
quinta-feira, julho 02, 2015

Retz, Jean

Tema: Medo
De todas as paixões, o medo é aquela que mais debilita o bom senso

via @notiun

Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch

Um amoroso é um homem que se empenha em ter mais amor do que lhe é possível ter, e essa é a razão por que todos os homens amorosos parecem ridículos

via @notiun

Textos Judaicos

Tema: Bom Nome
Na tua cidade o que conta é a tua reputação; nas outras as tuas roupas

via @notiun

Bessa-Luís, Agustina

Tema: Cidade
As cidades não são pátrias. É na província que se encontra o carácter e a mística duma nação, e os grandes escritores deixam-se amarrar ao espírito das terras nulas e sensatas a que extraem um brilho que a pedra polida da capital não tem

via @notiun

Dumas, Alexandre

O mais feliz dos felizes é aquele que faz os outros felizes


Maurois, André

A felicidade é uma flor que não se deve colher


Being male is a matter of birth, being a man…

Being male is a matter of birth, being a man is a matter of age, being a gentleman is a matter of choice.

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10 Things Only People Who Sweat A Lot Would Understand

Drops of Perspiration

On even a fairly warm summer day, do you sweat so much that you resemble a champagne bottle that has been taken right out of the cooler and left to condense? Do you look like Queen Latifa after a mile long run, even though you just walked out the door? Do you look like someone who’s been doing her collage paper at a place where there’s no air conditioning? Can do people have trouble figuring out if you just came right out of the shower or out the gym?

For people who sweat a lot, life can be difficult. These circumstances can be embarrassing. While people smile and welcome a sunny day in the month of May, you cheerfully wave it goodbye until August slowly – and thankfully – comes to an end.

They say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” But what if we sweat everything – all the time. Big, small, long, short, hot, cold, good day, bad day… I mean: ALL THE TIME!

Here are ten things only people who are prone to perspire would understand.

1) You Fear the White T-Shirt

Thanks to your pit-stain problems, you dread the white T-shirt more than any other color. They won’t last a day, much less a week when it comes to “being spot-less”. The only white shirts you own are either huge mistakes or not-so-welcome gifts. With so much whites in your closet, you must own a bottle of bleach. And of course, if you don’t have the time to bleach away the yellows from the whites, you’d much rather throw away the shirt. Unless of course, you prefer to show off the size and color of your stains.

2) You Have Unsuccessfully Tried Too Many Antiperspirants

The deodorant manufacturers talk about the “aluminum salts” that are believed to magically cure perspiration. You know it’s a sham, but you will still give it a try. No, not just one kind. You have tried, tested, and failed with several kinds. The roll-ons, the sprays, the cream-ish ones, and what-not. Yep, you’ve tried everything that should work to seal the sweat. What makes it even worse is when someone ever-so-kindly advises you try a product you are positive doesn’t work on you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t.

For you “anti” with “perspire” is like “life” with “easy”. Is life ever easy? Thought so. Okay, let’s be thankful of the fact it helps mingle the smell with your own reek. At least, it works to conceal the secretions in its own deceptive ways, right?

3) You Envy Models with Everlasting Makeup

It’s baffling how make-up can actually stick to the face. Your face? Not suited to make-up at all. The only thing that sticks to you is your own salts. Being a Sweaty Betty has caused you to hate makeup altogether. Black eyes, under eye circles, smeared lipstick, and a melting foundation – you end up looking worse than you did in the morning, thanks to a layer of powders lathered onto your face. You wonder how the head-banging punk-rock female celebrities (Britney-types) manage to keep their face looking pretty throughout their stage performance. You know all there is to know about “melt-proof makeup”. However, even with that mascara and liner they promised wouldn’t “bleed”, you’re still crying black in no time.

