
quarta-feira, agosto 19, 2015

Oliveira, Manoel

Tema: Arte
Toda a arte é um reflexo da vida. Se nós não sabemos a finalidade da vida, como é que vamos saber a finalidade da arte? É um segredo que nos é vedado.

via @notiun

Corneille, Pierre

Tema: Pátria
Antes de vos pertencer, pertenço ao meu país

via @notiun

5 Possible Risks Of Having A Baby If You’re 35 Or Older


Women nowadays are having children later because they are focusing on their careers and pursuing advanced education degrees. According to studies conducted by the Pew Research Center, 15% of American women were having their first child after 35, in comparison to a mere 1% in 1970. Having children later in life may be more commonplace, but there are some added precautions that older mothers must take into consideration once they reach thirty-five years of age and older. Here is a list of some of the most common pregnancy concerns for this age group.

1. Having trouble conceiving

One of the biggest problems with having a baby when you are 35 or older, is that it will be harder to get pregnant in the first place. Fertility rates are highest for most women in their twenties and then start slowly declining once they turn thirty. Once your turn 35, your fertility rate decrease rapidly. The average women can have a baby until she is 41, but there is no guarantee. If you are wanting to get pregnant and are in your mid-thirties or older, it is best to schedule a pre-conceptual counseling appointment before you try to get pregnant to weigh the risks and see what is the best route for you, since every woman’s body is different.

2. More likely to have a baby born with Down Syndrome

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), if you get pregnant at 25, the likelihood of having a baby with down syndrome is 1,250, whereas if you get pregnant at 40, your chances are 1 in 100. Your risk goes up each year as you get older and having a baby born with Down syndrome or a number of other chromosomal issues is a very real concern for older mothers. To get a better understanding of your risks of having a child with a mental or physical disability, genetic testing can help reveal whether this will likely be a reality for your particular situation.

3. Higher risk of having gestational diabetes

The older you get, the more likely you are to be at risk for developing diabetes during your pregnancy. This type of diabetes is risky, because it can go undiagnosed and can cause numerous serious health issues for both you and your baby. Complications from this condition can be life-threatening, including early birth and respiratory distress syndrome, where a baby has trouble breathing on its own. Gestational diabetes usually do not have noticeable symptoms, so it is important to consult with your primary doctor before and during your pregnancy to monitor your blood sugar and any complications that may arise.

4. More likely to deliver through cesarean section

The older you are when you give birth, the more likely you are to deliver your baby through cesarean section (C-section). According to a study featured in Web MD, 40% of first-time moms had a C-section. A C-section is the delivery of a baby by creating a surgical incision in the woman’s uterus and abdomen. This method of delivery is riskier than a natural vaginal birth and is only done if there are foreseen complications or an emergency during the birth. It is important as an older mother to keep careful tabs on your baby and your body throughout your pregnancy and monitor any issues that may require a C-section.

5. Higher risk of having a baby that is stillborn

One of the risks of having a child when you are older is the slight chance of having a stillborn baby. This risk is due to the fact that older mother can have underlying medical issues that are common in women in this age group. It is therefore important to get all the important tests before you become pregnant to ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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8 Things To Expect When You’re 8 Months Pregnant


The eighth month of pregnancy:  you’re almost there!  At this point, you’re eagerly anticipating having your baby in your arms.  Not only that, you’re probably beginning to feel pretty tired of pregnancy in general.  As your eighth month progresses, there are several symptoms that you should be prepared for. Here are just eight things to expect when you are 8 months pregnant.

1. Breathing will get difficult.

Your baby is compressing the space that would normally be occupied by your internal organs, so they’re all getting squished out of position. That includes your lungs, which are also working harder in the effort to bring in enough oxygen for you and your baby. If climbing a flight of stairs didn’t leave you a little out of breath before, it certainly will as you progress into your eighth month of pregnancy. This is the point where you should sit back, relax, and not be too hard on yourself. Some sources even recommend doing as little as possible, though that’s not a realistic recommendation for every woman.

