
terça-feira, setembro 15, 2015

Renard, Jules

Tema: Estilo Literário
O estilo é o esquecimento de todos os estilos

via @notiun

Benavente y Martinez, Jacinto

Os amores são como os bébés recém-nascidos: enquanto não choram, não se sabe se vivem

via @notiun

Bessa-Luís, Agustina

O amor é o invisível no habitual

via @notiun

Bessa-Luís, Agustina

O viver multipolar entre o que se ama e o que nos comove, alimenta a vontade de sermos nós próprios sem afectar o amor do próximo

via @notiun

Campos, Álvaro de

O sexo oposto existe para ser procurado e não para ser compreendido.

via @notiun

Assis, Machado

Não se ama duas vezes a mesma mulher

via @notiun

Hugo, Victor

Tema: Vida
Essa divisória que nos separa do mistério das coisas a que chamamos vida

via @notiun

Silva, Agostinho

Tema: Psicologia
A psicologia é uma ciência pela qual tive sempre a maior das desconfianças porque sempre me pareceu uma detestável e condenável intervenção na vida alheia, uma quebra do que existe de mais sagrado, a intimidade espiritual de cada um

via @notiun

Lichtenberg, Georg

Tema: Dúvida
A dúvida não deve ser nada além da atenção, caso contrário pode tornar-se perigosa

via @notiun

Maricá, Marquês

Tema: Razão
Quando a cólera ou o amor nos visita a razão se despede

via @notiun

Hazlitt, William

Tema: Vesturário
Aqueles para quem a roupa é a parte mais importante da pessoa acabam, geralmente, por valer tanto quanto a sua roupa

via @notiun

Hardy, Thomas

A felicidade não depende do que nos falta, mas do bom uso do que temos


Maurois, André

A felicidade é uma flor que não se deve colher


Hubbard, Elbert

É bem difícil descobrir o que gera a felicidade; pobreza e riqueza falharam nisso


4 Ways You Can Shop Without Spending Any Money

Girl Pointing At Sky In Summer

Everywhere we turn, we are surrounded by advertisements telling us that our happiness lies within the product they sell. However, numerous consumer studies have shown that the stuff we buy often fails to deliver on that guarantee. Regardless, we find ourselves caught in an infinite cycle of longing and purchasing, constantly searching for the items that, if the price is right, will bring us absolute joy.

Retail therapy isn’t all it’s cut out to be though. It turns out that happiness lies in the desire for stuff and the journey it takes to acquire it, but wanes after the actual acquisition.

The novelty of new purchases wears off over time whereas the happiness derived from experiences lasts much longer. Why should we continue to spend money on all this stuff if it’s not improving the overall quality of our lives?

While we may be able to provide anecdotal evidence to support the claim that shopping does make us happier, that pleasure is unfortunately short-lived. Take a moment to scope out your recent purchases around your house and ask yourself how much of that still ignites a feeling of excitement and joy.

Whether or not the fact that shopping doesn’t make us any happier is news to you, we are well aware of the financial implications of our shopping habits. Money spent on items that don’t improve our quality of life can be money spent to pay down overbearing debt or put into savings to pay for experiences like vacations or hobbies – purchases that do retain their value in happiness over time.

Even when we realize that ongoing joy can’t be found at the bottom of a shopping bag, we still get that yearning to head out to the stores. The next time you get the urge to spend money at the expense of your financial goals, harness that desire and try these four ways to hack the exhilaration of shopping without actually spending any money:

1. Go shopping in your closet.

Start by organizing your closets and cabinets. As daunting as this sounds, going through the clutter and purging what you don’t want will bring new life to the stuff you choose to keep.

Rather than shopping for additions, shop for items you can get rid of. You can do this with clothing, accessories, kitchen gadgets, food pantries, book collections and even knick-knacks around your house.

Get rid of the stuff you don’t need or enjoy and organize the stuff you choose to keep. Make a shopping list of any things you need or want to replace and try the following ideas before you commit to a new purchase.

