
quarta-feira, setembro 23, 2015

La Fontaine, Jean de

Tema: Silêncio
As pessoas que não fazem barulho são perigosas

via @notiun

Chateaubriand, François

Não somos nada, sem felicidade



A felicidade é para quem se basta a si próprio


Moravia, Alberto

Quanto mais se é feliz menos se presta atenção à felicidade


Saramago, José

Tema: Deus
Como será possível acreditar num Deus criador do Universo, se o mesmo Deus criou a espécie humana? Por outras palavras, a existência do homem, precisamente, é o que prova a inexistência de Deus.

via @notiun

Detouef, Auguste

Tema: Dinheiro
Com dinheiro faz-se tudo, excepto homens

via @notiun

Barca, Pedro

Tema: Honra
Onde a honra é o mais, todo o demais é menos

via @notiun

Turgueniev, Ivan

Todos os sentimentos podem conduzir ao amor e à paixão. Todos: o ódio, a compaixão, a indiferença, a veneração, a amizade, o medo e até mesmo o desprezo. Sim, todos os sentimentos... excepto um: a gratidão. A gratidão é uma dívida: todo o homem paga as suas dívidas... mas o amor não é dinheiro

via @notiun

Herculano, Alexandre

Realidade ou desejo incerto, o amor é o elemento primitivo da actividade interior; é a causa, o fim e o resumo de todos os defeitos humanos

via @notiun

Wertheimer, Emanuel

As mulheres amam muito tempo antes de confessá-lo; os homens têm já deixado, há muito, de amar, quando continuam a confessá-lo ainda

via @notiun

Potential Issues With Windows 10 You Need To Know About

Windows 10 is out. Microsoft is pushing it as “the last Windows” in the sense that there will be no more major updates life we’ve seen in the past. Instead, MS will issue regular support patches. The system will look a lot more like the service packs they’ve sent out for past versions of Windows than major revisions. Because of this, it’s really important that you know about all the reasons you should be cautious of Windows 10.
It’s a great operating system that has been getting good reviews, and it shows that Microsoft is really invested in a quality product. For example, they are working with Hortonworks to create a Windows-compatible Hadoop BI release for big data analysis, and the security is built to frustrate advanced persistent threats. But before you upgrade, you need to understand there are still major problems with the system. That way you can decide if you want to jump in now or wait until MS fixes or changes the problematic behavior. You might also decide to go for the upgrade now. In that case, we can explain why you might want to turn off some of Windows 10’s features.

Support: Automatic Updates Cannot Be Stopped

First of all, let’s talk support. One of the constants for Microsoft has been that they tend to implement top-down solutions and force both developers and users to accept their decisions. Support is no exception to this rule.
Windows 10 brings a new feature by which all driver updates are now fully automatic and go through Microsoft. There are some upsides to this: no more hunting around on the web for exactly the right display driver to run a game. In theory this should force vendors to write good drivers. In practice, a bad display driver that made it through the update process has already caused problems by making some Windows 10 computers unusable! The automatic updater features makes it almost impossible to remove the driver. It’s also not clear what happens when there are multiple good drivers for one piece of hardware, as often happens with design and 3D modeling tools.
Microsoft seems pretty committed to this feature, so it might be a good idea to back off for a while until vendors can start putting out consistently good drivers. Otherwise, you might lose a lot of time if you get a bad driver pushed on you.

Privacy: Vague About Data Collection

Next, privacy. It’s a big issue these days, and Windows 10 is no exception. First of all, Windows 10 comes with a new privacy agreement that has broad language. You can read it yourself- Microsoft is pretty vague about the limitations they place on themselves as to what data they will collect and share.
One area of concern is Cortana. The virtual assistant tracks a lot of your usage habits across apps as well as your browsing history and location info. It’s all done to improve your experience, according to MS, but it is up to you to decide if you want to opt out.

Information: Automatic Sharing with Your Friends

Even aside from Cortana, Windows 10 does a lot to collect data from you and share it. It has a feature that automatically shares your wifi login information with your friends on Skype and Facebook that are in the range of your wifi. That makes it easy for them to connect if they visit, but you might not want that information out of your direct control. (Note that they never see the plaintext password- this is a computer-to-computer interaction). Still, though, you might want to turn it off if you have a wide social network.

