
segunda-feira, agosto 17, 2015

Donne, John

Tema: Ser Humano
Nenhum homem é uma ilha, completo em si próprio; cada ser humano é uma parte do continente, uma parte de um todo

via @notiun

Capote, Truman

Tema: Escrita
Quando se trata de escrever, acredito mais na tesoura do que na caneta

via @notiun

Malraux, André

Tema: Suicídio
Quem se mata corre atrás de uma imagem que forjou de si próprio: as pessoas matam-se sempre para existir

via @notiun

Maurois, André

O amor nos outros é para nós quase sempre incompreensível

via @notiun

Géraldy, Paul

Sucessos rápidos em amor são simplesmente físicos: é do coração que vêm as belas vitórias do amor

via @notiun

Diderot, Denis

Aquele que de algum modo condena o seu semelhante à felicidade - é feliz


Vinci, Leonardo da

Tema: Conhecimento
Todo o nosso conhecimento se inicia com sentimentos

via @notiun

A One-Month-Old Baby’s Growth And Development


Babies undergo significant changes during the first year of their lives. In less than a year, your newborn starts to move around, speak (or attempt to), and show initial signs of autonomy. Your one-month-old baby starts getting used to the strange, new world, as the parents become experienced in taking care of their many needs.

It is worth noting that babies tend to behave differently during their first month, and all may not exhibit similar behavioral characteristics. If a baby is prematurely born, they may take some extra time before they catch up with their peers in terms of their character. Here are some of the changes you should expect in your baby during the first month.

Body Development

You shouldn’t be worried if your one-month-old baby sheds some weight. At delivery, most babies have extra body fluid and usually shed about 10 per cent of their body weight prior to stabilizing and starting to gain. Before the end of two weeks, the weight of the baby should be the same as during its delivery. By the end of the first month, babies rapidly gain weight at an average of about half an ounce every day. It is important during your postnatal visits to inquire from your doctor if your baby is developing at the appropriate pace.

Nervous System

Your one-month-old baby continues to develop its motor skills, and some babies achieve a lot of development in their first four weeks. From delivery, your baby has several intrinsic reflexes, such as sucking. Soon after delivery, with a little help from you, they will be able to bolt on your nipple to feed. The baby grasps your finger if you put it in their palm, and you will be able to gauge its strength at this tender age.

Excited babies will flip their arms and legs as a motor reflex. Most surprisingly, your one-month-old baby will try to walk if you support their body with their feet on the floor. Although babies who are one-month-old have the ability to turn their heads when lying on their back, they may not have the neck strength to support their head while standing. So, it is important to support the head of your baby when lifting them.


From delivery, all the baby wants is to feed and spend their time sleeping. Indeed, babies spend more than 15 hours a day sleeping. Because your one-month-old baby is yet to adapt to the normal day and night cycle, their sleep patterns are inconsistent. To help your baby adjust, limit most activities to daytime, and quietly do things in the dark or at night. With time, your baby will learn that the day is for play and night is meant for sleep.

It’s important to note that the sleep cycle of the one-month-old baby is distinct from an adult’s. Newborns spend most of their time in REM sleep (Rapid eye movement sleep) than in non-REM sleep. This is the main reason they awaken easily during their first few weeks.

Common Sense

  • Eyesight: At delivery, babies have very blurry eyesight. They can only see things that are just a few inches away. This means they can clearly see your face when nursing, and they prefer staring at you than at fancy objects within their vicinity. An object with a higher contrast is easier to spot for a one-month-old baby If you place the object near their eyes, then you will notice when they try to focus. You should contact your pediatrician if your baby continues closing its eyes during this time after three months.
  • Hearing: Newborns have underdeveloped hearing senses, although they can recognize sounds — particularly the voices of their parents, which they started hearing in the womb. One-month-old babies respond to high-pitched sounds. If you notice that your baby is not responding to sounds, it is important to inform your pediatrician.
  • Taste and Smell: Just like adults and older children, babies love sweet tastes. They may not distinguish between bitter and sour tastes because their taste buds are yet to develop fully. Surprisingly, your one-month-old baby is very sensitive to smell. They can detect the scent of breastmilk or their mother’s nipple only a few days after delivery.


If you choose to breastfeed your baby, you should do so at least eight times every day—about after every two to three hours. Feed up to six times a day if you are bottle feeding your baby. As a parent, you can either feed your baby on a schedule or when you realize that they are hungry — when they start moving their head in search of a breast or become persnickety if you touch their cheek. After feeding enough, the baby may look satisfied or even fall asleep. Six wet diapers a day is a clear indication that your baby is feeding well.