4) You Never Raise Your Hand High Up

Waving your hand high up in the air like a brainy Hermione is out of question for you. For you, flying a hand straight up towards the roof means revealing the sweat-soaked under arms. Except for in front of cab drivers – who are probably too busy wondering how much you’ll pay them to get out of sun-struck agony. Let’s be optimistic. Let’s hope that’s all they care about and not their brand-new seat covers.

You also avoid flailing arms at all costs. To be nice to yourself and others, you keep the arms low. Better safe than sorry.

5) You Shower A Great Portion of the Day

You envy anyone who speaks of showering only once a day – and means it. God gave them compassionate sweat glands, unlike your own. Stressful situation or not, you are likely to “break a sweat” at any time or place and in any manner. Showering to rid yourself of that stinky situation is your only chance of seeming “calm”. You shower before work, you shower after work, you shower before bed, and (quite possibly) wherever you find a shower. A great portion of your day is comprised of showering and worrying when on earth you’ll get the chance to do so.

6) You Have Never Been Known to Sunbathe… Except Everyday

For you, it would be a pleasure to heavily lather a sun tan lotion, lay on a deck chair, and give yourself a “sunbathe” like every other normal person out on the beach on a fine summer day. Unfortunately, you can’t sunbathe because you know you’ll drown in your own sweat within the first few minutes of “sunbathing”. Your sunny friend won’t let you get tanned. Oh no, my friend, you only get to bathe in your own sweat every time your sunny friend is around.

7) You Dread a First Date

You sincerely hope that your date would either be the understanding type, or much like you, they also have a serious sweat problem. Nervousness and all, you’re always worried about your first dates turning out to be one of your worst sweat-soaking episodes. Checking your arms to see how much you’ve perspired is going to be tricky. If your date is not perceptive enough, expect them to ask you why you,occasionally peer into your arms.

8) You are Often Asked About Being Nervous

Even on a normal day and in a very normal situation, you run the risk of looking like a nervous wreck. Thanks to your sweaty palms and sweat-dripping forehead, you are often approached and questioned about your not calm composure. People tell you to relax or ask you if you’re okay. You are okay, of course – except for the perpetual and unconditional physiological response of sweating.

9) You Don’t Dress to Impress at a Night Club

Hey, a sleeve-less tank top would do. The last thing you want to do is wear a full sleeve shirt to a night club where even practically bare outfit would get you sweating in no time. Moving while you’re grooving and being the life of the party is great. But once the sweat starts to drip on the dance floor, you’re glad the lights aren’t bright enough to display your sticky condition. Dirty Dancing anyone? For a crazy sweater, out of question. Unless of course, your partner suffers from the same blessing.

10) You Get a Damp Ass from Sitting

Sitting on your butt on a warm, sunny day can be quite bothersome – and embarrassing too. The last thing you want to sit up from is a damp-ass, sweat-soaked seat that you sat on for too long. To save yourself from the embarrassment of questionably sopping up a chair, you prefer walking around every once in a while and cooling off your rear. Not only is it unpleasant to let your sweat make a crime scene-like chalk outline complimenting your butt size, but it’s also inconsiderate to leave behind a swamp for the next person willing to sit on the chair.

Featured photo credit: Drops of Perspiration via

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20 Signs You Have A Perfect Boyfriend


The truth is there is no such thing as perfect. So let’s frame this list as ‘perfect for most’. We all want and desire that perfect match, the person we know is the ‘one’ for us. We also know the likes and desires in a partner look different for everyone, so this list is created with the framework of what a healthy and loving relationship might look like.  We often desire to be truly loved and accepted in our lives, especially when we are in a relationship.

The most important thing about any relationship is that love is the common denominator and that past issues or concerns are not getting in the way and hurting the current relationship.

Here are 20 signs you have a perfect boyfriend.

1. He listens to you.

First and foremost, we all want to be heard. We want our values, opinions and beliefs to be validated. Even if they aren’t agreed with, we want them to be respected. The qualities of a perfect boyfriend would definitely include listening to what you have to say. He calls you just to hear your voice, or texts you throughout the day to find out what is going on in your life because he truly cares.