Connection: Downloads May Decrease Your Speed

There’s another issue that might be a problem if you are on a metered connection. Windows 10 uses a torrent-like system to distribute updates, where users seed for each other. This is turned on by default, and if you have a bandwidth cap, you could eat up a lot of capacity without even realizing it because MS issued a download and is using some of your connection to share it with others.
Windows 10 has a lot going for it, but you really need to be aware of these issues before you make the switch. Think about whether you want to hold off or disable them. They might be deal breakers, but in any case you want to be informed beforehand.

Featured photo credit: Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview/okubax via

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This Is Why You Should Never Drink Coke Again But Use It Instead


Do you have a Coke problem? Unless you’re someone like Lindsay Lohan reading this, you’d know right away that I’m talking about the beverage that is part of Americana: Coca Cola. You may be surprised to know that the classic drink which started out as an elixir tonic may be doing a whole lot of harm to your body.

Let me show you 8 reasons why you should look to avoid what’s been called “The Real Thing” (despite how amazing I thought the Coke ad was in the last episode of Mad Men). First, let’s set the stage.

History Of Coke

Coca Cola was invented by Civil War survivor John Pemberton. After being wounded in battle, he became addicted to morphine and was looking for a substitute. Coke started out as a coca wine. It was first registered as a nerve tonic. It was an alcoholic beverage, so after prohibition passed, Pemberton created a non-alcoholic beverage he called Coca-Cola. It was originally sold as a patent medicine for 5 cents a glass at soda fountains. This Cola was believed to cure morphine addiction, dyspepsia, headache and impotence. Pretty good deal for only a nickel.

You might be wondering where the name “Coca-Cola” comes from? Well, this ties into the whole “cocaine in Coke” issue. The original formula never used straight cocaine; however, the coca leaf is where cocaine is derived from. It inadvertently contained trace amounts. By 1903 fresh leaves were removed for “spent leaves” that contained virtually no cocaine. Today, Coke uses a cocaine-free coca leaf extract.

The name cola comes from the Kola nut which acts as a flavoring and supplies the caffeine. The “K” was eventually replaced with a “C” for marketing purposes. The rest of the recipe is a tightly guarded secret that has remained pretty much unchanged to this day, except for alternative varieties like New Coke.

With all this in mind, let’s look at the issues that come from consuming this “black gold”.

1. A Horrific Amount Of Sugar

This is clearly the main issue around drinking soda in general — it’s liquid sugar. You are basically drinking a chocolate bar! A regular can of Coke contains upwards of 10 teaspoons of sugar. Since it’s fast acting liquid sugar, you are looking at skyrocketing blood sugar and insulin surges. Over time this leads to insulin resistance, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

2. High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup was introduced into beverages once it was found to be a much cheaper alternative to sugar. HFCS also has a longer shelf life. It is also the reason why drink sizes have become gigantic over the years. Since it costs manufacturers very little to make, you now have Big Gulps the size of an SUV.

When you consume HFCS it goes straight to the liver (unlike regular sugar) and triggers lipogenesis. This refers to the production of fats like triglycerides and cholesterol. It is one of the major causes of liver damage in the country, causing “fatty liver.” This affects 70 million people!

3. High Caffeine Content

Some caffeine comes from clean sources, like tea or fresh ground coffee. These aren’t that bad in moderation, and actually provide some health benefits. Caffeine in Coke is far from a clean source. Constant exposure can raise blood pressure, cause heart burn, negatively impact your sleep, lead to ulcers, and cause indigestion.

If you want to learn more about the dangers of too much caffeine read this other article I wrote for Lifehack.

4. Promotes Dehydration & Thirst

This is the double whammy that causes you to keep drinking more. The caffeine issues mentioned above can also cause loss of water, since it acts as a diuretic. Then, the sodium content also keeps you thirsty. Add into this the addictive properties of sugar and caffeine (I’ll get to in a second), and you have a product with a built in continuous consumption cycle.

5. Phosphoric Acid

You might wonder why this is an ingredient in a soft drink. Phosphoric acid helps to give a sharper taste to sodas like Coke. It also slows the growth of molds and bacteria, which normally multiply rapidly in a sugary solution.

When you consume phosphoric acid it can lead to low mineral bone density and osteoporosis. This is specific to colas and not other clear sodas, which tend to use citric acid. To make matters worse, the first thing this acid hits is your teeth. Phosphoric acid can cause tooth enamel erosion, even at low levels.

Think of phosphoric acid as something that can pretty much dissolve away your skeletal system, like drinking from the wrong Holy Grail in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.

6. Tap Water

This seems a bit weird, but it’s important to remember that tap water is not the healthiest thing in the world either, and it is the main ingredient in Coke. They are using the cheapest municipal water sources they can find. These sources contain amounts of chlorine, which has been linked to bladder, rectal, and breast cancer.