2. Your baby will probably turn head down.

This is the optimal delivery position. It also brings baby’s head into your bladder, where you’ll probably feel like baby is sitting all the time. Don’t worry: feeling as though you need to visit the bathroom every 15 minutes is perfectly normal. So is thinking that you’ve emptied your bladder only to stand up and realize that baby has shifted and it’s full again. Don’t use this as a reason to skip your water consumption, however! You and baby both need to stay hydrated.

3. Weight gain will slow down.

Many women discover that weight gain slows down in the eighth month of pregnancy. However, this isn’t true for everyone! If you’re gaining more than you’d like, try to look away from the scale, take deep breaths, and remember that this isn’t the time in your life to be worried about weight gain. It’s all for the baby in the end!

4. You will experience heartburn.

As your stomach has increasingly less room, you might discover that small, frequent meals are the best way to keep heartburn to a minimum while still supplying the calories that you need. It’s likely that you won’t be able to eat as much as you usually can, and even your favorite foods will likely have to be consumed in moderation.

5. Your baby will begin growing much faster now.

This month, your baby weighs around four pounds. Within the next four to six weeks, baby will put on around half of its final birth weight. That means that you’re going to be growing, too–and growing increasingly more uncomfortable. Don’t be surprised when you need to slow down a lot more than you have previously throughout your pregnancy. Also, around this stage, you may find yourself refusing to take off your yoga pants, which is okay. They’re much more comfortable than any other piece of clothing you own and able to stretch to accommodate your growing belly–which at this stage of pregnancy is exactly what you need.

6. Your breasts might leak.

If you haven’t already experienced yellowish fluid leaking from your breasts, this month may be when it starts. Your body is gearing up to produce milk for your baby. Colostrum will sustain your baby for the first few days after birth, until your milk comes in completely. If it happens to you earlier or later, don’t worry! When your milk starts to come in is no indication of whether or not you’re going to be able to feed your baby. Also, keep in mind that women experiencing their second, third, or later pregnancies are more likely to produce colostrum earlier.

7. Pillows are your best friend.

As your abdomen stretches, you may experience steadily more discomfort in your rib cage, pelvis, and abdomen. Toward the end of this month, you’ll feel like you’re running out of room in there! To help give yourself some relief, try propping up with several pillows. Lay on your side with one pillow under your head and neck, one pillow supporting your belly, and one between your knees. This will help take some of the strain off your body and make you feel more like yourself.

8. You will experience mommy brain.

Have you had your first case of “mommy brain” yet? If you’re feeling generally fuzzy-brained and having trouble remembering things that you once took for granted, you’re not alone! Many moms-to-be experience difficulty focusing, concentrating, or remembering throughout their pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. What does this mean for you? Use the “notes” program on your smartphone or get used to writing things down.

The eighth month of pregnancy is often one of the most exciting. You’re getting close to the end, but you’re not yet so close that you’re counting down the days and wondering whether or not your baby will come on your due date. Many times friends and family will throw your baby shower close to the end of your eighth month so that you’ll have time to finish preparing for baby’s arrival. Enjoy this month of pregnancy as much as you can! Baby will be here before you know it.

Featured photo credit: La Curva de la Felicidad/Niklas Montelius via

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Samsung Invents A Screen On The Back Of Trucks To Show The Road Ahead


truck-newWelcome to 2015.

You are living in a world where a watch is a computer and a table is an air conditioner.

Samsung is the next company to have overlap in the invention arena. The compay’s newest invention is a television set. Nothing unusual for Samsung, a company known for its electronics, right?

Guess again.

Samsung’s newest television is the back wall of a truck.

We’re not talking a stationary truck either. You don’t sit stagnant in your car and watch the back of the truck like you’re in a drive-in movie. While you are driving on the open highway, you watch the images on the screen which display the traffic in your lane in front of the truck. The “safety truck” is designed for drivers on a two-lane highway with each lane moving in the opposite direction of traffic.