2. Browse and share on social media.

Next time you get the urge to make a purchase, reach for your camera phone instead of your wallet. You don’t need to own a pair of shoes to take a picture and post it to Instagram.

The “likes” you receive on a picture is a great substitution for the compliments you would receive if your purchased and wore the shoes in person.

When you stumble upon something that looks really neat but for which you can’t find any immediate use, snap a picture and upload it for your followers to check out. You’ll be much happier knowing it exists rather than as a line item on your credit card statement.

3. Assemble vision boards on Pinterest.

Pinterest satisfies the craving to browse a store without physically stepping into one. You can search for a specific item within Pinterest or peruse the “aisles” of the internet and pin images externally.

Viewing the images of your shopping pursuit through the Pinterest lens keeps you from making impulse purchases as you would while wandering around a physical store.

Rather than adding an item to your online shopping cart, pin the image of the item to a Pinterest board. Keep all of your online shopping on the same board.

By viewing everything lumped together, rather than as categorized items, you’ll be able to weed out the purchases that aren’t worth your hard-earned money. You can even create a board called “Stuff Not Purchased” later and celebrate all the money you have saved.

Who knows – maybe you’ll even find some inspiration to DIY the items you are searching for!

4. Throw a swap party!

A swap party is an economical and eco-friendly spin on social events. Rather than heading out to the mall with your friends, invite them over with instructions to bring a fixed amount of items they no longer want.

You can stick with just clothing and accessories or include kitchen gadgets and knick-knacks. You can trade, barter or donate to friends while snagging new additions for yourself without spending a dollar.

Remember, someone’s trash might be another person’s treasure! And once the party is over, you can donate anything you were unable to hand off.

By focusing on the present and carefully considering the fixations of your desires before you pay for them, your pursuit of financial freedom will not be obstructed by material possessions. Focus on the doing, not the having, and always consider what experience you can buy at the expense of another object.

By using the tips above, you might even enjoy the whole process.

Featured photo credit: Girl Pointing At Sky/StokPic via

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2 Health Myths You Are Taught in School that Are Wrong


In high school, and even beyond that, we are taught to believe a lot of things that aren’t true. Most of the time it is not on purpose, but these health myths are still harmful.

Myth 1: Alcohol kills brain cells

Sure, if you physically pour 100% alcohol onto a brain, it’s not going to react very well. When you are drinking alcohol though, this is not the case (read this book). The original research into this was done as follows:

  1. Take dead alcoholics and regular people
  2. Check brain cell density in both
  3. Alcoholics had lower density in their brain
  4. Conclusion: alcohol kills brain cells

Why it this wrong?

Well, it’s called a ‘confounding variable’. Basically, there was another factor at play. Specifically here:

  • Alcoholics tended to be of lower education
  • Alcoholics tended to have worse nutrition

A brain without good nutrition and no stimulation in the form of education is obviously not going to be the same as one of a person who does have those things.

After this was pointed out, the data was analyzed taking into account these factors. Guess what? No difference.

It’s still harmful, though.

But there should be a clear distinction between alcohol use and alcohol abuse. Alcohol can increase risk of specific cancers in some people, and in high dosages, it is detrimental to the liver (and yes, the brain).

When enjoyed responsibly, though, alcohol actually appears to increase lifespan. And for some cancers, risk actually seems to be lower if you drink small amounts.

On the note of addiction, alcohol has a relatively high addiction potential, though it’s lower than tobacco:


If you have trouble believing this graph, don’t worry, you are not the first. It’s from the paper “Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse,” and entirely accurate.

How much is fine?

For men, drinking 2 standardized glasses a day is the max. For women, 1. Note that you can’t save up! If you don’t drink during the week, that doesn’t mean you can have ten drinks on Saturday and still call it healthy.

Myth 2: Eating cholesterol increases your blood cholesterol

This one bothers me even more than the first. It bothered me so much I spent months doing cholesterol research to find out why on earth we still believe this. It all started because someone used epidemiological research to make headlines.