7. Aspartame

This is going to apply more to Diet Coke, but with Diet being produced in larger quantities than regular this will apply to most people. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that went through a lot of shady politics to get approved. It probably should have been left for its original intended purpose: an ulcer medication.

When you consume an artificial sweetener like aspartame it does a few things: it acts as an excitotoxin (which can destroy brain cells), it causes addiction, leads you to want to consume more, and newer research shows it to alter our gut bacteria

The aspartame/artificial sweetener issue is a big mess. You can read more about it here. Speaking of destroyed brain cells, I wonder how much Diet Coke the Kardashians have consumed?

8. It’s Bad For Your Body, But Can Be Good For Other Uses

Do you really want to drink something that removes rust? Now that you know how harmful drinking Coke is, here are a few other ways you can use the favorite drink of Mean Joe Green:

1. Pouring Coke on a bug bite or bee sting can help neutralize the pain.

2. A can of Coke and a wet cloth make a great cleaning solution to remove bugs and dust from car windows.

3. Remove rust from small objects. You might have tried this with the old penny in the glass of Coke overnight trick.

4. Coke can help get the smell of skunk off your pets. Just don’t forget to rinse your pet off afterwards.

5. Coke can also be used for toilet cleaner. Phosphoric acid is actually good for something! Your (old) favorite drink can now help breakdown all the lime scum and buildup in a toilet.

Featured photo credit: Emilio Labrador via

The post This Is Why You Should Never Drink Coke Again But Use It Instead appeared first on Lifehack.

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10 Things About Emotions That You Can Learn From ‘Inside Out’


“Do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head?”

Inside Out, a new animated feature by Pixar, gives you a glimpse of what might be happening inside peoples’ heads. The movie revolves around a happy 11 year old girl, Riley, who moves from Minnesota to San Francisco with her parents. However, instead of telling the story from Riley’s perspective, the story is told from the perspective of Riley’s dominant emotion, Joy.

Together with Joy, Riley’s other emotions of Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear influence how Riley acts and help her cope with the new environment.

It’s interesting to watch how these five emotions operate inside Riley’s head, but most importantly, you get to learn lessons about your own emotions from Inside Out.

1. All of your emotions are useful

However insignificant or negative some of your emotions may seem, they all play an important role in your well-being. They help you survive. As mentioned in the movie, fear helps you to stay away from dangerous situation, disgust keeps you from getting poisoned and anger helps to keep things fair. All of them are useful when used in the right context.

2. Emotions are neither good nor bad

Some emotions such as sadness are deemed to be bad or weak by many people. Some adults put on a happy front when times are bad. Some children are reprimanded by their parents for crying. However, there is nothing wrong about being sad. This movie shows you that sometimes sadness can help you get the support you need from others.

3. Suppressing your emotions is unhealthy

You can’t be happy all the time. Suppressing your emotions is unhealthy in the long run. Not able to feel your feelings makes you numb or depressed. Plus, if you don’t express or communicate your emotions to people who care about you, how would they know what you are genuinely feeling and when you need support?

4. Emotions come and go

For an emotionally stable and healthy person, emotions don’t stick around for long. They come and go. Feeling emotions and letting them go is so natural to human that we aren’t aware that emotions can be released easily.

When a person is angry, they replay the event that makes them angry in their head and that makes them even angrier. This movie shows that other emotions can easily step in to stop this unhealthy loop.

5. Listen to emotions that keep showing up

Emotions are good signals for your well-being. If a particular emotion keeps showing up, there must be a reason to it.

When you keep feeling down or angry, it means something isn’t right and you need to address it. It’s time to pay attention to your emotions and listen to what they are telling you. If it’s time to feel sad, feel the sadness. Give it the moment it deserves and then understand why you are feeling these emotions.

6. A memory can have more than one emotion

Inside Out shows you that emotions aren’t as clear cut as you think. A memory can be both happy and sad. Riley’s happy memories that are made in Minnesota can be easily turned into sad memories because she misses her home. It all depends on which emotion is narrating the story inside your head.

7. Your actions and decisions are influenced by your emotions

Emotions can have a very big influence on your actions and decisions. From what you like or dislike to eat, to what you do when you face a problem; they play a huge part in your decision-making. They give you ideas or directions that help you to make decisions.

8. Your emotions don’t have the final say

Even though emotions can influence you and your actions, they don’t have the final say. Ultimately, you have control and freedom to make your own decisions. Your emotions have no control over you unless you let them be in control.