Your one-month-old baby communicates by crying. It is normal for one-month-old babies to cry up to three times in a day. You shouldn’t be worried if crying decreases as days pass by. Crying can be an indication that your baby is hungry, tired, or has a wet diaper. If your baby tends to cry too much, it could be an indication that they have colic or an illness, and you should contact your doctor immediately.


From delivery, babies do undergo tremendous changes throughout their first month. Most of their body organs continue to develop gradually from the first day in this world. You shouldn’t be worried by these normal changes, though something unusual should be reported to a pediatrician during the postnatal clinic.

May your baby have a tremendous growth!


Featured photo credit: Shutterstock via

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11 Things Every Mother-To-Be Should Not Miss


The first few weeks after you bring your baby home will be one of the most stressful and wonderful times of your whole life. I went into it feeling really prepared. I had talked to my mom, aunts, and mommy friends at length. I had read every parenting book that I could get my hands on.

But it turns out that there were still surprises. There were things I wished I could do differently. And I have three kids! I discovered that each pregnancy and baby is totally different. I also learned that no matter how much you think you know – there is always more to learn.

Here are ten things I learned first hand after having a baby.

1. Take the stool softener you’re given

Things tend to get bound up immediately after having a baby. This is usually compounded by the pain medication you’re on. You will most likely be offered a stool softener. My advice? Take it. Your body will thank me.

2. Frozen maxi pads are your new best friend

Take a maxi pad, run it under water, and put it in the freezer. Give it a few hours and you have the most amazing, perfectly shaped ice pack for sore lady parts. I remember telling the nurse who told me about this amazing invention that she was a genius. Have these little gems on hand for when you bring your baby home from the hospital.

3. Your baby might sleep a lot

There are some wonderful little souls who seem to sleep all the time right at first. One of my kiddos was like this. I was a little worried by it. But then I remember looking back and wishing it could always be like that. If you happen to get one of these amazing little beings for your own – enjoy this time. It’s normal. It also usually doesn’t last long, but when it does it’s amazing.

4. Your baby might cry a lot

My first daughter wasn’t a cryer. So we were a bit shocked when our second daughter began screaming her little brains out nearly immediately. The crying would go on for hours. It was a shock to me. I had heard other people’s babies cry before, but nothing prepared me for my own offspring howling like a banshee. It was heart-breaking and ear-shattering. I remember feeling completely overwhelmed.

But time passed and it stopped. She was gassy. Her little body figured it out. Babies outgrow this. I don’t know too many grown-ups who cry at the top of their lungs all the time.

5. You will still look pregnant

I know that the birthing class instructor told us that you should pack clothes for the trip home from the hospital that would fit your five months pregnant self. And I did. But it’s so disheartening when are having a baby and look down and you STILL LOOK PREGNANT.

I remember wanting to cry. Somehow my rock-hard nine months pregnant belly was easier to handle than this squishy mound before me. It actually shook like jelly when I laughed. I remember thinking I looked like Santa.

But it goes away. In fact, it goes away pretty fast. You’re so busy being a mom and getting through those first few months that you’ll look up and it’ll be you in the mirror again.

6. Labor and delivery nurses are da bomb

Sure, your doctor is the one who helped your little miracle into the world. But those labor and delivery nurses – they make the entire labor and the entire after delivery portion of your hospital stay manageable.

They help you labor, help you use the bathroom, help you with your baby, help you with your pain meds. They can be your saving grace when you’re sore, tired, overwhelmed, or just have questions. Take a photo with those folks because you’ll want to remember them someday.

7. You will sweat like a pig

I had no idea how much my body could sweat. I’m not usually a big sweater, but when I came home after having a baby I would honestly soak through my pajamas, my sheets, everything.

There is nothing worse than being wet through to your skin when you’re already struggling to feel like your old self. I remember being completely shocked by this. Nobody mentioned that could happen.

Plan for it. Make sure you have extra clean clothes, undergarments, and sheets. In fact, put a waterproof liner under your side of the bed and put towels on top of your sheets for a week or so. You’ll thank me in the middle of the night when you wake up drenched.

8. Meconium is stickier than honey

You know that first poop your precious child produces? Meconium. It’s a fancy word for black, waxy grossness. It’s somewhat traumatic trying to scrub that stuff off your precious new baby’s tender little bum.