Epidemiological what?!


It’s simpler than it sounds. Epidemiological research is something like this:

  1. The average Swedish citizen has white skin
  2. The average South African citizen has black skin
  3. Sweden gets little sun
  4. South Africa gets a lot of sun
  5. Sun probably makes your skin darker

Makes sense right? There is only one big problem: you can never prove anything with epidemiological research. Look at this example to see why:

  1. The average Dutch citizen has white skin
  2. The average South African citizen has black skin
  3. The Dutch eat a lot of cheese
  4. South Africans eat little cheese
  5. Cheese probably makes you white

See the problem there? Just because two things coincide, it doesn’t mean they are in any way connected.

Your eat 300mg, you make 1000mg

This is basic biology, taught to every doctor: the average person eats 300mg of cholesterol a day. The average liver produces 1000mg a day.

Read that again. Your own body produces three times more cholesterol than you eat. Do you really think that that 300mg is the problem?

If you eat more than 300mg cholesterol, your liver senses this and produces less.

The trouble starts if the liver can’t keep up.

LDL and HDL for dummies

The cholesterol in your food is not the cholesterol in tour blood. In your food it is a simple substance, in your blood it is balled up into a complex of cholesterol and proteins.



  • LDL is a fluffy cholesterol ball that carries cholesterol from the liver to the body
  • HDL is a dense ball that carries cholesterol from the body back to the liver

What matters is not so much how much cholesterol you have, but whether your LDL (giver) is in balance with your HDL (cleaner).

So what does cause high cholesterol?

Mostly food. Specifically sugars and other fastly absorbed food. Take a look at this collection of graphs:


  • The red line is a low fat diet
  • The yellow line a mediterranean diet
  • The purple line a low-carb diet

The purple line basically wins on every measurement type, while a low fat diet loses.

To keep cholesterol under control you should basically read up in low glycemic index foods.

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How To Approach Women Without Being Creepy


Have you ever seen a creepy guy freak out a woman by simply talking to her? I have seen it many times. Whenever I do, my stomach turns upside down. In fact, not so long ago I was one of those guys. After I had ordered more products on picking up girls than my credit card could deal with, I was excited and motivated to test everything I had learned. I was ready to become one of the greatest seducers of all time. I was ready to be a real life Don Juan. I was ready for it all.

Or, so I thought. Turns out, what I wasn’t ready for was the truth. I thought that my way of approaching women resembled the videos of those guys who did this for a living. However, what I really looked like was an insecure little boy who tried to sell some stuff that he didn’t believe in.

I made every mistake that you can possibly make. I think it goes without saying… but I creeped out a lot of women on my road to dating success. What I also didn’t know back then is that this behavior is completely normal for a lot of guys.

They see something crazy in a YouTube video, expect that it works with every single girl on the planet and they jump right into it, without thinking about whether or not their actions make any sense. Of course you can take the same road as I took and get calibrated after experiencing one rejection after another.

You can do that, but you can also choose another path. Check out these following five ways that give women the creeps and avoid them like the plague. Allow yourself to take the shortcut to success.

Don’t touch her before she sees you

Approaching women sounds ridiculously easy in theory, but the truth is that you can already make the first big mistake before you even talk to her. You might have seen some crazy pick up artist running up to a girl from behind, touching her neck and getting away with it. However, just because it’s on YouTube doesn’t mean that it is a good idea to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, running up to a girl from behind is absolutely okay. What’s not okay is to touch her before she sees you. When you run up to a girl who is walking in front of you, you have to make sure that she sees your face before you say the first word, and especially before you touch her.

Everything else will most likely scare her so much that the last thing she wants is to go on a date with you. She doesn’t know if you are a thief, a rapist, or just a decent guy who wants to get to know her until she sees your friendly face.

Respect her private space

What do you do after you showed her that you are just a friendly guy who wants to get to know her? According to a lot of self-proclaimed pick up artists this is the right time to show that you are the strong and aggressive alpha man that can crush a rock with his bare hands. As a result of this delusional obsession with the alpha male archetype, a lot of guys give women the creeps by disrespecting their private space.