2. He really is that into you.

This doesn’t mean that he is obsessed with you and is always blowing up your phone or constantly contacting you. It really means that he is interested, intrigued and enamored by you. His actions just visibly reflect that. When your boyfriend realises that his life is better with you and he wants you in it every day, then it is time to recognize the relationship could grow into something more. He wants to spend time with you, he tells you how awesome you are, and he is not afraid to be honest with his feelings for you.

3. He talks about his feelings and emotions.

Even though society sometimes gives us the impression that all men need to be hard, emotionless, or “strong”; the real men out there let their guard down to the ones that mean the most to them. Real men talk about their feelings and emotions. There is nothing wrong with men articulating their feelings or emotions, especially to someone they spend a lot of time with. Once you have a deeper intimacy with your boyfriend, you know he is in it for the long haul. He shares his past, his fears, his wants, and his desires with you. When he talks about serious topics with you, he is not afraid to love or to tell you how he loves you.

4. He accepts all of you.

This might me one of the most important aspects in any relationship. Your boyfriend does not want to change you. He accepts your good and your not so good. He lifts you up and lets you know that you are perfect in his eyes. You know you have a perfect boyfriend when you know they are not trying to change you, or manipulate and influence you to become someone you are not. He tells you how pretty you are. He even tells you that he likes the things you hate about yourself.

5. He supports ‘you’ time.

Being in a relationship takes up a large part of your life. However, your relationship should not take up 100% of your time. Everyone has their own special interests and hobbies in life. The perfect boyfriend supports you doing things on your own or with your best friends. He embraces time apart as much as he embraces time together. He knows that each of your lives can remain balanced while in the relationship. He even texts to tell you to have an amazing time with your friends, or he calls to say he can’t wait to see you soon.

6. He is interested in what you enjoy.

He is truly interested in what you enjoy doing, or what you like most in life. It does not mean that he has to love everything you love, or do everything that you do. You may be into music, but he loves art – and that is perfectly fine. He really wants to know what excites you and makes you feel alive in life so that he can support your happiness.

7. He makes you laugh.

They always say that laughter really is the best medicine. Not every boyfriend has to be a professional comedian, but a perfect boyfriend does have a good sense of humor. He is playful and likes to joke around with you every once in a while. He might do silly things only with you. You two might even have endearing little names for each other too.

8. He is independent.

The perfect boyfriend provides for himself, lives on his own, and takes pride in being an independent and contributing member of society. It is never fun to go on a ‘date’ and be the one picking up the tab all the time. A perfect boyfriend is also someone you know could possibly be a good husband in the future. If he has his own independence, he can already provide for himself – and maybe his future family too.

9. He fully trusts you.

Trust is the basis of all strong and meaningful relationships. If trust is not present in any relationship, chances are it will not last long. Trust is essential. If you have trust there is no jealousy or insecurities. Most relationships that include jealousy stem from past relationship patterns that were not healthy. These negative qualities sometimes get carried over into the next relationship. A perfect boyfriend would not be texting or calling every hour to find out where you are when you are not together. We all get a little insecure and jealous sometimes, but the ideal man does not let it get the best of him and it does not affect your relationship at all.

10. He always has your back.

Life includes ups and down, good parts and bad parts. No matter what each of you are going through, you are there to support each other. A perfect boyfriend would definitely be one that stands by you through the good and the bad. He’ll be by your side in any tough situation you might be going through in life. He is there to support you and to lift you up. He is there for you through good and bad, encouraging you to keep going even if you fall. He is your teammate, your cheerleader, and the one that makes your life better each and every day.

11. He doesn’t avoid conflict.

If something is bothering him or there is an issue, he does not avoid addressing it. He is able to share his own thoughts and feelings freely in a positive way. We all have things that bother us. The perfect boyfriend would share those issues instead of letting them build up inside until they come out later in a negative way. The stronger the communication is with your boyfriend, the better your chances of working through issues as they arise.

