
domingo, setembro 13, 2015

Textos Bíblicos

Tema: Obediência
A obediência é melhor do que o sacrifício

via @notiun

Coetzee, J. M.

Tema: Dormir
Dormir já não é mais um banho de cura, a recuperação das forças vitais, mas um esquecimento, uma escovagem nocturna aniquiladora.

via @notiun


Tema: Carácter
O carácter de um homem faz o seu destino

via @notiun

Presley, Elvis

Tema: Amor
Quando não se está apaixonado, não se está vivo.

via @notiun

Pessoa, Fernando

Não há felicidade senão com conhecimento. Mas o conhecimento da felicidade é infeliz; porque conhecer-se feliz é conhecer-se passando pela felicidade, e tendo, logo já, que deixá-la atrás. Saber é matar, na felicidade como em tudo. Não saber, porém, é não existir



Ser profundamente amado por alguém dá-nos força, amar alguém profundamente dá-nos coragem.

via @notiun

Vieira, António

Sempre se deram as mãos a ruína e a felicidade


Gabor, Zsa Zsa

Sempre disse que uma mulher só se deve casar por amor - e continuar a casar-se até o encontrar

via @notiun

Vigil, Constancio

Quem busca a felicidade fora de si é como um caracol que caminha em busca da sua casa


Fontenelle, Bernard

Sendo pequeno, o amor diverte; se se torna grande, cansa

via @notiun

Wilde, Oscar

Nada envelhece tanto como a felicidade


Textos Budistas

Retribui-se honra com honra e amor com amor

via @notiun

Textos Bíblicos

Não há temor no amor, mas o perfeito amor lança fora o temor, porque o temor implica um castigo, e o que teme não é perfeito no amor

via @notiun

Rousseau, Jean Jacques

Tema: Livro
Odeio os livros; ensinam apenas a falar daquilo que não se sabe

via @notiun

3 Common And Unhealthy Milkshake Mistakes


Liquid meals are gaining a huge amount of popularity with everyone from bodybuilders, to vegans, to people who simply want to take care of their health. Blending up your own milkshake or smoothie is a great way to get all the nutrition you need in a convenient way.

Some people, however, get a bit carried away with creating their milkshakes. Despite how easy a milkshake is to make, it is even easier to make mistakes and add ingredients that lower the healthiness of the drink.

While there are no wrong ways to make a great milkshake, there are mistakes that can make your breakfast less energizing than it could be. Here are three common mistakes that people make when blending up their very own milkshakes:

Adding Too Much Sugar and Causing a Crash

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they create their own blended drinks is that they will often add too much sugar to the drink. When there is too much sugar, your insulin levels will spike which will cause you to crash- instead of leaving you feeling satisfied.

There are two reasons that people make the mistake of adding too much sugar to their drinks. The first reason is that a lot of people neglect to measure ingredients before tossing them in a blender. Many people will free pour sweeteners like honey or almond butter straight into the blender to sweeten it up.

While you don’t need to write down a precise measurement for every ingredient, using measuring cups and spoons will help prevent you from adding too much of any sugary substance. This approach allows you to figure out what measurement provides the perfect amount of sweetness to the drink, without the sugar rush.

The second reason that people add too much sugar is that they don’t realize how much sugar is in many everyday ingredients! Processed and refined sugar is included in many food products, even those that you would not expect. To avoid inadvertently adding extra sugar to your health drink, add in natural ingredients that are low in sugar.

If you add in ingredients like ripe berries, vegetables, flax and unsweetened nut milk, you will find that you get just the right amount of sweetness, without any of the extra, unwanted sugar!

Not Adding Protein And Missing Out On Important Nutrients

A protein rich breakfast can help you keep feeling full until lunch time; yet many people continue to eat high-carbohydrate breakfasts. Many people also often opt for carb-heavy smoothies. If you purchase a smoothie at a restaurant or at a store, most of the smoothies will be high in natural sugars and carbohydrates- but they will often lack protein.

Adding protein to your milkshake will help you to keep feeling full for hours after you’ve finished your drink. However, not all protein is created equal. In fact, some protein sources should be avoided if you are looking to replace a meal with a milkshake.