1. Many drivers won’t drive behind trucks since they obscure their vision of the lane. This invention is the solution since the images on the screen depict the lane in front of the truck.
2. If trucks move slowly or emit smelly fumes, drivers may opt to go around the truck. Head-on collisions occur when drivers stike what is in the lane with oncoming traffic.
The screen will show drivers if there are objects in the oncoming traffic lane or if it is safe to pass the truck.
3. The screen adapts to both light and dark driving conditions.
4. The “safety truck” has already been tested, and Samsung has confirmed it can save lives.
5. The technology is simple. There is a wireless camera mounted on the front of the truck which displays the lane ahead on a screen mounted on the back wall of the truck.


1. Watching the images on the truck’s screen can easily distract the driver. While driving, the eyes scan the periphery of the road. If a screen with images on it is in front of the driver, the driver might focus on the screen and not the rest of the road.
2. Since the purpose of the truck is to make passing on a two-lane road safer, it may be useless on a multi-lane highway.
3. The cost, still unmentioned by Samsung, is likely to be so expensive it might not come into frequent use. Although currently not on the market, Samsung is currently working with governmental agencies to advance their new invention.

Featured photo credit: via

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20 Amazing Budget Summer Activities

Budget Summer Activities

Summer is here for many of us on this side of the planet. Unfortunately, the inevitable truth is that while Summer has arrived, money is about to leave. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Even if you’re frugal and aim for low budget summer activities, you can still have lots of fun. Often, these cheaper activities turn out to be more fun and interactive than an expensive vacation.

Whether you’re a student, parent, or looking for budget activities to do with your friends over the Summer, you’ll find something you’ll enjoy on this list of things you can do without emptying the bank account for Autumn.

1. Play mini golf

Most large cities in North America have miniature golf courses. The best part is that they’re usually much cheaper than going to the professional courses, where you might not have as much fun — unless you’re a keen golfer.

2. Go Swimming

Go to your local swimming baths and take a dive. This also has obvious health benefits, as you’ll be getting some exercise too. If you don’t have swimming pools then be adventurous and go swimming in a lake, reservoir, or in the sea — just make sure it’s safe to do so first.

3. Climb a hill

Hills are smaller than mountains but big enough to still be a good day out. Whether you’re going with friends or family, it’s good to take in nature every once in a while, especially if you live in urban areas.

4. Climb a mountain

If you’re looking for something more adventurous that hill climbing, then go climb a mountain. If you’re planning on climbing a mountain then make sure you look up good routes and take the correct safety precautions. The mountain doesn’t have to be Everest, you can always go to your nearest one.

5. Go fruit picking

Different fruits have different seasons in the different parts of the world. Take a look at what’s available in your local area. For example, you could go strawberry picking. You usually buy a box and you can fill it with as much as you like. If you’re sneaky, you can also cram some strawberries in your mouth as you go around.

6. Cycle somewhere

If you have a bike, try cycling to somewhere different, and take your friends or family with you. If you don’t all have bicycles then you can rent them. It’s usually very cheap to do so, especially if you live in Europe.

7. Visit a castle

In many places, castles actually charge you for entry. However, if you search the internet, you’ll be able to find ones with either cheap entry or free entry. Castles can be especially good if you have children (or big kids at heart) who love role-playing games. Many larger castles often do shows and events too, so keep an eye out for them.

8. Go to car-boot sale

In England, this is where we all go with our cars and sell things that we don’t want from our boots (trunks). They’re usually held in fields or car parking lots. If you’re on a budget this will hopefully help you increase your budget — while having a fun day bartering with passers-by.

9. Make ice lollies

You can purchase ice lolly moulds for really cheap from places like or your local supermarkets. They tend to last a long time too. All you need on top of these is a liquid to freeze. This can be fruit juice, squash (cordial), or any sort of flavoured drink. Try to get the bendy silicone moulds, as the plastic ones tend to break and the ice never comes out at easily.

10. Host a BBQ

Provided you (or someone you know) has a barbecue, you can host a BBQ party. Obviously, it will be expensive if you provide all the food and drinks, so you should make it compulsory for everyone to bring an item of food. This is great because people will also bring food they want to eat so you won’t have to feel bad when you forget to cater for the vegetarians.

11. Sunbathe

This is the time of the year when the sun is out, so catch some rays. It doesn’t cost a thing and if you already waste money on sunbeds, here’s a chance for you to save some money and get some healthier rays.