Be generous with the wipes and generous with the diaper cream. The good news is that the meconium stage is super short. Then you’re on to the more normal stuff (and the stage where it’s normal to discuss another human being’s bathroom habits.)

9. It’s okay to say no

Can’t muster up the energy to handle more visitors? That’s okay. Tell them you’re exhausted and just want baby time. They’ll understand. Every parent out there has been in your shoes before.

10. Be gentle with yourself

Now is not the time to scrapbook or clean or cook or perform any other “super mom” duties. Heck, it’s barely even the time to shower (although you might find that feels good if you can find the time.) Pregnancy is hard work. Being a new mom is even harder work. Be as easy on yourself as you can be.

Ask for help. I’m serious. I was terrible about this. But asking for help (not holding-the-baby help – you want doing-the-dishes, doing-the-laundry, cooking-a-meal help) is one of the smartest things you can do. Relax and enjoy your new family.

11. Having a baby is both bizarre and wonderful

There’s nothing quite as surreal as being pregnant and then giving birth. One minute you have a big belly and the next you have a child in your arms.

Be proud of yourself. You grew a PERSON. Sister – you rock!

Featured photo credit: DSC_9688 a/bradfordst219 via

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11 Inherent Traits Of Real Leaders


The success of our companies and countries ultimately depends on our leaders. In addition to skills, real leaders bring a set of important traits to their work. These traits are often developed and refinded through experience. These insights have come from a variety of leaders and leadership experts working in many different fields.

Let’s dive in and find out if you are a real leader by examining these inherent traits.

1. They are honest

In their classic leadership book, “The Truth About Leadership”, James M. Kouzes and Barry S. Posner surveyed people across the world regarding leadership. The far-ranging study found that honesty is the number one trait people want in their leaders. Without this strong moral foundation, a leader has no credibility.

TIP: Honesty matters to your work even if you are not in a leadership role – 4 Reasons Why You Should Always Be Honest.

2. They want the best for their people

Real leaders deeply value the people that work under their leadership. For example, entrepreneur Jon Taffer (known for his TV show Bar Rescue), demonstrates his belief in people by training them and giving them feedback to improve. As a result of his leadership, his company sees a turnover rate far lower than the industry average.

To apply this principle to your leadership role, take the time to understand what your people want. Some staff may want schedule flexibility, while others will be focused on career advancement.

Resource: Four Leadership Tips to Bring Out the Best in Your Team.

3. They know their strengths

A key principle in management research tells us that top performance comes from working on our strengths. In their study of 2 million people, Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton found that working in your strengths is vital. Their insights are explained in greater detail in the book, “Now, Discover Your Strengths.”

TIP: Read Why Knowing Yourself Is Essential To Leadership.

4. They know leadership is influence

Leadership author and expert John C Maxwell has taught the principle that leadership is influence for decades in his speeches and books. Real leaders understand that they cannot simply rely on their title or formal authority to get results. Instead, they have to build up influence through relationships, setting a good example, and other means. A focus on influence means that you can begin to lead people, no matter your job title.

TIP: Read 10 Ways to Positively Influence Others In The Workplace to discover how to use your influence skills for the common good.

5. They know motivation, inside out

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan, NBA Basketball champion

Motivating yourself to work and achieving results is the foundation for an effective leader. A good leader knows the importance of mastering their own motivation, even to keep working through dull activities. Armed with that understanding, real leaders motivate their people to keep working.

TIP: A few words, at the right time, make all the difference to motivation – 50 Motivational Quotes That Will Put Your Motivation on Overdrive.

6. They keep growing

Without a growing leader, an organization will struggle to grow. Dedicated leaders keep learning by reading books, working through conferences, and meeting with top performers. This principle holds true even if you fail to observe it. For example, Sarah Palin was unable to name any magazines or periodicals she reads to stay informed about current affairs during a 2008 interview with Katie Couric.

TIP: Keep growing yourself through personal development – 22 Killer Personal Development Resources You’re Missing Out On.

7. They are ambitious for their organization

Real leaders know the importance of focusing on their organization, rather than their personal glory. Management researcher Jim Collins found that the best CEOs seek growth for their organization. While some “celebrity CEOs” achieve their results during their tenure, those results fade once they leave the C-suite.

To apply this principle, use it to make decisions. Ask the question, “Is this decision best for the organization or is it good for me?”

8. They keep working through challenges

Every leader faces major challenges and disappointments. What sets real leaders apart from the rest is their ability to work through setbacks. For example, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was declined admission to military school on his first application. He kept studying and applying until he was granted admission. Churchill’s determination to keep working at a challenging goal is a key trait that led him to success later in life.

