
terça-feira, abril 14, 2015

Aurélio, Marco

Tema: Solidariedade

Puxar em comum, mas não pensar em comum

via @notiun

Pirandello, Luigi

O homem enamorado e não correspondido nega-o sempre

via @notiun

Courteline, Georges

É evidentemente muito duro já não ser amado quando ainda se ama, mas pior do que isso é sê-lo quando não se ama mais

via @notiun


O amor não pode coexistir com o temor

via @notiun

Aurélio, Marco

A felicidade do homem depende de si mesmo


Mussolini, Benito

Tema: Politica

Eu sempre achei mais fácil convencer uma grande massa do que uma só pessoa

via @notiun

Manzoni, Alessandro

Tema: Remorso

O homem caído em culpa infelizmente tende a persistir nela; e ser privado do testemunho da boa consciência aflige-o sem melhorá-lo. Ou melhor, é sabido que o réu muitas vezes acrescenta uma culpa à outra para extinguir o remorso

via @notiun

Wertheimer, Emanuel

Tema: Curiosidade

Somente a curiosidade não envelhece connosco e fica sempre criança

via @notiun

Rousseau, Jean Jacques

Tema: Razão

É em vão que gritam: submete a tua razão; aquele que me engana pode dizer-me o mesmo: preciso de razões para submeter a minha razão

via @notiun

20 Well known Quotes

20 Well known Quotes That Will Inspire Success In You - Funny Scale

God Loves you, Click

God Loves you, Click like if you feel his love -


Empowering women..such an amazing feeling when this happens. Had someone tell me this earlier in the week & I was truly speechless. I hadn't realized I was making such a big impact.

the rules for being

the rules for being amazing | by robyn sharma//

"Don't judge people…

"Don't judge people…" ~ anon • photo: ScourgeFanatic101 on deviantart

Say someone shouldn'

Say someone shouldn't be sad because someone else may have it worse is just like saying someone shouldn't be happy because someone else might have it better. Or as I have always said: knowing someone has no feet does not help keep my feet warm when I have no shoes [old saying about 'I was sad I had no shoes til I met a man who had no feet.']



14 Habits of People

14 Habits of People Who Always Stay Healthy

10 Tips To Beat Bell

10 Tips To Beat Belly Fat And Banish Bloat

Do this tonight. Be

Do this tonight. Be healthier tomorrow.

"If you have good th

"If you have good thoughts…" ~ Roald Dahl

No matter how dirty

No matter how dirty your past is, your future is still spotless.

While one person hes

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.

"The problem is not

"The problem is not the problem…" ~ Captain Jack Sparrow • photo: Arya Ziai on Flickr

It doesn't matter ab

It doesn't matter about money, or fast cars, or who slagged you off. What matters is the little things in life, the flowers, the animals, the sunset and the friends.

What's Your Name's S

What's Your Name's Secret Meaning?