The most common protein powders in use today are often made from whey or casein – two ingredients found in milk. However, these protein powders are better for you when you need to absorb protein quickly, like after you go to the gym, than when you want a healthy snack.

Instead of adding a traditional whey powder, create a milkshake with a plant based protein that you can take to a concert. You can buy protein made from chia, rice or peas from your local health food store or online. These protein sources are great because they provide a good source of protein without spiking your blood sugar.

If you decide to add protein, always weigh the powder to make sure that you are adding the correct amount of protein per serving. To get the maximum benefits from your shake, toss in 20 to 25 grams of protein per serving in each shake. If you exercise frequently or you are trying to recover from an injury or surgery, you should increase the protein you add relative to your body size.

Adding Bad Protein Sources

Just like any other ingredient that you can buy in the store, it is possible to get protein powders with nasty fillers and additives that negate how healthy the protein is. You should always make sure that you read all of the labels carefully to make sure that you are not buying a product that has been dyed, dubiously enhanced or has had all the goodness robbed from it.

You should make sure that you look at the amount of sugar included in each serving. Always aim to find a powder that includes less than five grams of sugar per serving.

Milkshakes are a delicious way to get a meal in without the bother of cooking. Creating a delicious and healthy milkshake is simple when you avoid these three common mistakes.

Featured photo credit: Milkshake/Cam Evans via

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What To Say To Yourself To Be Happier And More Successful

Woman Smiling

Do you have negative beliefs about yourself? Statements you tell yourself before you try something new and potentially rewarding?These negative self-talk scripts are convenient excuses to avoid change. They serve as limiting beliefs, naysayers in our heads – mental myths.

Sometimes we don’t even realize the influence they have on our mindset and decisions.

You may be quick to say to yourself, “I’m shy, introverted, and socially awkward. There’s no way I’ll ever speak in front of a crowd.”

But because of this, opportunities can pass you by. And it is up to you to flip this script around to destroy the negative thoughts, turning them into positive self-talk script.

Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus, who believed in self-responsibility and self-discipline, was an early proponent of positive self-talk:

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”

Think about your limiting beliefs and how you can flip them around to become positive self-talk scripts. Smash through your mental myths and use these positive scripts to guide your behavior.

Then, talk in the second-person (“you”) instead of the first-person (“I”). Psychologists in this study found that – counter-intuitively – using the second-person increases your chances of success.

To inspire you, here are 10 positive self-talk scripts from successful people.

1. “You are enough.”

Before going on stage, actress and singer Demi Lovato tells herself: “I am enough.”

She uses this to silence her limiting beliefs about both her achievements and her body image. For Lovato:

“‘I am enough’ means being comfortable with your body, with what you have achieved — and with what you haven’t. It means accepting who you are without caveats. It means rising to the bar you’ve set for yourself instead of conforming to the outlandish expectations of others. It translates to a confession of self-acceptance, and it’s something we could all stand to say to ourselves more often.”

2. “You make it happen.”

Aarthi Ramamurthy, founder of Lumoid, borrows this self-talk script from a Michael Jordan quote: “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

It’s simple as that. Tell yourself to go out and take action.

3. “You give of your talents freely, and you are wonderfully blessed financially.”

This script is from the classic book The Power of the Subconcious Mind by Dr.Joseph Murphy.

The idea is to assume that success is inevitable, especially if you constantly help others using your talents. Wealth is a by-product of your effort to provide value in the world.

4. “You are possible.”

Actress Audrey Hepburn was quoted as saying, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”

Except where it violates the laws of physics, anything is often possible. But most people wait until they’re “ready”.

Instead, tell yourself “You are possible” and take the first step. Then the second. Don’t let perfection paralyze you. Just put one foot in front of the other and you’ll achieve success.

What other negative beliefs can you flip around just by re-arranging letters? How about this: instead of “No Way”, say “Now, ay!”

5. “Stay focused. Stay positive. Keep your chin up and your feet on the ground.”

Amy Sacco, founder and partner of the Bungalow 8 nightclub chain in New York City and London, tells herself this script every day while blasting her favorite songs.

Borrow this idea yourself and take your self-talk to a new level by playing the high-energy tunes you love while verbalizing the script out loud.

6. “Trust yourself and your gut rather than conventional wisdom.”