I know that the guy in the video course said that you should be as alpha as possible, but that doesn’t mean that you should stand so close to her that she can already smell the haze of your armpits. That’s a bit too alpha.

Instead of scaring her away by standing in front of her like a bouncer, you should rather approach her with a confident but friendly vibe without being too pushy. Give her some air to breathe and she will give you some time to say what you want to say.

Don’t stare at her like a serial killer

Another big mistake that a lot of guys make is to assume that they not only have to look like a strong alpha dude, but that they also have to stare like one. I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy talking to someone who looks as if he wants to rip me into two pieces.

I’m not saying that you have to put on a fake Hollywood smile to cast a spell over a woman. All I want to say is that staring at her like a serial killer is not particularly helpful. Unless you learn to project your confidence without looking as if you have to battle with really nasty diarrhea, you will always be the guy who gives her the creeps.

Watch your body language

If there is one thing that makes women more uncomfortable than a guy who tries to take being alpha to the next level is a guy who shows that he is extremely nervous. Don’t get this the wrong way. It is absolutely fine to be a bit nervous and to have one or two bloopers.

If you; however, start to speak faster than the road runner says “meep meep” and start swinging your arms as if you were an octopus that swallowed too much ecstasy, you’ll get nowhere fast. You have to calm down. Breathe in, breathe out. Focus all your energy on your body language.

You don’t need the body language of James Bond to impress women. Standing in a relaxed way and controlling your gesticulation is all that is needed. Oh, and stop fumbling around with your zipper.

Understand when “no” means “no”

The inability (or the unwillingness) to understand that a serious “no” actually means “no” is the fastest way to creep out a woman. I don’t know why, but some guys actually believe that a woman means “yes” when she says “no”.

Well, in some cases this is true, but only if she says it sarcastically with a big smile on her face while she is playing with her hair. When she says it with a serious facial expression and a defensive body language you can be 100% sure that she really means “no”. It is your job to respect her decision.

The post How To Approach Women Without Being Creepy appeared first on Lifehack.

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12 Ways to Quickly Become a Successful Entrepreneur


Being a successful entrepreneur doesn’t just happen to someone. People work hard, learn the ins-and-outs of their business, and apply the methods that work in order to become successful. When you’re starting out as an entrepreneur, you want to make sure you know what makes successful entrepreneurs.

What do successful entrepreneurs and business people like Bill Gates and Donald Trump do to become so successful? Let me share some of their secrets with you.

1. Never Take “NO” for an Answer

Want to know why after so many let downs and disappointments, supper successful entrepreneurs still find their way to the top? It’s because they never took “no” for an answer. This is the kind of spirit successful folks like Richard Branson and Donald Trump have in them.

When you reach out for assistance from people, and they turn you down, do not take their response to your requests as a determinant factor to your success.

I once reached out to experts to interview them for a post I was writing and a particular expert told me my idea was already “beaten to death” and no one would be interested in it again. I was let down by his response and thought to rethink my idea. But I did not. I forged ahead with renewed strength and even reached out to more experts. After the post went live, I got so many positive responses from the community and the article was even mentioned on Forbes, and several other publications. Had I taken the response of that one responder who told me my idea was already beaten to death, I wouldn’t have had the success I had with the article.

As an entrepreneur, never take a “no” for an answer.

2. Work like You’re Going to Retire Tomorrow

You know one thing about retirement? It makes us want to work harder to save more. As an entrepreneur, you need to work like you’re going to retire tomorrow. In the spirit of every successful entrepreneur is the desire to work hard. Successful entrepreneurs find fun and joy in hard work. So they never get tired. And when success finally comes, they’re just well-prepared for it.

3. Employ a Mentor

One thing common with most successful entrepreneurs is they have mentors. As an entrepreneur, you should have a successful role model whose experience will guide your career. This means you need someone who is successful and is willing to share their experiences with you.

