
sábado, setembro 12, 2015

La Boétie, Étienne

Tema: Servidão
Decidi-vos a não servir mais, e sereis livres

via @notiun

Sagan, Françoise

A felicidade para mim consiste em gozar de boa saúde, em dormir sem medo e acordar sem angústia


Dumas (filho), Alexandre

A felicidade aparente é a que nos procura mais inimigos


Maricá, Marquês

Os homens enganam-se miseravelmente quando esperam encontrar a sua felicidade, mais na forma dos seus governos que na reforma dos seus costumes


Renard, Jules

A felicidade é sermos felizes; não é fingirmos perante os outros que o somos


Santos, Gustavo

Uma vez encontrada a felicidade ela precisa de ser expandida e partilhada, se não acabará por soçobrar.


Kafka, Franz

Tema: Humanidade
A unidade da humanidade, de quando em quando posta em dúvida, mesmo se apenas emocionalmente, por toda a gente, até pelas pessoas mais fáceis e adaptadas, por outro lado também se revela a toda a gente, ou parece revelar-se, na harmonia total que se pode sempre descobrir entre o desenvolvimento do conjunto da humanidade e o do indivíduo, até nos sentimentos mais secretos do indivíduo.

via @notiun


Tema: Futuro
Infeliz é o espírito ansioso pelo futuro

via @notiun

Textos Judaicos

Tema: Homem
O bom homem promete pouco e faz muito; o malvado promete muito e não faz nada

via @notiun

Nicole, Pierre

Tema: Fealdade
A fealdade e a formosura dependem do capricho e da imaginação do homem

via @notiun

Greene, Graham

Tema: Pecado
A maioria das pessoas prefere confessar os pecados dos outros

via @notiun

Ortigão, Ramalho

O amor é um estado essencialmente transitório. É como uma enfermidade. Tem a sua fase de incubação, o seu período agudo, a sua declinação e a sua convalescença. É um facto reconhecido e ratificado por todos os fisiologistas das paixões

via @notiun

Franzen, Jonathan

As pessoas agradáveis não se apaixonam necessariamente por pessoas agradáveis.

via @notiun

Sá Carneiro, Francisco

Se a situação (Snu Abecassis) for considerada incompatível com as minhas funções, escolherei a mulher que amo.

via @notiun

5 Ways To Upgrade YourSocial Circle on Your Journey to Success

social circle

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

Stop for a minute and think about the company you keep. Do they represent the direction you want to go? Are they inspiring you to be a better version of yourself? Do they support your personal growth?

This the Law of Averages.

In all probability, the average of your group will take influence. So, if you are hanging with 4 broke friends, guess what, you’ll be the 5th…eventually.

Like attracts like.

If your friends don’t value ways to create more income for themselves and how they spend their money, you more than likely don’t either.

If they don’t mind going through life leisurely and not hold themselves accountable to their goals, you might have some of the same viewpoints.

We naturally hang out with people we feel most comfortable with, as we should. I wouldn’t want to hang out with a group that made me feel inadequate?! The convenient middle ground, however, is individuals who accept you as you are but require more from you.

You may know these type of individuals already. You know the one. Whenever you complain to them, they want to come up with solutions. Or the annoying friend who will ask you to go to the gym with them, and tell you all the health challenges they’re trying, just so you can get serious about life.

That one!

Those friends who will call you out, for you to step it up because they’re stepping it up. The ones we associate with do influence our way of thinking, our self-esteem and impact our decision making. These are vitally important to manage when it comes to creating a vision for yourself and direction towards success. Those friends want to see you win, just like them. We need cheerleaders and we need coaches.

If our friends can be both, we’ve struck gold!

Having a hard time getting into a social circle that reflects where you want to be? Here are a few ways to get into the right mindset, attract it and jump into finding those friends immediately.

1. Take Inventory of You

Sorry, but before we can expect more from others, we need to expect more from ourselves. In order to upgrade your social circle, you will have to raise your status – there is no way around this. Decisive leaders, wouldn’t keep company with someone who is unable to make up their mind about lunch. Leaders hang out with other leaders.

Begin to position yourself as someone who is decisive, coordinated and knowledgeable.

Whomever you seek to be in the same circles with, you will need to acknowledge the skill sets you currently do not have and work towards acquiring and improving them. This will open doorways to deeper conversations; then let your personality seal the deal.