This script by Linda Boff, an executive director at GE, reminds you to be skeptical of the experts, to test everything, and base your decision on what you think will work for you.

Like Amy, Linda also accompanies her self-talk with music:

“I love the theatre and often have a song going through my head. One that I frequently turn to in the morning as a motivator is the song ‘Defying Gravity,’ from ‘Wicked.’ It always picks me up and reminds me to trust myself and my gut rather than conventional wisdom.”

7. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

Steve Jobs delivered this line during a commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005. He said that he was inspired by the final issue of The Whole Earth Catalog magazine:

“It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

And I have always wished that for myself.

And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.”

This script reminds you to keep pushing while being open to new ideas and opportunities.

8. “Failure is your stepping stone to greatness.”

This is a modified version of a quote by the super-successful Oprah Winfrey, who is no stranger to ups and downs in her life.

Obstacles and adversity are your best path to success and greatness, according to The Obstacle Is the Way. Only by trying and failing repeatedly and relentlessly will you develop a growth mindset, rather than a fixed one.

9. “You are the greatest.”

Muhammad Ali said, “I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.”

Tell yourself you are the best at what you do, and let that inspire you to take action to get there.

10. “What good shall I do this day?”

Benjamin Franklin asked himself this question first thing every morning.

The message is to first think about doing good. If you can solve other people’s problems, they will value you. This is a win-win mentality that accelerates success for you and everyone you interact with.

What do you think of these “flip it around” self-talk scripts? Comment below and click “Share” to inspire your friends!

Featured photo credit: Ashley Campbell via

The post What To Say To Yourself To Be Happier And More Successful appeared first on Lifehack.

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Common Web Design Mistakes That Very Few People Recognize


Web designers are wonderfully creative people. We love what we do; we love to experiment; we love to put our artistic “thumbprint” on all that we do. But, it is often too easy to get carried away with the “art” of it all and lose sight of one important fact – the website is designed first and foremost for the user, not the designer. And users want very specific things when they access a site. Here are some all-to-common web design mistakes that a pro may not even notice — but an end user certainly will.

1. Failing to Use a Grid When You Design a Page

Yes, grids can be seen as “confining” at times, but without one, the page looks “off” to the visitor who may not appreciate artistic asymmetry. The vast majority of users need a visual experience that makes sense to them vertically and horizontally – it makes them feel like the company is organized and structured. Unstructured design is best left for framing and mounting on a wall.

To correct this, you may be able to take your original design, superimpose it on a grid and make some changes. If that is going to be too hard, then keep your great design ideas, get a blank grid, and start again. You want your creativity to “shine” through, but you will have to temper it with structure. And, consider using a design tool (e.g. UX Pin) for grid design.

2. Using a “Canned” Theme and Failing to Customize It

Let’s be certain about one thing. There are some really great theme kits out there, and most designers make use of them. They result in consistency of pages throughout a site, and users like consistency. In fact, when you need to get a site up and running very quickly, a design theme kit is really the way to go. But, you will want to modify in order to really customize it for your purposes after that, so it doesn’t look like thousands of other websites.

If you are a bit stuck with what modifications you might want to make, search around for customized sites that you really like, and copy their URL’s. Then go to “What Theme is That?” and paste the URL in – you can find out what tool kit was used. You want one that will let your change things like color and typography. And if you are still stuck, you can use a white label partner, that your client doesn’t even know about. These consultants assist designers when they are having difficulties and act as fully “silent partners.” An excellent way to get a second opinion or a few practical solutions to your problems. The design community is typically more than willing to help one another.

3. Not Designing for Multiple Platforms

If you design a site with the intention of just making everything smaller for tablets and then smaller still for phones, you will lose your mobile users. They will be swiping horizontally; the pages will be too cluttered, and their experiences will be poor.

Be certain that you use responsive design or a “mobile first” strategy as you design the site. Starting with mobile is usually a good idea, because it is a lot easier to add content and media as you move to larger screens than it is to take out content after the fact. Using a mobile first strategy also forces you to focus on the really critical aspects of a site first.

4. Getting Too “Out There” with Color and Font

Designers are, above all, artists, and artists love to experiment, especially with color and texture. If, when you finish your design prototype, you get feedback that things seem “out of place,” it is probably because you have not matched color palette and typography well enough. In general, viewers like things to “match.” It gives them a sense of security and the feeling that they are more in control.