If you find it difficult convincing your role model to mentor you, then work hard to impress them. Besides, you could learn from someone by being an avid reader of their works. Most successful entrepreneurs are also prolific authors. Think Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Richard Branson. They’ve all written books that teach their business principles and ideas.

4. Spy on Your Competitors Every Now and Then

One good thing about entrepreneurship is that you have the freedom to also learn from your competitors. Chances are you have competitors that are way more successful than you are. What about the chances that they’ll be willing to teach you their trade? Very slim. By spying on your most successful competitors, you can learn from their mistakes and apply their best practices to your business. Buy their products, pose like a customer, and find out their weaknesses.

5. Copy the Best Challenger

Have you ever heard that copying others is a sin? Well, maybe in exam halls. But get over it, this is not high school. In the business world, the best copycats tend to emerge the most successful.

Copy what works best from your best challenger and incorporate them into your business. This could include everything from their customer support approach or their marketing tactics.

6. Be Humble and Stay Hungry

As an entrepreneur, you should learn to put your ego to check. You know what kills most businesses very fast? The big egos of their top executives. Learn to espouse humility and always stay hungry as Steve Jobs always said. He was actually fired from the company he later came back to and saved!

By staying hungry, you’ll be willing to learn new things that could come in handy in the future. Not staying hungry breeds complacency and conceit in entrepreneurs. The moment you become complacent, you allow others to overtake you and leave you behind.

7. Do Favors like It’s Your Talent

Also, you should learn to do favours without expecting anything in return. When you do favors for people, you get a sense of satisfaction in you that helps you stay motivated.

One thing I’ve also learned from successful entrepreneurs is the most successful never get tired of doing favors. Neil Patel of QuickSprout has shared numerous stories of how helping people has moved his business forward. There’s even a research into why billionaires who give more of their wealth become even richer.

8. Move Fast and Improve Quickly

In the entrepreneurial world, there’s nothing like taking it slow. Mark Zuckerberg even has a mantra for the importance of speed in business. He often says “unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.”

When I wanted to get started into the internet marketing industry, Yasir Khan, the founder of QuantumSEOLabs, shared his story as a beginner with me. “I started working with blogs like eZineArticles and then worked up the ladder…now own my company in Canada,” he told me then. Many who know ezinearticles today would not even take a second look at the site.

The bottom line is, don’t spend so much time on making decisions. Deliver first, and then improve constantly.

9. Move with a Pack

The people you move with as an entrepreneur can also determine how soon you’re going to become successful. That is why it’s advisable to move with a pack of reliable people.

10. Dream Big

Don’t be afraid to dream big. Successful entrepreneurs achieve because of their big dreams. The co-founders of Google once said their marketing officer once asked them who they wanted to market to and they responded by saying the whole world. Well, if dreaming big hurts, Google wouldn’t be the gigantic corporation it is today.

11. Love Yourself

As an entrepreneur should learn to love yourself. Many people bother too much about pleasing others that they downright ignore their own feelings. In the entrepreneurial world, you need to give yourself all the love you can afford. Most people won’t care about your feelings. Everybody is busy trying to win, so stop worrying about pleasing others and start loving yourself!

12. Employ Smarter People

The people that work with you are going to play a huge role in the success of your business. Smart people build better businesses. When the time is ripe for you to start hiring people, you need to seek out the smart ones. Seek for people that are smarter than you are.

To all entrepreneurs who want to become successful early in life, start dreaming big and give your time to others, but never forget to focus on yourself!

Featured photo credit: Gage Skidmore via

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The question isn’t who is going to let me…


The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

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10 Signs You’re Neurotic (And Why It’s Not A Problem)


1. They’re hyper aware

Being neurotic means you’re constantly aware of everything around you. You pick up on people’s body language and voice inflections, and analyze every word that comes out of their mouth. Because of this, you’re not surprised by ulterior motives or when a person’s true colors show. Ironically, being hyper-aware of everything and everyone around you helps you keep your cool when things go sour.

