
sexta-feira, junho 12, 2015

Sévigné, Marie

Tema: Amizade
A amizade torna-se mais forte quando os interesses são comuns

via @notiun

Castelo Branco , Camilo

Tema: Vingança
A vingança é o inverso da caridade

via @notiun

Cury, Augusto

Tema: Liberdade
Sem liberdade, o ser humano deprime, asfixia, perde o sentido existencial. Sem liberdade, ou ele se destrói ou destrói os outros.

via @notiun

Carnegie, Andrew

Tema: Fazer
Ao envelhecer, parei de escutar o que as pessoas dizem. Agora só presto atenção ao que elas fazem

via @notiun

Tagore, Rabindranath

Tema: Diversidade
O bosque seria muito triste se só cantassem os pássaros que cantam melhor

via @notiun

Kafka, Franz

Tema: Escrita
Quando digo alguma coisa, isso perde imediatamente e totalmente a importância, quando escrevo, também a perde, mas por vezes ganha uma nova importância.

via @notiun

Live the way you want to be remembered.

Live the way you want to be remembered.

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8 Types of Toxic Partners You Should Never Let Stay with You


There are toxic partners we simply can’t handle. They are just detrimental to our existence and progress. Relationships should fulfill us and help us to become better people—not tear us apart and make our lives unlivable. In a relationship, it is important for you to find yourself an ideal match. And certainly, that match shouldn’t break your world apart with a toxic flow.

1. The Jealous Partner

A bit of jealousy is okay—it adds spice to a relationship. But like salt, you can sprinkle too much of it onto a meal. A partner can be so jealous that it makes your relationship acidic. Little things, like not being able to spend time with your friends or chat on the phone with other people can be infectious. Taking jealousy too far can be toxic

2. The Domineering Partner

How does your partner feel about your projects or goals? Does he/she want to make every decision for you? A relationship should not turn you into a robot; rather there should be cases when the other person wants to support you and watch you take actions that you consider ideal. If a partner becomes too controlling, you should understand that you are in a relationship with a toxic person.

3. The Extremely Insecure Partner

Nothing you seem to say or try to do can be assuring enough for this sort of partner. Even when you have made and offered tons of proof to make him/her accept and believe in your love, they still remain terribly insecure. Such toxic partners can drag away your positive energy and be a frustrating distraction most of the time.

4. The Absolute Perfectionist

It is great to be in a relationship with a perfectionist, as they encourage more purpose and action. However this could be excessive and could be obsessive if they want everything in your life and everything that surrounds both of you to be perfect. Such people with a perfectionist streak will always be looking for flaws with you and make it impossible for you to enjoy the relationship.

5. The Narcissistic Partner

This type of partner may love and adore you. There is nothing that would have been so wrong with them except that they treat you like an accessory. They are materialistic and are more concerned about physical appearances. The world should revolve around them and your relationship should be the one that is always talked about by others. You are more of a doll to accomplish their purpose of being noticed. If you want to improve your self-esteem, you have to avoid such a relationship.

6. The Blaming Partner

This type is never in the wrong or never takes responsibility for their mistakes. Their frustrations and disappointments are something they pile on you. You cannot turn the cards on them as that will only lead to more frustrations with you. If you are always blamed by a partner for things you do not know anything about then you are in a relationship with a toxic partner.

7. The Competitive Partner

Even when they claim they love you and they would do anything for you, they see you only as competition rather than a partner. They don’t want you to beat them at anything, whether it is in earning money or a game. They never want to lose and are sore losers when they do. Your fall is something they cherish, as they see this as an opportunity to pick you up again on your feet and show you how on top they are.

8. The Lying Partner

We all lie. It is in our nature to lie out of fear, doubts or worry. But some partners are chronic liars. They simply lie all the time. They treat lying as a means to get at you. While you become insecure and frustrated about their act of lying, the drama excites them.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 8 Types of Toxic Partners You Should Never Let Stay with You appeared first on Lifehack.

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Surprising Truths About How Often You Should Wash These 10 Different Items Of Clothing

Surprising Truths About How Often You Should Wash These 10 Different Items Of Clothing

If you are like me, then you have heard a variety of advice when it comes to washing your clothes. For instance, your parents probably told you to wash your jeans after every wear, while your college buddy likely told you that you should never wash your jeans so that they retain their coloring and fit. Well, I am here to set the record straight.

Below, I will go through a number of articles of clothing, and will tell you how many times you should wear them before putting them through a lengthy wash cycle. Let’s start with something we all wear fairly often, and which I just referenced above.

1. Jeans


How often should you wash them?

Answer: After 5 wears.

It turns out that both your parents and your friend from college were right in some respects. The truth of how often you should wash your jeans lies somewhere between “after every wear” and “never.” Usually, five wears is enough to give you an excuse to throw your jeans into the washer.