Start with a color palette and typography that matches, making only minor tweaks at first. User test it all along the way – better to know now than later when your boss or client objects. And, be certain that the color and type you use are consistent with the type of business for which the site is designed. Sophistication requires black, white, and grays, sometimes navy; entertainment, travel, and leisure require brighter colors and more “fun” type; serenity uses calm blues and greens; professional sites should use navy, blues, greens and white. And if the company has a logo (think Starbucks), use the same colors for brand consistency.

5. Loads Too Slowly

This goes for the landing page and every other page on the site. It’s fun to add animation, videos, photos, and other media, but if those things are slowing down access, visitors will be move on to another site. Remember 2-3 seconds is a good target. And loading times will vary across devices, so that has to be accounted for too.

You will need to find the “culprits” and get this fixed. And, you may need to eliminate or really compress things in order to speed up load time on tablets and phones. Again, user testing your prototypes before finalizing a design is pretty critical. One intermediary step you can take is to use a “loading video” which entertains the visitor while the site is loading. This can only be a temporary fix, however, unless you plan to hang out that video often. People will get bored.

6. Navigation is Just too Complex

Users don’t want to have to spend time figuring out how to get to what they want, nor do they want to spend time on lengthy drop-down menus. If it takes them too long to get where they want to go, it is just easier for them to bounce and go elsewhere.

The best fix for this is to have just a few links at the top of the landing page, and other pages that will get users to the main pages of the site. From there, they may find link to sub-pages. But, a good “rule of thumb” here is 3 clicks. A user should be able to get anywhere with that number. Another pretty effective design, especially when a site has lots of pages, is to put a sidebar menu for all of your more minor pages. This is far easier than that long drop-down.

And menus for mobile devices, especially for phones, have to be simpler. Drop downs may be better for phones, but there should only be 2-3 choices.

7. Using PDF Files for Reading

Users expect PDF files when they access educational and governmental websites. And they expect PDF files for lengthy things (e-guides, manuals, etc.), but they are irritated by them because of the slow loads. In some cases, PDF is essential because it keeps the original formatting of the page you are sharing.

This is an easy fix, and it really is only a matter of remembering – PDF only for large files.

8. Not Having Color Changing Links

One of the nice things about a Google search is that when a user links to a site and then comes back, the color on that site link has changed, telling the user that s/he has accessed it already. It saves time and irritation. If you have not put that feature in your design, you should – users really appreciate it and it helps them get to where they are going.

9. Hiding Your Prices

You are a bit at the mercy of your boss or client on this one, but you are the expert and you should try to convince them that one of the most irritating things for visitors is not to be able to find a price very early in their navigations. Check competitors’ sites, and, if they are showing prices early, then you must do the same.

10. Not Having Enough White Space Around Important Elements, Like CTA’s

Too much clutter around the really important information and the CTA buttons confuses visitors, and they will miss things.

The fix of course is to clear things out and simplify as much as possible. Place buttons above the fold and put white space around them, using a distinctive color for them. And the button text should be a clearly contrasting color, to grab the eye. One more thing about buttons: Make the edges curved not squared off. Curved edges draw the eye in to read what the button says; squared edges take the eyes out and away from that button text.

11. Not Having Simple, Large Registrations Forms

How much detail about someone is absolutely necessary? Users do not want to give out too much information or wait while you verify an email address; they want speed and simplicity. And mobile users, as well as most people over 40, really want larger form fields and buttons.

Be certain that you are only asking for the essential information on all forms, and make them a decent size for readability. Another thought here: It’s a nice idea to give users the option to enlarge text – “over 40 eyes” will thank you.

12. Not User Testing Every. Single. Thing.

If everything is not tested, and problems are discovered, then you have to go back and fix things while the site is already up and running. This means taking pages down as they are repaired, and it is a bit irritating for a user to link to a page, only to read, “Under Construction.”

If you user test absolutely every aspect and feature of the site, on multiple platforms, you will have a site that is “ready to roll” when you demonstrate it for your boss or client. And you should not do that user testing yourself. Ask a trusted colleague or use a white partner for this activity.