9. You can be reactive to other people’s emotions

When one person is angry, the other person can get angry easily too. The exchange between Riley and her parents at the dining table shows that your emotions can be just a response to other people’s emotions. Sometimes, you can be so caught with the emotions that you don’t even realize that you are reacting to the other party’s emotion.

10. Embrace all your emotions

Emotions help to communicate your personality. Whether you like the emotions that you are feeling or not, embrace them all. They make your life more colorful and complete.

Featured photo credit: Inside Out / Pixar via

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8 Phrases That Will Surely Put A Smile On Your Interviewer’s Face

A young businesswoman shaking a new colleague's hand as she accepts the job

Competition for employment is becoming fiercer than ever. It is up to job candidates to work hard to leave a strong impression on their potential employers. They have to work hard on getting their desired job by playing the field and think like a game changer. They have to be informed and seriously prepared to make their mark during an interview. Although nothing can guarantee a candidate getting hired, it is still a universal principle to use certain phrases to charm the interviewer. Here are eight phrases that will certainly put a smile on your interviewer’s face.

1. “I guaranteed results in the past.”

Employers are interested to know that new hires will get the job done. According to career coach Ronald Kaufman, job candidates who include the word results in their interview always have a higher success of getting the job. Interviewers will believe that you will give them the results they want, in the way that they want them.

2. “I am an agreeable person.”

The employer is concerned if he is hiring a team player or not. The interviewer will love to know that you are not going to cause conflict, problems, confusion or always stand up against authority.

3. “I am really excited about that.”

Interviewers want to see how positive and excited a job candidate is for a position in their company. People who are more passionate are better motivated and propelled to deliver results. Although this phrase sounds interesting to the interviewer the job candidate should do well to back his enthusiasm with some knowledge about the company, its mode of operation and how it can get better than competition with its product and services.

4. “I am teachable.”

The employer is concerned about your progress when you become an employee. Being stagnated in knowledge will not help the company’s objective. If there is something that is not done right, the employer wants to know that they can approach you to discuss the situation. If you are teachable, easy to correct and instruct, the interviewer will be glad.

5. “I can be flexible.”

According to career coach Andrea Ballard, today’s workplace is changing at a rapid rate. Whatever skills you have brought in to the workplace may be relevant and successful, but what will come out of it in the future. Job candidates will have to be able to change and adapt quickly in today’s fast paced work environment. Interviewers will be excited to have this knowledge if a job candidate highlights this important trait.

6. “I am a loyal employee.”

Loyalty is important to any employer. Such phrase signals to your interviewer that you are dependable and that you won’t rat on their business even if things don’t work out. Employers these days know that there is no point in trying to ask for the commitment of an employee to stay for 9 or perhaps 15 years. However loyalty is not how long you stay in the company, rather it is about being a responsible and committed employee while you stay at the company.

7. “I will complete every task you give me with excellence.”

The employer wants to know that you are not one of those who whines and complains about a job, but is focused on doing the job and completing it earnestly. Getting the job doesn’t mean you simply do it haphazardly, but you do it to the best of your ability.

8. “You won’t need to tell me what to do twice.”

Every employer knows that great employees are the ones who are attentive and instructive. Employers want to know that once they give you an instruction you will go ahead to get the job done rather than play around and waiting for another instruction. No employer wants to be repeating instructions or micromanaging an employee.

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6 Simple Tips To Make Ice Cream At Home Without An Ice Cream Making Machine


You love ice cream, but you don’t love the price you have to pay for it. Whether you are getting a tub of ice cream at the grocery store or buying it by the scoop (which can often cost more than $3 just for a single cone), it’s way too expensive. Luckily, there are ways that you can make your own ice cream from fresh, healthy ingredients, and you don’t even need to have an ice cream machine.

Here are some tips to help you make delicious ice cream that your whole family will love.


Heavy Cream and Condensed Milk

You can use just two ingredients to make awesome ice cream that is ready to eat in a few hours. Mix one can of condensed milk with a pint of whipping/heavy cream with your food processor until it is thick and fluffy. Freeze and eat. That’s it. You can even add flavorings. For coffee flavored ice cream, melt a tablespoon of instant coffee in a bit of warm water, and add it to the ice cream during the blending process.


Ice Cream Base

All you need for this easy ice cream is your ice cream base, a freezer bag, and a food processor. Place the ice cream base inside the freezer bag, seal it, and put the bag into the freezer. Once it has frozen, use the food processor to blend the ice cream base until it is smooth and creamy. Again, this is another treat that is actually going to take a few hours to make, so if you want ice cream now, you better go out and buy some.