12. He makes plans with you.

The perfect boyfriend calls you, texts you, checks in with you often and suggests things to do. He also makes plans with you. He wants to spend his time with you. If you are always the one initiating the communication or making plans to see each other, maybe he is not the best match for you.

13. He is thoughtful.

You don’t have to be necessarily romantic to be thoughtful. Although, that is a great quality to have as well. Being thoughtful could be something simple like bringing you food when you are sick, or doing something sweet to cheer you up when you are having a bad day. He plans for special events because he truly wants you to feel loved by him. The perfect boyfriend considers your feelings and his reactions reflect his thoughtfulness.

14. He cooks for you.

Society also likes to portray that the woman should always cook. It’s the 21st century. We are no longer living in Leave It To Beaver-land. This doesn’t mean he cooks all the time, but hopefully he has a dish or two he has perfected. Maybe he is a master on the grill. There is something sexy about a man taking the time to cook something just for the two of you. It is also another outward act of his feelings for you.

15. His actions match his words.

If we don’t have our word, what do we have? Honesty is a virtue and the perfect boyfriend will embody that. When he says he will call you at 9pm; he does. When he says you are going to hang out this upcoming weekend; you do. When he makes promises to you; he keeps them. If you are consistently being let down by your boyfriend telling you one thing but doing another, chances are he is not the perfect one for you.

16. He includes you with his family and friends.

Being introduced to family and friends might come later in the relationship, but if you are in a long-term relationship and you have not yet met his close friends or family, he might not be the one. The perfect boyfriend really wants you to meet his friends and family because he enjoys spending time with you. He enjoys being around you so much he wants everyone he cares about to know about you and get to know you personally.

17. He shows affection.

This is an important aspect. This does not mean you have to make-out with your boyfriend in every public place possible, but it does mean when you are out in public he enjoys holding your hand, or putting his arm around you and showing you affection. Affection is an important part of any relationship. The perfect boyfriend will outwardly show his love for you with affection. He will also tell you how amazing you look and how much he loves that dress on you. There is no criticism of the way you look, just complete adoration.

18. He respects you.

This should be a no-brainer, but sadly there are many relationships lacking the basic foundation of respect. The perfect boyfriend would never, ever attempt to push, hit, or lay a hand on you. He would never scream and yell at you all the time or call you horrible names. There would never be a valid reason for that to ever happen! Going through epic fights and then making up later is not an example of true love. The perfect boyfriend is able to control his anger and work through his issues so that they are never taken out on you. He adores you. He would be so upset if anything were to happen to you. He admires you deeply and will treat you the best way he knows how.

19. He is willing to compromise.

If everyone agreed with each other all of the time, the world would be a boring place. The perfect boyfriend compromises on issues or making plans because he wants the relationship to work. If you are always doing what your boyfriend wants to do, and nothing that you have ever suggested, then your boyfriend is not willing to compromise. This is especially important regarding holidays and family situations. When your boyfriend compromises, you definitely know that he is considering your feelings instead of only his own.

20. He shows sympathy.

When something serious is going on in your life and you are having a really hard time, he consoles you. If your dog dies, he is there. If something happens to your family, he is there. Unfortunately, bad things will happen in life and the perfect boyfriend will be by your side through all of it. Even if he isn’t sure what to say, he is there supporting you, holding your hand, and letting you cry on his shoulder. If he can see that you are visibly upset about something, he will ask you to talk about it and not dismiss your feelings.

Featured photo credit: Nicki Varkevisser via

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Life is tough, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have…

Life is tough, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot to be grateful for. Focus on your blessings.