The Takeaway

Design begins with thinking like a user. S/he wants:

  • Visual appeal
  • Consistency
  • Simplicity
  • Easy navigation
  • Readable and broken-up text
  • Fast loading pages

Think like that user first and then add your creativity. You’ll have a design that users like and of which you will be proud.

The post Common Web Design Mistakes That Very Few People Recognize appeared first on Lifehack.

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5 Self-Limiting Beliefs That Stop You From Building Wealth

5 Self-Limiting Beliefs That Stop You From Building Wealth

We all have dreams of being a billionaire – the good life, financial independence, a huge mansion, or maybe even a small island. Yet, every time we think of that fantasy we treat it as just that –  a fantasy. Fantasies tend to carry with them this stigma that they “could never happen.” Because of this stigma our dreams remain fantasies and not realities. So, I’d like to ask you why they couldn’t be a reality?

“I’m no stock broker or tech startup genius,” you might say. “I wouldn’t know where to begin!” Well, the first place to begin is to stop making excuses.

1. “It’s too late to get started!”

Is it? People used to say the same thing about going to school, but you are likely to see teenagers going to college just as much as you are senior citizens these days. The same is true when it comes to achieving your financial goals. With the rise of technology, researching and learning your way around stocks (as I did with at the age of 31!), investing, saving, and earning more money has never been more accessible.

No matter your age, you can always put in a little time to research how people have gained financial independence, and became millionaires at varying ages. Timothy Sykes made his fortune through penny-stocks and by teaching others to utilize the same resources. Starting out as a philosophy major, he learned about penny-stocks and his life took an entirely different turn. Nothing is set in stone. No matter your age, major, or place in life, it is never too late to learn.

2. “This isn’t the same financial wisdom that everyone else has taught me!”

No, it sure isn’t, and there’s a good reason why. With the IRA and 401k programs losing over a trillion dollars in the last few years, it might be worth it to ask, “Have I been taught wrong?” Unfortunately, that may very well be the case. Expecting financial secrets to stay the same for decades is like expecting people to still be using beepers in massive quantities in 2015. The tried and true methods either need to change with the times or undergo something called second-order change. This change typically refers to a company or management reshuffle when the old ways aren’t working.

It is change born out of necessity. As time carries on, nothing is every really safe from change. Improving on those old methods is something to start with, but the tried and true just isn’t working any more. It’s time to go back to the drawing-board.

3. “I’m not smart enough to get to millionaire status!”

Believe it or not, being a genius programmer, a celebrity, or an inventor isn’t necessary to achieve alchemist gold. It also isn’t necessary to be a stock genius or investing master to get into investing or stocks. A little research can go miles for every interest or hobby. The mentality of being too out of the know to reach a goal is a self-defeating mentality, no matter which way it’s looked at. The truth is, there are plenty of ways out there to climb the proverbial ladder. The internet has opened up the world to learning essentially anything that they please without having to take years of university for tens of thousands of dollars (seems a bit counter-intuitive anyways, right?).

If you have no idea where to begin, look up some key phrases like: “beginner tips to investing and stocks” or “financial independence”. is a fantastic resource as well, helping you keep track of your finances. In essence, there are plenty of places to get started. You just have to take that first step.

4. “I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth!”

Well, a lot of people aren’t. That doesn’t mean that they can’t climb their way to the top. In fact, has there ever been a movie where a rich person has gotten even richer and has been the protagonist? Probably. The point is, there are more movies out there about the underdog finding their way to riches than Hollywood can produce at a given time. Find a way to turn your interests, hobbies, and talents into something that can get you closer to the financial plateau. Good old Mark Zuckerberg is a famous case. This Facebook founder even has a movie about how he climbed up from basically nothing to become one of the most wealthiest people recognized worldwide. A fairy tale doesn’t happen outside of a story book, folks. You have to make your own dreams come true!

5. “I wouldn’t even know where to start!”

A lot of people don’t. Here’s a little tip: look at the person you most admire, perhaps the person who got you into the idea of wanting to aspire to better financial goals. What is it that they did to get where they are now? There’s no need to go tracking down directly in their footprints – but a little inspiration is great. Even better, they are likely to have inspiration of their own and numerous other paths to other success stories for you to follow. Take their tips and tricks to heart (though with a grain of salt from some). Most of the time, that uncertainty is terrifying, but it is also just an excuse to never get started. Nothing will ever get done while the future is being stared at idly – you know it deep down already.