Yogurt Ice Cream

You can easily freeze yogurt and fruit to have a delicious frozen yogurt treat. There isn’t a lot of work involved, but like with many of the other recipes here, you will have to wait for a few hours until you can enjoy it.


Freezer Bags, Ice Cream Base, Salt, and Ice

One of the fastest and easiest ways to make homemade ice cream is to fill a freezer bag with your ice cream base, ice, and salt. Place the bag in the freezer and let it set for a few hours. Then, shake the bag for about 10 minutes, and you have delicious soft-serve ice cream ready to eat. The only real drawback to this method is that it takes several hours for the ice cream to be ready, so you won’t be able to simply make it and eat it. However, you can make any flavor you like, and it is delicious.


Ice Cream Base, Ice, and Rock Salt

This is a bit neater than the previous methods of making homemade ice cream. Put ice cubes and rock salt in one bowl, and then put the ice cream base in a smaller bowl. Place this bowl inside the bowl of ice, and use a hand mixer to blend all of the ingredients. This is a great way to make ice cream if you want to have it within a few minutes. However, you do need to be careful that none of the salt actually gets into the ice cream, because it will ruin the flavor.



Did you know that you can make delicious ice cream with just one ingredient? All you need are bananas. Peel and slice the bananas, place them in an air-tight container, and freeze them overnight. Then, blend the frozen banana slices with a food processor. It will take a while to do the blending. At first, the mixture will look crumbly, and then it will take on a gooey appearance. Finally, it will be smooth and creamy. All you have to do is put it in a container and place it back in the freezer until it is firm. This is an easy recipe, but it is a good idea to have a stand mixer, because your arms will end up getting tired if you have to stand there and hold an electric mixer for as long as it takes to turn frozen bananas into ice cream.

Featured photo credit: St0rmz via

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How To Recognize A Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens

heart attack lesson

Heart conditions are a real issue in America. High volumes of morbid obesity and unhealthy habits run rampant. The American diet plays a huge role in heart health issues, as does our love for tobacco products and often lazy mindsets.

Every year, about 720,000 Americans suffer a heart attack. This constitutes for a total of one in four deaths in the United States. That equates to roughly 5 deaths per minute!

While most heart conditions are linked to unhealthy or careless lifestyles, heart attacks can strike without a moment’s notice.
Last year, my father began experiencing a multitude of heart related problems that were set in motion by a severe heart attack. This came as a huge shock to everyone, because my dad is essentially a model of good health for a middle-aged man. He maintains a healthy diet and weight, exercises very regularly, and stays properly hydrated.

However, in spite of all of this, a heart attack still happened.

My father has seen a plethora of problems following the unexpected cardiac health issues. Subsequent medications stacked up, ER visits have become regular occurrences, and spells of dizziness and unconscious streaks all started to feel eerily normal. A pacemaker was put into my father’s chest once multiple heart attacks surfaced. Through the unexpected twists and turns associated with all of this, I’ve learned a lot about heart health.

Prevention is hands down the best medicine for a healthy heart, but it’s important to first understand the early warning signs of a potential heart attack.


Feeling weak and a devoid of energy can say a lot about your heart health. When your arteries become more narrow, the amount of blood flow to your heart decreases. This can leave you feeling weak and may be a sign of future heart attacks, or poor circulation. If this is starting to feel like an everyday occurrence, do not ignore these symptoms.

Cold Sweats/Dizziness

Experiencing excessive dizziness and clamminess is also a trigger warning. This is commonly associated with sub par blood flow. When my father first started experiencing heart health issues, he was feeling noticeably dizzy all the time. Before his first attack, my father passed out at work for seemingly no reason at all. This raised a red flag, and the heart attack happened the same day.

Flu-Like Symptoms

Symptoms of the flu include pain in the joints and muscles, sore throat, nasal cavity congestion or discomfort, shortness of breath, severe headaches, and all around body aches and pains. A lot of people who experience a heart attack notice these symptoms during this timeframe.

Chest Pressure

This one is very blunt and straight forward. One of the most tell all symptoms of a heart attack is chest pain. Whether it’s moderate to severe pressure, or even a noticeable minor pain, do not overlook this detail. This is the most common predecessor to a heart attack, and generally means something is about to happen in regards to your heart health.

For a more in depth look at these symptoms, check out a similar post by The Spirit Science.