2. Listen to Podcasts of Interest

What interests you? Where do you need to increase your knowledge base? What is your passion and focus?

There are tons of Podcast on pretty much anything. Focus on the Podcasts that are connected to your passion and will teach you new things. This leads to a broader knowledge base and igniting speaking topics to attract the people you want to connect with!

Listening to a Podcast on your commute to work or on your down time can open you up to new ways of thinking, ideas and introduce you to the kind of people you want to attach yourself to. When you become clear on who you want to connect with, it will become easier to decipher who you don’t. Listening in a couple times a week based on topics of personal growth will eventually get you there.

Check Out Stitcher Radio to select a Podcast of your interest.

3. Use Social Media to Your Benefit

Follow the kind of person you see yourself as & the things you see yourself doing in the future. (Using the newsfeed’s of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.) Those social sites are more than connecting with who you already know. If you love how a certain celebrity, business person or influential figure does their thing, hit like, get notifications or follow them. Keep updated on what they’re doing, how they do it and how they think. Most people are more open to sharing their personal lives on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

They are people just like us, who like to use these tools also to connect. This is an opportunity to reach out & be in the same social circle with them.

Doing this will fill up your timeline with things you’re about, believe and see yourself doing. This will auto program your brain to see more of it in the world and seek it out. If in your timeline you constantly see people talking about Housewives of *enter city here* or another posting of the Kardashian adventures. The vision you have for yourself will become blurry. Make it crystal clear, when you log into sites you already spend most of your waking time on with images, words and quotes that represent you and your journey.

You have the control to decide who takes up space on your timeline.

Join Online Groups

If you don’t know this already, there are private Facebook communities. You can usually find the quality ones through a paid program or by signing up to someone’s mailing list. Here’s how you go about it: follow the inspirational people on your preferred social media platform and when they put out something that is of huge interest to you, join their mailing list to get more info.

Usually, these public figures have private groups of more like-minded individuals. Jackpot! It’s almost like a secret society. Now you are immediately connected to an amazing group of people. Within the same interest you’re pursuing, who are either chasing the same dream or have the same ambitions. You get instant access to a community that will share their personal stories, tips of what they did in different situations and a resource to ask questions and get answers to.

A space where people genuinely want to help.

Once you start joining conversations and offering your own expertise, you will hit it off with someone and maybe even become bestie’s. Who know’s where this will lead…

If you’re more of a face to face kind of person, check out

4. Put Your Own Thoughts Out There

Let the right people find you! Brand yourself and who you are as an individual and they will come.

Start a blog and post regularly on social media to draw individuals in. Those who hear your message and will relate to it. Add your expertise to the world and create value. Once you speak frequently and knowledgeably about a subject, you will garner a following and people will seek you out to get more of what it is you bring to the table.

Create more allies, friends and connection all by stating really loudly and consistently what you’re about.

Pro Tip: Find the platform you are a creative genius on. Is it Facebook, where you can share longer post about your crazy inspirational stories that people connect with? Is it Instagram, where you can share your baking wins, travel adventures or just ‘a day in the life’ pictures? Is it Twitter, where you can fill the need to be a part of multiple dialogs to add your micro gems of knowledge? Choose your space and stick with it!

5. Cool People, Know Cool People

Who’da’ thunk?! To connect with the circle you already have. They may know someone, who knows someone, who is doing what you want to do. Use what you got! Sometimes you don’t even have to search far at all for a circle of friends who get you. You may even reconnect to a friend in the past, one who has grown into different interests than when you originally knew them.

Do some background work and check out your friends connections on LinkedIn and/or Facebook, see who you would love to get an introduction to — it’s not creeping.

Reconnect with your current network. Let your connections know what you’re up to and this, for sure, will help upgrade your social circle!

The post 5 Ways To Upgrade YourSocial Circle on Your Journey to Success appeared first on Lifehack.

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7 (Surprising) Actions to Take For Guaranteed Fat Loss

Seven (surprising) actions to take for guaranteed fat loss- guaranteed fat loss

When I started on my path to building a body I could be proud of, I tried any and every strategy I could find. I took shots of olive oil; I meticulously measured my portion of almonds and organized them in Ziploc bags; I precisely combined scoops of protein powder with milk into my shaker cup, and temporarily gave up my social life.