This can be for a number of reasons, but usually it’s because repeated wear can stretch them out, making them fit too loosely. Additionally, sometimes you can sweat so much that they can begin to smell a bit off.

Make sure to wash them in cold water so that they can better retain their original color!

2. Dress Pants and Skirts


How often should you wash them?

Answer: After 6 wears.

These are usually worn at nice occasions, and it’s typical that they are made out of synthetic blends that are resistant to stains and odors. Thus, they are hardy pieces of clothing that do not need to be washed all that often.

If they are part of a matching outfit, make sure to wash all of the items of clothing simultaneously so that one part of the set doesn’t fade more rapidly than the other.

3. Whites and Silks


How often should you wash them?

Answer: After each and every wear. 

If you want your white garments to stay that color, you need to wash them frequently. Otherwise, dirt and sweat will begin to cloud its original alabaster hue. Similarly, silks absorb sweat like a sponge, so they need a good tumble through the washer after every wear as well.

4. Gloves, Scarves, and Hats


How often should you wash them?

Answer: ~4 times a season. 

If you are wondering, a “season” rounds out to be about three months worth of time, so space your washes out accordingly. Most people (including me now that I think of it) rarely wash their gloves, scarves, and hats, but the truth of the matter is that they accumulate a lot of grime throughout a season of regular wear. This can include standard dirt, facial oil, makeup, and anything else that you happen to come in contact with while you are out and about.

More generally, I would say that if it doesn’t pass the smell test, throw it in the washer.

5. Pajamas


How often should you wash them?

Answer: After ~3 wears. 

Pajamas are tricky in that how often you wash them depends on multiple factors. If it’s cold at night, and you don’t really sweat a lot, then you can probably get through a week without having to wash your bedclothes.

If it’s hot, and/or you sweat a lot while sleeping, you will need to wash your pajamas every two wears most likely. While that may seem excessive, it is in your best interest, as some research has suggested that sleeping in dirty pajamas can lead to acne breakouts and other skin-related issues.

6. T-Shirts


How often should you wash them?

Answer: After each and every wear!

I put an exclamation mark there because shirts seem to be the one article of clothing that people seem comfortable re-wearing several times without a wash. At least that’s what I have noticed.

In truth, shirts should be treated similarly to underwear, since they are always in close contact with your skin and tend to be the first line of defense against sweat.

So don’t skimp — wash your shirts with diligence! There is one minor exception, and that’s if you have only worn a shirt for a couple of hours, in which case you can probably wear it again the next day if it passes the smell test. In all other cases though, just throw it in the wash.

7. Swimsuits


How often should you wash them?

Answer: After each and every wear. 

This makes some sense, since swimsuits are basically a form of underwear. In addition to the fact that they absorb sweat and whatever is in the water, swimsuit material can be damaged by the ingredients in sunscreen. So play it safe, and wash your trunks and bikinis when you get back from the beach or pool.

8. Leather Jackets


How often should you wash them?

Answer: Never, or maybe once a season. 

Leather jackets are extremely resilient, and are rarely in direct contact with your skin. At most, you should carefully spot clean them, or have them professionally cleaned once in a blue moon. Otherwise, there’s really no need to be too fanatical about cleaning your leather outerwear.

9. Sweaters


How often should you wash them? 

Answer: Every 3 wears. 

If you’re like most people, you wash your sweaters about as often as you wash your leather jackets, which is to say: never. The truth is that most sweaters are more prone to absorbing dirt, sweat, and grime than other types of outerwear, and thus they need to be washed relatively often.

10. Leggings/Yoga Pants


How often should you wash them?

Answer: Every ~2 wears. 

This one depends on whether or not you’re actually working out in your yoga pants, or just wearing them around for comfort’s sake. If it’s the former, then you pretty much have to wash them after every wear because they will absorb your sweat, much like compression pants. If it’s the latter, you might be able to get away with two or three wears. But, of course, that depends on how much you sweat when not working out.

Did any of the answers here surprise you? Are you rushing over to your closet right now and figuring out which articles of clothing you need to clean? Tell me your clothes-washing-related thoughts in the comments below!

Featured photo credit: Washing Line/ Steve Calcott via

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Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.

Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.

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8 Hacks to Help You Stand out in Interviews


You have gotten through to the interview, so congratulations! You have done all your preparation and been through the company’s website so many times that you know it by heart. You have prepared everything very carefully, chosen the right outfit and you have prepared for all eventualities for getting there on time. But how do you actually do the interview to show off your strengths and make the best possible impact so that they must give you the job? Here are 8 hacks to make you stand out.

1. Make a positive first impression.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” —Harlan Hogan

Did you know that some companies now ask their front of house staff to report on the way candidates introduce themselves when they arrive for the interview? Courtesy always pays off.  Once you are inside the room, the main thing to remember is that you need to make eye contact, shake hands confidently and also smile. You have to make sure that you do not mumble or speak indistinctly. You cannot imagine a mumbler getting on the short list, can you?

