
quarta-feira, julho 15, 2015

Montalvo, Juan

Tema: Homem
O pior dos homens é aquele que, sendo mau, quer passar por bom; sendo infame, fala de virtude e de pundonor

via @notiun

Pirandello, Luigi

Tema: Culpa
É próprio da natureza humana, lamentavelmente, sentir necessidade de culpar os outros dos nossos desastres e das nossas desventuras

via @notiun

Cardoso, Miguel Esteves

Tema: Ciúme
Não se pode controlar excessivamente ninguém porque a experiência demonstra que quem se convence que está preso decide, por alguma absurda razão, fugir. É a natureza humana.

via @notiun

Guitry, Sacha

Tema: Vaidade
A vaidade é o orgulho dos outros

via @notiun


Só uma palavra nos liberta de todo o peso e da dor da vida: essa palavra é o Amor

via @notiun

Perelman, Sidney

O amor não é o lamento moribundo de um violino longínquo - é o rangido triunfante das molas da cama

via @notiun

Santos, Gustavo

Nunca conseguiremos alcançar a felicidade se ficarmos dependentes de obter dos outros o que não conseguimos de nós próprios.


Aveline, Claude

Se considero quanto me custa a ideia de deixar a vida, devo ter sido mais feliz do que pensava


7 Habits of Exceptionally Likeable People

likable people

When it comes to someone being seen as “likeable” by the public, it can be very easy to fall into the stereotype that they have some very specific trait or aura about them that makes them so great to be around. However, anyone can learn certain characteristics or habits to make themselves likeable. It can be hard work to change someone’s mentality, but it pays off in the long run.

Here are just some of the reasons that make someone exceptionally likeable people – they tend to have traits such as the following including within their personality at all times:

1. They Focus on You.

The most important thing that you will find when talking to a likeable person is that they give you all the time in the world when you’re talking. They don’t spend their time looking around the room trying to find something else to concentrate on, and they don’t start using their phones while you are speaking. Likeable people are liked because they give you confidence and belief in yourself above anything else. This makes a massive difference to your overall levels of confidence in yourself, and in the subject that you were talking about.

2. They Are Genuine People. 

Someone being able to be seen as genuine is, in the modern world, incredibly important. The world is full of people we meet on a daily basis who simply cannot be trusted. A likeable person can actually be trusted when you talk to them or when you spend time with them. A genuine person will be so much easier to talk to as they’ll actually give you the honest response – positive or negative.

3. They Start Debate.

When you are talking, nothing is more annoying than someone just acknowledging you and never adding anything to the conversation. When this happens, it can be very frustrating, and the best way to get around this problem is to simply ensure that they are able to add to the debate. Do they give you suggestions or ideas for what you could be doing? Or are they just going along with the conversation? The best thing about likeable people is that they offer you a nice, fresh perspective. They’ll ask questions and inherently add to the debate as it goes.

4. They Aren’t Judgemental.

Nothing can be more annoying than watching someone pass judgement on you or someone else – and this is something that likeable people won’t do. Whether you eat too many fatty foods, smoke, take drugs… you will find that a likeable person won’t be the one to stand there and make snap judgements about your character or your personality. Instead, they are likely to want to know more about your circumstances.

5. They Don’t Court Attention.

Nothing is more irritating than someone just constantly trying to get attention all the time. Whether it’s through conversation or their actions, a likeable person doesn’t have this inherent need to be seen and be recognised by everyone else. Looking for a way to ensure that you stay as a memorable and friendly person, or as a likeable individual? Then you need to consider if being the centre of attention is the best way to do that.

6. They Leave An Impression.

Some people command respect as soon as they walk into a room – with a likeable person, they will do this in abundance. Simply follow the way that they enter a room and see the kind of response they get. It’s likely that when they talk, the others in the room will stop what they were doing and actually listen to what is being said.

7. They Are Positive.

Most importantly, though, likeable people are positive. Nobody likes a doomsayer. If you are with someone who is constantly putting the world and everything on it down, it can start to grate on you quite quickly. Avoid this problem with relative ease by looking at the attributes of a likeable person. Are they able to see any negative situation in a more positive light? This is a hugely desirable trait.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Date A Frequent Traveler


Do you feel like the cons to dating a globetrotter usually seem to outweigh the pros? While it gets tough at times, there are reasons why you should date a frequent traveler. Dating a traveler means that you are signing up for an often long-distance relationship with the added obstacles of different time zones and reliable Internet accessibility to connect on Skype. Despite the difficulties that a dating a globetrotter might pose, here are a few important benefits you will experience when you date someone who has a serious case of wanderlust:

1. They Will Always Entertain You

Having a significant other who travels frequently means that you will get to hear their many crazy adventure stories. Whether it is about the time that they got stranded in the middle of a rainstorm in Tokyo or tried fermented shark in Iceland, there is an endless treasure trove of tales that might inspire to travel in the future and go out of your comfort zone. Their stories might even inspire you to travel more, perhaps by their side. You want a partner that entertains you no matter what.