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10 Reasons Why Yoga Lovers Are More Likely To Be Successful


Yoga’s ever increasing popularity, as a form of exercise, is a testament to the millions enjoying the health and fitness benefits of this ancient yet relevant practice. Right from sports players to leading business owners to celebrities, some of the most successful people in the world are yoga fans.

But yoga is not merely about contorting your body into mind-boggling poses. It’s a practice that strengthens not just the body but also the mind. A growing number of business organizations are recognizing this impact of yoga and meditation as a means to create more motivated, efficient and productive employees and consequently a healthy bottom line.

Yoga is a way of life that becomes a part of a yoga enthusiast’s experience with benefits that extend way beyond the mat. So what sets them apart?

1. They are focused

Today more than ever, in a world of increasing information overload, we need focus to achieve success. Yoga teaches single pointed focus which over time, enables you to enhance your memory, clarity, brainpower, and concentration.

2. They are energetic

As you reach for your fifth cup of coffee to keep you going at work, give a thought to trying yoga instead to boost your energy levels. Yoga practitioners are very active in their daily lives.

Yoga helps to unblock stagnant energy within the body and brings flexibility and alertness, combating that post-lunch dip with productivity.

3. They are patient and kind

Practice yoga with patience and patience is what you get back. Yoga is not a quick fix. It takes time and effort to perfect a posture, making you avoid injury and learn patience.

Breathing exercises and meditation practices give rise to inner well-being and a sense of inclusiveness and hence, compassion.

4. They handle stress better

Yogis don’t get stressed easily. Recent research has shown that yoga can help reduce and better manage anxiety, stress, depression and panic attacks. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), a highly successful and effective psychological therapy developed by distinguished psychologists in the UK, is based on yoga and meditation.

MBCT is recommended by NICE (the National Institue of Health and Care Excellence) to prevent relapses in chronic recurring depression.

Yoga is a calming practice that brings physical and mental relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Yogis sleep well at night. No wonder they have such a healthy glow!

5. They are healthy and fall ill less often

Yoga is a low-impact exercise that is recommended for many chronic ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis and even better, menstrual health. Yoga helps you achieve a healthy weight by regulating hormones and metabolism.

A 2013 Harvard study showed that yoga, as a form of exercise and meditation, has positive health benefits all the way down to the genetic level. It can positively impact not just stress related diseases but also immune functions.

6. They are self-confident

Regular yoga exercises make your body lithe and supple, enhancing your body image and self-confidence. Almost any yoga pose can be made deeper and more challenging.

As you overcome fear and are able to go further, you respect your body more. Yoga builds mind control and inner strength, making you stress resistant and leading to a higher self-esteem.

7. They are productive

A healthy employee is an efficient employee. Reduced stress and anxiety and other mental and physical health benefits naturally bring an increase in your competence and effectiveness with lesser days off work on account of sickness.

Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna, the third-largest health insurer in the United States, has made yoga available to all his employees in America. In 2010, Aetna partnered with Duke University’s School of Medicine and found that regular yoga substantially decreased stress levels and health care costs.

Google’s Chief Evangelist of Brand Marketing, Gopi Kallayil, endorses yoga’s positive impact on productivity. He believes that in the fast paced environment of companies like Google, yoga helps balance one’s body and mind and impacts productivity and culture positively.

He even started a program called Yoglers, where he personally teaches yoga to Googlers. The program has been very successful with Google offices across the globe adopting it.

8. They are present and mindful

Have you zoned out in meetings, not recollecting what someone said? Have you eaten your lunch at your desk on autopilot, without enjoying your meal? Maybe give mindfulness a try. Leading American companies, from General Mills, Target, Apple and Nike to Procter & Gamble, are embracing yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.

Mindfulness teaches us how to pay attention to the present moment. It makes us more conscious of our inner world of thoughts, feelings, emotions and body from the perspective of understanding ourselves better and hence controlling our response so that we act and not react to situations.