As expected, this lifestyle wasn’t sustainable and led to my fitness routine being turned upside down.

Before all of those unnecessary actions, I forget to do one important thing that would’ve fail-proofed my fat loss journeu. This step is all about the preliminary work (or, front-loading the work, as some call it).

I prefer to call it establishing an identity to prevent fitness disasters. Through conducting the necessary preliminary work, before setting foot in a gym or buying your first pack of chicken breasts, the chances of you actually achieving your fat loss goals increases astronomically.

Many people fail and give up on their fat loss goals, not because of lack of desire, nor information, nor will, but because of their inability to display patience and do the necessary initial work.

NFL football games aren’t just won on Sundays: it’s the preparation completed and strategies formed on the other six days that leads to victories.

Victorious armies throughout history didn’t blindly and foolishly charge the hills and attack enemies: they were patient and precise in mapping out their plan of action.

Before pummeling your body into submission with the latest bootcamp workouts or making extreme changes to your diet, take a timeout and set yourself up for guaranteed fat loss by covering these seven initial steps:

1. Belief

It doesn’t matter how great your training and dieting strategy is on paper, if you don’t believe that fat loss is attainable for you, you are going to struggle to reach your goal.

Our thoughts inform our feelings, which then inform our actions. If you’re constantly feeding yourself negative thoughts, then the impact on your feelings is going to translate into how you treat your external self- thus, leading to actions not likely to benefit your fitness.

Your perception becomes your reality.

The story that already exists in your head about your weight can be very convincing. It can encourage you to search for information and feedback that will continue to fuel your negative thoughts and fears. Hence, step 1 in guaranteeing fat loss is re-framing your thoughts.

2. Vision

You need to be 100% crystal clear on what, how, and why you want to achieve your fat loss goals.

Your vision needs to be specific and full of actionable steps that guide you to the finish line. Vision is a crucial step; without a pathway to follow, there are too many chances of going astray and veering off the proven path to success.

“I want to lose some fat”; “I want to start strength training”; “I’m going to eat healthy”. These are decent declarations, but they aren’t good enough if you’re serious about achieving greatness and building a remarkable body.

Instead, try this…

“I will lose 15lbs in a sustainable and healthy manner while staying sane and living a enjoyable life”, or, “I will start strength training 3x a week”, or, “I’m going to eat a diet full of nutrient-dense foods that provide a balance of all my macronutrients, while also consuming minimal processed foods.”

Now you’re fail-proofing the process.

3. Know where you currently stand

Before you start a workout regimen or implement a nutritional program, you need to know where you presently stand.

How’s your conditioning? What’s your training experience? How are your eating habits? How are your sleep habits? What do your daily sources of stress look like (for example: work, family, spouse, school)?

These are some areas of your life that you need to consider before making a fat loss game plan.

Once you know where you currently stand, you can implement a realistic regimen that meshes well with your personal life; in doing so, you avoid turning your life upside down by forcing too many initial changes (which are unlikely to stick in the long run).

Once you answer these questions, you might find that you’ve identified a weakness. Now you can target that weakness for the next couple of weeks. Maybe you’ve identified eating as a weakness. Then start with eating one quality meal a day (breakfast) and build up from that initial habit.

4. Get some accountability

Everyone has those doom and gloom days where nothing is going right. Work sucks, emails are flooding your inbox, and you’re operating on little sleep—the last thing on your mind is working out.

It’s this very reason that finding support is crucial to winning the game of fat loss. Neither motivation nor willpower is reliable enough by itself.

Whether it’s your best friend, significant other, online community, a personal trainer, a stranger turned cool friend: you must seek out some form of accountability in your life (no ifs and buts).

Accountability ensures you’ll show up at the gym when Netflix is whispering sweet nothings in your ear and takeout is seducing you with its promises of comfort.

5. Embrace the process

When beginning a fat loss journey, it’s common for someone to place unrealistic expectations on themselves. This isn’t their fault. With shady before and after pictures spamming our newsfeeds and stories of ‘Joe and Jane’ losing weight in record time— it’s tempting to think ‘why not me too?’.

Danger arises with this mindset because once you don’t hit your goal in the expected time, you’ll start to doubt yourself.

But, instead of obsessing over the end result and a self-imposed deadline— only worry about the process.