2. They Will Give You A New Perspective Of The World

One of the best things about dating a frequent traveler is their open mindset and their ability to share it with those close to them. There are many different values, cultures and lifestyles around the world and seeing them with an unbiased eye is crucial to understanding that your viewpoint is just one of many. Respect is key in any situation of intercultural instances. The view  of the person you are dating might change the way you see things, even in your every day life. Loving a person that challenges your perspective is valuable and rewarding.

3. They Will Introduce Your To New Favorite Foods

A frequent traveler is often an expert on different cuisines and regional dishes and are more than happy to introduce their significant other to a local version. You thought you were an adventurous eater until you began dating your current flame. Nepali cuisine one weekend and Basque cuisine the next, has opened your taste buds to flavors you never knew existed. Trying different cuisines with the encouragement of your more experienced significant other has made you realize the culinary treats that you have been missing right in your own backyard.

4. They Make You Realize That Distance  Makes The Heart Go Fonder

Everyone from your grandmother to your kid sister says that distance really does make you miss a person more and you have come to realize this firsthand. Every time that your significant other goes away you are counting down the days until their return. One of the advantages of not always being together is that you can balance time for yourself and time for your relationship easier. You cherish the time that you have together, because you know you will not always be physically together. A relationship is strengthened when there are times of being alone balanced with time together.

5. They Have An Independent Attitude

Co-dependent relationships are never healthy and create a toxic environment for all parties involved. That is why there is something refreshing about having someone who can knows how to take care of themselves and does not need to heavily rely on their significant other. This is one of the many advantages of dating a frequent traveler, who is used to taking care of themselves on the road and can transfer the act of being self-reliant to their relationships back home.

6. They Know the Importance of Supporting Others

They may be independent-minded, but travelers also know the necessity of leaning on others when on the road. This will translate well in their relationships because they will know when they need to ask their significant other for support. Loving someone that supports you makes you a much stronger duo when you are together. Dating a traveler also means that they know the importance of giving you support when you need it the most and always being there for you, even if they are not physically present.

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7 Signs You’re Destined To Be An Entrepreneur Even if You Don’t Feel You Are

entrepreneur freedom

We’re all entrepreneurs these days, aren’t we? We constantly sell ourselves with our appearance, our social online skills, and by bargaining with our friends and coworkers over decisions. Even more so, the Shark Tank TV show and online crowd-funding are all the rage. Everyone wants to be his or her own boss and enjoy a life of freedom. However, not everyone shares the same qualities that true entrepreneurs possess.

What do they have, that most of us don’t? How do these entrepreneurs take on challenges and get closer to their dreams?

1. They Are Highly Passionate

It all starts here. Passion is the engine that drives most entrepreneurs. If you can figure out the “why”, the “how” will naturally emerge. Dig deep and uncover your limiting beliefs towards success and also create a list of things you love to do. A limiting belief might be something like, “I need money to start a business”. No, you don’t. You only need passion to break through and wake up everyday feeling proud to do what you enjoy everyday — and maybe even change the world! Need some inspiration? Take a look at these billionaires who started with nothing.

2. They Are Incredibly Decisive

This is one of the most difficult to conquer. Well, for me at least. To be an effective entrepreneur, decisions need to be made quickly. Thinking on your feet will be required often. We can be ambivalent in certain situations, such as when hiring (or firing). Even seemingly simple decisions, like choosing the colors of a logo, can have so many options. Make a decision and move on. Entrepreneurs don’t look back and have the confidence to know that things will work out in some way or another. After studying 500 millionaires, it was found that decisiveness plays a very important role in accumulating wealth.

3. They Are Always Growing

Growth is a critical component for all entrepreneurs. This doesn’t only apply to business. If you want to be successful at anything, it requires that you constantly evolve in all areas of your life. This includes setting clear boundaries with your friends and family as well. You might feel like they don’t understand you or think you’re crazy. Who cares! Let them think what they want. Some ways you can grow outside of the business environment will pay on-going dividends towards your goals, like living a healthy lifestyle and reading… a lot. I read a few books each month. Typically, I awake at around 5am each day just to squeeze in some extra reading. Keep growth in all areas of your life a top priority.

4. They Are Laser Focused

Whether you want to simply create a successful blog as your business, or start a new coffee shop, or you want to become a venture capitalist, you must be highly focused and specific in your direction. This doesn’t mean you can’t take on multiple projects. It just means that each project should have a definitive understanding of the competition and industry in that space, the target customer and demographic, and knowing the benefits the product or services will provide. This last one is key. Most people market the features of their offering instead of the benefits to the customer. Focus on benefits and you will be way ahead of your competition as a sure sign towards entrepreneurship.