The Differences Between Men and Women’s Symptoms

Although all of these symptoms can be present as early warning signs for either gender, there are some additional early warning signs present for women specifically.

For women, the pain attributed to the early stages of heart issues can often feel similar to indigestion. This is very dangerous because it is commonly overlooked. Pain in between the should blades can be an early tell as well. Additionally chest pain may be slightly more mild, but more persistent.

Below are a few ways to combat heart attacks if you or a loved one ever experiences heart problems.


Taking prescribed heart medications will obviously help with heart issues. But it’s crucially important to make sure that any current medications are properly accounted for before you start new heart medications. In the case of my father, this was surprisingly overlooked. His medications stacked on themselves and had some very poor side effects. Avoid this at all costs by triple checking with your doctor.

Lifestyle Factors/Bad Habits

Poor diet and a lack of exercise showcase typical American bad habits. Processed foods, sugar and television addictions, and drive-thru mentalities just scratch the surface. The good news is that anyone can break the mold of these poor lifestyle choices. Try riding your bike to work, and eating foods that are actually beneficial to your heart health. Heart healthy exercises will become your best friend.
If these symptoms are prevalent in your life, it’s definitely recommended that you see a doctor as soon as possible. Don’t let health insurance or costs associated with medical care sway you away from getting checked out. Even if you aren’t in the midst of a heart condition, it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

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6 Easy-To-Make Avocado Snacks For Summer


Avocados create a base for the perfect summer snack, since they are easy to prepare and usually do not require cooking or baking. Any recipe that features avocados should be eaten within the same day, since they tend to turn brown once they come into contact with air (although this natural occurrence can be prolonged by adding a squeeze of lemon juice). When choosing avocados in the market, make sure to get get ones that yield a bit to pressure if you are planning to eat them within a day or so. Choose unripe avocados if you are planning to eat them later, and leave them on the counter for a few days to ripen. Here are a few quick and healthy summertime avocado-based recipes to enjoy:

1. Avocado dressing

Avocado Dressing

Place a ripe avocado into a food processor or a blender to create a smooth creamy dressing. Add a squeeze of fresh lime, a teaspoon of oil and vinegar and a sprig of cilantro to add a kick to this versatile and healthy sauce. Add this dressing to anything from a crudité platter to a tasty addition to a papaya half. The options are endless, and it has way less calories than similar store-bought creamy dressings like ranch or blue cheese.

2. Stuffed avocado


For a healthy and easy snack, this delicious dressed-up version is perfect for summer parties. Scoop out the pit and a majority of the avocado “meat.” Mix with your favorite store-bought (or homemade) salsa or ceviche in a separate bowl and then pile it back into the avocado half and serve. If you want something hardier, try putting chicken salad in the center. The best part? Clean-up is simple because avocados come with their own built-in bowl. Healthy and eco-friendly makes a win-win situation.

3. Watermelon and avocado skewers

Avocado Watermelon Skewers

For a refreshing summer snack, these savory and sweet skewers always do the trick. Scoop out the avocado with a spoon and add the rounded pieces to a skewer, alternating with cubes of watermelon. Lay the finished skewers on a plate and sprinkle fresh lime juice and chili powder for a little kick. These colorful skewers only take a few minutes to prepare and are the perfect addition for any summer backyard BBQ.

4. BLTA Lettuce Cups

BLTA Lettuce Cups

For a lighter alternative to the American classic, this healthy snack is bound to be a huge crowd pleaser at your next summer party. It will appeal to both those who are health-conscious and those who are fans of traditional BLTs. Add chopped up bacon pieces, cherry tomato slices and bite-sized avocado pieces in a leaf of lettuce and top if off with ranch dressing. For a healthier alternative, substitute the ranch with the avocado dressing that is mentioned earlier in this piece.

5. Avocado fries


Coat avocado slices with Panko flakes or bread crumbs and bake in the oven for a satisfying snack. Serve these healthier fries instead of traditional french fries for a memorable snack at your next summer get-together. For a healthier and a hassle-free version, roll the avocado slices in coconut flakes for a unique snack that is perfect for adventurous taste buds.

6. Grilled avocado


For a simple, yet delicious summer treat throw avocados on the grill for a few minutes and volia you have a yummy side to complement any seasonal BBQ. Grill mango and shrimp for a winning combination of sweet and savory before the main course. Add nuoc cham, a Vietnamese sauce on the side to dip everything in. This delicious sauce includes fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and chilies and is bound to be a memorable addition at any summer party.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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