You have control of the process, due to it consisting of daily actions (which you can control). But, being able to meet a specific deadline comes down to many variables, such as metabolism, hormones, and lifestyle factors, to name a few, (all of which you can’t completely control).

6. Become a lifelong student

From improving form on the squat rack; improving our speaking skills; improving our interpersonal communication skills; learning how to salsa dance, and learning healthy eating habits—the learning and refinement of our skills never stops.

Expecting mastery on day one is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for disappointment. Losing fat takes time and comes with a learning curve. Mistakes and falling off the dietary wagon will happen, but that isn’t a signal that you’re a failure or fitness isn’t for you. It’s a signal that you’re human and aren’t perfect.

Never lose the mentality of learning and treating each day as a chance to improve by 1%. Small changes accumulate and lead you towards substantial results.

7. Express gratitude every day

It’s easy to fall into the trap of delaying happiness and failing to acknowledge our other needs until our ultimate goal is met.

However, this turns into a negative cycle of never considering yourself as being good enough. After accomplishing the goal you claimed to have wanted, the goal turns into something else.

Maybe it’s been six weeks and you’ve only lost three pounds (and your goal is 15)— cool. Progress is progress. You’re closer to your goal than before.

It’s one thing to improve your fitness and appearance out of a desire for self-improvement; it’s another thing to seek improvement due to hating yourself, needing to prove something to someone, or trying to fit in with a particular group.

The hate will never escape you and the comparisons won’t slow down— they’ll keep showing up in different facets of your life unless your start to show appreciation for what you currently have.

Be grateful for who you are now and be unapologetically excited for the 2.0 version that is on the way.

Now here’s a question for you:

Which one of these points do you need to focus on? And, what do you plan to do to solve problems that have held you back so far?

Featured photo credit: Terry George via

The post 7 (Surprising) Actions to Take For Guaranteed Fat Loss appeared first on Lifehack.

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15 Beautiful & Healthy Fruit Water Recipes To Replace Soda

flavoured water

Millions of Americans guzzle gallons of soda every year. Sodas have gone from being an occasional treat to becoming a beverage that is consumed daily, even replacing water for many people. A typical can of regular Coke contains over 9 teaspoons of sugar, that is 39 grams of sugar. The recommended daily allowance of sugar, according to the American Heart Association, is 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men. Just a single can of Coke takes you over your daily allowance. “According to the USDA, 16% of calories in the typical American’s diet come from refined sugars and half of those calories come from beverages with added sugar.”

Diet Sodas are not a better option. UK pharmacist, Niraj Naik, exposed Diet sodas in a recent blog post. He says, “They make you crave more sugar and will not quench your thirst but instead leave you dehydrated.” The sugar substitutes used in the diet versions are often more harmful than sugar and could be linked to a variety of health problems.

Recent research tells us that soda consumption not only causes obesity, it also leads to heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and several other health issues such as kidney problems, osteoporosis, asthma, and teeth decay. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, “People who consume sugary drinks regularly, 1 to 2 cans a day or more, have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who rarely have such drinks.”

So it’s high time you ditched that soda can and switched to water. However, for some of us making the switch from sugary drinks to water is tough. Initially, some find the taste of water too bland.

Fruit infused water is a great alternative to add flavor to your beverage without added sugar. Vitamins from fruit are an added bonus. Flavored water is a better option to juice, which again is high in sugar. You can easily make your own fruit infused water at home on a daily basis. This will also help use up that fruit sitting in your fruit bowl. It is also much better than buying the commercially available ones which might have added sugar.

Here are 15 delicious recipes to help get you started.

1. Orange, Strawberry & Mint Flavored Water


This fragrant and refreshing fruit water not only looks gorgeous, but also tastes wonderful too. It is a great recipe to start with since it is full of vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity.

2. Peppermint Grapefruit Detox Water


This citrus, mint, and cucumber water is a perfect detox beverage. Grapefruit is low in sugar and packed with nutrients. It is great for your skin. It also has many positive effects on your health and is even considered to help in losing weight. Peppermint suppresses hunger and soothes the digestive system. It is effective against indigestion and other related conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. Cucumbers help reduce water retention.

3. Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water


Sip this zero-calorie fruit water throughout the day to stay healthy and keep the doctor away.