12. Orgami

Paper is super cheap to buy, especially if you buy a whole book of printer paper. There’s a massive amount of resources online showing you how to make different animals and origami stuff. If you’ve got younger siblings or children, then you’ll entertain them for hours with this, while teaching them something new at the same time.

13. Start a garden

You’ve still got time to grow flowers and plants in your garden. Seeds don’t tend to cost that much, so go get some and plant them. If you’re really naughty, you could dig up a plant from somewhere and plant it in your garden — however, this is illegal.

14. Go for a picnic

A picnic is a great budget activity for friends and family. It can also work out as a cute date for you and a loved one too. Make your own food to take with you so that you can keep the expenditure low.

15. Go camping

If you (or someone you know) own a tent or camper van, then go camping. Take your family and friends with you. You could always take a loved one and plan a night under the stars.

16. Take a younger sibling to the park

If you’re old enough to be trusted, take a younger family member to the park. Even if it’s just a walk, younger people are full of energy and will entertain themselves while entertaining you at the same time. This will also keep you in your family’s good books too!

17. Go to a summer fete

There are summer fetes and “festivals” popping up all over the place during the summer. Fetes are great places to get hold of local specialties and see more of your local “culture”. You can also often pick up things fairly cheap from summer fetes.

18. Visit a museum

Many museums offer free entry and regularly have new exhibitions on during the summer. Whether it’s local history or general history, they’re great places to keep up with what’s already happened.

19. Visit an art gallery

Similar to museums, art galleries also often offer free entry. They tend to have more new exhibitions hosted than museums, some of which push boundaries that you may never have imagined. This will often help heighten more senses than you thought.

20. Have a film marathon

We’ve all got a DVD collection tucked away somewhere  and even if you don’t, the internet is at your disposal if you want to watch every single Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings film over the course of a day!

The post 20 Amazing Budget Summer Activities appeared first on Lifehack.

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8 Ways To Avoid Raising An Entitled And Rude Child


If you’re looking to raise a child to be a fully-functional adult, there’s definitely a lot to think about. You might love your kids, but sometimes you have to let them hurt themselves, feel the consequences of their actions, and experience failure. As a parent you will ultimately be there to help them when they’re in need, but you also can’t be their personal “catcher in the rye.”

If you want your children to be ready for the real world when their time comes to leave the nest:

1. Limit their access to pleasure

Yes, childhood is the most carefree time in a person’s life, but that doesn’t mean it has to be all fun and games. Put a time limit on the computer, phone, or video games, so your children don’t end up wasting time that could have been spent bettering their lives. I’m not saying that children should be doing hard labor, but they should definitely have responsibilities to take care of before they dive into the world of Minecraft for the evening. Give them age appropriate chores, and make sure they complete their homework to the best of their ability before you let them off the hook.

2. Don’t cover for them or coddle them

Having worked in school settings, I’ve seen way too many parents complain to teachers after their kid comes home with a failing grade. Newsflash: It’s not the teacher’s fault (unless the entire class is failing, which is highly doubtful). Instead of taking your kid’s side when it comes to their responsibilities, make sure you look at what they could be doing better (and what you could be doing better, for that matter).

Nobody’s perfect, and that’s okay. But by pretending your child is God’s gift to the world, you set them up for true failure later in life.

3. Make them honest about their shortcomings

Parents need to teach their children to take responsibility when they falter, but this doesn’t mean they should just accept failure, either. Too many children think “I’m not a math person,” and in turn don’t work hard to improve their math skills. Don’t let this happen to your children. Teach them the importance of working hard to overcome weaknesses. It’s one thing to do well in something you’re naturally good at, but it’s a much greater accomplishment to succeed in an area you once failed in. Teach your kids that hard work will always pay off in one way or another.

4. Set allowance strictly

When I was a child, my mother had a system in which a certain amount of my allowance would go toward short-term savings (for smaller toys and games), long-term savings (like a new video game), and serious savings (to be put into a real savings account). That system worked too well for me, as I am now money-conscious to a fault. Teaching your kids to have realistic appreciation for money from a young age is incredibly important. Don’t waver from whatever system you work with, so your children don’t grow up thinking money just shoots out of the ATM whenever you need it.