TIP: Different challenges require different responses – 10 Challenges Leaders Always Face And How To Deal With Them.

9. They value effective communication

Communication is a key skill that real leaders take the time to master. For example, Demosthenes became a highly successful public speaker and leader in ancient Greece through years of effort. For years, he struggled to speak effectively. How did he improve? He used a variety of methods, including speaking with pebbles in his mouth. Working through discomfort to grow your communication skills is an important trait among real leaders.

10. They are willing to admit when they are wrong

Leaders are constantly making decisions. From time to time, they will make mistakes. When those mistakes occur, real leaders know the importance of admitting the mistake and moving on. For example, President Obama admitted to making a mistake regarding a decision regarding Tom Daschle shortly after taking office. It is rare for a U.S. President to admit mistakes in office, yet Obama and other Presidents have done it on occasion.

TIP: To inspire you to own your mistakes, read How to Admit Your Mistakes.

11. They focus on the future

A future focus is a key trait for leaders. In “The Truth About Leadership,” the second most admired trait in leaders (after honesty) is to be forward-looking. While there is value in understanding the past, real leaders realize that they cannot change history. Even better, leaders know that their people are inspired by future potential, rather than revisiting past mistakes.

Resource: For a broader perspective, read The Seven Qualities of Visionary Leaders

Featured photo credit: Steve Jobs/Bob Stanfield via

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10 Excellent Travel Hacks I Wish I Knew Earlier

Travel Hacks - The Low Down

Do I like to travel? Yes.

Am I good at it? Not really.

I take the word “packing” quite literally and simply cram everything into my suitcase, which makes it hard to find what I’m looking for without dumping out the whole bag. I’m also constantly making little goofs such as forgetting my hotel room number, which leaves me stressed out and grumpy.

So when I first saw this video by DaveHax, I was blown away by how practical and creative these 10 travel hacks are. They solve several problems that have pestered me on past trips.

If you love traveling and finding creative solutions to pesky problems, you’re really going to enjoy this.

My favorite hack is at the 1:05 time-stamp of the YouTube video above. I love this hack because it’s so simple I can’t believe I never thought of it myself.

Decide which hack is your favorite and show off your new-found smarts by sharing this video with your friends. Just to warn you, after watching this video, you’re likely to find yourself planning a trip to experiment with these fun ideas. So if you’re low on vacation days, you might want to just bookmark this video for later in the year.

Here’s A Transcript of The Video

Today, I’m working together with my sponsors Holiday Inn Express to show you some of my favorite traveling hacks.

If you’re packing shoes, you can wrap them in a shower cap. This will help stop your clothes from getting dirty. And if you like, you can drop a couple of teabags inside to keep them smelling fresh.

A hoodie doubles up as a great laptop protector. Place your laptop in the middle, and fold it over like this. Tuck it all inside the hood, and cross the arms over. This should fit neatly inside your case and keep your laptop well protected.

If you’re packing for a quick overnight stay, you can fold some underwear in a T-shirt like this, lay some socks on top, and roll it all up. Then fold your socks over and tuck it all in to make a neat little self-contained clothes bundle which will fit straight into your shoulder bag and is perfect for an overnight stay.

If you’re traveling by train and want to watch something on your phone, you can slip it inside a sandwich bag, make a hole to plug your headphones in, and fix it to the seat in front. But if you haven’t got a sandwich bag, you can take your sunglasses and use them as a makeshift phone stand. And to give you a bit more comfort, you can roll up your hoodie; tuck it all into the hood to make yourself a nice, soft pillow.

When you arrive at your hotel, you can use your phone to photograph the room number so you don’t forget where you’re staying. And if your phone is running low on battery but you haven’t got much time to charge it, you can switch it on to flight mode. Not only does this mean your battery will last longer, but it will also charge quicker too.

If you’re going out and about and want to conceal some money, you can keep some rolled up in an empty lip balm tube. This keeps it well hidden and gives you an emergency supply should you need it.

And finally, to save yourself both time and money, when booking a stay at Holiday Inn Express, make sure you book directly at Holiday Inn Express dot com. Their Lowest Price Promise means you’ll always get the lowest price on rooms.

Safe Travels! Have fun and thanks for watching!

Featured photo credit: Travel Hacks – The Low Down/DaveHax via

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This “Black Hole” Water Slide Will Warp Your Mind


Remember that trippy scene toward the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey? The one where the main character is teleported through some other dimension that looks like a kaleidoscope? Well, now you can experience that in real life without having to reset the universe (or whatever it is that happened in that absolutely bonkers movie).