Apples are the original super food. They are very low in calories and chockablock with essential nutrients – Vitamin C, polyphenols, and antioxidants.

According to Diabetes UK, cinnamon may lower blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It is also said to increase your metabolism and help with weight loss.

4. Blueberry, Lemon & Peach Flavored Water


This recipe comes from a blogger who used to drink up to 3 diet sodas a day, but one day decided to give it up and switched to fruit water. She promises that this recipe, which became a favorite, is much more flavorful than soda.

5. Mango, Lime & Basil Refresher


This fruit water combines mango with blackberries, lime, and basil. Blackberries (owing to their color) have the highest antioxidant level of all fruits. They are rich in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C. Mango is the king of fruits, not just in taste but also in nutritional value. A cup of chopped mango gives you 25% of your daily Vitamin A requirement. 25 different carotenoids are found in mango. It is rich in iron and calcium and antioxidants. Basil is highly valued in traditional medicine in many countries. A mix of these ingredients gives you a delicious and healthy drink.

6. Vitamin-Infused Water

flavoured water

If you are having a relaxed girlie Spa day at home, here are 3 awesome fruit water recipes to complete your beauty regime.

Digestive Aid Beauty Water

  • 8 ounces coconut water kefir or sparkling water
  • 2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
  • 2-inch piece of ginger
  • juice from one lemon

Cool Calm Beauty Water

  • 20 ounces water
  • 1 cup fresh berries
  • 1 handful fresh mint
  • 2 tablespoons honey or 3 drops stevia (optional)

Weight Loss Flush Beauty Water

  • 20 ounces water
  • 1/2 grapefruit slices (ruby red is preferred)
  • 2 tablespoons vitamin C powder or Camu Camu powder
  • 2 tablespoons honey or 3 drops stevia (optional)

 7. Chia Fresca

chia fresca-001

Chia seeds are the newest superfood on the block. They make you feel full longer, thereby making you consume much less food. They are said to lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, and are filled with omega 3 (which is an anti-inflammatory). They contain double the potassium of bananas, twice the protein of any grain, iron, thrice the antioxidants in blackberries, and calcium. Neat for a tiny seed! Berries add flavor and aroma. Shake your bottle and pour yourself a nice tall glass. To your good health, chin chin!

8. Turmeric and Ginger Lemonade


Ginger and turmeric both have anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, is a potent antioxidant. Ginger soothes the digestive system. You can sip this ginger turmeric lemonade recipe throughout the day to boost your immunity. This concoction helps to ease pain in your joints, inflammation, and ward off seasonal sickness. It’s delicious and can be served hot or cold.

9. Detox Water for Craving Control & Beautiful Skin


This is a lovely fruit water with apple, lemon, strawberries, cinnamon, and mint. You don’t need to wait for your next detox routine. Make this drink today and sip your way to good health.

10. Blackberry & Sage Water


It tastes as beautiful as it looks. The blackberries lend a lovely purple color to the water. The sage adds a subtle and refreshing flavor to it and has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial benefits.

11. Watermelon, Cucumber & Mint Infused Water


This makes a great summer drink. Bring it to a picnic or serve it at your barbecue to beat the heat. Watermelon has lycopene which helps improve heart health. It also contains the amino acid citrulline, a phytonutrient that converts to the amino acid arginine. These amino acids promote blood flow, leading to cardiovascular health and improved circulation.

12. Berry Detox Water


This delicious water is a fabulous health drink. You can snack on the berries as you sip it through the day. Cranberries are great to prevent Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Black currants have been used popularly in herbal medicine to treat coughs, bladder stones, and stomach ailments.

13. Iced Green Tea Mojito (Digestive Aid & Liver Detox)


This refreshing beverage is a great drink on a hot summer’s day and is good for you too. Green tea increases metabolism and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Lime is anti-inflammatory, helps weed out toxins, and helps stimulate the digestive system.

14. Lemon Aloe Water


Aloe is not only the best burn remedy, but it’s also great for your health. Aloe promotes circulation, helps you recover from fatigue, and aids digestion.

Please Note: The Whole Foods Companion cautions pregnant women and diabetics not to take aloe vera internally.

15. New Year Detox Water


A perfect antidote to the excesses of the holiday season. Start the year off with a fruity concoction to nourish your body. Combine raspberries, peeled grapefruit, sliced cucumbers, sliced pears, and fresh mint in a large pitcher of spring water. Chill and enjoy!