5. Teach the value of hard work

That allowance shouldn’t come easy. Make sure they know that money is earned by services rendered. Yes, they might hate mowing the lawn in the summer, or shoveling the driveway in the winter, but the sooner they realize they have to work to earn cash, the better off they’ll be. They’ll also enjoy their games and toys much more when they’ve earned them. They will treat their possessions with respect, remembering how hard they had to work to be able to afford them.

6. Be consistent with rules

As a parent, it’s definitely easier to let rules slide “just this once” here and there, especially when you’re busy with work and other obligations. But all this does is create a slippery slope in which your children will constantly be looking for ways to bend the rules. By being inconsistent, children learn that there are times they’ll be able to get away with something. Make sure they know: The rules are the rules, period. And make sure your spouse follows through, as well. Otherwise, your household turns into a 90’s sitcom where the parents start fighting because one was more lenient than the other!

7. Teach them to be thankful and grateful

Children can be taught to be giving, hospitable individuals from a very young age. Many children who are deemed wise beyond their years simply have parents who have raised them to be caring and giving people. Model courteousness by saying please and thank you to other adults when they hold the door, or helping them write thank you notes to friends who attended their birthday party. Have them pick out toys they no longer use and bring them to shelters for less fortunate children. Children will grow to be conscientious adults if they learn to have perspective from a young age.

8. Don’t always be their best friend

You love your children unconditionally, but you are the adult who has their best interest in mind. By trying to be their friend, you open up a can of worms that is impossible to close. You should definitely let your young child bring out the kid in you, but don’t be “that parent” who lets their kid watch horror movies or play Call of Duty until midnight on a school night (or ever, for that matter). Be there for them at all times, but don’t just let them have their way because you want to be “cool.”

No parent is cool; you should know this by now!

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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10 Ways To Be Magnetic At Any Networking Event

10 Ways To Become Magnetic At A Networking Event

Do you struggle to network? Networking events can seem scary and intimidating to many people, but these events can be hugely beneficial to your career or your life in general. If you want to become a better networker, check out these 10 ways to become magnetic at any networking event.

1. Be aware that others are uncomfortable too

If you are feeling nervous about a networking event, try to think about the fact that the people you are about to meet are probably as nervous as you are. Studies show that being shy is very common, with 58% of Americans identifying as shy. Instead of worrying about how shy you feel, acknowledge that everyone is in the same boat.

2. Focus on others rather than yourself

Before you walk into the networking event, shift your perspective. Many people go into social situations wondering how to make themselves comfortable, but one of the easiest ways to relax is to focus on making other people feel comfortable.

3. Prepare yourself

Before you go to an event or meet new people, do your research and prepare yourself. Make sure you know the theme of the event and who might possibly be in attendance. This will help you to personalize your approach, attitude, and outfit – three of the most important parts of networking.

If you are still feeling nervous, prepare a few conversation starters in advance. This will make it easier for you to comfortably approach people, and it also means you will have to do less thinking on the spot.

4. Smile

Studies have shown that it only takes people 34 milliseconds to make a snap judgment about someone, so focus on smiling and looking relaxed. You want the first impression to be a good one.

5. Prepare a short introduction

A good way to get conversation naturally flowing is to pre-prepare a short introduction. Don’t focus on how many seconds it is, instead plan a warm introduction, followed by two statements about yourself. This gives the other person the option to comment on your statements, opening up a natural dialogue.

6. Learn to say “and how about you?”

After introducing yourself and explaining your role, shift the attention onto the person you are talking to. Avoid asking closed questions like “What do you do?” or “Why are you here tonight?” Instead, ask an open question, such as “And how about you?”

This gives the person more opportunity to direct the conversation to an area they are interested in, so they can have an enjoyable conversation rather than a polite one.

7. Find a more interesting way to talk about your job

Many people introduce themselves by stating their name and their job title. However, unless you have a fascinating job, this introduction can actually be a conversation killer – it’s the same thing everyone else starts with. Try to find a more interesting way to talk about your job to help spark a good conversation. Instead of saying that you build homes, say that you put roofs over people’s heads. This will help you to draw interest and create a more genuinely interesting conversation.