2. They’re overly self-conscious

Because you’re constantly worried about yourself, you’re more likely to take care of yourself. The student who is scared of failing will spend extra time in the library, leading them to be even more prepared for an exam than they need to be. The person who’s scared of dying of a heart attack in his forties will certainly eat healthier and exercise more often than someone who doesn’t worry about his demise.

3. They’re self-aware

Neurotic people know they’re neurotic. In fact, they flaunt it at times, saying things like “I know I’m being crazy, but…” While it may be hard to break a neurotic thought or habit, many people go throughout their day with paranoid thoughts running through their head without even realizing it. At least neurotic people are able to recognize it and rationalize it. They might not be able to get past knowing “It’s all in my head,” but at least they can acknowledge it.

4. They’re pessimistically realistic

Neurotic people tend to err on the side of pessimism when it comes to anything in the real world. But this is because they know that good things don’t just “happen,” and that Murphy’s Law exists because there is a better chance of something going wrong along the way than everything going exactly according to plan. The good part about this pessimism is that when things do go right, it’s like Christmas Day for a neurotic individual. Even something as simple as the guy at Dunkin’ Donuts getting your order right and then hitting every green light on the way home from work will be enough to cheer you up. It really is the little things in life that make a difference.

5. They have a high IQ

A study at SUNY Downstate Medical Centre of 42 individuals showed that those who suffered from anxiety also had a higher IQ on average. The report showed that “high intelligence and worry are linked with brain activity measured by the depletion of the nutrient choline in the white matter of the brain.” High levels of anxiety lead to a mind that is constantly working in some way, which, naturally, leads to higher levels of intelligence. Those that worry too much are actually exercising their brain!

6. They care for others

Neurotic people don’t just worry about themselves, either. They worry and look after their friends, family, and loved ones constantly. They’re always trying to help people through difficult situations and solve other people’s problems. This parental aspect of neurotic people gives them comfort, as it does to those around them as well.

7. They have high energy levels

Not only are neurotic people always thinking, but they’re always ready for action. They have trouble sitting still, because their mind is always racing. But they also never seem to run out of steam, because they know they could be doing something to better their lives at any given moment.

8. They’re highly productive

Since they can’t sit still, neurotic people might as well be productive. They have many hobbies, and are never content with resting on their laurels. They see every moment as another chance to succeed and do better in life. Because of this attitude, neurotic people often find themselves leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else around them as far as productivity and talent is concerned.

9. They’re idealistic

Even though most neurotic people are pessimistic, they also work hard to improve their surroundings as well. They understand how good things could be, and will do anything to get there. It’s ironic, but their pessimism drives them to optimize their situation. And while others are thinking things are fine, the neurotic person will constantly be working to make them even better.

10. They avoid bad situations

Obviously, being a worrywart isn’t always a bad thing. Neurotic people avoid dangerous situations. While other people might be tempted to claim “YOLO” as if that’s an excuse to do something stupid, anxious people will be the ones saying “Yeah, you only live once, so don’t mess it up.” Sure, they might never experience the thrill of skydiving, but they’ll almost certainly live a long, healthy life.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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8 Hacks to Conquer a Life-changing Injury like a Boss

110716-N-CQ678-001 NEWPORT, R.I. (July 16, 2011) Former Marine Corps Sgt. Tim Connor, one of 59 Paralympic military athletes, practices sprints in a racing wheelchair on McCool Memorial Track during the 2011 U.S. Olympic Committee Paralympic Military Sports Camp at Naval Station Newport. (U.S. Navy photo by Lisa Rama/Released)

Life is rarely easy but, for some unlucky few, it often throws a life-changing curve ball. While many of us can shrug off cuts and bruises, there are some injuries that change lives.

It’s during these challenging moments that many people simply give up and accept their change as a loss. However, life is full of pleasant surprises and examples that show a better option – talk about transforming lemons into lemonades. History is full of people accepting their devastating injuries and like true champions – finding a way to achieve even more in the aftermath.