Featured photo credit: Ana Stanciu via

The post 15 Beautiful & Healthy Fruit Water Recipes To Replace Soda appeared first on Lifehack.

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8 Ways to Know It’s Time to Let Go


Remember that old episode of Seinfeld where Jerry wanted to “break up” with a guy with whom he had been friends, but really didn’t have anything in common with anymore? A lot of us feel that way at times, but instead of confronting the situation, we just deal with it. How many times have you gotten together with an old college friend just because you were both in town? You didn’t have much at all to talk about (especially because you know everything you need to anyway – thanks to Facebook).

There are often people in your life that you truly care about, but are holding you back from attaining your true potential. Here’s how you know it’s time to let the friendship die out, even if it’s hard to let go.

1. Let go because things aren’t the same

There are times when you meet up with friends you haven’t seen in a while and feel like you haven’t missed a beat. Other times you’ll find yourself in company with others, and have absolutely nothing to talk about. You used to have so much in common, so it’s hard to believe your friendship has flat-lined.

Time is precious. If you feel like a certain relationship is wasting your priceless time and energy, it’s time to move on.

2. Let go because trust and loyalty are gone

Sometimes, “friends” are only out for themselves, but it takes some time to figure that out. When you were younger, you were okay with having someone simply to hang out and shoot the breeze with. But as you age, you realize the friendship is one-sided. The other person is around for the good times, but isn’t there when you need them the most.

When you figure out that someone isn’t a true friend, it’s time to drop them from your life – immediately.

3. Let go because the relationship isn’t transparent

The best friendships are completely transparent, meaning each of you know exactly what the other wants from each other. If you’re looking for a pal to have a beer with, that’s totally fine, as long as the other person isn’t looking for something deeper.

On the other hand, when you don’t know what your “friend’s” intentions are, it’s hard to know where the friendship is headed.

4. Let go because the friendship is toxic

Toxic friendships are deadly. Typically once you’ve figured out a friendship is poison, it’s already done serious damage.

In college, you might have been friends with people who enjoyed getting drunk every weekend. While that isn’t so out of the ordinary in your early 20s, is that really what you want as you approach 30? You might still think you’re having fun, but it will catch up with you sooner than you think.

If you can’t hang out with your long-time friends without falling back into bad habits, it’s time to make a change.

5. Let go because you don’t have the same life goals

Everyone reaches a point when they realize their life goals differ from their friends’. While it’s okay to keep them around in small doses, when you’re looking to make a giant change in your life, you have to accept that things won’t be the same.

For example, if you’re focusing on a serious relationship and trying to build a family, you won’t have loads of time to spend going out with other friends. It might be hard to get used to the change, but once you take the big step, you’ll see how rewarding your lifestyle change can be.

6. Let go because you’re doing all the work

You always make the plans, only to have your friend cancel last minute. Take that hint and find others who actually want to spend time with you.

Maybe the other party is feeling your friendship peter out, but is afraid to say anything. Whatever the case may be, you don’t want to be a bother to someone you care about. Maybe they’re just going through a change of their own, and will come back to you when the time is right. But if you push them, they might not.

7. Let go because they aren’t pushing you to be a better person

Although it’s okay to have people whom you simply enjoy being around, your best friends need to inspire you. Actively seek out people who are motivated, optimistic, and hard-working. Simply “hanging out” with people will get you nowhere, and you’ll look back and realize you were just passing the time until something (or someone) better came around.

When you find the people who always make you want to better yourself, you’ve found the right group.

8. Let go because you don’t want or need them in your life

Duh! It sounds pretty obvious, but you don’t have obligation to be friends with anyone. Focus on being yourself and making sure you’re happy. If you don’t need someone in your life, you shouldn’t feel guilty about leaving them behind. You might not want to hurt anyone, but that also doesn’t mean you should suffer, either.

If you’ve ever felt like you “had to” meet up with someone, rather than genuinely wanting to, you should reevaluate the way you treat your own self.

Featured photo credit: Flickrr via

The post 8 Ways to Know It’s Time to Let Go appeared first on Lifehack.