These five mindsets really can hinder you with long-term or short-term goals towards wealth. A negative mindset can hinder numerous aspects of life, really. However, the responsibility of shifting up those mindsets ultimately falls to the individual. The truth is, in most cases, you are the one holding yourself back. You don’t need to be a genius, born in splendor, or even have a direct business plan to achieve goals of wealth. You just need some research, dedication and confidence.

Featured photo credit: jacme31 via

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Why Companies Should Value Parental Leave (For Both Men And Women)

My recollection of requesting parental leave was nothing short of a nightmare. There were lots of forms and paperwork to go through–not to mention the amount of planning, preparing, budgeting and coordinating efforts for the arrival of a newborn. Plus it is a stressful situation and conversation to have when you approach the company’s Human Resources (HR) department or manager in charge to request parental leave.

Depending on your professional track record, the company you work for and length of time you are requesting, the level of apprehension about requesting a leave of absence naturally skyrockets.

Parental leave is one of the crucial and pivotal moments for practically new or existing parents to deal with. Why? There are layers and layers of complications when it comes to trying to balance family and work life.

When it comes to accommodating paid leave there are a couple of harsh realities hitting the workforce at the present time. According to the Department of Labor (DOL) just 12 percent of United States (U.S) private sector workers have access to paid family leave through the company they are employed.

Evidently taking time off from work means loss of income. What ends up happening is too many workers cannot afford to be on parental leave and cut it short. So the pressures not only mount at work to make up for lost time, but also disrupts your time with family, which becomes a whole other issue.

Benefits and advantages of paid leave

Once an employee has proven his place and worthiness within a company, independent of size, they should be entitled to parental paid leave. This is not a matter of economics or number of hours he or she has accrued. It is about the well-being of parents and maximizing their living conditions.

This can be done in a number of ways. When we reserve enough resources for a parental leave request through a company you will retain your best and most talented in the company, while at same time eliminate the risk of turnover. According to a CIO Magazine analysis, when companies adopt a parental leave policy the work options for parents lead to higher employee engagement and retention.

In both cases, paid paternity and maternity leave brings with it numerous and favorable payoffs. Below is a list of the positive effects of paid leave asserted by the DOL:

  • Maternity leave overall improves the child´s health outcomes and increased birthweight.
  • Leave decreases premature birth and decreased infant mortality.
  • Paid leave encourages men to take paternity leave and serve as good caregivers.
  • Paid maternity leave increases work retention and reduces retention.
  • Paid paternity leave encourages men to be better caregivers.

It is essential for the current employee workforce to have the conditions and financial support for parental or maternal leave. This will not only help parents, but companies will reduce expenses for training and hiring new staff. Currently states like Massachusetts, California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut and various cities have passed legislation for paid family and medical leave.

Parental paid benefits around the globe

Parental employment benefits outside of the U.S is a different narrative altogether. A visual graphic on paints a picture of the top countries for maternity and paternity leave, including the nations with the least amount of days to take leave.

So who are the countries with the top rank for parental (maternity) leave? They are as follows, including the maximum length of leave (days):

  • Croatia  (406 days)
  • Albania (365 days)
  • Australia (365 days)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (365 days)
  • Montenegro (365 days)
  • Serbia (365 days)
  • UK (365 days)
  • Norway (322 days)

On the other hand, here are the 10 worst countries when it comes to maternity leave:

  • United States (84 days)
  • Lesotho (84 days)
  • Swaziland (84 days)
  • Nepal (84 days)
  • Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (50 days)
  • Qatar (50 days)

The paternity paid leave length for men is far less in comparison. For the top 10 countries for paternity leave you have Iceland (91 days), Norway (70 days), Spain (28), Finland (18 days), Slovenia (15 days), Azerbaijan (14 days) and others.

Momentum has shifted since legislation began promoting and advocating parental leave. Between 1994 and 2013 countries that provided at least 14 weeks of maternity leave increased from 38 to 51 percent. Up until last year, eight countries offer incentives to encourage new fathers to take parental leave.