This insane water slide, which can be found at an indoor leisure pool in Bremerhaven, Germany, features colorful LEDs that create different patterns of light as you slide through what would otherwise be complete darkness. The slide is 256 ft. long, which sounds like it would make for a long trip (heh), but is over in less than 15 seconds.

The slide was built in 2012, recreating a former design while adding the insane laser light show for, I would assume, fans of Pink Floyd. I also imagine you’d have to sign a waiver before getting into this thing, because even watching it through a monitor was making my head spin and my stomach flip.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be down to jump in, though.

Featured photo credit: YouTube: tuberides1 via

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10 Differences Between A Boss And A Real Leader

The Difference Between A Boss And A Leader

A boss is different from a leader. A boss can be a leader – but not necessarily.

A boss is your boss: the one with the nice, sleek room at the end of the corridor. A leader can be your supervisor or the colleague who sits next to you and shares your stapler.

There are two reasons why people don’t say “like a leader!” as a catchphrase. One, it sounds weird and unfunny. Two, it takes more than just bossing people around to be a leader.

A boss’ goal is to get things done, while a leader, not only gets things done, they empower and motivate their team. Real leaders make things better; they don’t just point out what’s wrong.

A boss is always the center of attention. A leader is someone who steps back and brings out the best in the team.

A boss can provide good or bad leadership. But a good leader can never be a bad boss. A boss gives the task to someone who is a leader, while a leader does the task with the team. After doing this, a boss will take credit for a job well done, while the leader will take the whole team out for drinks.

People may respect the boss, but everyone loves the leader.

Still confused? Check out this infographic from 9gag.


Featured photo credit: 9gag via

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8 Things Smart Couples Do To Enliven Their Long-Term Relationships


How do you feel when you see two wonderful couples walking together and acting out their love as if its flames had never gone dim? We all envy happy couples. But it does take some hard work and effort to keep a relationship going not for the short term but for a long term. And it takes some smartness too. Here are some things smart couples do to enliven their long term relationships.

1. They communicate

It all starts from how much you believe and act on communicating to each other. Smart couples build on this and enliven their relationships. They always find ways to communicate their needs and feelings to each other. It all starts from saying the right words and appreciating the other person the best way possible.

2. They do things together

It could be going out to shop for grocery and food items together or cooking together. Long term couples always enjoy doing things together. Some even go further to make interesting games out of their activities together like going to food store and first picking out three items for the other person.

3. They let things go

There is no point in fighting over seemingly little things and hold on to them to certain hurts to even a score. Long term couples understand that imperfect moments have built up to the point where they just have to be tolerant of the other person. While some issues like finances, career paths and kids could be worth having serious discussions on, many minor issues have to be discarded.

4. They visit some new destinations together

Smart couples take advantage of new experiences and finding joy in new activities. Retreading new grounds or repeating the same activities over and over again doesn’t create new moments to be cherished. Smart couples do well to revitalize their relationship by putting themselves in new situations that will cause new experiences.

5. They offer their partners some space

Being in a relationship is a full time job. And it can become exhausting when there is no vacuum to get into yourself and be alone. Sometimes the best way to create sparkle into your relationship is to deliberately take some distance from your partner. Recognizing that your partner also needs sometime alone can make them appreciate you better.

6. They give to each other with no strings attached

Smart couples don’t give to each other and don’t expect anything in return. Offering gifts are great to reawaken the other person that you care about him/her. When smart couples offer gifts to each other they do so from the heart and that is what matters, it is not about how much the gift item is worth rather it is the expression that counts. This helps smart couples to get the best out of their relationship in the long term.

7. They surprise each other

Who doesn’t love to be surprised the ideal way? Smart couples make the most out of surprising their partners. It could be by paying them a surprise visit and taking them out for lunch or simply to remind them that you have been thinking about them and you want to do something special to appreciate their value in your world. You don’t have to make surprises irritating or make it seem as if you are stalking them, rather you have to be attentive to what your partner likes and would appreciate.

8. They set goals together

This doesn’t just help to strengthen their long term relationship, it also builds their ambition. Smart couples sit down to discuss where they want to be in two years, three years with their finances, kids, jobs and neighborhood. They don’t just set these goals, they also aim for how they will accomplish it together. They seek each others opinion on the subjects and how it could be beneficial to their health, happiness and comfort. Even when such can be done separately, smart people take advantage of doing such together to make enliven their relationships.

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