A valuable example can be easily traced to the success stories already being achieved in the wake of the Boston Marathon Bombing. Survivors suffered various injuries and health issues, yet many are achieving great things with their lives, using the experience gained to realize their potential – all in just two years!

So, how can you take inspiration from these real life heroes and improve your own life when the worst happens? Life-changing injuries don’t need to be a change for the worse and, with these life hacks, you can strive to overcome them like a boss!

1. Don’t Live in Denial

A positive attitude really does count for a lot, but even this initially requires acceptance. How can you have the right frame of mind if you don’t come to terms with your physical changes? One of the first things you should do is accept, both mentally and physically, what you can and can’t do.

To put it another way, this is a way of finding your current limits and setting a goal to beat them. Once you know what you are and are not currently capable of, you can start finding ways to push that bar higher and higher. Denial, on the other hand, will simply mislead you.

2. Set Goals

Speaking of goals, it’s important to have a series of achievable targets, rather than one large or vague goal. The latter might look impossible, while a series of objectives more firmly within reach gives you something to constantly strive for. This can be as simple as using a wheelchair, learning to stand up on your own and then walking.

3. Find an Outlet

When injuries change you on a physical level, it’s often no surprise to experience emotional or mental changes as well. As part of the healing process, it helps to find an emotional outlet. Not only will this give you a means to work through your pain; it can help fill time, encourage you to head outdoors, and even meet others.

This is also important because, in many incidents, the brain can be just as damaged as the body. The mind is a frail thing, so be sure not to neglect it during these difficult times.

4. Practice Mindfulness

As mentioned earlier on, it helps to accept your own physical limitations. Similarly, you should always keep these in mind, practicing constant mindfulness to ensure you don’t take on too much, do something dangerous, or push yourself too hard.

5. Go Back to Nature

There’s always been something calm and relaxing about the natural world and modern science suggests that even the smallest touches of nature can help people heal. Whether it’s the vibrant colors, the enticing fragrance or just forgetting about the city for a while, nature can play a large role in the healing process.

You don’t need to even leave your home to do this. While a day away from the city life can do wonders, there’s nothing wrong with growing flowers and plants in your home. There are many activities you can enjoy with loved ones by simply embracing the environment.

6. Meet with Others

It’s a big world out there and no matter what happens, you are never alone. There are always other people who have experienced something similar and if you take the time to look, you can find people willing to share experiences. Perhaps more importantly, they might understand better too.

Part of coming to terms with, and consequently beating injuries is finding a way to be happy. Positive thinking can lead to better, faster recovery rates and meeting like-minded individuals is a great way to do this. What’s more, people like company and seldom benefit from long periods of loneliness. Therefore, regular contact with other individuals will definitely give you the cheer to beat your setback!

7. Your Disability is not an Excuse

One of the biggest issues with disabilities is that life itself is often seen as an excuse. Yet, the fact remains that disabled people can do just as much as anyone else. The best way to describe this is to look at two different options.

In one instance, you can work around your limitations or injury and find something you can do. This includes finding a job, or finding new hobbies to replace ones you no longer feel are suitable. By choosing a new path, you can stay active, engaged and happy.

On the other hand, there are those who wish to push through their injuries, seeing the disability as a challenge. Many runners from the unfortunate Boston Marathon incident for example, have gone on to run again, defying expectations.

In either case, you’re doing something. If you accept your disability and use it as a means to get out of things, life will never improve. Like anyone else, you have to push yourself and not fall back on excuses.

8. Become an Example/Inspiration to Others

Finally and perhaps, most importantly, you should always set an example for others. Many people look up to the survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing. Many have become a shining example of what individuals can achieve and if you’re ever in the same situation, there’s really no excuse not to do the same.

In summary, many of these points focus on finding a passion or goal to inspire yourself but, by being the best you can be, you will also inspire others to do the same as well. Start thinking about how you want others to see you, and plan then to become that person!

Featured photo credit: Official U.S. Navy Page via

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