Meditation practices in yoga teach you to live and experience each moment to the fullest. Over time, yogis live with a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

9. They are positive

Yogis acknowledge feeling happy and calm after a yoga session. Many will tell you the days they do yoga are better and everything seems to flow smoothly. Sara Lazar, assistant professor of psychology at Harvard University, has led a series of studies at Massachusetts General Hospital, that prove that meditation impacts the way our brains are wired and affects areas of the brain associated with stress and well-being.

The studies have found that the positive effects of yoga and meditation are not just limited to relaxation after a session but are remarkably longer lasting.

Yoga aims to create a balance in the body and mind making you centered and less likely to feel disturbed. Additionally, yoga encourages an attitude of gratitude that helps you recognize the brighter side of life.

10. They are self-aware

Yoga lovers tend to have a balanced perspective of life. Yoga practices of mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises aim at making you more aware and conscious of yourself while the physical exercises make you really understand your limits.

Learning what you can or cannot do, leads to accepting yourself without judgment. As you learn to hold stress and other mental agitations at bay, it opens up a new possibility of knowing your true self.

Featured photo credit: By Julia Caesar via

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8 Struggles Only Easily Distracted People Would Understand


According to a recent article, people who get distracted easily are in fact creative geniuses. Unfortunately, being an easily distracted person isn’t exactly a bed of roses. They are faced with many challenges as a result of their inability to focus on one thing. Below are a list of struggles only people who are frequently distracted can relate to.

1. They need to read a sentence five times to get through it

This is the major struggle anyone who gets distracted can relate to. They find themselves being unable to make it to the end of the sentence without being distracted, which then forces them to start from the beginning again. Then they have to read it one more time to make sure what they read was accurate.

2. They cannot study and listen to music at the same time

This is by far the most frustrating struggle. People who get distracted easily cannot listen to music while studying. They find themselves envying everyone who can master this art. They get engrossed in the music and shift their focus from their books – which is never a good thing.

3. They have several unfinished projects laying around the house

People who are easily distracted are taunted by the numerous unfinished projects lying around the house. They are constantly finding half-painted canvases and half-knitted scarves lying around everywhere. It’s a constant annoying reminder of how they cannot focus on one thing. They try to continue their projects but eventually get distracted again creating a vicious cycle.

4. Their internet browser tends to be filled with more than three tabs

When they are working on something, they start with one tab and try to maintain focus but as time passes by they find themselves juggling fifteen different tabs. They are juggling scrolling through Pinterest, checking Twitter, working on their project, and Googling what hyenas eat for breakfast. This really slows them down when they are trying their hardest to be productive.

5. They have several unanswered texts

They attempt to answer a text as it gets in; however, something will pop up that will grab their attention, which leads them into thinking they have replied when they really haven’t. People who are easily distracted therefore have a phone filled with unanswered texts and a group of very angry friends.

6. They get distracted by everything at grocery stores

Going to grocery stores is their worst nightmare. They walk in to the store knowing exactly what they want until a really good song starts playing, stealing away their limited attention. They are then left not remembering what they came to the store for in the first place. Or they get distracted by sale items and end up leaving the store with a bunch of things they didn’t need in the first place.

7. They can’t get through a story without starting another one in-between

Their friends and family will testify to this, they are unable to tell a story without starting one in the middle. They are unable to tell one story at a time without getting distracted, which is really frustrated not just for them but also for their friends and family as well. They find themselves juggling two or three stories at a time while struggling to remember the details for all of them.

8. They can’t watch movies with subtitles

Movies with subtitles aren’t really their cup of tea. They find themselves getting so distracted by the subtitles, they lose focus from the movie and have no idea what’s going on by the end of the movie. People who get easily distracted prefer to watch movies in languages they understand.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanáček via

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People too often forget that it is your own choice…

People too often forget that it is your own choice how you want to spend the rest of your life.