Takeaways and conclusion

As the 21st century continues to be flooded with innovation and technological tools for the workplace, progress must be made primarily with regards to parental policies before anything else. Legislative action must introduce and approve the ability to really tackle the harsh reality and financial burdens of parental leave. Otherwise you are forcing people to improvise on their own without any sort of support during these important personal events. One natural consequence is this will lead to and perhaps discourage young professionals from starting families.

From coast to coast in the U.S things have begun to change. In a detailed news report by the New York Times corporations are shifting to more family-friendly benefits. For example, companies for Accenture and Microsoft would be implementing generous parental leave rules. The tech streaming giant, Netflix, recently instituted a full paid leave measure for new mothers and fathers for up to 365 days.

Still there is much work to be done. Drafting company policies tailored towards new parents will strengthen the families, balance work and family life, allow for a full recovery and better control of finances.

Featured photo credit: Winter Day 10 – Seeking balance/lisaclarke via

The post Why Companies Should Value Parental Leave (For Both Men And Women) appeared first on Lifehack.

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A Comic That Shows The Beauty Of Science

Richard Feynman is a Nobel Prize-winning quantum physicist. In his 40s, he took an active interest in art and art theory. His appreciation for art, in addition to science, has given Feynman a talent for describing scientific phenomena in beautiful, even poetic ways, such as this description of the mechanics of light. Every alternate Sunday for eight years, Feynman and his friend, Armenian artist Jirayr Zorthian, would take turns teaching each other about their respective fields; Feynman explained physics and Zorthian instructed him in art. As a result, the two had many interesting conversations over the years.

Gavin Aung of Zen Pencils fame created this colorful comic illustrating Feynman’s description of one of these conversations, demonstrating how art and aesthetics can also be appreciated from a scientific point of view.

(By the way, here’s a video of Feynman telling the story in the comic!)

Featured photo credit: The Beauty of a Flower/Gavin Aung via

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Things That Only Loved Ones Of People With Anorexia Would Know


Anorexia (also known as anorexia nervosa) is a serious disorder where individuals have a distorted body image and are obsessed with preventing weight gain. Having a close friend or family member who suffers from this illness, it can be hard to understand what exactly they are going through, but it is incredibly important to be supportive — no matter what.

Here are some myths about those who suffer from anorexia.

1. Being thin means you automatically have anorexia

There are many reasons why a person can be thin, and it is important not to make assumptions that they are suffering from anorexia. There are a myriad of different reasons that someone is underweight, from suffering from cancer to going through depression.

2. Anorexia is something that an individual will grow out of

Anorexia is not just a phase that an individual is going through and eventually will snap out of. This disorder can be an ongoing problem for the majority of someone’s life if they are not treated properly.

3. Only girls suffer from anorexia

The percentage is lower, but men can suffer from this disorder as well. The biggest issue is that, since anorexia is often perceived as a “women’s disease,” men are less likely to seek medical attention.

4. Being thin is the only goal of an anorexic

The end goal of an individual who suffers from anorexia is not to be thin, but more about the feeling of being in control. Being thin is just one of the ways that a person can convince themselves that they are in control of their lives. This need for control can stretch into other areas of their lives, including their work and social interactions.

5. Food is the main obsession of an anorexic

Food is only one of the things that continuously occupies an anorexic’s mind. They are also focused on control, weight gain, and other aspects of their life that, to them, might be spinning out of control.

6. A person can either be anorexic or bulimic

An anorexic can also go through phases where they purge their food as well by taking laxatives or self-inducing vomiting. They may go a few days eating a small amount of food and then purge and then restrict themselves to a severely limited calorie intake.

7. Anorexics are never hungry or do not like food

People suffering from anorexia are in fact always hungry and still have cravings for certain types of food, but due to their need for control they cannot give in to their hunger pangs. When anorexics claim that they are not hungry or that they just ate a big meal, it is just a coping mechanism for the disorder.

8. Anorexia is only for young people

It is a common belief that anorexia is a disease that only affects young individuals, but this is simply not true. Adults in their thirties and older have been known to suffer from this disorder in increasing numbers. Some have had anorexia when they were younger, while others are having it for the first time.