5. They Are Willing to Take Risks

I find that entrepreneurs are generally more open-minded in all areas of life. Taking risks is how we learn what works and what doesn’t, both professionally and in our personal lives. However, this should always come with a good amount of due diligence. Just like you wouldn’t jump out of an airplane without a parachute, it wouldn’t make sense to hire new staff or work with a vendor that you didn’t research thoroughly. In the beginning of a business, the risks are much higher and become more calculated as your entrepreneurial ventures grow. For example, when starting out, you will need to eventually risk that steady paycheck and have the confidence that your business will make it.

6. They Are Authentic

Some of the signs above might not completely describe or define you currently, and that’s okay. This sign is one that you’re much closer than you think to becoming an entrepreneur. Whether it’s in your body language, your personality, or how you speak, your authenticity needs to shine through. This will give you the freedom to follow your intuition and start the process of becoming an authentic entrepreneurial version of yourself. Your ambition will become contagious and people will become a magnet to your authentic self.

7. They Are Always Setting New Goals

And finally, all entrepreneurs set goals. They set goals in health challenges, project deadlines, forecasting revenue projects, and where they want to be in 3 months, 1 year, and 5 years down the road. I feel that you absolutely must write down your goals if you want to achieve them. Heck, your goal setting might simply start by being more authentic and recognizing when energizes don’t align with you or your business model. Keeping your goals to yourself is another important sign that you’re on your way to becoming an entrepreneur.

Wrapping Up

These signs are important in defining if you’re destined to be an entrepreneur. I hope some of the tips and additional links I provided are helpful for you to explore and find the confidence to follow your dreams of freedom. So many people don’t feel they have what it takes and get trapped in self-defeat. Take the first step and start your journey.

Just by reading this post… you are destined for more.

Featured photo credit: kosmos111 via

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Often when you think you’re at the end of something,…

Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.

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10 Things To Know Before You Date A Nurse


If you’re currently dating a nurse, congratulations! You’ll know the truth of each of these points. If you’re not, then perhaps after reading this you’ll want to visit the nearest hospital.

Here are 10 things to know before you date a nurse:

1. We’ll take care of you when you’re sick

Your own private nurse

We are innately caring and loving. We should be because that’s our job. We take care of multiple patients on a daily basis, so taking care of you–a single person–is a day off for us. If you get sick, trust us when we say: “You’re in good hands.”

2. We are kind and compassionate

kind and compassionate person

Knowledge, skills, and heart–my nursing days revolved around these three aspects. It’s not enough to be a smart cookie or ace the practical tests. Kindness and compassion are key values and among the necessary intangibles a good nurse provides patients. Rest assured, these qualities aren’t put on. It’s just who we are.

3. We inject order into stressful situations


Stress is our frenemy. It’s a phenomenon we face daily. We can’t hide from it so we might as well befriend it. Several admissions, medication that’s due, feedings, emergencies–this all happens simultaneously. Did I mention demanding relatives and incomprehensible doctors’ orders on top of these?

So, what’s in it for you? No matter how stressful or demanding your life is, you’re dating someone who can handle it.

4. We can deal with really, really gross stuff


Our work may not be glamorous. And yes, it mostly involves blood, internal organs and a host of other undesirable things that can make even the strongest men squeamish. You won’t hear us say “Eew!”,”Yuck!”, or “That’s gross!” because we’ve seen worse.

5. We listen

Therapeutic Communication

Most relationships end because of poor communication. If you’re dating a nurse, scratch that off your list. We are good listeners. Heck, we are great listeners! Every day we listen to our patients’ life stories, the life stories of their relatives, and the life stories of their friends’ friends. If we need more information from a patient, we are trained to draw it out of them. This is the circle of life for us.

So don’t worry about saying too much. Or too little, for that matter. For us, there’s no such thing.

6. We can dine anywhere

picky eaters

We live on extremely busy schedules, so when it comes to food, we eat whatever’s edible. We don’t even have to reheat last night’s lasagna. We don’t give a fuss about what we eat on date night because we know you’re saving up for our future. Right?

7. We hear crying kids, we come to the rescue

good with kids

The sound of children crying is completely normal for us. Tantrums? There’s nothing our “Patch Adams” like approach can’t handle. Go ahead and imagine our family together because you know you’re dating an awesome parent-to-be.

8. We can always keep up


We don’t all have the time to jog outside or own a personal treadmill, but we do a lot of running and brisk walking in hospital corridors. Retracting internal organs for a three hour operation also helps strengthen our arms. We don’t get tired easily and we are great with graveyard shifts–long and sleepless nights are our specialty.

9. We are very likeable–especially to parents


Sure, we’re good with kids. But did you know we’re also good with older individuals? We know the uncharted ways to get by with stubborn, older patients. All you have to do is introduce us to your parents and by the end of the day we’ll practically be best friends forever.