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10 Things Only Straight-A Students Will Understand

straight A Student

Ah, the typical straight-A student. If you felt a connection with Hermione Granger, Brian Johnson, or Carlton Banks, you know how it feels to be dedicated to maintaining your grades. As A students, we become brown-nosing, book-loving losers due to our unwavering dedication to earning top marks. Very rarely does excelling so brilliantly in other areas garner such widespread scorn. Here are 10 misconceptions about A-students that everyone with a 4.0 has certainly experienced.

1. People Think You Are Stuck-Up

When someone first learns that you are a good student, you probably see some wariness come over his expression. A-students are often perceived to have holier-than-thou attitudes, even if they remains genuinely friendly and helpful. A handful of vain, derisive geniuses seem to have ruined the reputation of straight-A students for good.

2. People Assume You Are Already Rich

If you have the time to study and earn A’s, you must not need to have a job to support yourself. Other students have a hard time believing that any person can effectively balance work and school to succeed at both. However, having a job doesn’t automatically disqualify a student from earning to marks. In fact, plenty of full-time workers are able to return to school — and excel! — by taking flexible specialized online programs that allow them to study while earning a salary.

3. People Think You Study Night and Day

According to other students, you should own hundreds of highlighters, keep organized binders of notes, and know all of the librarians by name. When you aren’t nose-deep in the course literature, you are flipping through flashcards and listening to your recorded lectures. The truth is no one can study that much and retain a 4.0 with any sanity intact.

4. People Also Think You Don’t Have to Try

Yet, even as people believe in your impossible studying standards, they do not believe that they can ever attain such excellent grades. To some students, your straight A’s are as mythical and elusive as a unicorn. No matter how often you explain that your grades come from dedication and moderation, most other students prefer to imagine that your smarts are absolutely innate.

5. People Expect You to Know Everything

Here’s a scenario you find all too familiar: A person wonders something aloud (“What are hiccups?”) and the entire group turns to you, expecting a thorough explanation. As a straight-A student, you should know the answers to every question — even if those questions fall well outside your sphere of knowledge. Worse, when you can’t immediately provide a satisfying solution, other students will inevitably mock your supposed intelligence.

6. People Don’t Believe You Have Other Interests

When you earn A’s in school, you immediately become one-dimensional; you are smart and studious, which means schoolwork must be your only hobby. However, most A-students harbor a wealth of interests outside what they study in school, including activities that aren’t commonly associated with 4.0s, like sports and music. Because A-students prioritize their academic effort above their other hobbies, other students may not know about their secret second lives as athletes and artists.

7. People Mark You as a Teacher’s Pet

People imagine the straight-A student as the one in the classroom with her hand waving high in the air. Other students often assume that the only way to get good grades is to suck up to the instructor in class and out, but most straight-A students let their work speak for itself. While you might ask the teacher the occasional question, you probably don’t need to go out of your way to garner a good reputation with your instructors.

8. People Think You Don’t Have a Social Life

The misconception goes like this: A-students have neither time nor energy (nor interest, nor ability) to attract and maintain friendships. While there is the occasional socially awkward A-student, most healthy 4.0s are awarded to students who know better than others how to manage their time. Even with 40 hours of work and 20 hours of studying, you have a full 52 waking hours to enjoy an active social life — and you probably do.

9. People Anticipate Your Nervous Breakdown

Every student feels the pressure of maintaining good grades, but straight-A students — who are often perfectionists seeking only the absolute best — can become even more stressed than most. You have undoubtedly experienced your share of anxiety and fear, and it is probable that you have let your tension show in your attitude, dress, or hygiene level. However, even when you are feeling most frazzled, you probably aren’t at risk for any dangerous mental episodes like those your fellow students eagerly look forward to.

10. People Expect You to Do Great Things After Graduation

Not every A-student is destined for a life of greatness, and pressure to excel after graduation can negatively impact an A-student’s performance. However, with any luck (and a firm understanding of who you are and what you want), this misconception will actually come true for you.

Featured photo credit: liquene via

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