8. Read regularly

Reading newspapers, magazines, and books will help you to be a stronger conversationalist, which is beneficial when networking. Being able to discuss current topical events and literature will put you in good stead with most people you talk to, and it means you won’t fall short if the subjects come up.

9. Don’t wait to be approached

Many people are scared of initiating contact – instead of waiting for someone to come over to you, grab the bull by its horns and make the first move. Walk up to a group with your back straight, smile warmly, and make eye contact. Projecting confidence will help you to be more courageous, and it will help the other person feel at ease.

10. Talk To The Person Who Is Alone

The person that is easiest to talk to is always the person standing alone. It is likely they feel shy and awkward, and they will feel grateful to the person who understands that and approaches them. When you make the effort to go over to someone, it projects a friendly and interested attitude, which the other person will be thankful for.

Can you think of any other useful networking tips? Comment your ideas below!

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10 Life Lessons For Highly Sensitive People


All my life, I’ve been highly sensitive, and this has certainly carried with it a number of challenges. As a teenager, I was unable to be around people who were eating, because I couldn’t stand the sounds they made, and have always been repulsed by the texture of certain fatty cuts of meat.

And instead of simply learning to understand why, I become extremely grumpy if I do not get time to myself everyday!

Throughout my journey, however, I have learned that being highly sensitive can also be a tremendous advantage. If we can learn to understand and manage our sensitivity, we can then cultivate our increased awareness and empathy.

These are just a few of the many lessons that can help sensitivity become a strength, rather than a hindrance.

1. We Should Learn To Understand Our Emotional Responses

According to the article 5 Great Lessons for Sensitive People from Power of Positivity, the strong emotional responses that highly sensitive people experience are due to empathy. We often feel what other people are feeling. Learning to manage this can require some awareness and practice.

In my own experience, I have learned to stop and examine my thoughts whenever I experience a strong emotion. If it is clear that the emotion is not coming from anything in my own mind, then I am able to see that it belongs to someone else.

Empathy without awareness can look very “selfish.”  When we don’t realize that the emotions we are experiencing are not our own, we only focus on bringing relief to ourselves. When we are aware of the source of the emotional response, we not only bring greater relief to our own mind, but we are also able to better understand the people around us.

2. We Should Realize That Understanding The Response Does Not Mean We Should Act On It

Power of Positivity cautions against immediately trying to “help” other people or act on the emotional responses we experience. Sometimes it is in the other person’s best interest for us not to become involved.

When we experience the emotional response and understand where it is coming from, we then need to look at the situation logically in order to decide what to do next.

I have learned this lesson many times in my own life. When I am around people experiencing fear especially, I have a very difficult time not stepping in and trying to make that fear go away.

Through calming activities and understanding, I have had to learn to look at the situation in terms of what the other person needs, rather than my immediate need to stop the emotional response.

3. We Should Learn To Listen To Our Intuitions

This may seem like it is contradicting the last point, but it is not. According to Power of Positivity, logic and intuition are both necessary in evaluating a situation, and many people who are highly sensitive discount their intuition.

If we experience a “gut” feeling, especially as to whether we should trust someone else, it is important to listen to that.  Because highly sensitive people are taking in so much from our environment, we are able to evaluate a situation on a subconscious level, which results in a stronger intuition.

I have found that as I have overcome fears and misunderstandings, my intuition has grown stronger. Sensitive people are often very sensitive to judgement and criticism that we receive from others, which our minds often take to be the absolute truth.

The fears and limiting beliefs that stem from these misunderstandings – and they definitely are misunderstandings – can often lead us to feel doubtful about situations when it is not necessary. As we sift through and eliminate these limiting beliefs and doubts, our intuitions will grow stronger.

4. We Need To Seek Out Stimulating Conversation

In Huffington Post’s How Highly Sensitive People Interact With the World Differently, Lindsey Holmes states that people who are highly sensitive tend to get bored in relationships if there is a lack of stimulating conversation. This is because we crave deeper, more meaningful connections and interactions with those around us.