9. You cannot die from anorexia if you exercise enough to keep your heart strong

Anorexia is a serious illness that can be fatal if the individual does not seek proper treatment in time. No amount of exercise can substitute for the essential nutrients that a person is lacking when their calorie intake is so minimal.

10. Anorexics literally see a fat person when they look in the mirror

Distorted body image is one of the symptoms of anorexia, but that does not mean the sufferers see their body as fat when they look into the mirror. They can see that their bones are sticking out, but they will also hyper focus on a part of their body that has a bit of flesh. That spot is seen as a place where they need to lose weight.

11. Dieting can lead to anorexia

Regular dieting does not automatically lead to anorexia, but for those who are prone to the disorder, a strict diet can easily spiral out of control.

12. Anorexia is just a cry for attention

Anorexia should not be taken lightly and is a serious life-threatening illness. If someone you love is suffering from this disorder, it is important to give them as much support and compassion as possible.

13. Anorexia is strictly caused by environmental influences

This disorder is not only caused by environmental factors like media and popular culture, but also by biological and psychological issues. Some individuals may be more wired to perfectionism, but the specifics are still unclear.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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Getting Sunburned Is Much More Serious Than You Think, Here’s Why


Playing With Fire: The Dangers Of Sunburn

Nothing is quite so relaxing as lying outside on a sunny day and watching the clouds drift by. While this might be pleasant for the mind, the skin takes exception. That warm sun is working its way slowly but inexorably into the skin and starting a process that will only worsen over the years. We often cannot see the damage that it causes, especially to those who don’t burn easily. But what is happening underneath your skin can be more damaging than we realize. To put it bluntly, getting sunburned is not something to laugh about.

The Sun and Cancer

It may be of no surprise to you that the sun and skin cancer go hand in hand.

But did you know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer?

And that in the U.S. alone, nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year? Of the three main types of skin cancer, melanoma is the deadliest. It only takes getting sunburned five times as a child to increase the risk of developing melanoma by 80 percent. The other two types of skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma — are both associated with sunburn and sun exposure. Melanoma requires diagnosis by a medical professional and treatment often involves surgery, radiation, medication- or in other cases, chemotherapy.

Avoidance and Vigilance

To prevent sunburn, avoid being out in the sun when possible and use sunscreen and prescription sunglasses when sun exposure is unavoidable. If you have a history of getting sunburned and a mole appears, don’t panic. Learn the ABC’s of skin cancer. Checking moles for asymmetry, border irregularities, color, diameter, and evolution can not only help spot skin cancers early, but can even alert you about potential pre-cancers like actinic keratoses.

Sunburn and the Immune System

Ordinarily the body attacks perceived dangers to prevent illnesses. During sun exposure, however, the body does not recognize the burn as a threat and actually reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. This can lead to a myriad of non-skin illnesses such as internal cancer, chronic infections and breakouts of Herpes simplex.

Keep an Eye Out

Sunburn can be pretty obvious when it occurs on the skin, but the eye can also become sunburned. Symptoms include watering, a gritty feeling, or the sensation that there is something stuck in the eye. Prolonged unprotected sun exposure to the eyes can lead to cataracts, retinal damage and macular degeneration. These potential vision problems highlight the need for prescription sunglasses and hats that provide good shading for the eyes.

Go With a Pro

If a mole appears and you have a long history of getting sunburned, try to avoid self-diagnosis. If the ABC’s mentioned earlier point to an abnormality, see a doctor. Avoid picking at or scratching the mole and make sure to get to a doctor immediately if melanoma is suspected.

Can Sun Damage Be Predicted?

It would be great if there was some sort of measuring device that alerted the user that too much time is being spent in the sun. Unfortunately, no such device currently exists. There are genetic tests that help in predicting the potential risk a person has of developing skin cancer. Outside of genetic testing, certain skin types are more susceptible to the sun than others. A red-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned individual has the highest risk for sunburn/skin cancer, while people with darker skin pigments have the lowest risk.

As you look back at the consequences of getting sunburned and the damage it can cause, you might start to think twice about putting on some sunscreen or a hat. Making sure you know the signs can not only save you financially later down the road, but paying attention to your skin will help you to maintain a more healthy and youthful look.

Featured photo credit: Untitled/Maggie Brauer via

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