2. Don’t dominate the conversation.

As someone has remarked, the interview is a dialogue, not a monologue. Whatever you do, do not go flat out to impress by talking too much and dominating the interview. You need to find out how the interviewers view the company and what their goals are. That can often be very illuminating and can guide you when answering their questions.

3. Use the STAR method.

When you use this in answering questions, it is a great way to ensure that nothing gets left out. Start with the situation (S), then move on to the task (T). Talk about the action (A) you took which should be the dominant element and finish off with the result (R). They might ask you how you dealt with a problem when time was running out. You could give details of when your company had to give a presentation on a new product to industry leaders. The person who was to do this got stuck in a traffic jam. You had to find a replacement and you got some extra time by asking for a later time slot. You were able to find someone else and it went well. The original speaker was able to arrive for questions and useful contacts were made.

4. Be transparent about your weaknesses.

They always ask that question about your greatest weakness. If you respond by saying that you are just not on the same wavelength as those who don’t bring passion, dedication and diligence to the job, then nobody will believe you. No one is perfect and what they want to know is what happened and what you learned from a failure. Or perhaps they are homing in on some weakness you have as regards character and how you have dealt with that. You may be very impatient with less dedicated colleagues but you can only make an impact by saying how you deal with that in the workplace. Talk about the strategies you use to overcome any weakness so that it is always part of your development.

5. Be positive about your previous work experience.

The message you want to get across is that you are on a learning curve and that difficult working conditions have actually helped you overcome some problems and made you more aware of certain issues. Once you start going on about all the negative aspects and criticizing people openly, then you can be sure that you are not going to be on the hire list. You are just confirming that you are indiscreet and perhaps, even worse, a whiner.

6. Ask searching questions.

When you are asked if you have any questions, forget all those rather trivial ones about sick pay, holidays, salary and bonuses. This is what all the other candidates are going to ask about. You are not going to fall into that trap. Why not find out what the company wants from you and what they expect you to achieve in the first three months? These opportunities may come up during the interview, rather than at the end. Whenever you get a chance to ask a question, use it to make yourself stand out. Ask them what they think the company will look like in a year’s time as regards their products, marketing, revenues or teams or whatever is relevant. Try asking them what you will need to concentrate on if you are to make the impact they want in the first three months. You could also find out what are the main challenges this position will need to solve in the long term.

7. Show your passion and energy.

Most candidates are on a spectrum from the very shy to the show off. But what will really make you stand out is your ability to actually convey the passion and the energy you have for various parts of your work, your skills sets and your achievements. Yes, you can be modest about these but show that these are steps on the ladder. A great way to stand out is to show enthusiasm, confidence, energy and passion for the job. A dull, negative or passive person will never get the job.

8. Showcase your work.

It is not enough to actually say what you have done or what you organized. You need to have these things with you if they are relevant to the interview. If they ask you about what role you had in a fundraising event, why not actually show them the invitations, publicity, and other relevant documents? This is why it is so important to have these in your portfolio with you. You can whip them out at a moment’s notice. You have to ensure that they are all easily labelled and that there is no fumbling.

Follow these techniques to make sure that you are going to be noticed and that you make a positive impact. If you do, your chances of getting the job will be much better.

Featured photo credit: Last thoughts during the interview/Matthew Hurst via

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This Amazing Glue Will Make Your Life Easier and More Interesting

This Amazing Glue Will Make Your Life Easier And More Interesting

We all know that super glues let you attach practically any two objects to each other, and that epoxies allow you to seal leaky cracks in your ceiling. Well, what if there were a product that blended the strengths of both of those? That, my friend, is where Sugru comes into play.

Sugru is like a play-doh or silly putty that doubles as an incredibly powerful glue and sealant. When you first remove it from its packaging, Sugru will be malleable and clay-like in its texture and consistency. This is where the fun begins. Thanks to its versatile nature, you can use it to stick posters to walls, mend aging shoes, and all sorts of other clever things (check out the video for some really cool ideas). The product’s usefulness is really only limited by your imagination.

Sugru takes about 24 hours to set, which is both a blessing and a curse. While it means that it won’t dry on you in seconds, potentially ruining a project, it also means that you have to be careful not to disrupt it while it’s in the middle of the setting process. Also, if you use it to place something on a vertical surface, you’ll have to use some other item (like tape or thump tacks) to hold your fixture up while Sugru solidifies.

Despite those possible pitfalls, I’d say that Sugru is definitely a product you should check out. Depending on how creative you are, you could come up with a near-endless amount of things to do with it!

You can buy a 3-pack of Sugru for $12 here.

Have you used Sugru, or a product similar to it? Let me know in the comments section.

Featured photo credit: Sugru Joy/Flowolf via

The post This Amazing Glue Will Make Your Life Easier and More Interesting appeared first on Lifehack.

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