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5 Ways to be Productive when Responsible for a Parent’s Care

caregiving full

No one wants to think about growing old, especially people between the ages of 20 and 30. But if you’re helping a parent or grandparent, it’s in your face every day. And the National Alliance of Caregiving and AARP study found that 25 percent of the 40 million caregivers in the United States are Millennials. Recently, family caregivers were predominately female over the age of 49, but it extends to men and the younger generations.

The problem with care-giving at a younger age is that you’re forced to compromise employment and deal with heavier stress than expected, and it puts a strain on your financial wherewithal. And the more hours you put in, the more complicated the role becomes. You begin to execute nursing or other complex care tasks, such as administering oral medicines or injections, wound care, or operating medical equipment.

It’s unfortunate, but care-giving forces you to postpone activities, rearrange work schedules, put off school, break appointments, and basically, hampers living a life at all. Taking care of someone you love is not clean or uncomplicated; it’s demanding, role changing, and chaotic. Once you’re in it, life is never the same, and it forces a person to grow in mind-boggling ways, hopefully, in behaviors that turn into lifelong attributes, if you’re lucky and wise.

Here’s how to make the care-giving role work better and not drag you down. You must set a priority to learn about long-term care support and services otherwise you’ll be a dreaded caregiver statistic. There’s no circumventing the emotional pressure of helping someone, but reaching out and asking for assistance is a surefire way to get your life back on track.

1. Find Affordable Services

Meal delivery

One in four family caregivers reports difficulty in finding affordable support and services like meals, transportation, or in-home care services in the community for a loved one. Here’s where to find solutions:

  • Meals on Wheels – There are more than 5,000 independently-run local programs. They receive funds from the Older Americans Act and contributions from local businesses, donors, and sponsors. Volunteers help make the program a national safety net for older adults living at home. Costs vary on the location branch.
  • Local senior centers – Many communities have a center for seniors. Meals are offered to go or in person and prices differ in cities.
  • Salvation Army – Some locations provide on-site and meal delivery for the elderly.
  • Visiting Nurses Associations – Local associations deliver fresh and frozen meals to residents for a low cost.
  • Area Agency on Aging – is a federally funded program that operates in local areas to maximize independence and health of older adults and people living with disabilities. They assist with locating low-cost personal care services and transportation.
  • Non-profits and local agencies make it possible for seniors to live at home by offering budget wise services like meal delivery. Do a local search online for family service agency. Most agencies can direct you to low-cost care and transportation services.
  • Paratransit Services – Provides cars, vans, or buses to collect and drop off individuals at their homes.
  • Veteran Transit Services
  • Senior transport and rideshare services like Uber delivers low-cost transportation services to senior riders.

2. Get Senior Care Expert Help

caregiving help

There are professionals and programs that assist caregivers find information and help on topics like keeping loved ones at home and dealing with challenging behaviors.

3. Things Employed Caregivers SHOULD NOT DO

caregiving should not do 1

Balancing employment with giving care requires ingenious strategies. No employer wants to hire a person who jumps from job to job or who looks for an easy way out. Don’t take the easy road and make painful mistakes that will hurt a career down the road.

Decisions that hurt your career:

  • Quit the job.
  • Take a leave of absence.
  • Change employment.
  • Whine and throw pity parties at work.

4. Things Employed Caregivers SHOULD DO

caregiving should do

Instead of making hasty and senseless decisions that batter your career later on, take time out and gather your wits. First, think about the options; the things that need your undivided attention on the job and at home (Tip: look at the suggestions below.) After that, talk to a supervisor or manager and share your ideas on how to remain productive at work. Emphasize the importance of being at the top of your game at work and at home helping a family member.

  • Work remotely from home.
  • Create a flex-schedule, one that works around a loved one’s schedule.
  • Use Skype or FaceTime to connect with your boss or a project team.
  • Learn about the Family and Medical Leave Act.
  • Check into part-time work or job sharing with the current employer.

5. Stay on Top of the Caregiving Duties

stay on top of caregiving

It’s easy to monitor a loved one’s well-being and safety from a distance. There are several online tools to share (privately) health records and coordinate responsibilities with family members. The following tools helps track appointments and updates the family network. 

Lots of Helping Hands

WebMD Health Manager


Strength for Caring

Electronic Scheduling

The post 5 Ways to be Productive when Responsible for a Parent’s Care appeared first on Lifehack.

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