick to. If they do better with being tech entrepreneurs, they stick with it. They don’t bother themselves with trying to be who they are not or who they cannot be.

5. They don’t worry about quitting.

For the average person, there is always an exit strategy. But the entrepreneur is concerned with doing what needs to be done to succeed. If they have to quit, it means they want to re-energize and reinvent their approach.

6. They don’t worry about what they are worth.

So much is attached to the personal worth of an individual that we forget that what really matters is how much a person has given back. Outstanding entrepreneurs focus on giving and offering value rather than simply taking.

7. They don’t worry about their past woes.

They are not concerned about how they failed in their last venture. They don’t worry about the mistakes of yesterday. They will learn from them. But they will not burn themselves out with the consequences of their former actions.

8. They don’t worry about the rules.

Rules were made to be broken. Most outstanding entrepreneurs function against the norm or what many may have considered to be the conventional approach. There is always an exception to the rule, and every entrepreneur wants to be in that sphere where they are not simply following the pack.

9. They don’t worry about losing everything.

Everything gained could be lost and everything lost could be gained, so why play safe? Outstanding entrepreneurs are focused on the adventures and the experiences that life has in store for them each day rather than what they have to lose.

10. They don’t worry about being wrong.

Yes, they can be wrong. No one can always be right. But it is better to try rather than to get stuck on what will happen or what won’t. Outstanding entrepreneurs are concerned with taking action rather than whether they will be caught in the wrong or held responsible for their actions. They are concerned about the end goal and doing what is necessary.

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