10. We appreciate even the tiniest things


A simple ‘thank you’ means the world to us. That’s how appreciative we are for the little things. We give 200% percent every day to our patients and expect nothing in return. A kind gesture can make our day. You don’t have to buy us fancy gifts or take us on luxury dates; it’s the simple things matter to us.

To all those individuals we are currently dating or married to, thanks for appreciating how awesome it is to have a nurse as your better half. For those of you still looking for that special someone, maybe it’s time to fake an accident.

Featured photo credit: Sharp Healthcare via

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6 Things To Remember If You Love A Person With Mental Illness

Young depressed man

How often do we hear someone say “I’m so depressed!” Or “I’m so ADD!”  Usually, people are using these terms in a casual fashion to refer to a temporary, down mood or to comment on their mildly scattered state of mind. Unfortunately, stigma and misinformation about actual illnesses still exist. A mental illness is a disturbance of mood, thinking, or behavior. The individual’s symptoms may be mild or debilitating, but they undermine his or her ability to function in daily life. Some of the most common mental illnesses are depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness,  approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States has an episode of some type of mental illness in a given year, and many individuals are never diagnosed.  Loving a person with a mental illness can be challenging, but many resources are available to help you cope. Below are truths to common misconceptions that people have about mental illness and how it effects a person’s character and personality.

1. Mental illness is not a character flaw

Even today, many people believe that depression and other mental disorders are the result of a negative attitude or some other character flaw. Often individuals with mental illness have this belief, too, and feel guilty that they can’t “kick” the disorder on their own. The most helpful thing you can do as a loved one is to remember that they didn’t choose the illness.   An abundance of research exists to show that mental illnesses have a number of causes, ranging from genetic causes to faulty activity in crucial parts of the brain.  Reminding your loved one that he or she has an illness, not a character flaw, is a way to be supportive.

2.  Treatment can be very effective for people with mental illness

Unfortunately, there is still a stigma against seeking therapy or psychiatric treatment. Some people might think therapy and psychiatry is only for “crazy” people. The individual with the illness might be afraid to seek help for this reason, especially if his or her family is opposed to psychiatric treatment. To give another example, someone with depression might feel that nothing can help them, and that seeking treatment is pointless. (Feelings of hopelessness are common in depression, for example). Treatment can be very effective, especially when it is encouraged by family members and loved ones. Sharing your own experiences with therapy may boost your loved one book that first appointment.

3. They are committed to sometimes difficult treatment

Depending on the type of mental illness, your loved one may need long-term treatment. If medication is necessary, it may take a while to find the right medication. Some medications have side effects, and it can be a discouraging process trying to find the right treatment. The individual may at times feel like dropping out of treatment altogether. You can help by reminding him or her that while it’s difficult sometimes, not treating the illness will only make it worse. Again, openness about your own struggles (whether they be with relationships, mental health, or dealing with difficult situations) can encourage your loved one to stick it out.

4. People with mental illness can have a full life

Especially in the early stages of treatment, individuals may struggle with accepting their condition, and feel like they are destined to be “outsiders” in life. You can remind your loved one that with proper treatment many individuals are living full, stable lives with a mental illness. In addition, many great contributions to our society have been made by people with mental illness. One example is Kay Redfield Jamison, a psychiatrist with bipolar disorder, who has written many books on the subject of bipolar. Not only is it possible to deal with a mental illness, a person can actually learn to overcome it and be an example for others. While it may seem far away — it is possible to have a full life just like everyone else!

5. A diagnosis does not define a person

Some individuals may start to identify themselves by their illness, and have self-limiting beliefs about what they are capable of. You can help by reminding them of their strengths, interests, and the things they have achieved. Labels and diagnoses are necessary when professionals are discussing recovery. It’s important that the individual remember, however, that he or she is a multi-dimensional human being behind the diagnosis. Once under control and well-understood, a mental illness can be another part of a very complex persona. Just like the color of your hair doesn’t define you, neither does your mental illness.

6. People with mental illness can learn to communicate

Coping with mental illness, including treatment and recovery, can be a rollercoaster ride. At times, the individual can feel so overwhelmed by emotion that he or she retreats into silence. This can be frustrating for the person who just wants to help.  A helpful thing to say at these times is “I may not understand what you are going through, but I want you to know I care. Please let me know what I can do to support you.” Allow them time to explain their feelings and you may be able to relate in your own way.

Coping with a mental illness can be challenging, and understanding the ups and downs of the person experiencing the conditions can be confusing. But with education, treatment, and support, individuals with mental illness can live happy, full, and successful lives.  Their most important tool of recovery is the people around them who care, like you.

Featured photo credit: Sad Young Man/Deposit Photos via

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