Some of my best memories in my marriage are of long, drawn-out conversations while on the road, or even while sitting on our back porch.  My husband and I will talk for hours about everything under the sun – politics, religion, the meaning of life.

These interactions have led to a deeper, more fulfilling connection between the two of us.

5. We Need to Schedule Some Alone Time

According to Holmes, people who are highly sensitive may become overwhelmed by busy, open offices or busy social activities. We may feel scrutinized by those around us, or we may become distracted by all of the sensory input around us.

Having time by ourselves each day will help us to focus better and decrease anxiety.

I live on a sailboat in a busy marina in the city and have very little privacy, so I have had to be creative in seeking out alone time. Sometimes, I wake up before everyone else and spend some time sitting on the dock, looking out over the water.

Other times, I find a quiet corner in Starbucks, where I can do my work uninterrupted. And alone.

6. We Should Not Avoid Conflict

Holmes states that people who are highly sensitive tend to avoid conflicts, because the emotions we experience during them are often overwhelming. However, the empathy that we experience can be a strong asset in problem-solving situations.

Experiencing the emotions of those around us can help us to better problem creatively, if we are able to stay calm.

Staying calm in conflicts has been key for me. It has also been important for me to realize that experiencing the other person’s emotions is not the same as experiencing their thoughts.

I still need to ask questions, rather than assuming that I know why the other person is feeling the way that they are.

7. We Need To Eat Well

In her article 8 Tips for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People on The Spirit Science, the author states that people who are highly sensitive need to eat foods that help to improve our mental states.

She recommends plenty of raw foods and greens, but adds that the appropriate diet for one person may be different for another.

In my experience, I have found that eating whole foods, with a great deal of protein, has helped me to stay calm and to improve my own mental state. Drinking a great deal of water and limiting caffeine have also helped to decrease my anxiety.

8. We Should Seek Out Scents That Appeal To Our Senses

According to the article, essential oils and incense can help to create a calming environment for someone who is highly sensitive. Scents like lavender, bergamot, spearmint, and tea tree oil are most recommended.

I have found that I do not enjoy spending time in a home or room that does not smell good, and I often burn candles in order to create a pleasant aroma. And in vanilla, my favorite scent by far, I have found the most calming reaction.

In the winter, I will even boil a pot of water, vanilla, and cinnamon to achieve the scent to feel most calming and pleasant.

9. We Should Become Aware Of Our Stress Responses

In her article Highly Sensitive People: Desensitizing Your Fight or Flight Response: Creating a Sense of Safety in Your Life by Changing the Meaning of Your Experiences from Online Counseling, Ewa Schwarz states that when a highly sensitive person becomes overwhelmed, their fight-or-flight response is triggered.

This response is designed for short-term survival, and chronic fight-or-flight is harmful to the body and mind.  Becoming aware of this stress response and learning to minimize it is key to decreasing this feeling of being overwhelmed.

Learning to calm my body and mind has been very important in my journey. I have used breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and even walking to calm my stress response, so that I am able to move forward and process the situation around me.

10. We Should Examine And Redefine The Things That Cause Us To Feel Overwhelmed

According to Schwarz, the fight-or-flight response is triggered when the mind goes into an emotional reaction after making connections between the current situation and past experiences. The mind is detecting a threat in the present moment, based on its understanding of the past.

Yet this is merely a perceived connection. In order to change our mind’s perception, we can go back to the initial assumption whenever our minds go into reaction.

Why are we seeing a connection? The connection is based on meaning that our mind has given the current situation.  When we can redefine the situation and stop seeing this meaning, we can diffuse the triggering event.

This has been absolutely key in my journey. When I am emotionally triggered, I stop and examine the thoughts behind the emotion. I then ask myself a series of question to determine why I think what I do, so that I can find the underlying assumption and redefine it.

This has helped me to become overwhelmed much less frequently.

I’ve often thought of a highly sensitive mind as being like a wild horse. It’s amazingly powerful, but it will take some time to train that horse and gain its trust.

With a lot of patience and perseverance, it is possible to train that horse and take advantage of its amazing power and strength.

Featured photo credit: Crystal/carianoff via

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